ESL Conversation Questions - What if

ESL Conversation Questions - What if..? 

By Steven Saunders  | |

|If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it? How much |If you were told that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you|

|would you give to family and friends? |do today? |

|if you were asked to give a speech in front of two thousand people, |if you worked in a bank and a bank robber came in with a gun? What |

|would you do it? |if he only had a baseball bat? |

|if you went skinny dipping and a stranger saw you, what would you |if your son stole your car, would you report it to the police? |

|do? | |

|if you saw a colleague stealing at work, would you report them? |if you could go to the moon, would you go? |

|If you were walking through the forest and you saw a tiger, what |You were invited to friends house for dinner and they served your |

|would you do? |least favourite food? |

|  |  |

|if you found a wallet with one thousand dollars in it and an I.D. |if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? |

|card? | |

|if you could go anywhere in the world for a holiday, where would you|if you bumped your car into another persons and nobody saw you do |

|go?? |it, would you leave your contact details or just drive off? |

|if you had the chance to ask god a single question, what would you |if you were president, what would you change about your country? |

|ask Him? | |

|if you were lost in the jungle with no way to call for help? |if a stranger came up to you in the street and told you that their |

| |child was very sick and needed a thousand dollars for the operation,|

| |would you give it to them? |

|if Your doctor had just told you that you had a month to live, how |if your mobile phone fell into the toilet? |

|would you use the time left? | |

|If someones' underwear was showing, would you tell them? |If a classmate asked you for the answer to a question during an exam|

| |while the teacher was not looking, what would you do? |


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