French Resources - Oral Roberts University

French Resources | |

| | | |

|Learners |

|No. |Title |Publisher, Year |Type |

|F1 |201 French Verbs |Barron's Educational |verb conj. |

| | |Series, 1963 | |

|F2 |A French Grammar, by Eugene Lebert |Prentice-Hall, 1936 |text |

|F5 |Accent, Conversational French 1, 4th Ed |Heinle & Heinle, 1984 |text |

|F6 |Active French Dialogues |Audio-Visual |text |

| | |Publications, 1970 | |

|F7 |Allo France, 1 Livret D'Exercices |Larousse, 1987 |wkbk |

|F10 |Apropos! Un Debut, Communication et Culture |Houghton Mifflin, 1983 |instr.'s guide |

|F11 |C'est a Dire, Premiers Echanges |Heinle & Heinle, 1989 |instructor's |

| | | |ed. |

|F12 |Circling the Globe with Speech: French |Wilmac, 1954 |bilingual |

| | | |reader |

|F13 |Circling the Globe with Speech: French II |Wilmac, 1954 |bilingual |

| | | |reader |

|F14 |Circling the Globe with Speech: French III |Wilmac, 1959 |bilingual |

| | | |reader |

|F15 |Circling the Globe with Speech: French Simplified |Wilmac, 1959 |bilingual |

| | | |reader |

|F17 |Contacts, Langue et culture francaises |Houghton Mifflin, 1989 |workbook |

|F21 |Decouverte et Creation, |Rand McNally, 1974 |instr.'s wkbk |

| |Les Bases du Francais Moderne | | |

|F22 |Degre Second, Studies in French Lit. |Degre Second, 1977 |literature |

| |(Renaissance to the Present) | | |

|F23 |Deux mondes, a communicative approach |McGraw-Hill, 1993 |instr.'s text |

|F24 |Deuxieme Livre, Third Edition (French 2 Years) |Amsco School Publs., |workbook |

| | |1979 | |

|F25 |Dialogues et Situations, 2nd Ed. |D.C. Heath and Co., |review text |

| | |1979 | |

|F27 |En Bonne Forme, 6th ed. |Houghton Mifflin, 1997 |instructor's |

| | | |ed. |

|F28 |En Direct, a French activities workbook |Harper & Row, 1987 |workbook |

|F30 |Ensuite, Cours Intermediaire de Francais |Random House, 1989 |text |

|F32 |Face a face, an interactive course in French |D.C. Heath and Co., 1985 |text |

|F34 |French for Communication |D.C. Heath and Co., 1985 |wkbk |

|F38 |Instructor's Manual to accompany Ensuite, |Random House, 1989 |instr.'s text |

| |Cours Int. de Franc. | | |

|F39 |Invitation (Contextes, Culture et Communication), 3rd Ed. |Holt, Rinehart and |text |

| | |Winston, 1988 | |

|F40 |Je Parle Francais, Deuxieme Edition |Encyclopedia Brittanica, 1974 |instr.'s text |

|F41 |Kaleidscope: Grammaire en contexte, 2nd ed. |Random House, 1988 |text |

|F60 |Larousse modern dictionary |Larousse, 1960 |dictionary |

|F61 |Le Francais a Decouvrir (3rd Edition) |McGraw-Hill, 1972 |text |

|F62 |Le Francais a decouvrir, 4th ed. |McGraw-Hill, 1978 |text |

|F63 |Le Francais a vivre, 4th ed. |McGraw-Hill, 1978 |text |

|F69 |Manuel de Conversation Francaise |D.C. Heath and Co., |short text |

| | |1942 | |

|F75 |Montage, Deuxieme niveau |Random House, 1988 |Text |

|F76 |Par Les Grands Auteurs, Revision De Grammaire |Harper & Brothers, 1961 |text |

|F77 |Paralleles, Communication et Culture, 3rd ed. |Prentice Hall, 2004 |instr.'s text |

|F78 |Parlons Francais, premier livre |Institute of Mod. Langs., |Text |

| | |1971 | |

|F79 |Parole et Pensee, 3rd ed, Teacher's Guide |Harper & Row, 1977 |instr.'s text |

|F80 |Parole et Pensee, 5th Ed. |Harper & Row, 1987 |text |

|F81 |Parole et Pensee, 5th ed., Instructor's manual |Harper & Row, 1987 |instr.'s text |

|F82 |Parole et Pensee, cahier de travail et de laboratoire |Harper & Row, 1982 |workbook |

|F83 |Parole et Pensee, Intro. Au francais d'aujourd' hui, |Harper & Row, 1982 |text |

| |4th ed. | | |

|F84 |Parole et Pensee, Test Bank |Harper & Row, 1987 |text bank |

|F85 |Petit Larousse Illustre |Larousse, 1919 |dictionary |

|F86 |Quoi de Neuf? (French in Action, A Beginning Course) |Random House, 1988 |instructor's |

| | | |ed. |

|F88 |The Sounds of French, by Otto F.Bond |Univ. of Chicago Press, |short text |

| | |1925 | |

|F89 |Traits D'Union |Houghton Mifflin, 1988 |instructor's |

| | | |ed. |

|F90 |Traits D'Union, instructor's pre-publication booklet |Houghton Mifflin, 1988 |instr.'s |

| | | |booklet |

|F91 |Vous y etes!, French for proficiency |Heinle & Heinle, 1986 |instructor's |

| | | |ed. |

|F93 |French: A Random House Dictionary |Random House, 1982 |dictionary |

|F94 |Harper Collins French Dictionary |Harper Collins, 2000 |dictionary |

|F95 |Exercices systematiques de prononciation francaise |Hachette, 1991 |grammar |

|F138 |French Conversational Practice |Newbury House |text |

| | |Publishers, 1975 | |

|F139 |Le Français Accéléré |Hachette, 1964 |text |

|F140 |Perspectives |Holt, Rinehart and |text |

| | |Winston, 1974 | |

|F141 |Textuellement |Holt, Rinehart and |text |

| | |Winston, 1974 | |

|F142 |Elements de Linguistic Générale |Librairie Armand Colin, |linguistics |

| | |1967 | |

|F143 |Introduction au Français Commercial |Didier, 1972 |text |

|F144 |Les Joies de la Lecture |Macmillan, 1980 |text |

|F145 |Connaître et se Connaître |Holt Rinehart & |grammar |

| | |Winston, 1980 | |

|F146 |Points de Vue |Holt Rinehart & |text |

| | |Winston, 1981 | |

|F147 |Je Parle Francais, Nouvelle Edition |Encyclopedia |instr.'s text |

| | |Brittanica, 1970 | |

|F148 |Graduate Foreign Language Test: French |Arco Publishing |practice test |

| | |Company, 1966 | |

|F149 |Un Certain Style ou un Style Certain? |Oxford University |text |

| | |Press, 1969 | |

|F150 |Foundation Course in French Language and Culture |DC Heath and |text |

| | |Company, 1969 | |

|F157 |Say it in French |Dover Publications, |phrasal |

| | |1962 |dictionary |

|F158 |Grammaire Française |Larousse, 1961 |grammar |

|F159 |Découverte de L'essai |Harcourt Brace |essay helps |

| | |Jovanovich, 1975 | |


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