Future - Bentley

AutoPLANT P&ID to OpenPlant PowerPID Conversion LimitationsContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Future PAGEREF _Toc317678819 \h 1Tag Formats PAGEREF _Toc317678820 \h 2Text Style PAGEREF _Toc317678821 \h 2DWG Text Style PAGEREF _Toc317678822 \h 2DGN Text Style PAGEREF _Toc317678823 \h 2Instrument bubble and bubble breaks PAGEREF _Toc317678824 \h 3APPID Bubble Break PAGEREF _Toc317678825 \h 4APPID Instrument bubble extra lines. The extra lines on Instrument bubbles will not be converted. PAGEREF _Toc317678826 \h 4Components that have extents that is larger than the pipe run line break. PAGEREF _Toc317678827 \h 5Do Not Convert block list PAGEREF _Toc317678828 \h 6Specialty Item and Tie-in PAGEREF _Toc317678829 \h 7Instrument Lines PAGEREF _Toc317678830 \h 8Design History PAGEREF _Toc317678831 \h 8Control Valve Actuator List. PAGEREF _Toc317678832 \h 8Embedded block attributes PAGEREF _Toc317678833 \h 8Steam Trap PAGEREF _Toc317678834 \h 9Nozzles PAGEREF _Toc317678835 \h 9Angle valves PAGEREF _Toc317678836 \h 9Pipeline Tag Format PAGEREF _Toc317678837 \h 10FutureList of limitations currently in the AutoPLANT P&ID to SS5 OpenPlant PowerPID conversion. These limitations will be addressed in future releases and priority builds. Some of these limitations are created by Power Platform and some by AutoPLANT P&ID.Tag FormatsThe APPID tag formatting may have to be changed to match OPPID tag format (calculated expression).This especially true for Pipelines: the format for OPPID contains 4 fields as APPID contains only 1 field.APPID stores the Alpha and numeric values in the PROCESS.PNUM field. Be careful doing a DB->DGN as these values could be updated and parsed correctly. Text Style RealDWG does not support text justification in a text style, does support a text justification defined in a PIDProjectTemplates.dgnlib. OPPID relies on the justification to be defined in a text style. The APPID conversion requires the use of OPPID Text Styles. The mapping allows for different text styles to be set on individual classes. Currently there is an overall text style set on the "APPID_CLASSES" class.DWG Text StyleDGN Text StyleInstrument bubble and bubble breaksOPPID uses text background to sit on top graphics; this allows the text to “break” the instrument bubble. This is accomplished by the text overlay. The DGN format supports this, DGN (ReadDWG) does not. APPID Bubble BreakOPPID Dwg Lack of Bubble BreakAPPID Instrument bubble extra lines. The extra lines on Instrument bubbles will not be converted.The Extra lines are not converted. These lines are drawn in APPID but have not indentifying xdata. In the conversion they are not deleted and left as unintelligent ponents that have extents that is larger than the pipe run line break.These types of components will be converted but will not break the line. Future enhancements may add connection points. The component below illustrates this. <ECClass typeName="YSTRVA" description="This components will not break the pipe run correctly becuase the extents are larger than the break. Possible in future need to add connection points. So the IS_INRUN is turned off." displayLabel="Y Strainer with valve" isDomainClass="True"> <BaseClass>INRUN_FITTINGS</BaseClass> <ECCustomAttributes> <CLASS_MAPPING_ATTRIBUTE xmlns="AutoPLANT_PID_Conversion.01.01"> <TARGET_CLASSNAME>Y_STRAINER</TARGET_CLASSNAME> <PROPERTY_MAPPING_CLASSNAME>VALVE_MAPPING</PROPERTY_MAPPING_CLASSNAME> <IS_INRUN>False</IS_INRUN> </CLASS_MAPPING_ATTRIBUTE> </ECCustomAttributes> </ECClass>Do Not Convert block listThis list is used to identify block parts to not convert. This causes the break to be larger than the inrun component. Currently this list does not contain any components. <ECClass typeName="DO_NOT_CONVERT_BLOCK_NAMES" description="These are the block names that will not be converted, but left in their native state. This includes actuator blocks on control valves. These block are greater than the extents of the inrun break. This causes the line break to be greater than the inrun size." displayLabel="Block name to not convert" isDomainClass="True"> <BaseClass>SUPPORT_LISTS</BaseClass> <ECCustomAttributes> <String_Collection xmlns="AutoPLANT_PID_Conversion.01.01"> <Strings> <string>SampleNameForDoNotConvert</string> </Strings> </String_Collection> </ECCustomAttributes> </ECClass>Specialty Item and Tie-inThese components use a parametric bubble to draw. But in APPID, the leader line is not defined in the xdata. Instruments (AT_INST) and bubble annotation for control valves have this variable defined correctly. The xdata for the leader line is stored in the -17004 field: ("AT_" (1070 . -17004) (1005 . "420")). AT_SPEC_ITEM and AT_TIEN do not have this xdata. There is no way to tell what the leader line is for AT_SPEC_ITEM and AT_TIEN.After conversion the leader line can be turned on .Instrument LinesAPPID Instrument lines have no intelligence. There is no xdata associated with instruments, for the SS5 release they will remain native MS line elements. Design HistoryNative MicroStation does not support design history in DWG mode. The drawing can be “Saved As” DGN to get design history functionality.Control Valve Actuator List.Some actuators cause the pipe run break to be to too large. This is due to the fact that the overall extents are greater than the valve body. This list contains a list of actuators that will be created but separate from the control valve body.List of actuator blocks DIFF-12 D-SPR-3 D-POS-4 C-POS-12 BACK-13 FRWD-10Embedded block attributesThese blocks have Text attributes embedded in them. The attribute block text in these will not be converted. <ECClass typeName="IGNORE_EMBEDDED_ATTRIBUTE_BLOCK_NAMES_LIST" description="These block names have embedded attributes that will be ignored. This is the case for actuators with attributes. " displayLabel="Ignore block names with embedded attributes" isDomainClass="True"> <BaseClass>SUPPORT_LISTS</BaseClass> <ECCustomAttributes> <String_Collection xmlns="AutoPLANT_PID_Conversion.01.01"> <Strings> <string>M-ROT-6</string> <string>SOL-17</string> <string>E-H-15</string> </Strings> </String_Collection> </ECCustomAttributes> </ECClass>Steam TrapThe APPID Steam Trap is defined as a valve. In the OPPID Steam Trap is defined as a Piping Component. Piping Components do not have a DB mapping. In APPID, a Steam Trap has database values in the RUN_CONN table. This causes issues with the DB->DGN sync. The conversion mapping defines a Steam Trap as a generic “INLINE_VALVE”. <ECClass typeName="AP_32600" displayLabel="Steam Trap" description="There is a direct OPPID class for a steam trap: STEAM_TRAP, but this class is defined as a piping component. The APPID component is defined as a valve and has records in the RUN_CONN table. The current OPPID STEAM_TRAP cannot be synced to the database without creating DB mappings." isDomainClass="True"> <BaseClass>AT_HVALVE</BaseClass> <ECCustomAttributes> <CLASS_MAPPING_ATTRIBUTE xmlns="AutoPLANT_PID_Conversion.01.01"> <TARGET_CLASSNAME>INLINE_VALVE</TARGET_CLASSNAME> <PROPERTY_MAPPING_CLASSNAME>VALVE_MAPPING</PROPERTY_MAPPING_CLASSNAME> <IS_INRUN>True</IS_INRUN> </CLASS_MAPPING_ATTRIBUTE> </ECCustomAttributes> </ECClass> NozzlesIn the current mapping all nozzles will be replaced with the OPPID class graphics. This is done for manipulation purposes. Angle valvesIn the current mapping all angle valves will be replaced with the OPPID class graphics. This custom attribute is defined on the “BASE_ANGLE_VALVE” class. Angle valves require connection points to have valid placement and manipulation. <Replace_Graphics xmlns="AutoPLANT_PID_Conversion.01.01"> <Replace_Existing_Graphics>True</Replace_Existing_Graphics> </Replace_Graphics>The cell graphics can be modified to match by updating the Valves.cel library. This would be done by locating the conversion class in the mapping<TARGET_CLASSNAME>ANGLE_VALVE</TARGET_CLASSNAME>Locate that class in the supplemental and modify the CellName<ECClass typeName="ANGLE_VALVE" isDomainClass="True"> <SCHEMATICS_CAD_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES xmlns="schematics.01.01"> <ElementTemplate>Piping\Hand_Valves</ElementTemplate> <CellName>BVALVE_ANGLE_OPEN</CellName> <CellLibrary>Valves.cel</CellLibrary> </SCHEMATICS_CAD_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES>Pipeline Tag FormatThe APPID and OPPID tag formats are different in the default base packages. The APPID tag format is only one field: NUMBER (PID-P1, PID-P2)The OPPID tag format is four fields: UNIT-SERVICE-NUMBER-SPEC: (U-S-0001-A1A)One of the tag formats need to be changed to conform to the other. Not doing so will cause sync issues with tag number. ................

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