
Arithmetic Operators + - * / \ ^ 'Matrix and array arithmeticRelational Operators < > <= >= == ~=Relational operationsLogical Operators: Elementwise & | ~Elementwise logical operations on arraysLogical Operators: Short-circuit && ||Logical operations, with short-circuiting capabilitySpecial Characters [ ] ( ) {} = ' . ... , ; : % ! @Special characterscolon (:)Create vectors, array subscripting, and?for-loop iterators???????? HYPERLINK "" absAbsolute value and complex magnitudeaccumarrayConstruct array with accumulationacosInverse cosine; result in radiansacosdInverse cosine; result in degreesacoshInverse hyperbolic cosineacotInverse cotangent; result in radiansacotdInverse cotangent; result in degreesacothInverse hyperbolic cotangentacscInverse cosecant; result in radiansacscdInverse cosecant; result in degreesacschInverse hyperbolic cosecantactxcontrolCreate?Microsoft ActiveX?control in figure windowactxcontrollistList currently installed?Microsoft ActiveX?controlsactxcontrolselectCreate?Microsoft ActiveX?control from GUIactxGetRunningServerHandle to running instance of Automation serveractxserverCreate COM serveraddCause (MException)Record additional causes of exceptionaddeventAdd event to?timeseries?objectaddframe (avifile)Add frame to Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) fileaddlistener (handle)Create event listeneraddOptional????inputParser methodAdd optional argument to Input Parser schemeaddParamValue????inputParser methodAdd parameter name and value argument to Input Parser schemeaddpathAdd folders to search pathaddprefAdd preferenceaddprop (dynamicprops)Add dynamic propertyaddpropertyAdd custom property to COM objectaddRequired????inputParser methodAdd required argument to Input Parser schemeaddsample????timeseries methodAdd data sample to?timeseries?objectaddsampletocollectionAdd sample to?tscollection?objectaddtodateModify date number by fieldaddtsAdd?timeseries?object to?tscollection?objectairyAiry functionsalignAlign user interface controls (uicontrols) and axesalimSet or query axes alpha limitsallDetermine whether all array elements are nonzero or?trueallchildFind all children of specified objectsalphaSet transparency properties for objects in current axesalphamapSpecify figure alphamap (transparency)amdApproximate minimum degree permutationancestorAncestor of graphics objectandFind logical AND of array or scalar inputsanglePhase angleannotationCreate annotation objectsAnnotation Arrow PropertiesDefine annotation arrow propertiesAnnotation Doublearrow PropertiesDefine annotation doublearrow propertiesAnnotation Ellipse PropertiesDefine annotation ellipse propertiesAnnotation Line PropertiesDefine annotation line propertiesAnnotation Rectangle PropertiesDefine annotation rectangle propertiesAnnotation Textarrow PropertiesDefine annotation textarrow propertiesAnnotation Textbox PropertiesDefine annotation textbox propertiesansMost recent answeranyDetermine whether any array elements are nonzeroappend????timeseries methodConcatenate time series objects in time dimensionareaFilled area 2-D plotAreaseries PropertiesDefine areaseries propertiesarrayfunApply function to each element of arrayascii????FTP methodSet FTP transfer type to ASCIIasecInverse secant; result in radiansasecdInverse secant; result in degreesasechInverse hyperbolic secantasinInverse sine; result in radiansasindInverse sine; result in degreesasinhInverse hyperbolic sineassertGenerate error when condition is violatedassigninAssign value to variable in specified workspaceatanInverse tangent; result in radiansatan2Four-quadrant inverse tangentatandInverse tangent; result in degreesatanhInverse hyperbolic tangentaudiodevinfoInformation about audio deviceaudioplayerCreate object for playing audioaudiorecorderCreate object for recording audioaufinfoInformation about NeXT/SUN (.au) sound fileaureadRead NeXT/SUN (.au) sound fileauwriteWrite NeXT/SUN (.au) sound fileavifileCreate new Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) fileaviinfoInformation about Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) fileavireadRead Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) fileaxesCreate axes graphics objectAxes PropertiesModify axes propertiesaxisAxis scaling and appearance HYPERLINK "" balanceDiagonal scaling to improve eigenvalue accuracybarPlot bar graphbar3Plot 3-D bar graphbar3hPlot horizontal 3-D bar graphbarhPlot bar graph horizontallyBarseries PropertiesDefine barseries propertiesbaryToCart????TriRep methodConvert point coordinates from barycentric to Cartesianbase2decConvert base N number string to decimal numberbeepProduce beep soundBeginInvokeInitiate asynchronous .NET delegate callbenchMATLAB benchmarkbesselhBessel function of third kind (Hankel function)besseliModified Bessel function of first kindbesseljBessel function of first kindbesselkModified Bessel function of second kindbesselyBessel function of second kindbetaBeta functionbetaincIncomplete beta functionbetaincinvBeta inverse cumulative distribution functionbetalnLogarithm of beta functionbicgBiconjugate gradients methodbicgstabBiconjugate gradients stabilized methodbicgstablBiconjugate gradients stabilized (l) methodbin2decConvert binary number string to decimal numberbinary????FTP methodSet FTP transfer type to binarybitandBit-wise ANDbitcmpBitwise complementbitgetBit at specified positionbitmaxMaximum double-precision floating-point integerbitnotBit-wise NOTbitorBit-wise ORbitsetSet bit at specified positionbitshiftShift bits specified number of placesbitxorBit-wise XORblanksCreate string of blank charactersblkdiagConstruct block diagonal matrix from input argumentsboxAxes borderbreakTerminate execution of?for?or?while?loopbrightenBrighten or darken colormapbrushInteractively mark, delete, modify, and save observations in graphsbsxfunApply element-by-element binary operation to two arrays with singleton expansion enabledbuilddocsearchdbBuild searchable documentation databasebuiltinExecute built-in function from overloaded methodbvp4cSolve boundary value problems for ordinary differential equationsbvp5cSolve boundary value problems for ordinary differential equationsbvpgetExtract properties from options structure created with bvpsetbvpinitForm initial guess for bvp4cbvpsetCreate or alter options structure of boundary value problembvpxtendForm guess structure for extending boundary value solutions HYPERLINK "" calendarCalendar for specified monthcalllibCall function in shared librarycallSoapServiceSend SOAP message to endpointcamdollyMove camera position and targetcameratoolbarControl camera toolbar programmaticallycamlightCreate or move light object in camera coordinatescamlookatPosition camera to view object or group of objectscamorbitRotate camera position around camera targetcampanRotate camera target around camera positioncamposSet or query camera positioncamprojSet or query projection typecamrollRotate camera about view axiscamtargetSet or query location of camera targetcamupSet or query camera up vectorcamvaSet or query camera view anglecamzoomZoom in and out on scenecart2polTransform Cartesian coordinates to polar or cylindricalcart2sphTransform Cartesian coordinates to sphericalcartToBary????TriRep methodConvert point coordinates from cartesian to barycentriccaseOptional keyword in switch statementcastCast variable to different data typecat????functionConcatenate arrays along specified dimension????matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous methodConcatenation for heterogeneous arrayscatchHandle error detected in try statementcaxisColor axis scalingcd????functionChange current folder????FTP methodChange or view current folder on FTP servercdf2rdfConvert complex diagonal form to real block diagonal formcdfepochConvert MATLAB formatted dates to CDF formatted datescdfinfoInformation about Common Data Format (CDF) filecdflibSummary of Common Data Format (CDF) capabilitiescdflib.closeClose Common Data Format (CDF) filecdflib.closeVarClose specified variable from multifile format Common Data Format (CDF) puteEpochConvert time value to?CDF_EPOCH?puteEpoch16Convert time value to?CDF_EPOCH16?valuecdflib.createCreate Common Data Format (CDF) filecdflib.createAttrCreate attributecdflib.createVarCreate new variablecdflib.deleteDelete existing Common Data Format (CDF) filecdflib.deleteAttrDelete attributecdflib.deleteAttrEntryDelete attribute entrycdflib.deleteAttrgEntryDelete entry in global attributecdflib.deleteVarDelete variablecdflib.deleteVarRecordsDelete range of records from variablecdflib.epoch16BreakdownConvert?CDF_EPOCH16?value to time valuecdflib.epochBreakdownConvert?CDF_EPOCH?value into time valuecdflib.getAttrEntryValue of entry in attribute with variable scopecdflib.getAttrgEntryValue of entry in global attributecdflib.getAttrMaxEntryNumber of last entry for variable attributecdflib.getAttrMaxgEntryNumber of last entry for global attributecdflib.getAttrNameName of attribute, given attribute numbercdflib.getAttrNumAttribute number, given attribute namecdflib.getAttrScopeScope of attributecdflib.getCacheSizeNumber of cache buffers usedcdflib.getChecksumChecksum modecdflib.getCompressionCompression settingscdflib.getCompressionCacheSizeNumber of compression cache bufferscdflib.getConstantNamesNames of Common Data Format (CDF) library constantscdflib.getConstantValueNumeric value corresponding to Common Data Format (CDF) library constantcdflib.getCopyrightCopyright notice in Common Data Format (CDF) filecdflib.getFileBackwardReturn current backward compatibility mode settingcdflib.getFormatFormat of Common Data Format (CDF) filecdflib.getLibraryCopyrightCopyright notice of Common Data Format (CDF) librarycdflib.getLibraryVersionLibrary version and release informationcdflib.getMajorityMajority of variablescdflib.getNameName of Common Data Format (CDF) filecdflib.getNumAttrEntriesNumber of entries for attribute with variable scopecdflib.getNumAttrgEntriesNumber of entries for attribute with global scopecdflib.getNumAttributesNumber of attributes with variable scopecdflib.getNumgAttributesNumber of attributes with global scopecdflib.getReadOnlyModeRead-only modecdflib.getStageCacheSizeNumber of cache buffers for stagingcdflib.getValidateLibrary validation modecdflib.getVarAllocRecordsNumber of records allocated for variablecdflib.getVarBlockingFactorBlocking factor for variablecdflib.getVarCacheSizeNumber of multifile cache bufferscdflib.getVarCompressionInformation about compression used by variablecdflib.getVarDataSingle value from record in variablecdflib.getVarMaxAllocRecNumMaximum allocated record number for variablecdflib.getVarMaxWrittenRecNumMaximum written record number for variablecdflib.getVarNameVariable name, given variable numbercdflib.getVarNumVariable number, given variable namecdflib.getVarNumRecsWrittenNumber of records written to variablecdflib.getVarPadValuePad value for variablecdflib.getVarRecordDataEntire record for variablecdflib.getVarReservePercentCompression reserve percentage for variablecdflib.getVarsMaxWrittenRecNumMaximum written record number for CDF filecdflib.getVarSparseRecordsInformation about how variable handles sparse recordscdflib.getVersionCommon Data Format (CDF) library version and release informationcdflib.hyperGetVarDataRead hyperslab of data from variablecdflib.hyperPutVarDataWrite hyperslab of data to variablecdflib.inquireBasic characteristics of Common Data Format (CDF) filecdflib.inquireAttrInformation about attributecdflib.inquireAttrEntryInformation about entry in attribute with variable scopecdflib.inquireAttrgEntryInformation about entry in attribute with global scopecdflib.inquireVarInformation about variablecdflib.openOpen existing Common Data Format (CDF) filecdflib.putAttrEntryWrite value to entry in attribute with variable scopecdflib.putAttrgEntryWrite value to entry in attribute with global scopecdflib.putVarDataWrite single value to variablecdflib.putVarRecordDataWrite entire record to variablecdflib.renameAttrRename existing attributecdflib.renameVarRename existing variablecdflib.setCacheSizeSpecify number of dotCDF cache bufferscdflib.setChecksumSpecify checksum modecdflib.setCompressionSpecify compression settingscdflib.setCompressionCacheSizeSpecify number of compression cache bufferscdflib.setFileBackwardSet backward compatibility modecdflib.setFormatSpecify format of Common Data Format (CDF) filecdflib.setMajoritySpecify majority of variablescdflib.setReadOnlyModeSpecify read-only modecdflib.setStageCacheSizeSpecify number of staging cache buffers for Common Data Format (CDF) filecdflib.setValidateSpecify library validation modecdflib.setVarAllocBlockRecordsSpecify range of records to be allocated for variablecdflib.setVarBlockingFactorSpecify blocking factor for variablecdflib.setVarCacheSizeSpecify number of multi-file cache buffers for variablecdflib.setVarCompressionSpecify compression settings used with variablecdflib.setVarInitialRecsSpecify initial number of records written to variablecdflib.setVarPadValueSpecify pad value used with variablecdflib.SetVarReservePercentSpecify reserve percentage for variablecdflib.setVarsCacheSizeSpecify number of cache buffers used for all variablescdflib.setVarSparseRecordsSpecify how variable handles sparse recordscdfreadRead data from Common Data Format (CDF) filecdfwriteWrite data to Common Data Format (CDF) fileceilRound toward positive infinitycellCreate cell arraycell2matConvert cell array to numeric arraycell2structConvert cell array to structure arraycelldispCell array contentscellfunApply function to each cell in cell arraycellplotGraphically display structure of cell arraycellstrCreate cell array of strings from character arraycgsConjugate gradients squared methodcharConvert to character array (string)checkcodeCheck MATLAB code files for possible problemscheckinCheck files into source control system (UNIX platforms)checkoutCheck files out of source control system (UNIX platforms)cholCholesky factorizationcholincSparse incomplete Cholesky and Cholesky-Infinity factorizationscholupdateRank 1 update to Cholesky factorizationcircshiftShift array circularlycircumcenters????TriRep methodCircumcenters of specified simplicesclaClear current axesclabelContour plot elevation labelsclassDetermine class of objectclassdefClass definition keywordsclcClear Command WindowclearRemove items from workspace, freeing up system memoryclear (serial)Remove serial port object from MATLAB workspaceclearvarsClear variables from memoryclfClear current figure windowclipboardCopy and paste strings to and from system clipboardclockCurrent time as date vectorclose????functionRemove specified figure????FTP methodClose connection to FTP server????Tiff methodClose Tiff object????VideoWriter methodClose file after writing video dataclose (avifile)Close Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) fileclosereqDefault figure close request functioncmoptsName of source control systemcmpermuteRearrange colors in colormapcmuniqueEliminate duplicate colors in colormap; convert grayscale or truecolor image to indexed imagecolamdColumn approximate minimum degree permutationcolorbarColorbar showing color scalecolordefSet default property values to display different color schemescolormapSet and get current colormapcolormapeditorOpen colormap editorColorSpec (Color Specification)Color specificationcolpermSparse column permutation based on nonzero countCombineConvenience function for static .NET System.Delegate Combine methodcomet2-D comet plotcomet33-D comet plotcommandhistoryOpen Command History window, or select it if already opencommandwindowOpen Command Window, or select it if already opencompanCompanion matrixcompassPlot arrows emanating from origincomplexConstruct complex data from real and imaginary componentscomputerInformation about computer on which MATLAB software is runningcomputeStrip????Tiff methodIndex number of strip containing specified coordinatecomputeTile????Tiff methodIndex number of tile containing specified coordinatescondCondition number with respect to inversioncondeigCondition number with respect to eigenvaluescondest1-norm condition number estimateconeplotPlot velocity vectors as cones in 3-D vector fieldconjComplex conjugatecontainers.MapMap values to unique keyscontinuePass control to next iteration of?for?or?while?loopcontourContour plot of matrixcontour33-D contour plotcontourcLow-level contour plot computationcontourfFilled 2-D contour plotContourgroup PropertiesDefine contourgroup propertiescontoursliceDraw contours in volume slice planescontrastGrayscale colormap for contrast enhancementconvConvolution and polynomial multiplicationconv22-D convolutionconvexHull????DelaunayTri methodConvex hullconvhullConvex hullconvhullnN-D convex hullconvnN-D convolutioncopy????matlab.mixin.Copyable methodCopy array of handle objectscopyfileCopy file or foldercopyobjCopy graphics objects and their descendantscorrcoefCorrelation coefficientscosCosine of argument in radianscosdCosine of argument in degreescoshHyperbolic cosinecotCotangent of argument in radianscotdCotangent of argument in degreescothHyperbolic cotangentcovCovariance matrixcplxpairSort complex numbers into complex conjugate pairscputimeElapsed CPU timecreateClassFromWsdlCreate MATLAB class based on WSDL documentcreateCopy????inputParser methodCreate copy of?inputParser?objectcreateSoapMessageCreate SOAP message to send to servercrossVector cross productcscCosecant of argument in radianscscdCosecant of argument in degreescschHyperbolic cosecantcsvreadRead comma-separated value filecsvwriteWrite comma-separated value filectranspose????functionComplex conjugate transpose????timeseries methodTranspose?timeseries?objectcumprodCumulative productcumsumCumulative sumcumtrapzCumulative trapezoidal numerical integrationcurlCompute curl and angular velocity of vector fieldcurrentDirectory????Tiff methodIndex of current IFDcustomverctrlAllow custom source control system (UNIX platforms)cylinderGenerate cylinder HYPERLINK "" daqreadRead Data Acquisition Toolbox (.daq) filedaspectSet or query axes data aspect ratiodatacursormodeEnable, disable, and manage interactive data cursor modedatatipinfoProduce short description of input variabledateCurrent date stringdatenumConvert date and time to serial date numberdatestrConvert date and time to string formatdatetickDate formatted tick labelsdatevecConvert date and time to vector of componentsdbclearClear breakpointsdbcontResume executiondbdownReverse workspace shift performed by?dbup, while in debug modedblquadNumerically evaluate double integral over rectangledbmexEnable MEX-file debugging (on UNIX platforms)dbquitQuit debug modedbstackFunction call stackdbstatusList all breakpointsdbstepExecute one or more lines from current breakpointdbstopSet breakpoints for debuggingdbtypeList text file with line numbersdbupShift current workspace to workspace of caller, while in debug modedde23Solve delay differential equations (DDEs) with constant delaysddegetExtract properties from delay differential equations options structureddesdSolve delay differential equations (DDEs) with general delaysddesetCreate or alter delay differential equations options structuredealDistribute inputs to outputsdeblankStrip trailing blanks from end of stringdec2baseConvert decimal to base N number in stringdec2binConvert decimal to binary number in stringdec2hexConvert decimal to hexadecimal number in stringdecicCompute consistent initial conditions for ode15ideconvDeconvolution and polynomial divisiondel2Discrete LaplaciandelaunayDelaunay triangulationdelaunay33-D Delaunay triangulationdelaunaynN-D Delaunay triangulationDelaunayTri????classDelaunay triangulation in 2-D and 3-D????constructorConstruct Delaunay triangulationdelete????functionRemove files or graphics objects????FTP methodRemove file on FTP serverdelete (COM)Remove COM control or serverdelete (handle)Handle object destructordelete (serial)Remove serial port object from memorydelete (timer)Remove timer object from memorydeletepropertyRemove custom property from COM objectdeleventRemove?tsdata.event?objects from?timeseries?objectdelsample????timeseries methodRemove sample from?timeseries?objectdelsamplefromcollectionRemove sample from?tscollection?objectdemoAccess product demos via Help browserdepdirList dependent folders for function or P-filedepfunList dependencies of function or P-filedetMatrix determinantdetrend????functionRemove linear trends????timeseries methodSubtract mean or best-fit line and all?NaNs from?timeseries?objectdevalEvaluate solution of differential equation problemdiagDiagonal matrices and diagonals of matrixdialogCreate and display empty dialog boxdiarySave Command Window text to filediffDifferences and approximate derivativesdiffuseCalculate diffuse reflectancedir????functionList folder contents????FTP methodView contents of folder on FTP serverdispDisplay text or arraydisp (memmapfile)Information about memmapfile objectdisp (MException)Display?MException?objectdisp (serial)Serial port object summary informationdisp (timer)Information about timer objectdisplayDisplay text or array (overloaded method)ditherConvert image, increasing apparent color resolution by ditheringdivergenceCompute divergence of vector fielddlmreadRead ASCII-delimited file of numeric data into matrixdlmwriteWrite matrix to ASCII-delimited filedmpermDulmage-Mendelsohn decompositiondocReference page in Help browserdocsearchHelp browser searchdosExecute DOS command and return resultdotVector dot productdoubleConvert to double precisiondragrectDrag rectangles with mousedrawnowFlush event queue and update figure windowdsearchSearch Delaunay triangulation for nearest pointdsearchnN-D nearest point searchdynamicpropsAbstract class used to derive handle class with dynamic properties HYPERLINK "" echoDisplay statements during function executionechodemoRun scripted demo step-by-step in Command WindowedgeAttachments????TriRep methodSimplices attached to specified edgesedges????TriRep methodTriangulation edgeseditEdit or create fileeigEigenvalues and eigenvectorseigsLargest eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrixellipjJacobi elliptic functionsellipkeComplete elliptic integrals of first and second kindellipsoidGenerate ellipsoidelseOptional keyword within an if statementelseifOptional keyword within an if statementemptyCreate empty arrayenableNETfromNetworkDriveEnable access to .NET commands from network driveenableserviceEnable, disable, or report status of MATLAB Automation serverendTerminate block of code, or indicate last array indexEndInvokeRetrieve result of asynchronous call initiated by .NET System.Delegate BeginInvoke methodenumerationDisplay class enumeration member and nameseomdayLast day of monthepsFloating-point relative accuracyeqTest for equalityeq (MException)Compare scalar?MException?objects for equalityerfError functionerfcComplementary error functionerfcinvInverse complementary error functionerfcxScaled complementary error functionerfinvInverse error functionerrorDisplay message and abort functionerrorbarPlot error bars along curveErrorbarseries PropertiesDefine errorbarseries propertieserrordlgCreate and open error dialog boxetimeTime elapsed between date vectorsetreeElimination treeetreeplotPlot elimination treeevalExecute MATLAB expression in text stringevalcEvaluate MATLAB expression with captureevalinExecute MATLAB expression in specified workspaceevent.EventDataBase class for all data objects passed to event listenersevent.listenerClass defining listener objectsevent.PropertyEventListener for property eventsevent.proplistenerDefine listener object for property eventseventlistenersList event handler functions associated with COM object eventseventsEvent namesevents (COM)List of events COM object can triggerExecuteExecute MATLAB command in Automation serverexifreadRead EXIF information from JPEG and TIFF image filesexistCheck existence of variable, function, folder, or classexitTerminate MATLAB program (same as?quit)expExponentialexpintExponential integralexpmMatrix exponentialexpm1Compute exp(x)-1 accurately for small values of xexport2wsdlgExport variables to workspaceeyeIdentity matrixezcontourEasy-to-use contour plotterezcontourfEasy-to-use filled contour plotterezmeshEasy-to-use 3-D mesh plotterezmeshcEasy-to-use combination mesh/contour plotterezplotEasy-to-use function plotterezplot3Easy-to-use 3-D parametric curve plotterezpolarEasy-to-use polar coordinate plotterezsurfEasy-to-use 3-D colored surface plotterezsurfcEasy-to-use combination surface/contour plotterfaceNormals????TriRep methodUnit normals to specified trianglesfactorPrime factorsfactorialFactorial functionfalseLogical 0 (false)fcloseClose one or all open filesfclose (serial)Disconnect serial port object from devicefeatherPlot velocity vectorsfeatureEdges????TriRep methodSharp edges of surface triangulationfeofTest for end-of-fileferrorInformation about file I/O errorsfevalEvaluate functionFeval (COM)Evaluate MATLAB function in Automation serverfftFast Fourier transformfft22-D fast Fourier transformfftnN-D fast Fourier transformfftshiftShift zero-frequency component to center of spectrumfftwInterface to FFTW library run-time algorithm tuning controlfgetlRead line from file, removing newline charactersfgetl (serial)Read line of text from device and discard terminatorfgetsRead line from file, keeping newline charactersfgets (serial)Read line of text from device and include terminatorfieldnamesField names of structure, or public fields of objectfigureCreate figure graphics objectFigure PropertiesDefine figure propertiesfigurepaletteShow or hide?Figure PalettefileattribSet or get attributes of file or folderfilebrowserOpen Current Folder browser, or select it if already openfilemarkerCharacter to separate file name and internal function namefilepartsParts of file name and pathfilereadRead contents of file into stringfilesepFile separator for current platformfillFilled 2-D polygonsfill3Filled 3-D polygonsfilter????function1-D digital filter????timeseries methodShape frequency content of time-seriesfilter22-D digital filterfindFind indices and values of nonzero elementsfindallFind all graphics objectsfindfigsFind visible offscreen figuresfindobjLocate graphics objects with specific propertiesfindobj (handle)Find handle objects matching specified conditionsfindprop (handle)Find?meta.property?object associated with property namefindstrFind string within another, longer stringfinishTermination file for MATLAB programfitsdispDisplay FITS metadatafitsinfoInformation about FITS filefitsreadRead data from FITS filefitswriteWrite image to FITS filefixRound toward zeroflipdimFlip array along specified dimensionfliplrFlip matrix left to rightflipudFlip matrix up to downfloorRound toward negative infinityflowSimple function of three variablesfminbndFind minimum of single-variable function on fixed intervalfminsearchFind minimum of unconstrained multivariable function using derivative-free methodfopenOpen file, or obtain information about open filesfopen (serial)Connect serial port object to deviceforExecute statements specified number of timesformatSet display format for outputfplotPlot function between specified limitsfprintfWrite data to text filefprintf (serial)Write text to deviceframe2imReturn image data associated with movie framefreadRead data from binary filefread (serial)Read binary data from devicefreeBoundary????TriRep methodFacets referenced by only one simplexfreqspaceFrequency spacing for frequency responsefrewindMove file position indicator to beginning of open filefscanfRead data from text filefscanf (serial)Read data from device, and format as textfseekMove to specified position in fileftellPosition in open fileFTPConnect to FTP serverfullConvert sparse matrix to full matrixfullfileBuild full file name from partsfunc2strConstruct function name string from function handlefunctionDeclare functionfunction_handle (@)Handle used in calling functions indirectlyfunctionsInformation about function handlefunmEvaluate general matrix functionfwriteWrite data to binary filefwrite (serial)Write binary data to devicefzeroFind root of continuous function of one variable HYPERLINK "" galleryTest matricesgammaGamma functiongammaincIncomplete gamma functiongammaincinvInverse incomplete gamma functiongammalnLogarithm of gamma functiongcaCurrent axes handlegcbfHandle of figure containing object whose callback is executinggcboHandle of object whose callback is executinggcdGreatest common divisorgcfCurrent figure handlegcoHandle of current objectgeTest for greater than or equal togenpathGenerate path stringgenvarnameConstruct valid variable name from stringget????functionQuery Handle Graphics object properties????audioplayer methodQuery property values for?audioplayer?object????audiorecorder methodQuery property values for?audiorecorder?object????timeseries methodQuery?timeseries?object property values????VideoReader methodQuery property values for video reader objectget (COM)Get property value from interface, or display propertiesget (hgsetget)Query property values of handle objects derived from?hgsetget?classget (memmapfile)Memmapfile object propertiesget (RandStream)Random stream propertiesget (serial)Serial port object propertiesget (timer)Timer object propertiesget (tscollection)Query?tscollection?object property valuesgetabstime????timeseries methodExtract date-string time vector into cell arraygetabstime (tscollection)Extract date-string time vector into cell arraygetappdataValue of application-defined datagetaudiodata????audiorecorder methodStore recorded audio signal in numeric arrayGetCharArrayCharacter array from Automation servergetdatasamples????timeseries methodReturns subset of time series samples using subscripted index arraygetdatasamplesize????timeseries methodSize of data sample in?timeseries?objectgetDefaultScalarElement????matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous static methodReturn default object for heterogeneous array operationsgetdisp (hgsetget)Override to change command window displaygetenvEnvironment variablegetfieldField of structure arraygetFileFormats????VideoReader static methodFile formats that?VideoReader?supportsgetframeCapture movie frameGetFullMatrixMatrix from Automation server workspacegetinterpmethod????timeseries methodInterpolation method for?timeseries?objectgetpixelpositionGet component position in pixelsgetprefPreferencegetProfiles????VideoWriter static methodList profiles and file formats supported by?VideoWritergetqualitydesc????timeseries methodData quality descriptionsgetReport (MException)Get error message for exceptiongetsamples????timeseries methodSubset of time series samples using subscripted index arraygetsampleusingtime????timeseries methodExtract data samples into new?timeseries?objectgetsampleusingtime (tscollection)Extract data samples into new?tscollection?objectgetTag????Tiff methodValue of specified taggetTagNames????Tiff static methodList of recognized TIFF tagsgettimeseriesnamesCell array of names of?timeseries?objects in?tscollection?objectgettsafterateventNew?timeseries?object with samples occurring at or after eventgettsaftereventNew?timeseries?object with samples occurring after eventgettsateventNew?timeseries?object with samples occurring at eventgettsbeforeateventNew?timeseries?object with samples occurring before or at eventgettsbeforeeventNew?timeseries?object with samples occurring before eventgettsbetweeneventsNew?timeseries?object with samples occurring between eventsGetVariableData from variable in Automation server workspacegetVersion????Tiff static methodLibTIFF library versionGetWorkspaceDataData from Automation server workspaceginputGraphical input from mouse or cursorglobalDeclare global variablesgmresGeneralized minimum residual method (with restarts)gplotPlot nodes and links representing adjacency matrixgrabcodeExtract MATLAB code from file published to HTMLgradientNumerical gradientgraymonSet default figure properties for grayscale monitorsgridGrid lines for 2-D and 3-D plotsgriddataInterpolate scattered datagriddata3Data gridding and hypersurface fitting for 3-D datagriddatanData gridding and hypersurface fitting (dimension ≥ 2)griddedInterpolantInterpolant for gridded datagsvdGeneralized singular value decompositiongtTest for greater thangtextMouse placement of text in 2-D viewguidataStore or retrieve GUI dataguideOpen GUI Layout EditorguihandlesCreate structure of handlesgunzipUncompress GNU zip filesgzipCompress files into GNU zip files HYPERLINK "" h5createCreate HDF5 data seth5dispDisplay contents of HDF5 fileh5infoReturn information about HDF5 fileh5readRead data from HDF5 data seth5readattRead attribute from HDF5 fileh5writeWrite to HDF5 data seth5writeattWrite HDF5 attributehadamardHadamard matrixhandleAbstract class for deriving handle classeshankelHankel matrixhdfSummary of MATLAB HDF4 capabilitieshdf5Summary of MATLAB HDF5 capabilitieshdf5infoInformation about HDF5 filehdf5readRead HDF5 filehdf5writeWrite data to file in HDF5 formathdfinfoInformation about HDF4 or HDF-EOS filehdfreadRead data from HDF4 or HDF-EOS filehdftoolBrowse and import data from HDF4 or HDF-EOS fileshelpHelp for functions in Command WindowhelpbrowserOpen Help browser to access online documentation and demoshelpdeskOpen Help browserhelpdlgCreate and open help dialog boxhelpwinProvide access to help comments for all functionshessHessenberg form of matrixhex2decConvert hexadecimal number string to decimal numberhex2numConvert hexadecimal number string to double-precision numberhgexportExport figurehggroupCreate hggroup objectHggroup PropertiesHggroup propertieshgloadLoad Handle Graphics object hierarchy from filehgsaveSave Handle Graphics object hierarchy to filehgsetgetAbstract class used to derive handle class with set and get methodshgtransformCreate hgtransform graphics objectHgtransform PropertiesHgtransform propertieshiddenRemove hidden lines from mesh plothilbHilbert matrixhistHistogram plothistcHistogram countholdRetain current graph when adding new graphshomeSend cursor homehorzcat????functionConcatenate arrays horizontally????matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous methodHorizontal concatenation for heterogeneous arrayshorzcat (tscollection)Horizontal concatenation for?tscollection?objectshostidServer host identification numberhsv2rgbConvert HSV colormap to RGB colormaphypotSquare root of sum of squares HYPERLINK "" iImaginary uniticholIncomplete Cholesky factorizationidealfilter????timeseries methodApply ideal (noncausal) filter to?timeseries?objectidivideInteger division with rounding optionif/elseif/elseExecute statements if condition is trueifftInverse fast Fourier transformifft22-D inverse fast Fourier transformifftnN-D inverse fast Fourier transformifftshiftInverse FFT shiftiluSparse incomplete LU factorizationim2frameConvert image to movie frameim2javaConvert image to Java imageimagImaginary part of complex numberimageDisplay image objectImage PropertiesDefine image propertiesimagescScale data and display image objectimapproxApproximate indexed image by reducing number of colorsimfinfoInformation about graphics fileimformatsManage image file format registryimportAdd package or class to current import listimportdataLoad data from fileimreadRead image from graphics fileimwriteWrite image to graphics fileincenters????TriRep methodIncenters of specified simplicesind2rgbConvert indexed image to RGB imageind2subSubscripts from linear indexInfInfinityinferiortoSpecify inferior class relationshipinfoInformation about contacting MathWorksinlineConstruct inline objectinmemNames of functions, MEX-files, Sun Java classes in memoryinOutStatus????DelaunayTri methodStatus of triangles in 2-D constrained Delaunay triangulationinpolygonPoints inside polygonal regioninputRequest user inputinputdlgCreate and open input dialog boxinputnameVariable name of function inputinputParserParse function inputsinspectOpen Property InspectorinstrcallbackEvent information when event occursinstrfindRead serial port objects from memory to MATLAB workspaceinstrfindallFind visible and hidden serial port objectsint16Convert to 16-bit signed integerint2strConvert integer to stringint32Convert to 32-bit signed integerint64Convert to 64-bit signed integerint8Convert to 8-bit signed integerintegralNumerically evaluate integralintegral2Numerically evaluate double integralintegral3Numerically evaluate triple integralinterfacesList custom interfaces exposed by COM server objectinterp11-D data interpolation (table lookup)interp1qQuick 1-D linear interpolationinterp22-D data interpolation (table lookup)interp33-D data interpolation (table lookup)interpft1-D interpolation using FFT methodinterpnN-D data interpolation (table lookup)interpstreamspeedInterpolate stream-line vertices from flow speedintersectFind set intersection of two arraysintmaxLargest value of specified integer typeintminSmallest value of specified integer typeinvMatrix inverseinvhilbInverse of Hilbert matrixinvokeInvoke method on COM object or interface, or display methodsipermuteInverse permute dimensions of N-D arrayiqr????timeseries methodInterquartile range of?timeseries?datais*Detect stateisaDetermine whether input is object of given classisappdataTrue if application-defined data existsiscellDetermine whether input is cell arrayiscellstrDetermine whether input is cell array of stringsischarDetermine whether item is character arrayiscolumnDetermine whether input is column vectoriscomDetermine whether input is COM or ActiveX objectisdirDetermine whether input is folderisEdge????TriRep methodTest if vertices are joined by edgeisemptyDetermine whether array is emptyisempty (tscollection)Determine whether?tscollection?object is emptyisequalTest arrays for equalityisequal (MException)Compare scalar?MException?objects for equalityisequalnTest arrays for equality, treating NaN values as equalisequalwithequalnansTest arrays for equality, treating NaNs as equaliseventDetermine whether input is COM object eventisfieldDetermine whether input is structure array fieldisfiniteArray elements that are finiteisfloatDetermine whether input is floating-point arrayisglobalDetermine whether input is global variableishandleTest for valid graphics object handleishghandleTrue for Handle Graphics object handlesisholdCurrent hold stateisinfArray elements that are infiniteisintegerDetermine whether input is integer arrayisinterfaceDetermine whether input is COM interfaceisjavaDetermine whether input is Sun Java objectisKey????containers.Map methodDetermine if?containers.Map?object contains keyiskeywordDetermine whether input is MATLAB keywordisletterArray elements that are alphabetic lettersislogicalDetermine whether input is logical arrayismacDetermine if version is for Mac OS X platformismatrixDetermine whether input is matrixismemberArray elements that are members of setismethodDetermine if method of objectismethod (COM)Determine whether input is COM object methodisnanArray elements that are NaNisnumericDetermine whether input is numeric arrayisobjectIs input MATLAB objectisocapsCompute isosurface end-cap geometryisocolorsCalculate isosurface and patch colorsisonormalsCompute normals of isosurface verticesisosurfaceExtract isosurface data from volume dataispcDetermine if version is for Windows (PC) platformisPlatformSupported????VideoReader static methodDetermine whether?VideoReader?is available on current platformisprefTest for existence of preferenceisprimeArray elements that are prime numbersispropDetermine if property of objectisprop (COM)Determine whether input is COM object propertyisrealCheck if input is real arrayisrowDetermine whether input is row vectorisscalarDetermine whether input is scalarissortedDetermine whether set elements are in sorted orderisspaceArray elements that are space charactersissparseDetermine whether input is sparseisstrDetermine whether input is character arrayisstrpropDetermine whether string is of specified categoryisstructDetermine whether input is structure arrayisstudentDetermine if version is Student VersionisTiled????Tiff methodDetermine if tiled imageisunixDetermine if version is for UNIX platformisvalid (handle)Is object valid handle class objectisvalid (serial)Determine whether serial port objects are validisvalid (timer)Determine whether timer object is validisvarnameDetermine whether input is valid variable nameisvectorDetermine whether input is vector HYPERLINK "" jImaginary unitjavaaddpathAdd entries to dynamic Java class pathjavaArrayConstruct Java arrayjavachkGenerate error message based on Java feature supportjavaclasspathGet and set Java class pathjavaMethodInvoke Sun Java methodjavaMethodEDTInvoke Java method from Event Dispatch Thread (EDT)javaObjectInvoke Sun Java constructorjavaObjectEDTJava object constructor on Event Dispatch Thread (EDT)javarmpathRemove entries from dynamic Java class path HYPERLINK "" keyboardInput from keyboardkeys????containers.Map methodIdentify keys of?containers.Map?objectkronKronecker tensor product HYPERLINK "" last (MException)Last uncaught exceptionlastDirectory????Tiff methodDetermine if current IFD is last in filelasterrLast error messagelasterrorLast error message and related informationlastwarnLast warning messagelcmLeast common multipleldivideLeft or right array divisionldlBlock LDL' factorization for Hermitian indefinite matricesleTest for less than or equal tolegendGraph legend for lines and patcheslegendreAssociated Legendre functionslength????functionLength of vector or largest array dimension????containers.Map methodLength of?containers.Map?objectlength (serial)Length of serial port object arraylength (tscollection)Length of time vectorlibfunctionsReturn information on functions in shared librarylibfunctionsviewView functions in shared librarylibisloadedDetermine if shared library is loadedlibpointerCreate pointer object for use with shared librarieslibstructCreate structure pointer for use with shared librarieslicenseReturn license number or perform licensing tasklightCreate light objectLight PropertiesLight propertieslightangleCreate or position light object in spherical coordinateslightingSpecify lighting algorithmlin2muConvert linear audio signal to mu-lawlineCreate line objectLine PropertiesLine propertiesLineseries PropertiesDefine lineseries propertiesLineSpec (Line Specification)Line specification string syntaxlinkaxesSynchronize limits of specified 2-D axeslinkdataAutomatically update graphs when variables changelinkpropKeep same value for corresponding propertieslinsolveSolve linear system of equationslinspaceGenerate linearly spaced vectorslistdlgCreate and open list-selection dialog boxlistfontsList available system fontsloadLoad data from MAT-file into workspaceload (COM)Initialize control object from fileload (serial)Load serial port objects and variables into MATLAB workspaceloadlibraryLoad shared library into MATLAB softwareloadobjModify load process for objectlogNatural logarithmlog10Common (base 10) logarithmlog1pCompute log(1+x) accurately for small values of xlog2Base 2 logarithm and dissect floating-point numbers into exponent and mantissalogicalConvert numeric values to logicalloglogLog-log scale plotlogmMatrix logarithmlogspaceGenerate logarithmically spaced vectorslookforSearch for keyword in all help entrieslowerConvert string to lowercaselsList folder contentslscovLeast-squares solution in presence of known covariancelsqnonnegSolve nonnegative least-squares constraints problemlsqrLSQR methodltTest for less thanluLU matrix factorizationluincSparse incomplete LU factorization HYPERLINK "" magicMagic squaremakehgtformCreate 4-by-4 transform matrixmat2cellConvert array to cell array with potentially different sized cellsmat2strConvert matrix to stringmaterialControl reflectance properties of surfaces and patchesmatfileLoad and save parts of variables in MAT-filesmatlab (UNIX)Start MATLAB program (UNIX platforms)matlab (Windows)Start MATLAB program (Windows platforms)matlab.io.MatFileLoad and save parts of variables in MAT-filesmatlab.mixin.CopyableSuperclass providing copy functionality for handle objectsmatlab.mixin.HeterogeneousSuperclass for heterogeneous array formationmatlabrcStartup file for MATLAB programmatlabrootRoot foldermax????functionLargest elements in array????timeseries methodMaximum value of?timeseries?dataMaximizeCommandWindowOpen Automation server windowmaxNumCompThreadsControl maximum number of computational threadsmean????functionAverage or mean value of array????timeseries methodMean value of?timeseries?datamedian????functionMedian value of array????timeseries methodMedian value of?timeseries?datamemmapfileConstruct memmapfile objectmemoryDisplay memory informationmenuGenerate menu of choices for user inputmeshMesh plotmeshcPlot a contour graph under mesh graphmeshgridRectangular grid in 2-D and 3-D spacemeshzPlot a curtain around mesh plotmeta.classmeta.class?class describes MATLAB classesmeta.class.fromNameReturn?meta.class?object associated with named classmeta.DynamicPropertymeta.DynamicProperty?class describes dynamic property of MATLAB objectmeta.EnumeratedValueDescribes enumeration members of MATLAB classmeta.eventmeta.event?class describes MATLAB class eventsmeta.MetaDataSuperclass for MATLAB object metadatameta.methodmeta.method?class describes MATLAB class methodsmeta.packagemeta.package?class describes MATLAB packagesmeta.package.fromNameReturn?meta.package?object for specified packagemeta.package.getAllPackagesGet all top-level packagesmeta.propertymeta.property?class describes MATLAB class propertiesmetaclassObtain?meta.class?objectmethodsClass method namesmethodsviewView class methodsmexCompile MEX-function from C/C++ or Fortran source codemex.getCompilerConfigurationsGet compiler configuration information for building MEX-filesMExceptionCapture error informationmexextBinary MEX-file name extensionmfilenameFile name of currently running functionmget????FTP methodDownload files from FTP servermin????functionSmallest elements in array????timeseries methodMinimum value of?timeseries?dataMinimizeCommandWindowMinimize size of Automation server windowminresMinimum residual methodminusMinusmislockedDetermine if function is locked in memorymkdir????functionMake new folder????FTP methodCreate folder on FTP servermkppMake piecewise polynomialmldivide \, mrdivide /Left or right matrix divisionmlintCheck MATLAB code files for possible problemsmlintrptRun?checkcode?for file or folder, reporting results in browsermlockPrevent clearing function from memorymmfileinfoInformation about multimedia filemmreaderCreate object for reading video filesmodModulus after divisionmodeMost frequent values in arraymoreControl paged output for Command WindowmoveMove or resize control in parent windowmovefileMove file or foldermoveguiMove GUI figure to specified location on screenmoviePlay recorded movie framesmovie2aviCreate Audio/Video Interleaved (AVI) file from MATLAB moviempowerMatrix powermput????FTP methodUpload file or folder to FTP servermsgboxCreate and open message boxmtimesMatrix multiplicationmu2linConvert mu-law audio signal to linearmultibandreadRead band-interleaved data from binary filemultibandwriteWrite band-interleaved data to filemunlockAllow clearing functions from memory HYPERLINK "" namelengthmaxMaximum identifier lengthNaNNot-a-NumbernargchkValidate number of input argumentsnarginNumber of function input argumentsnarginchkValidate number of input argumentsnargoutNumber of function output argumentsnargoutchkValidate number of output argumentsnative2unicodeConvert numeric bytes to Unicode charactersnccreateCreate variable in NetCDF filencdispDisplay contents of NetCDF data source in Command WindownchoosekBinomial coefficient or all combinationsncinfoReturn information about NetCDF data sourcencreadRead data from variable in NetCDF data sourcencreadattRead attribute value from NetCDF data sourcencwriteWrite data to NetCDF filencwriteattWrite attribute to NetCDF filencwriteschemaAdd NetCDF schema definitions to NetCDF filendgridRectangular grid in N-D spacendimsNumber of array dimensionsneTest for inequalityne (MException)Compare scalar?MException?objects for inequalitynearestNeighbor????DelaunayTri methodPoint closest to specified locationneighbors????TriRep methodSimplex neighbor informationNETSummary of functions in MATLAB .NET interfaceNET.addAssemblyMake .NET assembly visible to MATLABNET.AssemblyMembers of .NET assemblyNET.convertArrayConvert numeric MATLAB array to .NET arrayNET.createArrayArray for nonprimitive .NET typesNET.createGenericCreate instance of specialized .NET generic typeNET.disableAutoReleaseLock .NET object representing a RunTime Callable Wrapper (COM Wrapper) so that MATLAB does not release COM objectNET.enableAutoReleaseUnlock .NET object representing a RunTime Callable Wrapper (COM Wrapper) so that MATLAB releases COM objectNET.GenericClassRepresent parameterized generic type definitionsNET.invokeGenericMethodInvoke generic method of exceptionNET.setStaticPropertyStatic property or field namenetcdfSummary of MATLAB Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) capabilitiesnetcdf.abortRevert recent netCDF file definitionsnetcdf.closeClose netCDF filenetcdf.copyAttCopy attribute to new locationnetcdf.createCreate new NetCDF datasetnetcdf.defDimCreate netCDF dimensionnetcdf.defGrpCreate group in NetCDF filenetcdf.defVarCreate NetCDF variablenetcdf.defVarChunkingDefine chunking behavior for NetCDF variablenetcdf.defVarDeflateDefine compression parameters for NetCDF variablenetcdf.defVarFillDefine fill parameters for NetCDF variablenetcdf.defVarFletcher32Define checksum parameters for NetCDF variablenetcdf.delAttDelete netCDF attributenetcdf.endDefEnd netCDF file define modenetcdf.getAttReturn netCDF attributenetcdf.getChunkCacheRetrieve chunk cache settings for NetCDF librarynetcdf.getConstantReturn numeric value of named constantnetcdf.getConstantNamesReturn list of constants known to netCDF librarynetcdf.getVarReturn data from netCDF variablenetcdf.inqReturn information about netCDF filenetcdf.inqAttReturn information about netCDF attributenetcdf.inqAttIDReturn ID of netCDF attributenetcdf.inqAttNameReturn name of netCDF attributenetcdf.inqDimReturn netCDF dimension name and lengthnetcdf.inqDimIDReturn dimension IDnetcdf.inqDimIDsRetrieve list of dimension identifiers in groupnetcdf.inqFormatDetermine format of NetCDF filenetcdf.inqGrpNameRetrieve name of groupnetcdf.inqGrpNameFullComplete pathname of groupnetcdf.inqGrpParentRetrieve ID of parent cdf.inqGrpsRetrieve array of child group IDsnetcdf.inqLibVersReturn NetCDF library version informationnetcdf.inqNcidReturn ID of named groupnetcdf.inqUnlimDimsReturn list of unlimited dimensions in groupnetcdf.inqVarReturn information about variablenetcdf.inqVarChunkingDetermine chunking settings for NetCDF variablenetcdf.inqVarDeflateDetermine compression settings for NetCDF variablenetcdf.inqVarFillDetermine values of fill parameters for NetCDF variablenetcdf.inqVarFletcher32Fletcher32 checksum setting for NetCDF variablenetcdf.inqVarIDReturn ID associated with variable namenetcdf.inqVarIDsIDs of all variables in groupnetcdf.openOpen NetCDF data sourcenetcdf.putAttWrite netCDF attributenetcdf.putVarWrite data to netCDF variablenetcdf.reDefPut open netCDF file into define modenetcdf.renameAttChange name of attributenetcdf.renameDimChange name of netCDF dimensionnetcdf.renameVarChange name of netCDF variablenetcdf.setChunkCacheSet default chunk cache settings for NetCDF librarynetcdf.setDefaultFormatChange default netCDF file formatnetcdf.setFillSet netCDF fill modenetcdf.syncSynchronize netCDF file to disknewplotDetermine where to draw graphics objectsnextDirectory????Tiff methodMake next IFD current IFDnextpow2Next higher power of 2nnzNumber of nonzero matrix elementsnoanimateChange?EraseMode?of all objects to?normalnonzerosNonzero matrix elementsnormVector and matrix normsnormest2-norm estimatenotFind logical NOT of array or scalar inputnotebookOpen MATLAB Notebook in Microsoft Word software (on Microsoft Windows platforms)notify (handle)Notify listeners that event is occurringnowCurrent date and timenthrootReal nth root of real numbersnullNull spacenum2cellConvert array to cell array with consistently sized cellsnum2hexConvert singles and doubles to IEEE hexadecimal stringsnum2strConvert number to stringnumberOfStrips????Tiff methodTotal number of strips in imagenumberOfTiles????Tiff methodTotal number of tiles in imagenumelNumber of elements in array or subscripted array expressionnzmaxAmount of storage allocated for nonzero matrix elements HYPERLINK "" ode113Solve initial value problems for ordinary differential equationsode15iSolve fully implicit differential equations, variable order methodode15sSolve initial value problems for ordinary differential equationsode23Solve initial value problems for ordinary differential equationsode23sSolve initial value problems for ordinary differential equationsode23tSolve initial value problems for ordinary differential equationsode23tbSolve initial value problems for ordinary differential equationsode45Solve initial value problems for ordinary differential equationsodegetOrdinary differential equation options parametersodesetCreate or alter options structure for ordinary differential equation solversodextendExtend solution of initial value problem for ordinary differential equationonCleanupCleanup tasks at function completiononesCreate array of all onesopen????functionOpen file?in appropriate application????VideoWriter methodOpen file for writing video dataopenfigOpen new copy or raise existing copy of saved figureopenglControl OpenGL renderingopenvarOpen workspace variable in Variable Editor or other graphical editing tooloptimgetOptimization options valuesoptimsetCreate or edit optimization options structureorFind logical OR of array or scalar inputsordeigEigenvalues of quasitriangular matricesorderfieldsOrder fields of structure arrayordqzReorder eigenvalues in QZ factorizationordschurReorder eigenvalues in Schur factorizationorientHardcopy paper orientationorthRange space of matrixotherwiseOptional keyword in switch statement HYPERLINK "" packConsolidate workspace memorypadecoefPadé approximation of time delayspagesetupdlgPage setup dialog boxpanPan view of graph interactivelyparetoPareto chartparforParallel for loopparse????inputParser methodParse function inputsparseSoapResponseConvert response string from SOAP server into MATLAB typespascalPascal matrixpatchCreate one or more filled polygonsPatch PropertiesPatch propertiespathView or change search pathpath2rcSave current search path to?pathdef.m?filepathsepSearch path separator for current platformpathtoolOpen Set Path dialog box to view and change search pathpauseHalt execution temporarilypbaspectSet or query plot box aspect ratiopcgPreconditioned conjugate gradients methodpchipPiecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial (PCHIP)pcodeCreate protected function filepcolorPseudocolor (checkerboard) plotpdepeSolve initial-boundary value problems for parabolic-elliptic PDEs in 1-DpdevalEvaluate numerical solution of PDE using output of pdepepeaksExample function of two variablesperlCall Perl script using appropriate operating system executablepermsAll possible permutationspermuteRearrange dimensions of N-D arraypersistentDefine persistent variablepiRatio of circle's circumference to its diameterpiePie chartpie33-D pie chartpinvMoore-Penrose pseudoinverse of matrixplanerotGivens plane rotationplay????audioplayer methodPlay audio from?audioplayer?object????audiorecorder methodPlay audio from?audiorecorder?objectplayblocking????audioplayer methodPlay audio from?audioplayer?object, holding control until playback completesplayshowRun scripted demo (obsolete; use echodemo instead)plot????function2-D line plot????timeseries methodPlot time seriesplot33-D line plotplotbrowserShow or hide figure?Plot BrowserploteditInteractively edit and annotate plotsplotmatrixScatter plot matrixplottoolsShow or hide plot toolsplotyy2-D line plots with y-axes on both left and right sideplusPluspointLocation????DelaunayTri methodSimplex containing specified locationpol2cartTransform polar or cylindrical coordinates to CartesianpolarPolar coordinate plotpolyPolynomial with specified rootspolyareaArea of polygonpolyderPolynomial derivativepolyeigPolynomial eigenvalue problempolyfitPolynomial curve fittingpolyintIntegrate polynomial analyticallypolyvalPolynomial evaluationpolyvalmMatrix polynomial evaluationpow2Base 2 power and scale floating-point numberspowerArray powerppvalEvaluate piecewise polynomialprefdirFolder containing preferences, history, and layout filespreferencesOpen Preferences dialog boxprimesGenerate list of prime numbersprintPrint figure or save to fileprintdlgPrint dialog boxprintoptConfigure printer defaultsprintpreviewPreview figure to printprodProduct of array elementsprofileProfile execution time for functionprofsaveSave profile report in HTML formatpropeditOpen Property Editorpropedit (COM)Open built-in property page for controlpropertiesClass property namespropertyeditorShow or hide?Property EditorpsiPsi (polygamma) functionpublishGenerate view of MATLAB file in specified formatPutCharArrayStore character array in Automation serverPutFullMatrixMatrix in Automation server workspacePutWorkspaceDataData in Automation server workspacepwdIdentify current folder HYPERLINK "" qmrQuasi-minimal residual methodqrOrthogonal-triangular decompositionqrdeleteRemove column or row from QR factorizationqrinsertInsert column or row into QR factorizationqrupdateRank 1 update to QR factorizationquadNumerically evaluate integral, adaptive Simpson quadraturequad2dNumerically evaluate double integral over planar regionquadgkNumerically evaluate integral, adaptive Gauss-Kronrod quadraturequadlNumerically evaluate integral, adaptive Lobatto quadraturequadvVectorized quadraturequestdlgCreate and open question dialog boxquitTerminate MATLAB programQuit (COM)Terminate MATLAB Automation serverquiverQuiver or velocity plotquiver33-D quiver or velocity plotQuivergroup PropertiesDefine quivergroup propertiesqzQZ factorization for generalized eigenvalues HYPERLINK "" randUniformly distributed pseudorandom numbersrand (RandStream)Uniformly distributed random numbersrandiUniformly distributed pseudorandom integersrandi (RandStream)Uniformly distributed pseudorandom integersrandnNormally distributed pseudorandom numbersrandn (RandStream)Normally distributed pseudorandom numbersrandpermRandom permutationrandperm (RandStream)Random permutationRandStreamRandom number streamRandStream constructorRandom number streamRandStream.createCreate random number streamsRandStream.getDefaultStreamRandom number streamRandStream.getGlobalStreamCurrent global random number streamRandStream.listRandom number generator algorithmsRandStream.setDefaultStreamSet default random number streamRandStream.setGlobalStreamSet global random number streamrankRank of matrixratRational fraction approximationratsRational fraction approximationrbboxCreate rubberband box for area selectionrcondMatrix reciprocal condition number estimaterdivideLeft or right array divisionread????Tiff methodRead entire image????VideoReader methodRead video frame data from filereadasyncRead data asynchronously from devicereadEncodedStrip????Tiff methodRead data from specified stripreadEncodedTile????Tiff methodRead data from specified tilerealReal part of complex numberreallogNatural logarithm for nonnegative real arraysrealmaxLargest positive floating-point numberrealminSmallest positive normalized floating-point numberrealpowArray power for real-only outputrealsqrtSquare root for nonnegative real arraysrecord????functionRecord data and event information to file????audiorecorder methodRecord audio to?audiorecorder?objectrecordblocking????audiorecorder methodRecord audio to?audiorecorder?object, holding control until recording completesrectangleCreate 2-D rectangle objectRectangle PropertiesDefine rectangle propertiesrectintRectangle intersection arearecycleSet option to move deleted files to recycle folderreducepatchReduce number of patch facesreducevolumeReduce number of elements in volume data setrefreshRedraw current figurerefreshdataRefresh data in graph when data source is specifiedregexpMatch regular expression (case sensitive)regexpiMatch regular expression (case insensitive)regexprepReplace string using regular expressionregexptranslateTranslate string into regular expressionregistereventAssociate event handler for COM object event at run timerehashRefresh function and file system path cachesrelationaloperators (handle)Equality and sorting of handle objectsreleaseRelease COM interfaceremRemainder after divisionRemoveConvenience function for static .NET System.Delegate Remove methodremove????containers.Map methodRemove key-value pairs from?containers.Map?objectRemoveAllConvenience function for static .NET System.Delegate RemoveAll methodremovetsRemove?timeseries?objects from?tscollection?objectrename????FTP methodRename file on FTP serverrepmatReplicate and tile arrayresample????timeseries methodSelect or interpolate?timeseries?data using new time vectorresample (tscollection)Select or interpolate data in?tscollection?using new time vectorresetReset graphics object properties to their defaultsreset (RandStream)Reset random number streamreshapeReshape arrayresidueConvert between partial fraction expansion and polynomial coefficientsrestoredefaultpathRestore default search pathrethrowReissue errorrethrow (MException)Reissue existing exceptionreturnReturn to invoking functionrewriteDirectory????Tiff methodWrite modified metadata to existing IFDrgb2hsvConvert RGB colormap to HSV colormaprgb2indConvert RGB image to indexed imagergbplotPlot colormapribbonRibbon plotrmappdataRemove application-defined datarmdir????functionRemove folder????FTP methodRemove folder on FTP serverrmfieldRemove fields from structurermpathRemove folders from search pathrmprefRemove preferencerngControl random number generationroot objectRootRoot PropertiesRoot propertiesrootsPolynomial rootsroseAngle histogram plotrosserClassic symmetric eigenvalue test problemrot90Rotate matrix 90 degreesrotateRotate object in specified directionrotate3dRotate 3-D view using mouseroundRound to nearest integerrrefReduced row echelon formrsf2csfConvert real Schur form to complex Schur formrunRun script that is not on current path HYPERLINK "" saveSave workspace variables to filesave (COM)Serialize control object to filesave (serial)Save serial port objects and variables to filesaveasSave figure?or Simulink block diagram?using specified formatsaveobjModify save process for objectsavepathSave current search pathscatterScatter plotscatter33-D scatter plotScattergroup PropertiesDefine scattergroup propertiesschurSchur decompositionscriptSequence of MATLAB statements in filesecSecant of argument in radianssecdSecant of argument in degreessechHyperbolic secantselectmoveresizeSelect, move, resize, or copy axes and uicontrol graphics objectssemilogxSemilogarithmic plotsemilogySemilogarithmic plotsendmailSend email message to address listserialCreate serial port objectserialbreakSend break to device connected to serial portset????functionSet Handle Graphics object properties????audioplayer methodSet property values for?audioplayer?object????audiorecorder methodSet property values for?audiorecorder?object????timeseries methodSet properties of?timeseries?object????VideoReader methodSet property values for video reader objectset (COM)Set object or interface property to specified valueset (hgsetget)Assign property values to handle objects derived from?hgsetget?classset (RandStream)Set random number stream propertyset (serial)Configure or display serial port object propertiesset (timer)Configure or display timer object propertiesset (tscollection)Set properties of?tscollection?objectsetabstime????timeseries methodSet times of?timeseries?object as date stringssetabstime (tscollection)Set times of?tscollection?object as date stringssetappdataSpecify application-defined datasetdiffFind set difference of two arrayssetDirectory????Tiff methodMake specified IFD current IFDsetdisp (hgsetget)Override to change command window displaysetenvSet environment variablesetfieldAssign values to structure array fieldsetinterpmethod????timeseries methodSet default interpolation method for?timeseries?objectsetpixelpositionSet component position in pixelssetprefSet preferencesetstrSet string flagsetSubDirectory????Tiff methodMake subIFD specified by byte offset current IFDsetTag????Tiff methodSet value of tagsettimeseriesnamesChange name of?timeseries?object in?tscollectionsetuniformtime????timeseries methodModify uniform time vector of?timeseries?objectsetxorFind set exclusive OR of two arraysshadingSet color shading propertiesshgShow most recent graph windowshiftdimShift dimensionsshowplottoolShow or hide figure plot toolshrinkfacesReduce size of patch facessignSignum functionsinSine of argument in radianssindSine of argument in degreessingleConvert to single precisionsinhHyperbolic sine of argument in radianssize????functionArray dimensions????containers.Map methodSize of?containers.Map?object????matlab.io.MatFile methodArray dimensions????TriRep methodSize of triangulation matrixsize (serial)Size of serial port object arraysize (tscollection)Size of?tscollection?objectsliceVolumetric slice plotsmooth3Smooth 3-D datasnapnowForce snapshot of image for inclusion in published documentsortSort array elements in ascending or descending ordersortrowsSort rows in ascending ordersoundConvert matrix of signal data to soundsoundscScale data and play as soundspallocAllocate space for sparse matrixsparseCreate sparse matrixspaugmentForm least squares augmented systemspconvertImport matrix from sparse matrix external formatspdiagsExtract and create sparse band and diagonal matricesspecularCalculate specular reflectancespeyeSparse identity matrixspfunApply function to nonzero sparse matrix elementssph2cartTransform spherical coordinates to CartesiansphereGenerate spherespinmapSpin colormapsplineCubic spline data interpolationsponesReplace nonzero sparse matrix elements with onesspparmsSet parameters for sparse matrix routinessprandSparse uniformly distributed random matrixsprandnSparse normally distributed random matrixsprandsymSparse symmetric random matrixsprankStructural ranksprintfFormat data into stringspyVisualize sparsity patternsqrtSquare rootsqrtmMatrix square rootsqueezeRemove singleton dimensionsss2tfConvert state-space filter parameters to transfer function formsscanfRead formatted data from stringstairsStairstep graphStairseries PropertiesDefine stairseries propertiesstartStart timer(s) runningstartatStart timer(s) running at specified timestartupStartup file for user-defined optionsstd????functionStandard deviation????timeseries methodStandard deviation of?timeseries?datastemPlot discrete sequence datastem3Plot 3-D discrete sequence dataStemseries PropertiesDefine stemseries propertiesstopStop timer(s)stopasyncStop asynchronous read and write operationsstr2doubleConvert string to double-precision valuestr2funcConstruct function handle from function name stringstr2matForm blank-padded character matrix from stringsstr2numConvert string to numberstrcatConcatenate strings horizontallystrcmpCompare strings (case sensitive)strcmpiCompare strings (case insensitive)stream2Compute 2-D streamline datastream3Compute 3-D streamline datastreamlinePlot streamlines from 2-D or 3-D vector datastreamparticlesPlot stream particlesstreamribbon3-D stream ribbon plot from vector volume datastreamslicePlot streamlines in slice planesstreamtubeCreate 3-D stream tube plotstrfindFind one string within anotherstringsString handlingstrjustJustify character arraystrmatchFind possible matches for stringstrncmpCompare first?n?characters of strings (case sensitive)strncmpiCompare first?n?characters of strings (case insensitive)strreadRead formatted data from stringstrrepFind and replace substringstrtokSelected parts of stringstrtrimRemove leading and trailing white space from stringstructCreate structure arraystruct2cellConvert structure to cell arraystructfunApply function to each field of scalar structurestrvcatConcatenate strings verticallysub2indConvert subscripts to linear indicessubplotCreate axes in tiled positionssubsasgnSubscripted assignmentsubsindexSubscript indexing with objectsubspaceAngle between two subspacessubsrefRedefine subscripted reference for objectssubstructCreate structure argument for?subsasgn?or?subsrefsubvolumeExtract subset of volume data setsum????functionSum of array elements????timeseries methodSum of?timeseries?datasuperclassesSuperclass namessuperiortoEstablish superior class relationshipsupportOpen MathWorks Technical Support Web pagesurf3-D shaded surface plotsurf2patchConvert surface data to patch datasurfaceCreate surface objectSurface PropertiesSurface propertiesSurfaceplot PropertiesDefine surfaceplot propertiessurfcContour plot under a 3-D shaded surface plotsurflSurface plot with colormap-based lightingsurfnormCompute and display 3-D surface normalssvdSingular value decompositionsvdsFind singular values and vectorsswapbytesSwap byte orderingswitch/case/otherwiseSwitch among several cases based on expressionsymamdSymmetric approximate minimum degree permutationsymbfactSymbolic factorization analysissymmlqSymmetric LQ methodsymrcmSparse reverse Cuthill-McKee orderingsymvarDetermine symbolic variables in expressionsynchronize????timeseries methodSynchronize and resample two?timeseries?objects using common time vectorsyntaxTwo ways to call MATLAB functionssystemExecute operating system command and return result HYPERLINK "" tanTangent of argument in radianstandTangent of argument in degreestanhHyperbolic tangenttarCompress files into tar filetempdirName of system's temporary foldertempnameUnique name for temporary filetetrameshTetrahedron mesh plottexlabelProduce TeX format from character stringtextCreate text object in current axesText PropertiesText propertiestextreadRead data from text file; write to multiple outputstextscanRead formatted data from text file or stringtextwrapWrapped string matrix for given uicontroltfqmrTranspose-free quasi-minimal residual methodthrow (MException)Issue exception and terminate functionthrowAsCaller (MException)Throw exception as if from calling functionticStart clock to measure performanceTiffMATLAB Gateway to LibTIFF library routinestimerConstruct timer objecttimerfindFind timer objectstimerfindallFind timer objects, including invisible objectstimesArray multiplytimeseriesCreate?timeseries?objecttitleAdd title to current axestocStop clock to measure performancetodatenumConvert CDF epoch object to MATLAB datenumtoeplitzToeplitz matrixtoolboxdirRoot folder for specified toolboxtraceSum of diagonal elementstranspose????functionTranspose????timeseries methodTranspose?timeseries?objecttrapzTrapezoidal numerical integrationtreelayoutLay out tree or foresttreeplotPlot picture of treetrilLower triangular part of matrixtrimeshTriangular mesh plottriplequadNumerically evaluate triple integraltriplot2-D triangular plotTriRep????classTriangulation representation????constructorTriangulation representationTriScatteredInterp????classInterpolate scattered data????constructorInterpolate scattered datatrisurfTriangular surface plottriuUpper triangular part of matrixtrueLogical 1 (true)try/catchExecute statements and catch resulting errorstscollectionCreate?tscollection?objecttsdata.eventConstruct event object for?timeseries?objecttsearchSearch for enclosing Delaunay triangletsearchnN-D closest simplex searchtstoolOpen Time Series Tools GUItypeDisplay contents of filetypecastConvert data types without changing underlying data HYPERLINK "" uibuttongroupCreate container object to exclusively manage radio buttons and toggle buttonsUibuttongroup PropertiesDescribe button group propertiesuicontextmenuCreate context menuUicontextmenu PropertiesDescribe context menu propertiesuicontrolCreate user interface control objectUicontrol PropertiesDescribe user interface control (uicontrol) propertiesuigetdirOpen standard dialog box for selecting directoryuigetfileOpen standard dialog box for retrieving filesuigetprefSpecify and conditionally open dialog box according to user preferenceuiimportOpen Import Wizard to import datauimenuCreate menus and menu items on figure windowsUimenu PropertiesDescribe menu propertiesuint16Convert to 16-bit unsigned integeruint32Convert to 32-bit unsigned integeruint64Convert to 64-bit unsigned integeruint8Convert to 8-bit unsigned integeruiopenInteractively select file to open and load datauipanelCreate panel container objectUipanel PropertiesDescribe panel propertiesuipushtoolCreate push button on toolbarUipushtool PropertiesDescribe push tool propertiesuiputfileOpen standard dialog box for saving filesuiresumeResume execution of blocked programuisaveInteractively save workspace variables to MAT-fileuisetcolorOpen standard dialog box for setting object's ColorSpecuisetfontOpen standard dialog box for setting object's font characteristicsuisetprefManage preferences used in?uigetprefuistackReorder visual stacking order of objectsuitableCreate 2-D graphic table GUI componentUitable PropertiesDescribe table propertiesuitoggletoolCreate toggle button on toolbarUitoggletool PropertiesDescribe toggle tool propertiesuitoolbarCreate toolbar on figureUitoolbar PropertiesDescribe toolbar propertiesuiwaitBlock program execution and wait to resumeuminusUnary minusundocheckoutUndo previous checkout from source control system (UNIX platforms)unicode2nativeConvert Unicode characters to numeric bytesunionFind set union of two arraysuniqueFind unique values in arrayunixExecute UNIX command and return resultunloadlibraryUnload shared library from memoryunmeshConvert edge matrix to coordinate and Laplacian matricesunmkppPiecewise polynomial detailsunregisteralleventsUnregister all event handlers associated with COM object events at run timeunregistereventUnregister event handler associated with COM object event at run timeuntarExtract contents of tar fileunwrapCorrect phase angles to produce smoother phase plotsunzipExtract contents of zip fileuplusUnary plusupperConvert string to uppercaseurlreadDownload URL content to MATLAB stringurlwriteDownload URL content and save to fileusejavaDetermine whether Sun Java feature is supported in MATLAB softwareuserpathView or change user portion of search path HYPERLINK "" validateattributesCheck validity of arrayvalidatestringCheck validity of text stringvalues????containers.Map methodIdentify values in?containers.Map?objectvanderVandermonde matrixvar????functionVariance????timeseries methodVariance of?timeseries?datavararginVariable-length input argument listvarargoutVariable-length output argument listvectorizeVectorize expressionverVersion and license information for MathWorks productsverctrlSource control actions (Windows platforms)verLessThanCompare toolbox version to specified version stringversionVersion number for MATLAB and librariesvertcat????functionConcatenate arrays vertically????matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous methodVertical concatenation for heterogeneous arraysvertcat (tscollection)Vertical concatenation for?tscollection?objectsvertexAttachments????TriRep methodReturn simplices attached to specified verticesVideoReaderRead video filesVideoWriterWrite video filesviewViewpoint specificationviewmtxView transformation matricesvisdiffCompare two text files, MAT-Files, binary files, Zip files, or foldersvolumeboundsCoordinate and color limits for volume datavoronoiVoronoi diagramvoronoiDiagram????DelaunayTri methodVoronoi diagramvoronoinN-D Voronoi diagram HYPERLINK "" waitWait until timer stops runningwaitbarOpen or update wait bar dialog boxwaitforBlock execution and wait for event or conditionwaitforbuttonpressWait for key press or mouse-button clickwarndlgOpen warning dialog boxwarningWarning messagewaterfallWaterfall plotwavfinfoInformation about WAVE (.wav) sound filewavplayPlay recorded sound on PC-based audio output devicewavreadRead WAVE (.wav) sound filewavrecordRecord sound using PC-based audio input devicewavwriteWrite WAVE (.wav) sound filewebOpen Web site or file in Web or Help browserweekdayDay of weekwhatList MATLAB files in folderwhatsnewRelease Notes for MathWorks productswhichLocate functions and fileswhileRepeatedly execute statements while condition is truewhitebgChange axes background colorwho????functionList variables in workspace????matlab.io.MatFile methodNames of variables in MAT-filewhos????functionList variables in workspace, with sizes and types????matlab.io.MatFile methodNames, sizes, and types of variables in MAT-filewilkinsonWilkinson's eigenvalue test matrixwinopenOpen file in appropriate application (Windows)winqueryregItem from Windows registrywk1finfoDetermine whether file contains 1-2-3 WK1 worksheetwk1readRead Lotus 1-2-3 WK1 spreadsheet file into matrixwk1writeWrite matrix to Lotus 1-2-3 WK1 spreadsheet fileworkspaceOpen Workspace browser to manage workspacewrite????Tiff methodWrite entire imagewriteDirectory????Tiff methodCreate new IFD and make it current IFDwriteEncodedStrip????Tiff methodWrite data to specified stripwriteEncodedTile????Tiff methodWrite data to specified tilewriteVideo????VideoWriter methodWrite video data to file HYPERLINK "" xlabelLabel?x-axisxlimSet or query?x-axis limitsxlsfinfoDetermine whether file contains?Microsoft Excel?spreadsheetxlsreadRead?Microsoft Excel?spreadsheet filexlswriteWrite Microsoft Excel spreadsheet filexmlreadRead XML document and return Document Object Model nodexmlwriteWrite XML Document Object Model nodexorLogical exclusive-ORxsltTransform XML document using XSLT engine HYPERLINK "" ylabelLabel?y-axisylimSet or query?y-axis limits HYPERLINK "" zerosCreate array of all zeroszipCompress files into zip filezlabelLabel?z-axiszlimSet or query?z-axis limitszoomTurn zooming on or off or magnify by factor ................

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