This will be an establishing shot of the mansion and I ...

This will be an establishing shot of the mansion and I will then zoom in onto the two girls having a conversation provided from my dialogue script. This however will be a voiceover and so they shall have to appear as if they are talking. I will then track them for a couple of seconds walking towards and into the door [with the creaky noise the door makes]. They will then follow their lines to say where the boys are as the camera looks down to the left where the boy’s bags are I will cut this between them saying it and looking down otherwise this would not look professional.

As I am going around the mansion I will take several things to slot into spaces between clips to make it faster and tenser.

This the second scene where the two girls are in the mansion cellar and have laid out their sleeping bags and torches etc so then they are sitting on the floor having a girlie conversation about the boys that are meant to be there.

At this point in the trailer I want to make the audiences think that this is perhaps a romantic film rather than a horror and put them in a pace of comfort and so when the villain floats past the doorway it will shock audiences more. The camera will be placed on a tripod behind the girls so we are looking onto the girls but so the one girl has her back to what goes on and so doubts its truthfulness. I think by this placing of the camera it makes the audiences just as fearful as the one girl that does see that there is something there.

The third scene is when the one girl goes to find out what’s going on and what her friend was so scared about. At this point she is not in the room you do not see this the camera has just focused on the girl looking at her go. I will then cut to the girl coming back into the room and seeing that the friend that was scared has now disappeared. I will then cut to the girl running to the cellar door which was left open to find that it is locked she begins to shake the door where the camera is shooting a over the shoulder shot.

[pic] We then here a noise which she hears from behind the camera which will echo and be quite loud and this will cause the girl to look round when she finds that the noise stops she will look back and find the door open seeing the villain im hoping the bang of the door will be quite loud in the clip so add extra real noises to it.

[pic]I will then shoot to down several corridors being long shots and you will see the girl running down these however not too much running, going up spiral staircases and seeing things she shouldn’t or doesn’t want to be seeing. Here I think to pan it out and make sure the action is prolonged I will add the little snap shots of skulls and blood etc.

[pic]This shot is combined within the other scene but because it is such a dominant shot I thought I should include it in another story block. This part is when you see the girl running through the corridors because there is a massive old mirror which is at floor level, im going to take the girl coming one way as the villain crosses the over way [showing this In the mirror] and then it makes it seem like he saw her but she didn’t see him and yet the audiences can see him and she cant.

[pic]This clip in my storyboard is just explaining that I will shoot to different things around the mansion while the girl is trying to find her friend most of the shots I will be using will be long shots and over the shoulder perhaps some tracking of the girl at times however the shoots of objects and marks like this one will be close ups. This mark “I see you” will be shown to be have done in claws or fingernails.

[pic]This is the ending shot of the friend that was missing in the middle of the room just sat doing nothing not talking not moving or anything [motionless] this to the audience will be unanswered and will get them to think I want to watch this to find out why she’s like this what’s happened to her and is she actually dead? She will probably have her hands behind her back and have her legs crossed over and I will pan around the room to show its emptiness and then I will be interrupted by the victim who will cause the camera to bash on the floor or just fade out at the end.


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