Golang json newencoder


Golang json newencoder

You can't run that action right now. You logged in with another card or window. Reload to update your session. You signed in another card or window. Reload to update your session. Welcome to just go! This is the first in a series of articles on the GO programming language in which it will cover some of the most commonly (and heavily) used Go Standard Library Packages E.G. Coding / JSON, I, NET / HTTP, Sync, etc. I intend to maintain these data relatively short and executive. The code for it is available in this repoi github would be more than happy to take suggestions on specific topics you would like to cover! Feel free of tweets or simply release a comment ? ~ ?'This article covers the encoding / json package that manages conversion between JSON and Go Types (as per RFC 7159). Let's go into it! Converting a GO type in the common JSona option is to use the Marshal function whose signature is: here is an example: you can use Marshalindent (commented) to indent the JSON OutputCenderWhile Marshal Deals in Byte Arrays ([] byte), an encoder It's generic and allows you to work with an io.Writer that you can define to be the sink for JSON IE data you can specify any type that implements the I.Writer interface, for example this could be standard (OS .Stdout) or an HTTP response (http.responswriter), etc. Use Newencoder to specify I.Writer. When you call coding, the conversion takes place and the JSON is writer to I.Writer you specified. This is an example of how it would work with an HTTP response: convert JSON data to a JSON GOSKEGIVEN in the form of a byte array, ImmaShal Storess The JSON Parasing is a pointer of the specified Go data type (generally a structure) Here is a simple example: DecoderDecoder provides a generic way of a generic way of JSON data allowing you to specify the JSON input source in the form of an io.Reader as opposed to byte array. Let's start by creating an io.Reader from JSON string data using a shortcut strings.Newreader. We can therefore instantize the decoder using NewDecederend simply use to decode with a pointer to the profileStrock to which the result is stored, all for this blog! Stay tuned forever and don't forget to like and follow ? ~ ?'? ? ? '?' JSON package implements JSON encoding and decoding as defined in RFC 7159. Mapping between JSON and GO values It is described in the documentation for the functions of Marshal and Unmarshal. See "JSON and GO" for an introduction to this package: Main import package ("encoding / json" "FMT" "Log" "Strings") Animal type INT COST (animal notes = IOTA GOPHER ZEBRA) FUNC (A * Animal) Unmarshaljson (B [] byte) error {string sr string if incorrect: = json.unmashal (b and s); Err! = Nil {return rr} strings strings.tolower (s) {default: * a = unknown case "gopher": * a = gopher case "zebra": * a = zebra} return nil} func (one animal) marshaljson () ([] Byte, error) {string switch string a {default: s = "unknown" case gopher: s = "gopher" zebra case: s = "zebra"} returns json.marshal (s)} func main () { Blob: = `[" gopher "," armadillo "," zebra "," unknown "," gopher "," bee "," gopher "," zebra "]" var zoo [] animal if wrong: = json.unmarshal ([] Byte (Blob) and Zoo); ERR! = NIL {Log.Fatal (ERR)} Census: = Make (map [animal] int) for _, animal: = range zoo {census [animal] + = 1 } fmt.printf ("zoo census: * gophers:% d * zebre:% d * unknown:% d", census [gopher], census [zebra], census [unknown])} Exit: Zoo Census: * Gophers: 3 * Zebras: 2 * Unknown: 3 Main package Import ("encoding / JSON" "FMT" "Log" "Strings") Type Dimensions INT CONST (Size not = IOTA SMALL LARGE) FUNC (S * Size * Size) Unmarshaltext (text [] byte) error {switch strings.tooler (string (text)) {Default: * s = case not recognized "small": * s = small case "big": * s = big} return nil} func (size s size) marshaltext () ([] byte, error) {var string switch s {default: name = "" not recognized "small case: name =" Small "big case: name =" big "} return [] byte (name), nil} func func {Blob: = `[" small "," regular "," big "," not recognized "," small "," normal "," small "," big "]` inventory var [] dimensions if err: = json . Unmarshal ([] byte (blob), and inventory); err = nil {log.fatal (err)} counts :! = Make (Size] int) for _, dimensions: = gamma inventory {count [size] + = 1} fmt.printf ("inventory counts: * small:% d * large:% d * not recognized:% d ", count [small], count [Large], count [not recognized])} Exit: Inventory accounts: * Small: 3 * Large: 2 * Not recognized: 3 Func Compact (DST * bytes.buffer, SRC [] byte ) FUNZ HTMLescape error (DST * bytes.buffer, SRC [] byte) FUNC Return (DST * bytes.buffer, SRC [] byte, prefix, indent string) FUNC MARSHAL error (V interface {}) ([] byte, error ) FUNC MARSHALINENT (V interface {}, prefix, string indent) ([] byte, error) FUNC UNMARSHAL (data [] byte, V interface {}) FUNZ error (valid data [] byte) BOOL Type decoder FUNC NewDecoder (R I.Reader) * Type Decoder Delim Func (D Delim) String () Type String Encoder Func NewENcoder (W I.Writer) * Encoder Type Invalid OutF8ErrordepRecated FUNC (E * INVALIDF8ERROR) Error () Type String INVALIDUNMARSHALERROR FUNC (E * INVALIDUNMARSHALERRROR) Error () Type String Marshaler Type MarshalerRror Type Number Rawmessage Type Syntaxerror Func (E * Syntaxerror) Error () Type String Toy Type Func UnmarshalfielderRordeped (and * Unmarshalfielderror) Error () Type String UnmarshaltyPeerror Func (E * UnmarshaltypeError) Error () Type string type Unmarshaler unsupportedtypeerror func (and * unsupportedtypeerror) error () string type unsupportedvalueerror func (e * unsupportedvalueerror) error () string This section is empty. This section is empty. FUNC COMPACT (DST * bytes.buffer, SRC [] byte) COMPACT error adds to the DST the SRC JSON-coded with insignificant elise space characters. func htmlescape (dst * bytes.buffer, src [] byte) htmlescape tag to dst json-coded src with , &, u + 2028 and u + 2029 characters inside strings changed in u003c, u003e, u0026, u2028, u2029 so that the json will be sure to incorporate inside html tag . For historical reasons, web browsers do not honor standard HTML in escape within the tags, then an alternative JSON encoding must be used. Import Main Package ("Byte" "Encoding / Json" "OS") Func Main () {VAR out bytes.buffer JSON.htmlescape (& out, [] byte (`{" name ":" HTML contents < / b> "}`)) out.writeto (os.stdout)} output: {"name": "u003cb u003eheTml contents u003c / b 003e"} func Return (DST * bytes.buffer, SRC [] Byte, prefix, indent string) Error Return to the DST a jagged form of the SRC JSON-coded. Each element in a JSON object or matrix begins a new jagged line begins with prefix followed by one or more copies of return according to indenting nesting. The DST attached data does not start with the prefix n? ? indentation, to make it easier to incorporate into other formatted JSON data. Although the characters initial space (space, tab, trolley return, new row) at the beginning of SRCs are deleted, Finals space characters in order to SRC are stored and copied DST. For example, if SRC has no final space, n? DST; If you extremity SRC in a new one, so it will be DST. Import Main Package ("Byte" "ENCODING / JSON" "Log" "OS") Main func) {Struct type road {Name Number String int} Roads (: = [] Road {{"Diamond Fork", 29}, { "Sheep Creek", 51},} B, Err :! = JSON.MARSHAL (roads) SE ERR = NIL {Log.Fatal (ERR)} VAR Out bytes.buffer JSON.Indent (& OUT, B, "=" , "T") OUT.WRITETO (OS.STDOUT)} Output: [= {= "Name": "Diamond Fork", = "Number": 29 =}, {= = "Name": "Sheep Creek" , = "Number": 51 =} =] FUNC MARSHAL (V interface {}) ([] byte, error) MARSHAL Returns JSON coding V Marshal crosses the value V If a value of encountered implements the Marshaler interface and is not a null pointer, Marshal calls the method to produce Marshaljson JSON. If no Marshaljson method is present but the Encoding.textMarshaler tool value instead, Marshal calls the Marshaltext method and encodes the result as JSON JSON The exception of the NIL pointer is not strictly necessary but imitates a similar and necessary exception in the behavior of Unmarshaljson. Otherwise, Marshal uses the following default codes dependent on the type: Boolean values codify as JSON Booleans. Floating point, integer and numeric values codify as JSON numbers. The string values codes as json strings coercion on UTF-8 valid, replacement of invalid bytes with the Unicode replacement run. So that the json will be sure to incorporate html tags , the string is encoded using htmlecape, which replaces "", "&", u + 2028, and u + 2029 have escaped a " 2099 u003c "," u003e "," u0026 "," u2028 ", and" u2029 ". This replacement can be disabled when using an encoder, calling the setescapehtml (false). The array values and slices codes as JSON arrays, except [] byte encoding as a base-coded string64 and a nil slice encodes as the Null JSON value. The structure values codify as JSON objects. Each exported structure field becomes a member of the object, using the name of the field as an object key, unless the field is omitted for one of the reasons indicated below. The coding of each Struct field can be customized by the format string stored under the "JSON" key in the tag of the Struct field. The format string provides the name of the field, possibly followed by a list of options separated by commas. The name may be empty to specify the options without overwriting the default field name. The "Omitempty" option specifies that the field should be omitted from encoding if the field has an empty value, defined as fake, 0, a NIL pointer, a NIL interface value and any empty array, slice, map or string. As a special case, if the field tag is "-", the field is always omitted. Note that a field with name "-" can still be generated using the tag "-". Examples of Struct field tags and their meanings: // Field appears in JSON as Key "MyName". Field Int `JSON:" MyName "` // field appears in JSON as a "MyName" key and // The field is omitted from the object if its value is empty, // as defined above. Field Int `JSON:" MyName, OmeItempty "` // field appears in JSON as a "field" key (the default value), but // The field is blown if empty. // Note the main paragraph. Field Int `JSON:", OmeItempty "` // Field is ignored by this package. Field Int `JSON:" - "The // field appears in JSON as a key" - ". Field Int `JSON:" - "," "The" String "option indicates that a field is stored as JSON inside a string coded by JSON. It only applies to string fields, floating point, integer or Boolean types. This additional coding level is sometimes used during communication with JavaScript programs: INT64STRING INT64 `JSON:", string "The name of the key will be used if it is a non-empty string composed of only letters, figures and ASCII punctuation except the Marks, backslash and paragraph quotation. The anonymous structure fields are usually marshaled as if their exported interiors were fields in the external structure, subject to normal visibility rules modified as described in the next paragraph. An anonymous structures with a name reported in his JSON tag is considered as a name, rather than being anonymous. An anonymous structures field of the type of interface is considered the same as having that kind as a name, rather than being anonymous. The rules of visibility go for the structure fields are modified for JSON when they decide the field in Marshal or Unmarshal. If there are more fields at the same level, and that level is the minimum nested (and therefore would be the nesting level selected by the usual GO rules), the following extra rules apply: 1) of these fields, if there are Marked, only the tagged fields are considered, even if there are more fields without tags that they could otherwise the ?

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