RPL Assessor Kit - Velg Training

RPL Assessor Kit


Certificate III in Food Processing (Retail Baking - Bread)

Editable version

Skills First RPL Assessor Kits are developed by the State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts) and are based on the Skills First philosophy of providing client focussed, streamlined, and flexible RPL.

The State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts) is the copyright owner of material contained within the original RPL Assessor Kit.

Permission is given to Registered Training Organisations to use, reproduce and adapt this RPL Assessor Kit for their organisation’s RPL assessment purposes, provided such use, reproduction or adaptation is for non-commercial purposes.

The State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts) disclaims any liability for any damage resulting from the use of the material (in either original or modified format) and will not be responsible for any loss, howsoever arising, from use of, or reliance on this material.

The original version of this RPL Assessor Kit is available free of charge at

If you would like any further information, please email rpl@deta..au


This RPL Assessor Kit is divided into sections to allow you to easily access only those sections you require at any given time. These sections are:

SECTION A – Assessor Information

You need to read this information before conducting an assessment. It outlines the intent and processes surrounding this RPL assessment and how it differs from assessment undertaken following formal training.

SECTION B – Candidate Information and Application Forms

You give this information to the candidate. It tells them about the assessment process as well as containing simple forms for the applicant to fill out. From the information provided by the candidate on these forms, you will be able to gain a general understanding of the skills and experience the candidate may have, as well as potential referee contacts.

SECTION C – Competency Conversation

You use this section to determine and record candidate competence via a competency conversation. In other words, these questions guide your conversation with the applicant and assist in your assessment of their competence. The notes you take about this conversation are important evidence for assessment.

SECTION D – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

You use this section to assess competencies through a practical demonstration of the candidate’s skills. It contains practical tasks/scenarios on the outcomes required to determine competency and a place to record your observation. The notes you take are important evidence for assessment.

SECTION E – Resources for Practical Tasks

You use this section to access required resources for performing practical tasks and scenarios.

SECTION F – Third Party Verification

You give this section to the referees to confirm the candidate’s skills and experience in this qualification/occupation. The referees may fill out the appropriate form and return to you to confirm your judgement. You may be able to complete this part of evidence gathering in person while at the workplace.

SECTION G – Assessment Tables

You use this table as a reference tool to see at a glance how units/elements of competency are assessed within the tool. All the elements and performance criteria within the competency units are cross-matched in this table with a corresponding assessment question/task/scenario. This allows you to validate the assessment process against the qualification.


Assessor Information

It is VITAL you read this information prior to commencing your RPL assessment. It provides generic information on assessment, as well as an overview of this streamlined RPL assessment process.


This RPL Assessor Kit streamlines the RPL assessment process for FDF30603 Certificate III in Food Processing (Retail Baking - Bread) by taking a practical approach to RPL and increasing the use of on-site questioning and observation. This will assist in developing a “picture of the candidate’s skills and knowledge”. This picture can then be compared with industry standards enabling a determination of whether the candidate has achieved the required outcomes.


A sound knowledge of assessment and the qualification is essential

It is important to have a good understanding of the competencies and qualification/s appropriate to the candidate’s goals.

Assessing a single unit of competency is rarely cost or time effective. Where possible, effort should be made to assess several units at the same time taking advantage of any commonality in content. This means looking at the whole picture of a particular job role as it happens in industry and assessing holistically. This saves valuable time in the assessment process.

Assessment involves judgement

This tool encourages the use of a “competency conversation” to maximise the candidate’s opportunities to demonstrate competence. This is NOT an oral exam. It is about using the two or three holistic questions provided to start a conversation with the candidate which draws out their actual individual experiences and relevant skills. In other words, it is about the assessor probing the candidate through a conversation to draw out further information on the candidate’s experience which may not be forthcoming due to nerves or confusion over technical terminology.

The tool also provides observable tasks to allow candidates to demonstrate skills.

Authentication/verification is integral to RPL assessment

It is critical information gleaned from the interview and observation be confirmed with those who can vouch for the candidate’s skill over time. Supervisors would generally perform this role. Authentication may also be done through conversation but it cannot be stressed enough that it is essential assessors take careful notes to back up and record their judgement.

Recording assessment is critical

Keep careful records of all aspects of conversations, skills demonstration or documentation viewed that support the claim of prior learning. Remember – the record is the document that makes sense of the assessment and why a particular judgment was made. Keeping detailed notes about the candidate’s response is vital, as is the rationale for judgement.

The assessment record is a legal document and must be signed, dated and stored according to requirements of the State Training Authority and the AQTF Standards for Registered Training Organisations.

Assessor summaries and other quality assurance documentation from your own Registered Training Organisation will also be required. For examples of assessment summary documentation, please see Assessment Guide Number 1: Training Package Assessment Materials Kit:

To access further information on the principles assessment and dimensions of competency, you can visit Assessment Guide Number 1: Training Package Assessment Materials Kit.

To access further information on the Australian Qualifications Framework, you can visit:



The qualification comprises:

4 core units

5 specialist units

4 optional units made up of:

◆ 1 unit at AQF1#

◆ up to 2 units at AQF2@

◆ at least 1 and up to 3 units at AQF3

The following units are offered in this assessment tool:

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Questions |Practical |


|FDFCORHS3A |Monitor the implementation of occupational health and safety policies and |( |*GC |

| |procedures | | |

|FDFCORQFS3A |Monitor the implementation of quality and food safety programs |( |*GC |

|FDFCORWCM2A |Present and apply workplace information |( |*GC |

|FDFCORBM2A |Use basic mathematical concepts |( |*GC |


|FDFRBPD2B |Produce bread dough |( |( |

|FDFRBSM2B |Scale and mould dough for intermediate proof |( |( |

|FDFRBFM2B |Conduct final mould and final proof |( |( |

|FDFRBBB2B |Bake bread |( |( |

|FDFRBDPB3A |Diagnose and respond to product and process faults (bread) |( |( |


|FDFZPRW1A |# Participate effectively in a workplace environment (AQF1) |( |*GC |

|FDFRBRD2B |@ Retard dough (AQF2) |( |( |

|WRRM1B |@ Merchandise products (AQF2) |( |( |

|FDFFRBAB3A |Produce artisan breads |( |( |


|FDFRBSP3B |Plan and schedule production |( |( |

|FDFOPTPIP3A |Participate in improvement processes |( |( |

|FDFOPTTG3A |Lead work teams and groups |( |( |

|BSBCMN310A |Deliver and monitor a service to customers |( |( |

*GC Practical assessment for this unit occurs as a component within another practical assessment task


This kit has been developed to streamline the application for recognition of prior learning.



1. Complete application

The candidate completes the application forms in SECTION B. It is important candidates provide as much information of their previous experience in the bread baking industry as is available.

Documents that may be available include but are not limited to:

General employment documents

← brief CV or work history

← position descriptions

← certificates/results of assessment

← details of in house courses, workshops, seminars, orientation or induction sessions

← references/letters from previous employers/supervisors

Workplace documents

A list of suggested documents has been compiled for the candidate in SECTION B

Candidates also need to provide contact details for one or two referees who can confirm their industry skills in context and over time.

To have skills formally recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework, you must ensure the candidate’s skills meet industry standards.

2. Interview about candidate’s documentary information

Review the information provided by the candidate and arrange a time for both you and the candidate to discuss. Begin alignment of documentation and skills to the following qualification:

FDF30603 Certificate III in Food Processing (Retail Baking - Bread)

The candidate will have the opportunity to discuss and identify previous experience with you. The available documents are step one in collecting information and you will need to determine which units of competency, if any, are fully covered at this stage. You use your own or your RTO’s assessment recording forms to record this stage of the assessment.

There may be instances where the candidate has little, or no, documentary information of industry experience. This is not a barrier to gaining recognition. This will just require you to rely on the questioning, practical assessment and referee validation phases of the RPL process.

3. Questions for the Competency Conversation

The bank of questions in SECTION C is the next phase in collecting evidence for the RPL process. The questions are designed to enable you to have a “competency conversation” with the candidate to further gain evidence of their past experience. REMEMBER, the primary focus is on the candidate’s experience.

Each question has “key points” to look for in responses. You may use the list of key points to formulate questions of your own if you wish, or contextualise the question to the candidate’s particular work situation. The Record of Conversation sheets indicate relevant content that should be sought. Place a tick next to each key point as you hear this topic being discussed during the conversation. You should read the “industry requirements” of each competency before the candidate answers the questions posed. You may also target the assessment to those aspects that present the greatest risk in the industry. Questions are aligned with the relevant unit/s of competency in SECTION G.

It is not intended every question for all competencies is asked, only those competencies the initial interview about the candidate’s documentary evidence has failed to fully address. The question bank covers most but not all units in the kit. Units without questions are covered in the practical assessment/scenario section.

4. Practical assessment tasks

It is important that you use both Steps 3 (Questioning) and 4 (Practical Assessment) in doing this assessment. The RPL process is a streamlined RPL process which does not rely solely on practical assessment but uses a combination of questioning and practical to provide evidence of candidate competence.

This is the third phase in collecting evidence. A practical skills test is then conducted by you at the candidate’s workplace or another suitable venue. Appropriate permission must be sought before entering workplaces.

This is a further opportunity for candidate to demonstrate competence. It is expected the practical assessment will comprise only those competencies the candidate is still unable to demonstrate knowledge/experience in after documentary review and questioning have been applied. These assessments contain the practical skills and application of knowledge for the qualification. A number of holistic practical assessments are included in this kit (SECTION D) to assist you with tasks suitable for observation on the job.

You decide if the response to questions and practical assessment tasks fulfils the requirements of the standard and may choose to pursue the issue further for a determination to be made. The assessment is a conversation/observation, not an exam, and you are encouraged to assist candidates to focus responses toward relevant issues.

Assessing through observation and questioning, particularly on the job, will speed up and streamline the RPL assessment process.

NOTE: Where candidate’s documentation and questions meet the assessment requirement, it is still strongly recommended the candidate undertake one practical assessment so you are confident in making a judgement of “competent”. The practical assessment selection should be negotiated between you and the candidate.

Recording sheets for candidate information, questioning and the practical assessments have been included in SECTION D. You may use other recording mechanisms provided these also keep a complete record of assessment and justification of judgement. Candidate responses, observations of skills demonstrated and documents presented as evidence must be noted in enough detail so anyone external to the process (e.g. a fellow assessor, auditor, lawyer, etc) can read the record and retrace your judgement.

5. Gap training

RPL is an assessment process designed to show areas of competence and to identify IF a candidate has gaps in skills and knowledge against a whole qualification.

Not all candidates will have skill/knowledge gaps.

If a candidate has skills gaps, a pathway to complete training in the outstanding units can be negotiated to assist the client to gain the full qualification.


Recognition of prior learning outcomes (both Granted and Not Granted) are now funded nationally and as such will be included in National AVETMISS audits. NCVER have stipulated evidence recording requirements for RPL assessments as a minimum requirement for passing an AVETMISS audit. The following “Evidence Review” proforma has been approved by NCVER as covering AVETMISS audit requirements for RPL recorded outcomes. It also gives you an opportunity to track a student’s assessment progress at a glance.

It is expected that this “Evidence Review” summary sheet (or similar) would be attached to each participant’s evidence compiled during the RPL assessment process.

(Place a tick in the appropriate evidence collection method column for each unit of competency. Place a line through those units not examined as part of this RPL assessment.)

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Questio|Practic|Documen|3rd Party |Other |

| | |ns |al |ts |Report |evidence |


|FDFCORHS3A |Monitor the implementation of occupational health and safety policies | | | | | |

| |and procedures | | | | | |

|FDFCORQFS3A |Monitor the implementation of quality and food safety programs | | | | | |

|FDFCORWCM2A |Present and apply workplace information | | | | | |

|FDFCORBM2A |Use basic mathematical concepts | | | | | |


|FDFRBPD2B |Produce bread dough | | | | | |

|FDFRBSM2B |Scale and mould dough for intermediate proof | | | | | |

|FDFRBFM2B |Conduct final mould and final proof | | | | | |

|FDFRBBB2B |Bake bread | | | | | |

|FDFRBDPB3A |Diagnose and respond to product and process faults (bread) | | | | | |


|FDFZPRW1A |Participate effectively in a workplace environment (AQF1) | | | | | |

|FDFRBRD2B |Retard dough (AQF2) | | | | | |

|WRRM1B |Merchandise products (AQF2) | | | | | |

|FDFFRBAB3A |Produce artisan breads | | | | | |

| |Prerequisites: FDFRBPD2B, FDFRBSM2B, FDFRBFM2B, FDFRBPY2B, FDFRBBB2B | | | | | |

|FDFRBSP3B |Plan and schedule production | | | | | |

|FDFOPTPIP3A |Participate in improvement processes | | | | | |

|FDFOPTTG3A |Lead work teams and groups | | | | | |

|BSBCMN310A |Deliver and monitor a service to customers | | | | | |

Assessor’s Name:

Assessor’s Signature:



Candidate Information and Application Forms

You give this information to the candidate for them to read about the RPL process and to complete the appropriate forms.


Bread has been central to the diet of the human race for thousands of years. The first bread was made from wild grains and seeds harvested from native plants. These grains were ground by stones, and the resulting 'flour' mixed with water. It was then formed into cakes which were dried in the sun or baked in hot coals.

Today, bread baking is a modern art form where the convenience of sliced and wrapped breads is balance by increasing appreciation of speciality artisan loaves. The bread market place comprises of small and medium sized local bakeries, together with the larger plant bakeries.

To be recognised in the baking trade, candidates must complete a qualification comprising:

▪ 4 core units, and

▪ 5 specialist units, and

▪ 4 optional units.

An baker will have the following personal qualities:

▪ hands-on ability

▪ good eye-hand coordination

▪ technical aptitude in following recipes

▪ physically fit and healthy with the stamina to work with equipment, large bags of ingredients, and in hot environments

▪ willingness to rise early and take on shift work

▪ good vision, hearing and sense of smell to diagnose problems

▪ interested in food preparation

▪ able to think logically and keep up with changes in technology

▪ tolerant of fine flour dust

“If you are doing these roles in your job, then don’t write off your skills – consider getting them recognised.”


To have skills formally recognised in the national system, assessors must make sure you have the skills and knowledge to meet the industry standard. This means you must be involved in a careful and comprehensive process that covers the content of all unit/s or qualification/s you can be recognised for.

Assessment happens in a variety of ways. Being prepared can save you valuable time and hassle and make the recognition process stress-free for you.

Here are some tips and hints for you:

1. Be prepared to talk about your job roles and your work history. Bring a resume or jot down a few points about where you have worked, either paid or unpaid, and what you did there.

2. Bring your position description and any performance appraisals you have from any bread baking kitchens or facilities you have worked in.

3. Consider the possibilities for workplace contact. Are you in a workplace that is supporting your goal to get qualified? Would you feel comfortable to have the assessor contact your workplace or previous workplaces so your skills can be validated?

4. Think about who can confirm your skill level. Think about current or recent supervisors who have seen you work in the past 18 months and will be able to confirm your skills. The assessor will need to contact them. You may also have community contacts or even clients themselves who can vouch for your skill level.

5. Collect any certificates from in-house training or formal training you have done in the past.

6. You can speak with training organisation about other ways you can show your skills in the bread baking industry. These could be letters from employers, records of your professional development sessions, employers or clients in related industries or government agencies, acknowledgements, workplace forms (as long as they don’t show client details) or other relevant documents.


Step 1 – Provide information of your skills and experience

Complete the attached forms and provide as much information of your previous experience in the bread baking industry as you can. This is your first opportunity (and not the last) to provide proof of your variety of experience in the industry. Here you can supply examples of your work history which could include:

General employment documents

← brief CV or work history

← position descriptions

← certificates/results of assessment

← details of in house courses, workshops, seminars, orientation or induction sessions

← references/letters from previous employers/supervisors

Workplace documents

(NB: Please delete any information which identifies others people’s personal details, or commercial in confidence information)

← photographs of bread items you have made

← recipes you have developed

← wastage sheets you have completed

← staff induction paperwork or checklists you have completed when training new staff

← diaries/task sheets/job sheets/log books

← customer complaints you have documented and investigated

← documents and reports underpinning significant change processes you that you have championed or participated in

← staff rosters you have compiled

← staff performance reviews and appraisal you have conducted

← shift reports you have completed

← product pricing estimates you have calculated

← minutes of team meetings where you have contributed ideas, suggestions or feedback

← documents showing how you have contributed to quality improvements in the workplace

← any other documentation that may demonstrate industry experience

Depending on the industry you have worked in, you may or may not have documentary evidence available. This should not deter you from seeking RPL as the Assessor will work with you during the RPL process.

You will also need to supply contact details of one or two work referees who can confirm your skills in the industry.

Step 2 – Conversation with Assessor

An assessor will review the information you have provided (usually with you) and begin to match up your skills to the units/subjects in the qualification. At this point, you will have the opportunity to discuss and identify your previous experience with the assessor who will understand your industry experience and conduct a competency conversation with you. You will be required to answer bread baking industry related questions to identify your current skills.

Step 3 – Practical demonstration of your skills

The assessor will conduct a practical skills test at your workplace (if appropriate) or at another suitable venue. This, again, is an opportunity to demonstrate your level of competence. This assessment will be focussed on skills that are required in the qualification. Your assessor will identify the skills that he/she will want you to demonstrate.

Further steps

After the assessment, your assessor will give you information about the skills that have been recognised and whether you have gained the full qualification. If you do have skill gaps, these may be addressed through flexible training.

|APPLICATION – Self Assessment Questionnaire |

|FDF30603 Certificate III in Food Processing (Retail Baking – Bread) |

Candidate Name: Date Completed:

Please identify your level of experience in each competency.

|Unit Code |Unit Title |I have performed these tasks |

| | |Frequently |Sometimes |Never |


|FDFCORHS3A |Monitor the implementation of occupational health and safety | | | |

| |policies and procedures | | | |

|FDFCORQFS3A |Monitor the implementation of quality and food safety programs | | | |

|FDFCORWCM2A |Present and apply workplace information | | | |

|FDFCORBM2A |Use basic mathematical concepts | | | |


|FDFRBPD2B |Produce bread dough | | | |

|FDFRBSM2B |Scale and mould dough for intermediate proof | | | |

|FDFRBFM2B |Conduct final mould and final proof | | | |

|FDFRBBB2B |Bake bread | | | |

|FDFRBDPB3A |Diagnose and respond to product and process faults (bread) | | | |


|FDFZPRW1A |Participate effectively in a workplace environment | | | |

|FDFRBRD2B |Retard dough | | | |

|WRRM1B |Merchandise products | | | |

|FDFFRBAB3A |Produce artisan breads | | | |

|FDFRBSP3B |Plan and schedule production | | | |

|FDFOPTPIP3A |Participate in improvement processes | | | |

|FDFOPTTG3A |Lead work teams and groups | | | |

|BSBCMN310A |Deliver and monitor a service to customers | | | |

Candidate Signature: Date:


Applicant Details:

|1. Occupation you are seeking recognition in | |

|2 Personal Details |

|Surname | |

|Preferred Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss) | |

|First Name/s | |

|Any other name used | |

|Home Address | |

| | |

|Postal address if different from above | |

| | |

|Telephone Numbers |Home: |Work: |

| |Mobile: |Fax: |

|Date of Birth | / / |

|Gender |MALE ( / FEMALE ( |

|Age | |

|Are you a permanent Resident of Australia |YES ( / NO ( |

|3 Current Employment |

| |YES ( / NO ( |

|Are you currently employed? | |

| |……………………………………………………… |

|If Yes, in which occupation are you currently employed? | |

| | |

|Who is your current employer? |………………………………………………………. |

|4. Armed Forces details (If Applicable) |

|Branch of Service | |

|Trade classification on discharge | |

|5. Further Training |

|Have you undertaken any training courses related to the |YES ( / NO ( |

|occupation applied for? | |

|If Yes | |

|What occupation were you trained in? | |

|Training completion Date (month, year) | |

|Country where you trained | |

|Name of course and institution (if applicable) | |

|6. Is there any further information you wish to give in| |

|support of your application | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|7. Professional Referees (relevant to work situation) |

| | |

|Name |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Position |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Organisation |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Phone Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Mobile Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Email Address |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Name |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Position |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Organisation |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Phone Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Mobile Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Email Address |…………………………………………………………………… |


|Name, Address and Phone |Period of Employment |Position Held |Full Time |Description of Major Duties |

|number of Employers |(DD/MM/YYYY) | |Part-time | |

| | | |Casual | |

| |From |To | | | |

|1. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|2. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|3. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|4. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Attach additional sheet if required

If you are including documents in your application, please provide a brief description below

|Document Description |Office Use Only – Assessor to use this section to align documents to specific |

|(e.g. resume, photos, awards etc) |units of competency and identify key questions for competency conversation |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |


I declare that the information contained in this application is true and correct and that all documents are genuine.

Candidate Signature: Date


Competency Conversation

This section assists the assessor in documenting the competency conversation.

Do NOT give this section to the candidate.

Once you have assessed the candidate’s documentary information and determined which competencies you still require more information/evidence on, you use the question bank and Record of Conversation sheets in this section to document evidence of past experience. It is not intended that every question for all competencies be discussed during the conversation, only those competencies the initial documentary review has failed to fully address.

Each question has “key points” to look for in responses. You may use the list of key points to formulate questions of your own if you wish, or contextualise or rephrase the suggested question to the candidate’s particular work situation. The questions are not intended to be a formal ‘script’ for the assessor to follow, but to provide guidance in exploring the range of the candidate’s skills, knowledge and experience in performing a particular task or function.

The Record of Conversation sheets indicate relevant content that should be sought. Place a tick next to each key point as you hear this topic being discussed during the conversation. In doing so, you are making a statement of fact about what you hear the candidate say during the competency conversation. Use the Comments section to provide further detail about the context of the discussion or briefly outline any examples discussed by the candidate. You may also use the Comments section to make a brief analysis of the responses or summary judgements about the quality of the candidate’s responses in relation to the requirements of the competency standard.

Remember, the notes you take about this conversation are important evidence and should be retained in the candidate’s assessment record.


Note to Assessors: Refer to “Record of Conversation” sheets

|Unit of Competency |Question |

|FDFCORHS3A |1: What are some of the workplace hazards you need to consider when working in a kitchen, and what measures have you |

|Monitor the implementation|followed control these hazards? |

|of occupational health and|2: Discuss the company policy for communicating OH&S policies and procedures to staff. |

|safety policies and |3: Explain your understanding of the OH&S obligations of both the employer and the employee. |

|procedures |4: What safety instructions do you follow and what precautions do you take before commencing any work? |

|FDFCORQFS3A |5: What are the main quality and food safety issues you have addressed when inducting a new staff member in the |

|Monitor the implementation|company? |

|of quality and food safety|6: What routine actions have you taken to ensure that food safety is regularly checked and monitored? |

|programs |7: What factors can affect the shelf life of food products? |

| |8: Discuss procedures around food recall in your organisation. |

| |9: Explain how you have maintained and improved food safety in your workplace. |

|FDFCORWCM2A |10: Discuss the information / documents that you regularly access in the workplace to complete your tasks? How did |

|Present and apply |you go about analysing and interpreting the information to apply it to the particular task you were undertaking? |

|workplace information |11: Provide a couple of examples of how you have exchanged information with others in the workplace: for example: |

| |giving instructions, coaching other staff, etc. How did you go about ensuring that you conveyed the right |

| |information, and that the information was received and understood? |

|FDFCORBM2A |12: Explain the types of calculations you routinely make throughout the day in relation to your work. |

|Use basic mathematical |13: Discuss a few examples of when you have had to estimate quantities – for example, estimating stock quantities for|

|concepts |special promotion. How did you make the estimate? How close was the estimate to the actual requirement? |

|Generic component |14: When you have received a new baking or customer order, how do you identify what will be required, and prepare the|

|Plan and prepare work |work area. |

| |15: Explain how you have sequenced your work effectively to complete your jobs in a timely manner? |

|Generic component |16: Explain what steps you take after baking to ensure quality of the finished product. |

|Clean up |17: Outline how you clean up the work area in readiness for the next task. |

|FDFRBDPB3 |18: In relation to baked products, how do you recognised inferior standards in the finished product? |

|Diagnose and respond to |19: What happens during production to cause the inferior product quality? |

|product and process faulty|20: In general terms, what corrective action do you take to rectify the problem/s and ensure the quality of the |

|(bread) |product? |

| |21: Outline your company’s procedures for disposing or reworking of sub-quality outputs |

|FDFRBPD2B |22: Dough preparation for breadmaking can be achieved by mixing four basis ingredients together – flour, salt, |

|Produce bread dough |yeast, water. Discuss your understanding of the function of each of these ingredients. |

| |23: What other ingredients have you added to basic bread dough, and why were they added? |

| |24: Outline your experience in different mixing or kneading techniques. What function does mixing achieve? |

|FDFRBSM2B |25: Discuss the importance of “rounding” a dough piece after scaling. |

|Scale and mould dough for |26: Outline what happens to the dough at a micro level during the proving process? |

|intermediate proof |27: Discuss the importance of correct scaling of dough, and the workplace procedure you routinely follow for scaling.|

| |28: Outline the factors that affect the proofing stage. |

|FDFRBFM2B |29: Outline the process you have followed to conduct the final mould of the bread. |

|Conduct final mould and |30: Outline the various moulding “mistakes” and how they affect the final product. |

|final proof |31: What has been your experience in shaping specialty breads? |

| |32: What characteristics are you looking for to determine when the proving is complete? |

|FDFRBBB2B |33: Discuss the different baking ovens you have used – their heating systems, required loading techniques, and |

|Bake bread |safety features. |

| |34: Outline some of the key factors you consider when scheduling loads to the oven. |

| |35: What are the optimal baking temperatures for the following bread products: bun, crusty, white condensed, |

| |wholemeal? |

|FDFZPRW1A |36: Outline, generally, your understanding of the baking industry. Who are the major stakeholders or industry bodies?|

|Participate effectively in|37: What are the major pieces of legislation or government regulation that impact on how you do things in the |

|a workplace environment |workplace? What type of workplace documents do you routinely access that embody these regulatory requirements? |

| |38: Discuss three examples of how you applied information in these workplace documents in order to complete your |

| |tasks? |

| |39: What on-going training have you received in the workplace? |

|FDFRBRD2B |40: What is your understanding of what happens during a dough retardation and recovery process? |

|Retard dough |41: Using examples of different dough types you have retarded, talk about different retardation requirements and how |

| |you identified the retardation requirement of particular doughs. |

| |42: What are some of the factors that can affect the retardation process? How does altering these affect the dough |

| |retardation process? |

|WRRM1B |43: Outline your store’s policy in relation to presentation, ticketing and pricing of stock. What are some of the |

|Merchandise products |regulations around fair trading that you applied? |

| |44: What are some of the design factors you have considered in planning and constructing a general bread product |

| |display? What additional things have you considered for a ‘themed’ display – for example, culturally significant |

| |days, catalogue promotions, etc? |

| |45: Describe how you replenish and rotate display stock to ensure the most favourable presentation of the product. |

| |46: In your experience, what are some of the reasons why stock doesn’t sell? What modifications have you made to make|

| |the product more attractive to the customer? |

|FDFFRBAB3A |47: Discuss the range of artisan breads you have produced, either as company’s product range or for special customer|

|Produce artisan breads |orders. |

| |48: Outline the extended fermentation processes you have used in making speciality breads. |

| |49: Discuss how you have adjusted hydration levels to produce variation in crumb formation. What are some of the |

| |visual differences caused by varying hydration levels? |

| |50: What factors have you considered in setting the retail price of artisan breads? |

|FDFRBSP3B |51: Explain what factors you have considered when planning production of bread products. |

|Plan and schedule |52: Describe the process you followed in constructing a production schedule/ |

|production |53: Discuss a time when production was disrupted. How did you get it back on track? |

|FDFOPTPIP3A |54: Think of a time when there was a significant process improvement in your workplace. Why was the change |

|Participate in improvement|necessary? Describe how the improvement was implemented from the analysis of the problem to the implementation of |

|processes |improvement actions. What was your level of involvement in the process? |

| |55: How have you ensured your staff are involved in continuous improvement in their day-to-day activities? |

|FDFOPTTG3A |56: Discuss your leadership style – how do you support and encourage your staff to work to company standard. |

|Lead work teams and groups|57: How have you monitored the work performance of your colleagues and the team as a whole? |

| |58: When you have rostered staff, what factors do you consider to ensure the team works well together? |

| |59: How have you resolved conflicts between team members? |

|BSBCMN310A |60: How does your organisation identify its customer’s requirements? |

|Deliver and monitor a |61: When serving a customer, what interpersonal skills have used to help uncertain customers clarify their needs? |

|service to customers |Illustrate using an example from your experience. |

| |62: Describe the ways in which you have dealt with customer complaints. Illustrate using an example from your |

| |experience. |

| |63: Explain how you, personally, have helped to identify ways to improve products or customer service within your |

| |organisation. |


|FDFCORHS3A Monitor the implementation of occupational health and safety policies and procedures |


Question 1: What are some of the workplace hazards you need to consider when working in a kitchen, and what measures have you followed to control these hazards?

Question 2: Discuss the company policy for communicating OH&S policies and procedures to staff.

Question 3: Explain your understanding of the OH&S obligations of both the employer and the employee.

Question 4: What safety instructions do you follow and what precautions do you take before commencing any work?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 1 | | | |

| |OHS guidelines and work safety practices | | |

| |Principles of hazard control and hierarchy | | |

| |of hazard control measures | | |

| |Workplace safety communication and signs | | |

| |Standard operating procedures | | |

| |Material safety data sheets | | |

| |Product labels | | |

| |Manufacturers’ specifications for use of | | |

| |machinery | | |

| |Safe working loads | | |

| |Industry terminology | | |

|Kitchen hazards - other workers and persons; other structures and equipment; | | | |

|hazardous materials; noise; flour dust; heat; cleaning chemicals; waste; | | | |

|rubbish; inadequate lighting; electrical hazards; lifting and carrying; heavy | | | |

|loads; tools and equipment, confined spaces, stress | | | |

|Identification and avoidance of obstacles | | | |

|Hazard and risk control; erect barricades and signage around spills | | | |

|Correct manual handling / use of machines for heavy loads / load carrying | | | |

|capacity | | | |

|Emergency/defensive action and techniques for controlling loads; emergency | | | |

|shutdown of equipment | | | |

|Use and maintenance of personal protective equipment | | | |

|Use of guards on equipment | | | |

|Use of PPE | | | |

|Inspect equipment for damage or worn parts; retire defective equipment | | | |

|Use of MSDS | | | |

|Keeping work area tidy and free of obstruction | | | |

|Maintain personal health | | | |

|Availability of first aid | | | |

|Question 2 | | | |

|Staff induction program | | | |

|Training | | | |

|Verbal discussion/meetings | | | |

|Shift report | | | |

|Signs placed on machines | | | |

|Signs on walls | | | |

|Tag-outs | | | |

|Question 3 | | | |

|Employer: | | | |

|providing safe working environment | | | |

|assessing risks | | | |

|developing work procedures | | | |

|communicating control measures | | | |

|providing training and instruction | | | |

|providing supervision | | | |

|monitoring and reviewing safety | | | |

|conducting safety audits | | | |

|Employee: | | | |

|awareness of safe work practices | | | |

|follow operating procedures | | | |

|always use PPE | | | |

|follow hygiene standards | | | |

|identify hazards and implement controls | | | |

|maintain personal health and vitality | | | |

|comply with alcohol and drug policies | | | |

|advising if on medication which could contribute to fatigue or reduced | | | |

|performance | | | |

|report incidents, breakage, wastage, accidents | | | |

|attend required training | | | |

|cooperate in safety drills – fire, evacuation | | | |

|advises of communicable illnesses (incl. diarrhoea, vomiting, fever, jaundice)| | | |

|provide training and support to new staff in relation to food safety | | | |

|Question 4 | | | |

|Set up materials and equipment in accordance with workplace procedures | | | |

|Follows workplace/site signage and take direction from site personnel | | | |

|Routinely applies precautions when undertaking own work | | | |


|FDFCORQFS3A Monitor the implementation of quality and food safety programs |


Question 5: What are the main quality and food safety issues you have addressed when inducting a new staff member in the company?

Question 6: What routine actions have you taken to ensure that food safety is regularly checked and monitored?

Question 7: What factors can affect the shelf life of food products

Question 8: Discuss procedures around food recall in your organisation.

Question 9: Explain how you have maintained and improved food safety in your workplace.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 5 | | | |

| |OHS guidelines and work safety practices | | |

| |Principles of hazard control and hierarchy | | |

| |of hazard control measures | | |

| |Workplace safety communication and signs | | |

| |Standard operating procedures | | |

| |Product labels | | |

| |Record keeping – incidents, wastage | | |

| |Industry terminology | | |

|Appropriate use of equipment and machinery | | | |

|Safety boots | | | |

|Gloves | | | |

|Apron | | | |

|Hair net | | | |

|Work procedures meet food safety program | | | |

|Cleaning and sanitising equipment, utensils etc | | | |

|Policies and procedures in relation to food safety | | | |

|Personal hygiene | | | |

|Reporting health conditions and illnesses | | | |

|Reporting hazards and risks in relation to food safety | | | |

|Handling contaminated food, waste, recycled products | | | |

|Participation in consultation process to improve food safety | | | |

|Documentation procedures in relation to food safety | | | |

|Appropriate training and supported provided to new staff in relation to food | | | |

|safety | | | |

|Question 6 | | | |

|Follows procedures / checklists | | | |

|Prevents cross-contamination | | | |

|Disposes of contaminated foods | | | |

|Adopts correct storage | | | |

|Regularly checks ‘use by’ dates – disposes of past due products | | | |

|Inspects food – sight, smell, taste, touch | | | |

|Handles and stores food products correctly | | | |

|Maintains personal hygiene, hand washing | | | |

|Sanitises when moving between functional areas or processing tasks | | | |

|Wears appropriate clothing, footwear, gloves, caps | | | |

|Cleans and stores utensils and equipment correctly | | | |

|Reports illnesses | | | |

|Maintains good housekeeping practices | | | |

|Question 7 | | | |

|Product type | | | |

|Ingredients used | | | |

|Preparation methods | | | |

|Storage conditions | | | |

|Packaging | | | |

|Environmental factors | | | |

|Question 8 | | | |

|Follows procedures | | | |

|Isolates or quarantines unsafe products | | | |

|Removes / recalls stock if necessary | | | |

|Implements control measures | | | |

|Takes action to minimise possibility of recurrence | | | |

|Adjusts procedures/processes (if required) | | | |

|Question 9 | | | |

|Identifies and reports inadequacies in relation to food safety | | | |

|Assesses, implements and monitors risks in the workplace | | | |

|Participates in food safety inspections and audits | | | |

|Completes documentation | | | |

|Review and improves procedures if required | | | |

|Implements improvement recommendations | | | |


|FDFCORWCM2A Present and apply workplace information |


Question 10: Discuss the information / documents that you regularly access in the workplace to complete your tasks? How did you go about analysing and interpreting the information to apply it to the particular task you were undertaking?

Question 11: Provide a couple of examples of how you have exchanged information with others in the workplace: for example: giving instructions, coaching other staff, etc. How did you go about ensuring that you conveyed the right information, and that the information was received and understood?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 10 | | | |

| |Standard operating procedures | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Industry terminology | | |

|Examples of information documents: | | | |

|policy and procedure documentation | | | |

|legislation/standards/regulations | | | |

|specific workplace information | | | |

|safety and hygiene requirements | | | |

|induction and training information | | | |

|written information related to work role | | | |

|meetings/presentations/forums etc | | | |

|production schedules | | | |

|stock control | | | |

|oven sheets | | | |

|pay sheets | | | |

|accident/incident reports | | | |

|Analyses and interprets information to meet work/task requirement | | | |

|Seeks information from others to support own role | | | |

|Records data/decisions (if necessary) | | | |

|Question 11 | | | |

|Considers purpose, message, audience | | | |

|Gathers information, researches topic, consults others | | | |

|Organises information | | | |

|Structures and delivers information is a logical way | | | |

|Highlights instruction with demonstration or illustrative example | | | |

|Support delivery of instruction through interpersonal skills and non-verbals | | | |

|and interactive skills | | | |

|Encourages feedback and questions to ensure recipient have understood message | | | |

|Provides information in a timely manner | | | |


|FDFCORBM2A Use basic mathematical concepts |


Question 12: Explain the types of calculations you routinely make throughout the day in relation to your work.

Question 13: Discuss a few examples of when you have had to estimate quantities – for example, estimating stock quantities for special promotion. How did you make the estimate? How close was the estimate to the actual requirement?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 12 | | | |

| |Standard operating procedure | | |

| |Conversion charts | | |

| |Calculators and other equipment | | |

| |Industry terminology | | |

|Applies mathematical concepts (+,-, x, /) to calculation of: | | | |

|weights | | | |

|quantities | | | |

|volumes, capacity | | | |

|elapsed times | | | |

|Able to convert imperial measurements into metric (lbs to oz) (degrees | | | |

|Fahrenheit to centigrade) | | | |

|Applies equivalent measures within the same measuring system eg. 1000g = 1kg | | | |

|Applies rounding to measurements | | | |

|Applies ratios, percentages | | | |

|Read and interprets measuring scales | | | |

|Understands tolerances | | | |

|Reads conversion charts | | | |

|Solves problems by selecting strategies and using mental computation, | | | |

|estimation, calculators or computers, and paper and pencil | | | |

|Question 13 | | | |

|Identifies inputs | | | |

|Identifies product bundling / package size | | | |

|Identifies per head requirements | | | |

|Multiplies variables to calculate estimate | | | |

|Applies ‘rule of thumb’ (if applicable) | | | |

|Applies past learnings re estimates | | | |

|Allows margin of error, contingencies | | | |

|Estimates to a reasonable degree of accuracy | | | |


|Generic component – Plan and prepare work |


Question 14: When you have received a new baking or customer order, how do you identify what will be required, and prepare the work area.

Question 15: Explain how you have sequenced your work effectively to complete your jobs in a timely manner?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 14 | | | |

| |Standard operating procedure and work | | |

| |instructions | | |

| |Batch/recipe instructions | | |

| |Quality assurance standards | | |

| |Safe work practices | | |

| |Hygiene | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Time management | | |

| |Manufacturers’ specifications for use of | | |

| |machinery | | |

|Assess job requirements / consults product manual | | | |

|Reads work instructions or job order | | | |

|Consults Batch/recipe instructions / operations manual | | | |

|Identifies processing techniques, time and safety requirements | | | |

|Identifies required ingredients, utensils, equipment | | | |

|Selects equipment – tests and adjusts settings to suit work requirements | | | |

|Sets-up work area, prepares surfaces | | | |

|Selects appropriate PPE | | | |

|Assembles and measures out ingredients | | | |

|Washes hands before commencing food preparation | | | |

|Question 15: | | | |

|Analyses job requirements | | | |

|Identifies processing stages and priorities | | | |

|Identifies key control points | | | |

|Estimates time requirements | | | |

|Sequences activities in most efficient manner | | | |

|Performs similar tasks together or sequentially | | | |

|Works within timeframes and deadlines | | | |

|Coordinates with others: eg where tasks are interdependent, or | | | |

|equipment/utensils need to be shared | | | |

|Takes responsibility for own work | | | |

|Uses task lists / check lists / whiteboard, etc to monitor progress throughout| | | |

|the shift | | | |

|Anticipates and circumvents problems | | | |


|Generic component – Clean up |


Question 16: Explain what steps you take after baking to ensure quality of the finished product.

Question 17: Outline how you clean up the work area in readiness for the next task.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 16 | | | |

| |Food Standards Code | | |

| |Standard operating procedure and work | | |

| |instructions | | |

| |Quality assurance standards | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Safe work practice | | |

| |Hygiene | | |

| |Manufacturers’ specifications for use of | | |

| |machinery | | |

|Inspects product to ensure it meets: | | | |

|job requirements | | | |

|quality requirements | | | |

|customer requirements | | | |

|Food Standards code | | | |

|Labels, dates and stores materials and finished product | | | |

|Question 17 | | | |

|Washes, stores and maintains utensils | | | |

|Cleans and maintains equipment | | | |

|Stores ingredients | | | |

|Cleans work area | | | |

|Collects scraps, unacceptable product – recycles or disposes of wastes | | | |

|Completes workplace documentation | | | |


|FDFRBDPB3 Diagnose and respond to product and process faults (bread) |


Question 18: In relation to baked products, how do you recognise inferior standards in the finished product?

Question 19: What can happen during production to cause an inferior product?

Question 20: In general terms, what corrective action do you take to rectify the problem/s and ensure the quality of the product?

Question 21: Outline your company’s procedures for disposing or reworking of sub-quality outputs.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 18 | | | |

| |Food Standards Code | | |

| |Standard operating procedure and work | | |

| |instructions | | |

| |Batch/recipe instructions | | |

| |Quality assurance standards | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Safe work practice | | |

| |Hygiene | | |

|Inspects output | | | |

|Compares to product standard | | | |

|Identifies deficiencies – size, shape, texture, colour, volume, flavour | | | |

|Diagnoses fault in process | | | |

|Implements measures to correct fault | | | |

|Question 19 | | | |

|Ingredients (quality, quantity/balance) | | | |

|Over/under processing (combining, clearing, developing) | | | |

|Temperature irregularities | | | |

|Question 20 | | | |

|Follows standard operating procedures | | | |

|Follows recipe | | | |

|Always use scales and measures for ingredients | | | |

|Checks working condition of ovens, equipment and utensils | | | |

|Monitors output; inspects product at each control point | | | |

|Completes workplace documentation at each stage of process | | | |

|Reports process breakdowns / product defects | | | |

|Question 21 | | | |

|Disposal – weigh and record on food wastage schedule | | | |

|Donation – food bank, charity | | | |

|Disposal as stock feed | | | |

|Salvage some products for re-working (eg reducing to crumb) | | | |


|FDFRBPD2B Produce bread dough |


Question 22: Dough preparation for breadmaking can be achieved by mixing four basis ingredients together – flour, salt, yeast, water. Discuss your understanding of the function of each of these ingredients.

Question 23: What other ingredients have you added to basic bread dough, and why were they added?

Question 24: Outline your experience in different mixing or kneading techniques. What function does mixing achieve?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 22 | | | |

| |Standard operating procedure and work | | |

| |instructions | | |

| |Batch/recipe instructions | | |

| |Quality assurance standards | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Safe work practice | | |

| |Hygiene | | |

| |Manufacturers’ specifications for use of | | |

| |machinery | | |

|Flour: | | | |

|gluten basis of product | | | |

|most suitable flour is medium/bakers’ flour with a protein range of 11 - 13% | | | |

|Salt: | | | |

|confers flavour and palatability | | | |

|controls fermentation | | | |

|strengthens gluten | | | |

|affects crumb and crust colour | | | |

|Yeast: | | | |

|aerates the dough by converting sugars into carbon dioxide gas which expands | | | |

|the dough to the required volume and gives bread its light texture | | | |

|matures the dough through the action of fermentation on the gluten structure | | | |

|provides flavour through the production of complex chemical compounds | | | |

|resulting from by-products of the fermentation process | | | |

|Water: | | | |

|determines product yield | | | |

|dispersing agent for all the other ingredients | | | |

|controls temperature of the dough | | | |

|contributes to desired consistency of the dough | | | |

|acts as a solvent for the sugar | | | |

|creates significant influence on holding quality | | | |

|Question 23 | | | |

|Identifies a range of other ingredients (eg. bread improvers, grains, fats and| | | |

|oils, emulsifiers, milk solids, preservatives, fortifying agents, dough | | | |

|conditioners, etc) | | | |

|Function of additives: | | | |

|speed up the bread making process | | | |

|product enrichment | | | |

|softer texture | | | |

|volume enhancement | | | |

|better internal structure | | | |

|flavour enhancement | | | |

|visual appeal | | | |

|nutritional benefits | | | |

|specific dietary requirements | | | |

|extend shelf life | | | |

|Question 24 | | | |

|Outlines techniques used: | | | |

|kneading | | | |

|stretching | | | |

|spiral mixer | | | |

|high speed mixers | | | |

|Function of mixing: | | | |

|hydrates the ingredients | | | |

|develops the gluten | | | |

|incorporates air into the dough | | | |


|FDFRBSM2B Scale and mould dough for intermediate proof |


Question 25: Discuss the importance of “rounding” a dough piece after scaling.

Question 26: Outline what happens to the dough at a micro level during the proving process?

Question 27: Discuss the importance of correct scaling of dough, and the workplace procedure you routinely follow for scaling.

Question 28: Outline the factors that affect the proofing stage.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 25 | | | |

| |Standard operating procedure and work | | |

| |instructions | | |

| |Batch/recipe instructions | | |

| |Quality assurance standards | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Safe work practice | | |

| |Hygiene | | |

| |Manufacturers’ specifications for use of | | |

| |machinery | | |

|Provides a regular shape, finer and uniform cell structure | | | |

|Ensures equal distribution of the dough cells throughout the dough | | | |

|Increases the number of dough cells causing a fine structure | | | |

|Question 26 | | | |

|Structural Relaxation – contributes to dough strength | | | |

|Yeast generates carbon dioxide gas which fills air cells that were | | | |

|incorporated during mixing | | | |

|The gluten must be viscous enough to expand as the gas fills the cells but | | | |

|elastic enough to retain the gas. | | | |

|Question 27 | | | |

|Scaling - dividing dough by weight for the most accurate portioning into pans | | | |

|or pieces | | | |

|Equal division of dough is important for even baking and browning | | | |

|Should be done quickly to avoid loss of leavening or over-aging of dough. | | | |

|Outlines specific workplace procedure for scaling | | | |

|Question 28 | | | |

|Quality of the flour | | | |

|Dough temperature | | | |

|Type of product | | | |

|Bakery temperature and humidity | | | |

|Stiffness of the dough | | | |

|Amount of yeast added | | | |

|Amount of other ingredients in the recipe | | | |

|Activity of the enzymes | | | |


|FDFRBFM2B Conduct final mould and final proof |


Question 29: Outline the process you have followed to conduct the final mould of the bread.

Question 30: Outline the various moulding “mistakes” and how they affect the final product.

Question 31: What has been your experience in the moulding or shaping of specialty breads?

Question 32: What characteristics are you looking for to determine when the final proving is complete?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 29 | | | |

| |Standard operating procedure and work | | |

| |instructions | | |

| |Batch/recipe instructions | | |

| |Quality assurance standards | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Safe work practice | | |

| |Hygiene | | |

| |Manufacturers’ specifications for use of | | |

| |machinery | | |

|Turns dough piece is turned upside down, the carbon dioxide removed and the | | | |

|gas bubbles are divided into more by flattening the dough | | | |

|Flattens dough – removing carbon dioxide | | | |

|Stretches dough piece, the ends are folded inside and pressed in a way that a | | | |

|trapezoid shape is obtained | | | |

|Folds and presses ends to obtain trapezoid shape | | | |

|Moulds up dough piece until a firm, smooth shape is achieved | | | |

|Places dough with seam downwards | | | |

|Question 30 | | | |

|Too tight - gluten will break, loose top crust | | | |

|Too loosely moulded - holes on inside because the layers do not stick together| | | |

|Too much dusting flour - holes and white lines can be seen after baking | | | |

|No thick ends - loaf is not straight but has sloping sides | | | |

|Question 31 | | | |

|Discusses a range of speciality breads prepared | | | |

|Discusses moulding techniques used to achieve correct shape for untinned bread| | | |

|products (eg. twists, knots, plaits, pasta duras, ciabattas, breadsticks, flat| | | |

|breads, etc) | | | |

|Question 32 | | | |

|Volume | | | |

|Maturity | | | |

|Size | | | |

|Height | | | |

|Texture | | | |

|Appearance | | | |


|FDFRBBB2B Bake bread |


Question 33: Discuss the different baking ovens you have used – their heating systems, required loading techniques, and safety features.

Question 34: Outline some of the key factors you consider when scheduling loads to the oven.

Question 35: What are the optimal baking temperatures for the following bread products: bun, crusty, white condensed, wholemeal?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 33 | | | |

| |Standard operating procedure and work | | |

| |instructions | | |

| |Batch/recipe instructions | | |

| |Quality assurance standards | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Safe work practice | | |

| |Hygiene | | |

| |Manufacturers’ specifications for use of | | |

| |machinery | | |

|Ovens: | | | |

|revolving tray ovens | | | |

|rotary rack oven | | | |

|conveyor oven | | | |

|tunnel ovens | | | |

|deck ovens | | | |

|Heating systems | | | |

|Steam systems | | | |

|exhaust hoods | | | |

|control panels | | | |

|glass doors | | | |

|oven chamber | | | |

|convection systems | | | |

|Loading techniques: | | | |

|manual | | | |

|conveyor | | | |

|skips | | | |

|belts | | | |

|trays | | | |

|Safety features: | | | |

|glass doors | | | |

|guards | | | |

|emergency stop | | | |

|manual override | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of manufacturer’s specifications for various equipment | | | |

|Question 34 | | | |

|Energy efficiency | | | |

|Processing like products together | | | |

|Customer demand as various times of the day | | | |

|Workplace production schedule | | | |

|Question 35 | | | |

|Bun – 200 degrees Celsius | | | |

|Crusty – 215 degrees Celsius | | | |

|White condensed – 220 degrees Celsius | | | |

|Wholemeal – 210 degrees Celsius | | | |


|FDFZPRW1A Participate effectively in a workplace environment |


Question 36: Outline, generally, your understanding of the baking industry. Who are the major stakeholders or industry bodies?

Question 37: What are the major pieces of legislation or government regulation that impact on how you do things in the workplace? What type of workplace documents do you routinely access that embody these regulatory requirements?

Question 38: Discuss three examples of how you applied information in these workplace documents in order to complete your tasks?

Question 39: What on-going training have you received in the workplace?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 36 | | | |

| |Legislation, regulations | | |

| |Standard operating procedures | | |

| |Work safe practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

|Australian Society of Baking | | | |

|Baking Industry Association of Queensland | | | |

|Bread Research Institute | | | |

|Food Standards Australia and New Zealand | | | |

|Question 37 | | | |

|Legislation/regulation: | | | |

|Food Standards Code | | | |

|Occupational Health and Safety Act | | | |

|environmental legislation | | | |

|employment laws | | | |

|company law | | | |

|Workplace documents that embody these: | | | |

|operations manual | | | |

|batch/recipe instructions | | | |

|job instructions, specifications, standard operating procedures | | | |

|safety / hazard signs | | | |

|HACCP | | | |

|employment contracts | | | |

|workplace forms | | | |

|Question 38 | | | |

|Understands, interprets and applies workplace policies to own work | | | |

|Measures relevance of information to task at hand | | | |

|Applies information to achieve task outcomes | | | |

|Communicates with others using baking industry terminology | | | |

|Clarifies information or consults with supervisor or workplace expert | | | |

|Completes reports from information accessed | | | |

|Question 39 | | | |

|Workplace induction | | | |

|Legislative requirements | | | |

|Relevant information about hazardous substance | | | |

|Use of personal protective equipment | | | |

|Emergency procedures | | | |

|Regular fire and evacuation drills | | | |

|Work/lifestyle balance management techniques | | | |

|Risk assessment and control training | | | |

|General on-the-job training | | | |


|FDFRBRD2B Retard dough |


Question 40: What is your understanding of what happens during a dough retardation and recovery process?

Question 41: Using examples of different dough types you have retarded, talk about different retardation requirements and how you identified the retardation requirement of particular doughs.

Question 42: What are some of the factors that can affect the retardation process? How does altering these affect the dough retardation process?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 40 | | | |

| |Standard operating procedure and work | | |

| |instructions | | |

| |Batch/recipe instructions | | |

| |Quality assurance standards | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Safe work practices | | |

| |Control points | | |

| |Hygiene | | |

| |Manufacturers’ specifications for use of | | |

| |machinery | | |

|Addresses knowledge of dough retardation through discussion of: | | | |

|leavening process | | | |

|dough conditioning (through yeast activity) | | | |

|flavour development (through alcohol and acids released by the yeast) | | | |

|dough rotation | | | |

|Question 41 | | | |

|Discusses retardation process for different doughs (eg commercial, sours, etc)| | | |

|Considers: | | | |

|dough type | | | |

|dough size | | | |

|dough consistency | | | |

|yeast quantity/quality | | | |

|Question 42 | | | |

|Dough ingredients | | | |

|Water temperature used in mixing dough | | | |

|Air temperature > colder temperatures slow the rate of fermentation | | | |

|Air flow around dough > allows temperature of dough to be controlled | | | |

|Humidity > lower the humidity, greater the crusting/skin formation on dough | | | |

|Time elapsed | | | |


|WRRM1B Merchandise products |


Question 43: Outline your store’s policy in relation to presentation, ticketing and pricing of stock. What are some of the regulations around fair trading that you applied?

Question 44: What are some of the design factors you have considered in planning and constructing a general bread product display? What additional things have you considered for a ‘themed’ display – for example, culturally significant days, catalogue promotions, etc?

Question 45: Describe how you replenish and rotate display stock to ensure the most favourable presentation of the product.

Question 46: In your experience, what are some of the reasons why stock doesn’t sell? What modifications have you made to make the product more attractive to the customer?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 43 | | | |

| |Fair trading regulations | | |

| |Australian Code of Practice for | | |

| |computerised checkout systems | | |

| |Standard operating procedures | | |

| |Work safe practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Design principles | | |

|Outlines store policy and procedures | | | |

|Fair trading: | | | |

|describes/advertises product correctly | | | |

|ensures full price of the product is stated | | | |

|ensures that discounts are applied correctly | | | |

|ensures where there are two price tickets, item is sold for lowest price | | | |

|Question 44 | | | |

|Product | | | |

|Available display systems (eg. tables, bins, shelves, flat lines [ie. no | | | |

|stacking], etc) | | | |

|Floor plan | | | |

|Lighting | | | |

|Colour | | | |

|Signage | | | |

|Traffic flow | | | |

|Stability of display | | | |

|Service points | | | |

|Accessibility – eg. product at eye level, able to be reached by customer, etc | | | |

|Distance between hot/cold items | | | |

|Presentation – neat, tidy, balance, fully stocked | | | |

|Security | | | |

|Question 45 | | | |

|Identifies and removes unsuitable display stock (eg. dropped, crushed, | | | |

|over-handles, out of date) | | | |

|Rotates stock as required, ensuring display is fully stocked for best | | | |

|presentation | | | |

|Maintains presentation – tidiness, balance, aesthetic appeal | | | |

|Question 46 | | | |

|Out of date | | | |

|Bundling – not enough/too much in bulk sale items | | | |

|Packaging – product not visible to customer, product sweating in package, etc | | | |

|Increases attractiveness through: | | | |

|reducing price | | | |

|spruiking | | | |

|multi-buy strategies (buy 1, get 1 free, bulk discount) | | | |

|one minute specials, …..etc | | | |


|FDFFRBAB3A Produce artisan breads |


Competency in this unit cannot be claimed until all prerequisites have been satisfied. Pre-requisites FDFRBPD2B, FDFRBSM2B, FDFRBFM2B, FDFRBPY2B, FDFRBBB2B

( Please tick this box to indicate all prerequisites for these units have been met

Question 47: Discuss the range of artisan breads you have produced, either as company’s product range or for special customer orders.

Question 48: Outline the extended fermentation processes you have used in making speciality breads.

Question 49: Discuss how you have adjusted hydration levels to produce variation in crumb formation. What are some of the visual differences caused by varying hydration levels?

Question 50: What factors have you considered in setting the retail price of artisan breads?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 47 | | | |

| |Standard operating procedure and work | | |

| |instructions | | |

| |Batch/recipe instructions | | |

| |Quality assurance standards | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Safe work practice | | |

| |Hygiene | | |

| |Manufacturers’ specifications for use of | | |

| |machinery | | |

|Discusses a range of hand crafted breads (eg bagels, baguettes, ciabatta, | | | |

|focaccia, sourdough, etc) | | | |

|Familiar with a range of shaping techniques – novelty shapes, plaits, etc | | | |

|Question 48 | | | |

|Prepares cultures/starters for use in sours from scratch, using a natural sour| | | |

|dough and using a chemical starter | | | |

|Applies principles and processes involved for extended fermentation doughs | | | |

|Question 49 | | | |

|Low hydration – dense tight crumb; chewy texture | | | |

|High hydration - the hole structure of the crumb gets larger and more | | | |

|irregular | | | |

|Artisan breads – usually at least 60% hydration level | | | |

|Introducing steam to baking process | | | |

|keeps surface moist and pliable so the bread can continue to rise | | | |

|helps develop crust | | | |

|gives the bead shine | | | |

|contributes to colour | | | |

|Question 50 | | | |

|Cost of raw materials | | | |

|Production costs | | | |

|Overhead | | | |

|Premium pricing | | | |

|Organisational pricing methodology | | | |


|FDFRBSP3B Plan and schedule production |


Question 51: Explain what factors you have considered when planning production of bread products.

Question 52: Describe the process you followed in constructing a production schedule.

Question 53: Discuss a time when production was disrupted. How did you get it back on track?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s|response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 51 | | | |

| |Standard operating procedures | | |

| |Product stewardship | | |

| |Production safety | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Manufacturer’s instructions for materials | | |

| |and equipment | | |

| |Workplace documentation | | |

| |Time management | | |

|Customer requirements | | | |

|Time constraints | | | |

|Production requirements | | | |

|Machine availability and capability | | | |

|Inventory requirements | | | |

|Procurement practices | | | |

|Sales history | | | |

|Supply capacities | | | |

|Contingency analysis | | | |

|Question 52 | | | |

|Identifies deliverables and milestones | | | |

|Breaks production into stages | | | |

|Allocates processing times to each stage – process set up time, production | | | |

|throughput rates/times, duration | | | |

|Analyses logical relationships and dependencies | | | |

|Analyses risks | | | |

|Prioritises workload and process jobs | | | |

|Forecasts and schedules resource resources (staff, raw materials, etc) | | | |

|Develops schedule – considers trade-offs, optimisation, contingencies | | | |

|Re-schedule other work around production | | | |

|Implements schedule | | | |

|Question 53 | | | |

|Analyses causes of disruption | | | |

|Makes necessary adjustment / implements contingency plan | | | |

|Reschedules work to allocate to next shift | | | |

|Monitors process | | | |


|FDFOPTPIP3A Participate in improvement processes |


Question 54: Think of a time when there was a significant process improvement in your workplace. Why was the change necessary? Describe how the improvement was implemented from the analysis of the problem to the implementation of improvement actions. What was your level of involvement in the process.

Question 55: How have you ensured your staff are involved in continuous improvement in their day-to-day activities?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 54 | | | |

| |Standard operating procedures | | |

| |Quality assurance systems | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Workplace documentation | | |

|Need for change/improvement was identified (eg. from incident, customer | | | |

|complaint, economy drive, new business direction, competitive requirement, | | | |

|etc) | | | |

|Existing process was analysed | | | |

|Problem was defined | | | |

|Ideas, opinions and issues were generated | | | |

|Staff were consulted | | | |

|Data was collected and analysed | | | |

|Process was redesigned | | | |

|Recommendations were made / trialled | | | |

|Resources were identified | | | |

|Benchmarks were established | | | |

|Improvement was approved by management and supported by staff | | | |

|New policies and procedures were disseminated | | | |

|Staff were trained / upskilled | | | |

|Improvements were implemented | | | |

|Question 55 | | | |

|Involves staff in developing procedures | | | |

|Seeks and give regular staff feedback / open communication | | | |

|Collaborates with staff in making decisions | | | |

|Uses quality monitoring processes | | | |

|Builds culture of improvement / innovation / learning | | | |

|Uses coaching and mentoring of staff to improve quality focus | | | |

|Makes organisational goals meaningful | | | |

|Celebrates successes | | | |


|FDFOPTTG3A Lead work teams and groups |


Question 56: Discuss your leadership style – how do you support and encourage your staff to work to company standard.

Question 57: How have you monitored the work performance of your colleagues and the team as a whole?

Question 58: When you have rostered staff, what factors do you consider to ensure the team works well together?

Question 59: How have you resolved conflicts between team members?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 56 | | | |

| |Antidiscrimination and equity principles | | |

| |Negotiation and communication | | |

| |Enterprise procedures | | |

| |Workflow planning | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Leadership | | |

|Models good practice | | | |

|Communicates roles and expectations to staff | | | |

|Openly shares information | | | |

|Fosters shared goals and objectives | | | |

|Provides support and encouragement | | | |

|Sets challenges and stretch targets | | | |

|Encourages innovation | | | |

|Empowers staff | | | |

|Rewards team members – recognises achievements | | | |

|Shares responsibility | | | |

|Gives feedback | | | |

|Question 57 | | | |

|Assesses team members/meeting targets/goals etc | | | |

|Conducts performance appraisals/reviews | | | |

|Ensures access to training if required | | | |

|Regular meetings and consultations | | | |

|Question 58 | | | |

|Work capacity and output | | | |

|Skills and knowledge of individuals, competency | | | |

|Personal attributes | | | |

|Complementarity of strengths of weaknesses of individuals | | | |

|Adequate seniority and supervision of group | | | |

|Question 59 | | | |

|Identifies triggers of conflict, reads subtext | | | |

|Adopts open communication and active listening | | | |

|Takes appropriate action to resolve conflict | | | |

|Accesses mediation/dispute resolution (if applicable) | | | |

|Uses conflict resolution strategies (assertiveness, listening, non-verbal | | | |

|communication, problem solving, negotiation) | | | |

|Achieves a satisfactory outcome | | | |


|BSBCMN310A Deliver and monitor a service to customers |


Question 60: How does your organisation identify its customer’s requirements?

Question 61: When serving a customer, what interpersonal skills have used to help uncertain customers clarify their needs? Illustrate using an example from your experience.

Question 62: Describe the ways in which you have dealt with customer complaints. Illustrate using an example from your experience.

Question 63: Explain how you, personally, have helped to identify ways to improve products or customer service within your organisation.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 60 | | | |

| |Standard operating procedures | | |

| |Work safe practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Customer Service Standards | | |

| |Quality Assurance principles | | |

|Customer requirement strategies may include: | | | |

|point-of-sale communication (service calls) | | | |

|customer surveys, questionnaires or forums | | | |

|market research, focus groups and studies | | | |

|quality assurance and audit data | | | |

|returned goods and complaints | | | |

|interview current, new or lapsed customers | | | |

|media, industry associations, peak bodies | | | |

|Question 61 | | | |

|Develops rapport with customer | | | |

|Treats customers with respect and courtesy | | | |

|Uses appropriate body language | | | |

|Summarises and paraphrases to check understanding of customer's message | | | |

|Provides an opportunity for the customer to confirm their request | | | |

|Seeks feedback from the customer to confirm understanding of needs | | | |

|Questions to clarify and confirm the customer's needs | | | |

|Listens actively to what the customer is communicating | | | |

|Question 62 | | | |

|Steps will vary by organisation, but may include: | | | |

|using effective listening skills (summarising and paraphrasing) | | | |

|using appropriate interpersonal skills (listen, repeat, apologise for the | | | |

|problem arising, acknowledge the customer’s feelings, explain what will be | | | |

|done, thank customer.) | | | |

|recording relevant information | | | |

|clarifying and confirming facts | | | |

|offering alternatives and negotiation | | | |

|referral to appropriate designated individuals | | | |

|effective closure | | | |

|product/procedure is noted for improvement | | | |

|Question 63 | | | |

|Passes on customer feedback | | | |

|Identifies change to product or service lines | | | |

|Implements initiative to upgrade customer service activities | | | |

|Monitors changes for effectiveness and fine tunes where necessary | | | |


Practical Tasks and

Observation Recording Sheets

You use this section to assist you in determining a candidate’s competency in those areas where they have not yet successfully demonstrated their skills, knowledge and prior experience. Therefore, candidates are not required to complete all tasks. You select tasks after considering available evidence collected through previous phases and according to context and needs of each candidate.


Candidates are not required to complete all tasks. The Assessor is to select tasks after considering available evidence collected through previous phases and according to the context and needs of each candidate.

|Unit of Competency |Practical Task |

|FDFCORHS3A |Generic component to be demonstrated in all practical tasks |

|Monitor the implementation| |

|of occupational health and| |

|safety policies and | |

|procedures | |

|FDFCORQFS3A |Generic component to be demonstrated in all practical tasks |

|Monitor the implementation| |

|of quality and food safety| |

|programs | |

|FDFCORWCM2A |Generic component to be demonstrated in all practical tasks |

|Present and apply | |

|workplace information | |

|FDFCORBM2A |Generic component to be demonstrated in all practical tasks |

|Use basic mathematical | |

|concepts | |

|Generic component |Generic component to be demonstrated in all practical tasks |

|Plan and prepare work | |

|Clean up | |

|FDFRBDPB3 |Generic component to be demonstrated in all practical tasks |

|Diagnose and respond to | |

|product and process faulty| |

|(bread) | |


|Produce bread dough |Using standard recipes at your workplace, produce the following bread products: |

|FDFRBSM2B |white bread (any white bread product including tinned loaf, cobb, rolls, baguettes, etc) |

|Scale and mould dough for |wholemeal bread (any wholemeal bread product including tinned loaf, rolls, etc) |

|intermediate proof |fruit loaf or fruit buns |


|Conduct final mould and |For each bread product, you are required to: |

|final proof |produce the dough |

|FDFRBBB2B |scale and mould dough for intermediate proof |

|Bake bread |conduct final mould and final proof |

| |bake bread |

| |plan and schedule production |

|FDFZPRW1A |Generic component to be demonstrated in all practical tasks |

|Participate effectively in| |

|a workplace environment | |

|FDFRBRD2B |Generic component to be demonstrated as a component of practical tasks 1 and 2 |

|Retard dough | |


|Produce artisan breads |Part 1 |

| |Prepare a sourdough pre-ferment according to the standard recipe and process at your workplace. |

| |Part 2 |

| |Over the following days, allow the fermentation to continues, then process and bake the dough to product a specialty |

| |bread product. Take a photograph of the final product, then cut the loaf and take a photograph of the crumb so that |

| |the shape, size and colour of the cell structure is apparent. Label the photographs with your name, have your |

| |supervisor certify that they are your own work product, then send the photographs and certification to your Assessor.|

|FDFRBSP3B |TASK 3 This task requires access to workplace documents |

|Plan and schedule |Using documents at your workplace, show the Assessor a production plan you have compiled for a bread production |

|production |process. Talk through the process you followed, and show the assessor copies of source documentation you used, such |

| |as: |

| |sales performance, history and other relevant information |

| |product formulations |

| |formulae to calculate batch weight to finished product weight |

| |processing equipment and information on capacity |

| |(NOTE: Where a workplace has an existing production schedule format, assessment can be based on completing production|

| |schedule details. Where there is no established format, the assessee is required to produce a production schedule to |

| |describe a daily production requirement) |

|FDFOPTPIP3A |TASK 4 This task requires access to workplace documents |

|Participate in improvement|Select a major process improvement you have been involved in as either a participant or a change manager. Show the |

|processes |Assessor the workplace file which documents: |

| |nature and scope of improvement opportunities |

| |consultation with key stakeholder (including staff) |

| |information requirements and any data analysis that occurred |

| |analysis of the issue or problem |

| |recommended options for improvement |

| |implementation plans |

| |post implementation monitoring and review processes |

|FDFOPTTG3A |TASK 5 This task requires access to workplace documents |

|Lead work teams and groups|Part 1 |

| |Show the Assessor staff rosters and shift reports you have completed over a one month cycle. Discuss with the |

| |Assessor your decision making process: |

| |How did you ensure staff were allotted their full allocation of hours? |

| |What arrangements did you make when staff called in sick? Show how this was documented in the shift report. |

| |Select one shift. Discuss with the Assessor the range of capabilities of individual staff who were rostered for that |

| |shift. |

| |Part 2 |

| |Discuss your organisation’s reward and recognition policy. Show the Assessor copies of ‘employee of the month’ |

| |awards, letters of thanks - or similar - that have been presented to staff for the (over) achievement of production |

| |targets. |


|Merchandise products |Create a promotional display in your own workplace using today’s baked products. Ensure you: |

| |create the display |

| |place and arrange the merchandise |

| |ticket and price the items in accordance with company policy |

| |rotate and replenish stock as required |

|BSBCMN310A |TASK 7 This task requires access to workplace documents |

|Deliver and monitor a |Part 1 |

|service to customers |The assessor will observe you serving customers for a short period of time |

| |Part 2 |

| |Access your company’s customer complaint register. Show the Assessor how you, personally, have documented and |

| |resolved a customer complaint. |

| |Part 3 |

| |Gather together some company/store documents showing how your store modifies and improves its customer service based |

| |on customer feedback, complaints, market intelligence, etc. Step through the process with the Assessor, showing |

| |how the service gaps were identified |

| |what action was implemented to improve the service |

| |how the success of the improvement was monitored |


|Practical Task 1 |




NB: The skills listed below must be verified by a competent assessor through observed demonstration either in the candidate’s workplace as part of the candidate’s normal work duty OR as part of a practical assessment/demonstration set by the assessor.

|Unit and element covered in task |




NB: The skills listed below must be verified by a competent assessor through observed demonstration either in the candidate’s workplace as part of the candidate’s normal work duty OR as part of a practical assessment/demonstration set by the assessor.

|Unit and element covered |Task No. |Observable behaviours in task |Industry requirements |Assessor’s comments |Indicate if |Date assessed |

|in task | | | | |behaviour | |

| | | | | |observed | |

|FDFRBSP3B |3 |Identifies relevant information such as sales volumes and |Standard operating procedures | | | |

|Plan and schedule | |purchasing patterns and any conditions that could |Product stewardship | | | |

|production | |influence sales |Production safety | | | |

|(all elements) | |Estimates how much and what type of product is required |Effective communication | | | |

| | |and the time it should be available |Manufacturer’s instructions for| | | |

| | |Estimates dough weight compared to finished product weight|materials and equipment | | | |

| | |Determines optimum batch size, number and timing, taking |Workplace documentation | | | |

| | |account of process stages, equipment capacity and |Time management | | | |

| | |availability of labour | | | | |

| | |Produces or completes a production schedule covering each | | | | |

| | |stage of the production process | | | | |

| | |Regulates dough/batter maturity and proofing of yeast | | | | |

| | |products so they arrive at the oven at the optimum time | | | | |

| | |and condition | | | | |

| | |Develops production schedule | | | | |

|FDFOPTPIP3A |4 |Identifies nature and scope of improvement opportunity |Standard operating procedures | | | |

|Participate in improvement| |Consults others to confirm improvement opportunity |Quality assurance systems | | | |

|processes | |definition |Effective communication | | | |

|(all elements) | |Determines data collection requirements and appropriate |Workplace documentation | | | |

| | |collection methods | | | | |

| | |Identifies resources requirements to support | | | | |

| | |investigation. | | | | |

| | |Collects data | | | | |

| | |Determines and applies appropriate data analysis | | | | |

| | |techniques | | | | |

| | |Draws conclusions based on the data collected and analysed| | | | |

| | |Communicates findings in forms appropriate to the nature | | | | |

| | |of the issue and the audience | | | | |

| | |Receives and takes account of feedback | | | | |

| | |Participates in related trials and/or changes to work | | | | |

| | |practices arising from improvement proposals | | | | |

| | |Monitors and document results of trials/implementation and| | | | |

| | |participate in modifying change to support ongoing | | | | |

| | |improvement | | | | |

|FDFOPTTG3A |5 |Establishes and secures resources (crew levels and |Antidiscrimination and equity | | | |

|Lead work teams and groups| |competency profiles |principles | | | |

|(all elements) | |Allocates and negotiates work roles and responsibilities |Negotiation and communication | | | |

| | |in consultation with team members to match work |Enterprise procedures | | | |

| | |requirements and skills and abilities of team members |Workflow planning | | | |

| | |Identifies and addresses learning needs of team members |Effective communication | | | |

| | |Provides a mentoring role to team members |Leadership | | | |

| | |Monitors team outputs against objectives and make | | | | |

| | |adjustments as required to achieve plan | | | | |

| | |Provides feedback on team and individual performance | | | | |

| | |according to workplace feedback procedures | | | | |

| | |Uses communication techniques | | | | |

| | |Records information on team performance as required | | | | |

|WRRM1B |6 |Understands display techniques and visual requirements |Fair trading regulations | | | |

|Merchandise products | |Constructs display considering: |Australian Code of Practice for| | | |

|(all elements) | |size of display area |computerised checkout systems | | | |

| | |floor plans |Standard operating procedures | | | |

| | |type of surface on which display is to be created |Work safe practices | | | |

| | |set-up times and duration |Effective communication | | | |

| | |need for utilities |Design principles | | | |

| | |security of the products | | | | |

| | |safety requirements | | | | |

| | |Presents products | | | | |

| | |Removes excess packaging | | | | |

| | |Calculates prices | | | | |

| | |Applies ticketing to display products | | | | |

| | |Uses correct handling, display and storage techniques | | | | |

| | |Keeps display area clean and free from clutter | | | | |

| | |Monitors display and removes old/damaged stock | | | | |

| | |Replenishes stock as required | | | | |

|BSBCMN310A |7 |Part 1 – Customer service |Standard operating procedures | | | |

|Deliver and monitor a | |Relates well to a wide range of customers and identifies |Work safe practices | | | |

|service to customers | |their needs, expectations and priorities |Effective communication | | | |

|(all elements) | |Distinguishes between different levels of customer |Customer Service Standards | | | |

| | |satisfaction |Quality Assurance principles | | | |

| | |Identifies factors that may adversely impact on customer | | | | |

| | |service | | | | |

| | |Operates under organisation’s Customer Service Standard | | | | |

| | |Delivers a high standard of customer service to customers | | | | |

| | |Understands the features and benefits of our products and | | | | |

| | |services and explains them effectively to customers as | | | | |

| | |required | | | | |

| | |Identifies opportunities to promote company’s services and| | | | |

| | |products | | | | |

| | |Treats customers with courtesy and respect | | | | |

| | |Responds appropriately to customer feedback | | | | |

| | |Part 2 – Customer complaints | | | | |

| | |Documents customer complaint in accordance with | | | | |

| | |organisational policy | | | | |

| | |Handles customer complaints effectively | | | | |

| | |Implements actions arising from customer complaint | | | | |

| | |Passes on customer feedback to help identify ways to | | | | |

| | |improve customer service, products and services | | | | |

| | |Reports on customer feedback | | | | |

| | |Part 3 - Service improvement | | | | |

| | |Documents evidence: | | | | |

| | |identification of service gaps | | | | |

| | |actions taken to improve service | | | | |

| | |ongoing monitoring or service improvements eg through | | | | |

| | |shift reports, quarterly reviews, etc | | | | |

| | |Candidate demonstrates understanding of, and adherence to,| | | | |

| | |company service improvement processes | | | | |

|FDFCORHS3A |All |Ensures others in the work area implement safe work | | | | |

|Monitor the implementation| |practices | | | | |

|of occupational health and| |Monitors observance of safe work practices in the work | | | | |

|safety policies and | |area | | | | |

|procedures | |Implements emergency procedures to respond to a hazardous | | | | |

| | |event | | | | |

| | |Maintains and improves health and safety in the work area | | | | |

|FDFCORQFS3A |All |Ensures others in the work area are able to meet quality | | | | |

|Monitor the implementation| |and food safety requirements | | | | |

|of quality and food safety| |Monitors observance of quality standards and food safety | | | | |

|programs | |programs in the work area | | | | |

| | |Takes corrective action in response to quality and food | | | | |

| | |safety non-compliance | | | | |

| | |Maintains and improves quality and food safety in the work| | | | |

| | |area | | | | |

|FDFCORWCM2A |All |Presents information to suit workplace and audience | | | | |

|Present and apply | |requirements | | | | |

|workplace information | |Responds to information requests | | | | |

| | |Uses and maintains workplace information | | | | |

|FDFCORBM2A |All |Applies basic mathematical concepts to calculate workplace| | | | |

|Use basic mathematical | |information | | | | |

|concepts | |Applies basic mathematical concepts to estimate workplace | | | | |

| | |information | | | | |

|FDFRBDPB3A |All |Identifies causes of unacceptable product quality | | | | |

|Diagnose and respond to | |Takes corrective action according to workplace procedures | | | | |

|product and process faults| | | | | | |

|bread) | | | | | | |

|FDFZPRW1A |All |Carries out responsibilities in accordance with workplace | | | | |

|Participate effectively in| |policies and procedures | | | | |

|a workplace environment | |Identifies and locates company product and processes | | | | |


Resources for Practical Tasks

You use this section to access any resources required by the candidate to undertake the practical task/s or scenario/s. They are suggested resources only. You may wish to modify or use other resources for the assessment tasks.



To: (insert Assessor name)

(insert address for postage)


(insert candidate name)

I certify that the above named person has produced artisan bread from the culture/starter commenced on as part of the assessment requirement for the unit of competence FDFFRBAB3A Produce artisan breads.

I also certify that the attached photograph is an accurate presentation of the final product produced by the candidate.

If you would like any further information or would like to discuss any of the above, I can be contacted on

Yours sincerely


Print Name and Position


Third Party Verification

The preferred approach in gaining third party validation is to take the forms in this section to the candidate’s previous employers or referees to gain confirmation of the candidate’s skills against the required competencies. This would be done during a conversation or interview with these people.

It may be beneficial to make contact with the employers/referees early in the recognition process to make appointments, particularly if you have to travel some distance to visit them. This may be done on the same day as a practical assessment in the workplace if appropriate.

It is recommended that verification be obtained from one or two referees who can confirm the candidate’s industry skills in context over time.



To whom it may concern,

RE: skills in/as

(insert candidate name) (insert industry/job title)

I certify that the above named person has:

worked at for a period of years

regularly undertaken the following activities within the workplace since commencing employment with this organisation:

( Initial those skills/ competencies (below) that the candidate has or can successfully perform in the workplace

← participates effectively in a workplace environment and communicates well with other staff

← routinely accesses and applies workplace information in order to carry out duties

← uses basic mathematical concepts in a variety of workplace applications including calculating baking temperatures, conducting sales transactions, scaling of recipes, measuring, weighing, etc

← produces bread products from raw ingredients

← applies bread making techniques including mixing of dough, scaling, moulding, proofing and baking

← identifies production/baking process fault and responds in a timely manner to correct them and minimise wastage

← retards dough

← produces a range of artisan breads, including preparation of cultures, producing dough, baking and pricing specialty bread products

← arranges displays of bread products, prepares price tickets, restocks displays and protects products from theft and spoilage

← plans and schedules production including working up a production plan, calculating dough volumes and scheduling batches to meet customer demand

← participates in performance improvement processes that involves systematic analysis of performance to identify and propose opportunities for improvement

← leads work teams to achieve work requirements and monitors the outputs of the work team

← provides customer service, including assessing and meeting customer needs, monitoring customer satisfaction, and handling customer complaints

← provides a leadership role in supporting day-to-day implementation of occupational health and safety (OHS) policies and procedures in a work area, including identifying and removing hazards, ensuring others adopt safe work practices, and dealing with emergency situations

← implements food safety programs, ensuring that others observe food safety standards, and taking corrective action where non-compliances are apparent

If you would like any further information or would like to discuss any of the above, I can be contacted on

Yours sincerely


Print Name and Position


Assessment Tables

You use these tables as a reference tool to see at a glance which units/elements of competency are within the qualification.

Question numbers refer to those found in SECTION C of this kit.

Practical assessment/scenarios numbers refer to those found in SECTION D of this kit.

It is important to note that this section is used for validation purposes only. Any mapping should be done after questions and tasks have been selected.

|Elements |Performance Criteria |Questions |Practical Tasks |

|FDFCORHS3A Monitor the implementation of occupational health and safety policies and procedures |

|1. Ensure others in the |1.1 Hazard control and personal protective clothing and equipment appropriate to work requirements are available and functional |1, 4 |All tasks |

|work area are able to |1.2 Information on OHS policies, procedures and programs is current, accessible and communicated to others in the work area |2, 3, 4 | |

|implement safe work |1.3 Information about identified hazards and the outcomes of risk assessment and risk control procedures is accessible and communicated to others in|1, 3, 4 | |

|practices |the work area | | |

| |1.4 Health and safety hazards and control measures relating to work responsibilities can be identified by those in the work area |1, 3 | |

| |1.5 Mentoring and coaching support is available to support individuals/groups to implement work procedures to support safety |55, 56 | |

| |1.6 Training needs are identified and addressed within level of responsibility\ |2, 39 | |

|2. Monitor observance of |2.1 Work procedures in the work area are clearly defined, documented and followed |1, 3, 4, 10 |All tasks |

|safe work practices in the |2.2 Deviation from identified procedures is identified, reported and addressed within level of responsibility |3 | |

|work area |2.3 Personal behaviour is consistent with workplace policies and procedures |1, 3, 4, 10 | |

| |2.4 Safety hazards in the work area are identified and reported according to workplace procedure |1, 3, 4, 10 | |

| |2.5 OHS information is recorded to meet workplace reporting requirements |2 | |

| |2.6 Housekeeping standards in the work area are maintained |1, 3, 4 | |

|3. Implement emergency |3.1 Workplace procedures for dealing with hazardous events are promptly implemented as required |3 |All tasks |

|procedures to respond to a |3.2 Hazardous events are investigated to identify cause |3 | |

|hazardous event |3.3 Control measures to prevent recurrence and minimise risks of hazardous events are implemented |1, 3, 4 | |

|4. Maintain and improve |4.1 Potential hazards are identified, assessed, removed or and/reported within level of responsibility and according to workplace procedure |1, 3, 4 |All tasks |

|health and safety in the |4.2 Risk assessments are conducted and appropriate control measures are identified and implemented in the work area | | |

|work area |4.3 Recommendations arising from risk assessments are implemented within level of responsibility |1, 3, 4 | |

| |4.4 Inadequacies in control measures are identified and reported according to company reporting requirements |3 | |

| |4.5 The work group is consulted and advised of OHS matters relevant to work role |3 | |

| |4.6 Matters raised relating to OHS are promptly resolved or referred to the appropriate personnel |3 | |

| |4.7 Opportunities for improving OHS performance are identified and raised with relevant personnel |3 | |

| |4.8 Procedures are developed or revised to support effective control of health and safety hazards |3 | |

| |4.9 Safety information is recorded according to company reporting requirements |3 | |

| | |3 | |

|FDFCORQFS3A Monitor the implementation of quality and food safety programs |

|1. Ensure others in the |1.1 Hazard control and clothing and equipment appropriate to work requirements are available, functional and correctly fitted |1, 3, 4, 5, 14 |All tasks |

|work area are able to meet |1.2 Information on food safety/quality responsibilities and procedures is current, accessible and communicated to others in the work area |5, 6, 8, 10 | |

|quality and food safety |1.3 Information about identified hazards and the outcomes of risk assessment and risk control procedures is accessible and communicated to others in|5, 6, 8, 10 | |

|requirements |the work area | | |

| |1.4 Food safety/quality hazards and control measures used in the work area can be identified by those in the work area |5, 6, 8, 10 | |

| |1.5 Mentoring and coaching support is available to support individuals/groups to implement quality and safe food handling procedures |2, 3 | |

| |1.6 Training needs are identified and addressed within level of responsibility |2, 3, 39 | |

|2. Monitor observance of |2.1 Work procedures in the work area are clearly defined, documented and followed |6, 8, 10 |All tasks |

|quality standards and food |2.2 Deviation from identified procedures is identified, reported and addressed within level of responsibility |6, 8 | |

|safety programs in the work|2.3 Personal behaviour is consistent with workplace policies and procedures that support food safety and quality |6, 8, 10 | |

|area |2.4 Food safety and/or quality hazards are identified and reported according to workplace procedure |6, 8, 10 | |

| |2.5 Food safety and quality information is recorded to meet workplace reporting requirements |6, 8, 10 | |

| |2.6 Housekeeping standards in the work area are maintained |6, 8, 10 | |

|3. Take corrective action |3.1 Workplace procedures for responding to quality and food safety non-compliance are promptly implemented |7, 8, 10 |All tasks |

|in response to quality and |3.2 Hazardous events are investigated to identify cause |7, 8 | |

|food safety non-compliance |3.3 Control measures to prevent recurrence and minimise risks of hazardous events are implemented |7, 8 | |

|4. Maintain and improve |4.1 Processes or conditions which could result in a breach of food safety procedures or quality specifications are identified, assessed, removed or |6, 9, 10 |All tasks |

|quality and food safety in |and/reported within level of responsibility and according to workplace procedure | | |

|the work area |4.2 Risk assessments are conducted and appropriate control measures are identified and implemented in the work area |9 | |

| |4.3 Recommendations arising from risk assessments are implemented within level of responsibility |9 | |

| |4.4 Inadequacies in control measures are identified and reported according to company reporting requirements |9 | |

| |4.5 Matters raised relating to quality/food safety are promptly resolved and/or referred to appropriate personnel |9 | |

| |4.6 The work group is consulted and advised of quality/food safety matters relevant to work role |9 | |

| |4.7 Opportunities for improving food safety and quality are identified and raised with relevant personnel |9 | |

| |4.8 Procedures are developed or revised to support effective control of quality and food safety hazards |9 | |

| |4.9 Quality/food safety records are reviewed to ensure they are complete and meet the quality system, food safety program and legal requirements |9, 10 | |

|FDFCORWCM2A Present and apply workplace information |

|1. Present information to |1.1 Information requirements are identified |10, 11 |All tasks |

|suit workplace and audience|1.2 Information is collected and assessed |10, 11 | |

|requirements |1.3 Information is selected and structured in a logical way to convey meaning to others |11 | |

| |1.4 Appropriate methods are used to communicate effectively with others |11 | |

|2. Respond to information |2.1 Information requests are processed promptly and courteously |11 |All tasks |

|requests |2.2 The nature of requests is clarified |11 | |

| |2.3 Appropriate information is provided in response to requests |11 | |

| |2.4 Information is provided in a form appropriate to the enquirer |11 | |

| |2.5 Requests are referred to the appropriate personnel where they fall outside area of responsibility |11 | |

|3. Use and maintain |3.1 A range of information sources is accessed to support work requirements |10, 11 |All tasks |

|workplace information |3.2 Information is recorded in appropriate formats according to workplace reporting requirements |10, 11 | |

| |3.3 Information is analysed to meet work requirements |10, 11 | |

|FDFCORBM2A Use basic mathematical concepts |

|1. Apply basic mathematical|1.1 Calculation requirements are identified and appropriate method is selected |12, 13 |All tasks |

|concepts to calculate |1.2 Calculations are undertaken using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to support work role |12, 13 | |

|workplace information | | | |

|2. Apply basic mathematical|2.1 Estimation requirements are identified and appropriate estimation method is selected |12, 13 |All tasks |

|concepts to estimate |2.2 Estimations are made to meet work requirements |12, 13 | |

|workplace information | | | |

|FDFRBDPB3A Diagnose and respond to product and process faults bread) |

|1. Identify causes of |1.1 Unacceptable products are analysed to determine cause |18, 19 |Task 1 |

|unacceptable product |1.2 Process parameters and reactions which occur during processing are monitored |18,19 | |

|quality | | | |

|2. Take corrective action |2.1 Corrective action is taken to remove unacceptable product and prevent recurrence of the problem according to workplace procedures |10, 20 |Task 1 |

|according to workplace |2.2 Corrective action is recorded according to workplace procedures and food safety program |10, 20 | |

|procedures | | | |

|FDFRBPD2B Produce bread dough |

|1. Prepare to mix dough |1.1 Ingredients are confirmed and available to meet product requirements |14 |Task 1 |

| |1.2 Equipment is checked to confirm readiness for use |14 | |

| |1.3 Ingredients are weighed and/or measured to meet recipe requirement |14 | |

|2. Prepare a range of dough|2.1 Ingredients are loaded into the mixer to meet recipe requirements |22, 23, 24 |Task 1 |

|types |2.2 Dough mixing equipment is set and operated to meet recipe requirements |22, 23, 24 | |

| |2.3 Dough meets specifications |22, 23, 24 | |

| |2.4 Unacceptable dough is identified, rectified and/or reported |18, 19, 20, 21 | |

|3 Clean equipment |3.1 Equipment is cleaned to meet production and hygiene requirements |10, 17 |Task 1 |

| |3.2 Waste is disposed of according to workplace procedure |10, 17 | |

| |3.3 Housekeeping standards are maintained in the workplace |6, 10, 17 | |

|FDFRBSM2B Scale and mould dough for intermediate proof10,20 |

|1. Scale and mould dough |1.1 Dough is scaled to meet production requirements |25, 26, 27, 28 |Task 1 |

| |1.2 Scaled dough meets weight requirements |25, 26, 27, 28 | |

| |1.3 Dough is moulded to provide initial shape |25, 26, 27, 28 | |

| |1.4 Unacceptable scaled and moulded dough is identified, removed or rectified and/or reported |18, 19, 20, 21 | |

|2. Clean equipment |2.1 Equipment is cleaned to meet production and hygiene requirements |10, 17 |Task 1 |

| |2.2 Waste is disposed of according to workplace procedure |10, 17 | |

|FDFRBFM2B Conduct final mould and final proof |

|1. Mould dough and divide |1.1 Dough is moulded to final shape |29, 30, 31, 32 |Task 1 |

|to meet product |1.2 Dough is placed in tins or on baking surfaces as required |29, 30, 31, 32 | |

|requirements |1.3 Dough meets specifications |29, 30, 31, 32 | |

| |1.4 Unacceptable final proofed dough is identified, removed or rectified and/or reported |18, 19, 20, 21 | |

|2. Clean equipment |2.1 Equipment is cleaned to meet production and hygiene requirements |10, 17 |Task 1 |

| |2.2 Waste is disposed of according to workplace procedure |10, 17 | |

| |2.3 Baked product meets food safety and quality requirements |6, 16 | |

| |2.4 Housekeeping standards are maintained in the workplace |6, 10, 17 | |

|FDFRBBB2B Bake bread |

|1. Prepare to bake dough |1.1 Baking parameters are selected as required to meet safety and baking requirements |33, 34, 35 |Task 1 |

| |1.2 Dough pieces are loaded into the oven |33, 34, 35 | |

| |1.3 Ingredients are confirmed and available to meet finishing requirements |14 | |

|2. Bake bread |2.1 Ovens are operated to meet required output |33, 35 |Task 1 |

| |2.2 Baked product meets food safety and quality requirements |6, 16 | |

| |2.3 Unacceptable baked product is identified, rectified and/or reported |18, 19, 20, 21 | |

| |2.4 Housekeeping standards are maintained in the workplace |6, 10, 17 | |

|FDFZPRW1A Participate effectively in a workplace environment |

|1. Carry out |1.1 Information on conditions of employment, company policies and procedures is identified |10, 36, 37, 38 |All tasks |

|responsibilities in |1.2 Policies and procedures are applied when carrying out work role |10, 38 | |

|accordance with workplace | | | |

|policies and procedures | | | |

|2. Identify and locate |2.1 Company product range is identified |10 |All tasks |

|company product and |2.2 Production/packaging stages and processes carried out on site are identified and located |15 | |

|processes | | | |

|FDFRBRD2B Retard dough |

|1. Prepare to retard dough |1.1 Dough retardation requirements are identified |15, 40, 41, 42 |Task 1, 2 |

| |1.2 Equipment is set to meet retardation parameters |14 | |

|2. Retard and recover dough|2.1 Dough is retarded to meet specification |40, 41, 42 |Task 1, 2 |

| |2.2 Equipment is set to meet dough recovery parameters |14 | |

| |2.3 Retarded and recovered doughs meet specification |40, 41, 42 | |

| |2.4 Unacceptable dough is identified, rectified and/or reported |18, 19, 20, 21 | |

| |2.5 Housekeeping standards are maintained in the workplace |6, 17 | |

|WRRM1B Merchandise products |

|1. Place and arrange |1.1 Merchandise unpacked in accordance with store procedures. |45 |Task 6 |

|merchandise |1.2 Merchandise placed on floor, fixtures and shelves in determined locations. |44 | |

| |1.3 Merchandise displayed to achieve a balanced fully stocked appearance and promote sales. |44, 46 | |

| |1.4 Damaged, soiled or out of date stock identified and corrective action taken as required according to store procedure. |45 | |

| |1.5 Stock range placed to conform with fixtures, ticketing, prices or bar codes. |43, 44, 45 | |

| |1.6 Stock rotated according to stock requirements and store procedure. |45 | |

| |1.7 Stock presentation conforms to special handling techniques and other safety requirements. |6, 10 | |

|2. Prepare display |2.1 Labels/tickets for window, wall or floor displays prepared according to store policy. |10, 43 |Task 6 |

|labels/tickets |2.2 Tickets prepared using electronic equipment or neatly by hand according to store procedures. |10, 43 | |

| |2.3 Soiled, damaged, illegible or incorrect labels/tickets identified and corrective action taken. |43 | |

| |2.4 Electronic ticketing equipment used and maintained according to design specifications. |10, 43 | |

| |2.5 Ticketing equipment maintained and stored in a secure location. |43 | |

|3. Place, arrange and |3.1 Tickets/labels are visible and correctly placed on merchandise. |43 |Task 6 |

|display price tickets and |3.2 Labels/tickets replaced according to store policy. |10, 43 | |

|labels |3.3 Correct pricing and information maintained on merchandise according to store procedures, industry codes of practice and legislative |10, 43 | |

| |requirements. | | |

|4. Maintain displays |4.1 Special promotion areas reset and dismantled. |44 |Task 6 |

| |4.2 Supervisor assisted in selection of merchandise for display. |45 | |

| |4.3 Merchandise arranged/faced up as directed and/or according to layout specifications and load bearing capacity of fixtures. |45 | |

| |4.4 Unsuitable or out of date displays identified, reset and/or removed as directed. |45, 46 | |

| |4.5 Optimum stock levels identified and stock replenished according to store policy. |10, 45, 46 | |

| |4.6 Display areas maintained in a clean and tidy manner. |45 | |

| |4.7 Excess packaging removed from display areas. |45 | |

|5. Protect merchandise |5.1 Correct handling, storage and display techniques identified and used according to stock characteristics and legislative requirements. |10 |Task 6 |

|FDFRBAB3A Produce artisan breads |

|1. Plan and sequence |1.1 Recipe is selected to meet product/customer requirements |10, 14 |Task 2 |

|preparation of artisan |1.2 Preparation and production stages are planned |14, 15 | |

|breads | | | |

|2. Produce bread doughs for|2.1 Ingredients are selected to suit recipe specifications |14, 48 |Task 2 |

|a range of artisan breads |2.2 Dough is prepared meet product requirements |14, 15, 49 | |

|3. Prepare and bake a range|3.1 Dough is prepared for baking according to product requirements |48, 48, 49 |Task 2 |

|of artisan breads |3.2 Product is baked to meet quality requirements |6, 16 | |

| |3.3 Final product is presented to meet food safety and customer requirements |6, 16 | |

|4. Cost and price final |4.1 Product ingredients are costed |50 |Task 2 |

|product |4.2 Production costs are estimated |50 | |

| |4.3 Product is priced within business pricing policy |50 | |

| |4.4 Actual costs are measured against estimated costs |50 | |

|FDFRBSP3B Plan and schedule production |

|1. Establish production |1.1 Identify sales history information |51 |Task 3 |

|requirements |1.2 Identify any special conditions that may affect production requirements |51 | |

| |1.3 Estimate production requirements |51 | |

|2. Schedule production to |2.1 Calculate dough/batter types and volumes |52 |Task 3 |

|meet requirements |2.2 Schedule batches to meet customer requirements and equipment capacity |52 | |

| |2.3 Communicate production schedule as required according to workplace practice |52 | |

| |2.4 Product is available to customer demand in the required quantities, at the required quality and at the required time |52, 53 | |

|FDFOPTPIP3A Participate in improvement processes |

|1. Identify opportunities |1.1 Barriers to good practice or optimal performance are identified |54 |Task 4 |

|for improvement |1.2 Scope of issue or problem to be addressed is clearly defined |54 | |

|2. Identify information |2.1 Data required to investigate improvement opportunity is identified |54 |Task 4 |

|requirements |2.2 Appropriate data collection methods are selected |54 | |

| |2.3 Additional resources available to support investigation are identified |54 | |

|3. Analyse the issue or |3.1 Techniques required to investigate nature of issue or problem are selected and applied |54 |Task 4 |

|problem |3.2 A detailed description of the issue or problem is developed |54 | |

| |3.3 Possible causes are identified and tested |54 | |

| |3.4 Options for improvement are identified and assessed |54 | |

|4. Recommend options for |4.1 Preferred options are identified and described |54 |Task 4 |

|improvement |4.2 Recommendations are presented in formats appropriate to the issue and the audience |54 | |

| |4.3 Recommendations are consistent with data collected and analysed |54 | |

|5. Participate in |5.1 Improvement trials are supported |54 |Task 4 |

|implementing improvement |5.2 Improvement proposals are evaluated and refined |54 | |

|proposals |5.3 Operating procedures are updated and communicated to reflect implementation of improved practices |54 | |

| |5.4 Improvement in performance is monitored |54 | |

|FDFOPTTG3A Lead work teams and groups |

|1. Negotiate and |1.1 Team goals, tasks and responsibilities are communicated and agreed with team members |56 |Task 5 |

|communicate team objectives|1.2 Team performance standards and measures are communicated and agreed with team members |56 | |

|2. Plan the work activity |2.1 Individual roles and responsibilities of team members are assigned in consultation |56, 57, 58 |Task 5 |

| |2.2 Work roles are allocated to take account of team goal and the skills and expertise of each team member |56, 58 | |

| |2.3 Resources required to achieve work outcomes are identified and secured |56 | |

| |2.4 Development needs of team members are identified and addressed |55, 56, 57 | |

|3. Manage team work to |3.1 Work progress is monitored against timelines and performance measures |57 |Task 5 |

|achieve required outcomes |3.2 Team members are kept informed of progress towards achieving team performance indicators |56 | |

| |3.3 Potential barriers to achieving team goals are identified and corrective action taken |59 | |

| |3.4 Team performance variances are identified, investigated and reported according to workplace reporting requirements |56, 57 | |

| |3.5 Team members are encouraged to actively contribute to team growth and development |56, 57 | |

| |3.6 Workplace information systems and procedures are followed to record and report on team performance |10 | |

|BSBCMN310A Deliver and monitor a service to customers |

|1. Identify customers' |1.1 Customers' needs and expectations are clarified and accurately identified using appropriate interpersonal skills |60, 61 |Task 7 |

|needs |1.2 Customers' needs are assessed for urgency to determine priorities for service delivery in accordance with organisational requirements |61 | |

| |1.3 Customers are provided with information about available choices for meeting their needs and assisted in the selection of preferred options | | |

| |1.4 Limitations in addressing customers' needs are identified and appropriate assistance is sought from designated individuals |61 | |

| | | | |

| | |61 | |

|2. Deliver a service to |2.1 Service is provided promptly to customers to meet identified needs in accordance with organisational requirements |61 |Task 7 |

|customers |2.2 Appropriate rapport is established and maintained with customers to ensure completion of the delivery of a quality service. |61 | |

| |2.3 Customers' complaints are handled sensitively and courteously in accordance with organisational requirements |61, 62 | |

| |2.4 Customers with special needs or assistance are responded to in accordance with organisational requirements |61 | |

| |2.5 Available opportunities are identified and used to promote and enhance services and products to customers |61, 63 | |

|3. Monitor and report on |3.1 Customer satisfaction with service delivery is regularly reviewed using verifiable evidence in accordance with organisational requirements |60, 63 |Task 7 |

|service delivery |3.2 Opportunities to enhance the quality of service and products are identified and pursued within organisational requirements | | |

| |3.3 Procedural aspects of service delivery are monitored for effectiveness and suitability to customer requirements |60, 63 | |

| |3.4 Customer feedback is regularly sought and used to improve the provision of products and services |60, 63 | |

| |3.5 Decisions to modify products or services incorporate evidence of customer satisfaction and are within organisational requirements |60, 63 | |

| |3.6 Reports are clear, detailed and contain recommendations focused on critical aspects of service delivery |60, 63 | |

| | |63 | |


gap training (only IF REQUIRED)


Practical Assessment




Step 1:

Analyse the application.

Identify links between any documents applicant provides and competency units.

Identify any key questions for competency conversation.

Step 5:

Identify any practical activities required to confirm competency

Observe practical activity

Step 7:

Identify areas where 3rd party verification is needed and inform candidate.

Confirm / Verify 3rd party reports

Step 3:

Conduct competency conversation

Step 2:

Record results of analysis in table at end of application

Step 4:

Complete the Record of Conversation sheets during the competency conversation

Step 6:

Complete Practical Assessment Tasks Observation Sheets

Step 8:

Receive completed Third party reports

* Remember RPL assessment is an accumulative process of collecting evidence.

Complete assessment sign off & file documentation.

Issue qualification / advise of gap training as appropriate

Assessment Activity

Record keeping Activity


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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