Egypt: From The Ancient to the Modern STEAM Education ...

Egypt: From The Ancient to the Modern STEAM Education? Lesson PlanEducators’ Names (with Titles): Adam Schneider, Steam TeacherTrained (When/Where): - Online - Lesson OverviewSkill Level(Grade Range)Third Grade Central ThemeWorld CommunitiesTopic Concept of ThemeEgyptSummary of Essential ConceptsStudents will explore the various aspects of ancient and modern Egyptian culture. They will create their own version of papyrus (S); and then they will research, develop, and build a tool to be able to move me up a ramp, just like the stones used in the Great Pyramid of Giza were transported (T&E); they will then write a letter to a Pharaoh from ancient Egypt expressing how it was wrong that slaves were used to build the pyramids, and why they should be free (SS); the students will then create a tourism brochure for the Great Pyramid of Giza (LA); they will then build a scaled version of the pyramid and 3D print it (M); students will also recreate a hieroglyphic using CAD software or their own tools (FA); they will write and record a song of their own style about life in Ancient or Modern Egypt (Mu). Finally, they will run the distance equal to the length of all four sides of the Great Pyramid of Giza in order to gain a greater perspective of the enormity of this world wonder (PE). Integrated Basic PlanWe begin the school year exploring the Unit 1 Social Studies standard, Introduction to World Geography and World Communities. In this respect, we will explore Egypt through thematic project based learning, incorporating all of the subjects of STEAM. We will be exploring Egypt, both the ancient and modern, and continually relating it to our own community. Each subject correlates to the theme of Egypt, and they tie into each other as well. We begin with Science. Ancient Egyptians used a kind of paper, papyrus. How was this paper made? Can we make our own version of papyrus? In Technology & Engineering, the students will learn how enormous each block used in the creation of the pyramid is. How did they move each block into place? We will explore our own version of moving a very large object. In Social Studies, we will talk further about the lives of the people who built the pyramids. Were they free? Was it fair that they were forced to build these pyramids? How could this have been changed? For Language Arts, they will write and create a tourism brochure about the Great Pyramid of Giza. In order to understand what a travel brochure looks like, the students will be introduced to different brochures at the start of this project. In Math, they will recreate and print the Great Pyramid of Giza. But first, in order to have a sense of how huge this structure is, I will compare it to something in our neighborhood, perhaps a section of streets on Google Maps, and compare its height to something local as well. With Fine Arts, I will introduce hieroglyphics by showing them the Ankh, and explaining to them what it means, and why it was such a powerful symbol to me as a child. I wore it around my neck for years. For Music, I will play them a popular hip hop or pop song from Egypt to show them that music exists everywhere in the world, before they begin their project. Finally, for the Physical Arts, I will ask if anyone runs for exercise, and if so how far? I will ask them how far they think they will have to run to have run around the entire base of the Great Pyramid of Giza.As a capstone project, they will create dioramas of Egypt, incorporating what they have learned throughout this thematic STEAM unit. They will use the Aurasma app to augment the diorama, and add content they would not be able to normally add in a regular diorama. A perfect application of augmented reality. This project will be assessed formatively as they work on it, and add artifacts to their ePortfolios. They will be provided with a rubric outlining what is expected of them, and what should be included in the project. They will see with the rubric what must be included to correlate to a certain grade. I will also interview each student at the end of the project, which will also serve as assessment.This capstone project, and all of the projects throughout this STEAM unit rely on Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Creativity, and Innovation. They are continually moving up the pyramid of Bloom’s Taxonomy as they learn about Egypt (an appropriate choice of words).RBL(reality-based learning)When working on the tourism brochure, we might visit a local travel agency. While there they can talk to the Travel Agent (this will have been set up in advance). When talking about slavery in the Social Studies lesson, if we touch upon modern day treatment of Egyptians, we could possibly communicate with students in Egypt, if possible (there are different sites which can put students in touch with other students around the world), we could also try to communicate with the Egyptian Embassy in NYC. In the music lesson we might see who some of the popular performers in Egypt are today.AssessmentEvidence BasedAssessment is outlined in each lesson. There is ongoing formative assessment, as well as summative assessment that takes place with the completion of the project, which is rubric based, as well as the interview conducted with each student when the project is complete, all correlated to the standards identified in each lesson. They will also be adding to their ePortfolios on a regular basis, which will also serve as an assessment tool. Student Team Selection (if applicable)Many of the projects will be done in teams. The teams will be heterogeneous, where students of different levels are partnered together to help each other. That way a student that is performing well, can work with a struggling student, and help this student gain a greater understanding of what they are trying to create or solve. Some of the projects will have whole group aspects as well, particularly at the beginning and end of the projects. Some projects will also be independent, such as the Fine Arts lesson. But, they still collaborate and communicate, even when working alone. They share their work at the end of projects, and are encouraged to have open communication with each other and me at all times.Time Frame of LessonThe Science lesson will run approximately 2-3 classes. The Technology and Engineering lesson will run approximately 2-3 classes as well. Social Studies will last approximately 2 classes. Language Arts will last approximately 2 classes. Math will also run approximately 2 classes. Fine Arts will run approximately 1-2 classes. Music will also run approximately 1-2 classes. Physical Education will run 1 class. In total, we will be looking at an entire marking period (around 9 weeks), as I will be meeting with each class only 1 -2 times per week. I am what is called a Cluster Teacher. I am the STEAM Teacher, but I only meet with them once or twice a week, so these lessons will be spread over the course of a marking period, perhaps even longer than one marking period.Basic SuppliesFor Science I will need sample papyrus paper, brown paper bags, scissors, and water.For Technology & Engineering, I will need plywood, pencils, metal rods (or other cylindrical items to be used as a wheel to roll the plywood on), rope, and other items the students may request (within reason).For Social Studies, the students will need either a laptop or tablet.For Language Arts they will need either a laptop, tablet, or paper, and writing utensils.For Math we will need access to my 3D printer.For Fine Arts they will also need access to my 3D printer, and access to materials to create their own hieroglyph (the materials will depend on how they want to create their art).For Music we will need a laptop or tablet.For Physical Education we will need the physical space to run.IT and Additional Resources, iMovie, , GarageBand, Pages, Google Docs (Docs, Sheets, Slides), Photoshop (or online alternatives), 3D printer, Prezi, Aurasma Career ClustersProfessional / Community ConnectionsFor the Science unit, since we are exploring paper, the New York Times factory is nearby, perhaps we could organize a field trip to see the paper.For Technology and Engineering it would be great if we could find an actual building design engineer or construction worker to visit and explain how they solve problems.For Social Studies, a visit to the Egyptian Embassy, or the United Nations would be very helpful. If a visit is not possible, being able to conduct a Skype or Google Hangout would be fantastic as well.As mentioned already, speaking with a travel agent or an employee for a tourism board would be beneficial for Language Arts.For Fine Arts, it would be great to connect with a local artist and find out how he/she approaches the creative process involved in making art.The same for music, if we could talk to a local musician, or even an Egyptian musician, that would bring greater relevancy to the lesson. AudienceAll of the examples listed could potentially see the final products or presentations of this lesson:StudentEducatorOther students in classOther students in grade levelStudents throughout schoolOther educatorsParents/guardiansCommunity membersLocal professionalsPrinted/On-line PublicationsMiscellaneous (Extensions and Variations)Extensions and other information are listed in each lesson. I do not yet know what students I will have with special needs or disabilities, but I will plan accordingly, and revise the lessons as needed. PhotosScienceExample of papyrus being made: & EngineeringLimestone block from Great Pyramid of Giza: StudiesDepiction of slaves building the pyramid: ArtsExample of a tourism brochure: Great Pyramid of Giza: ArtsEgyptian Hieroglyphics Knightz (one of Egypt’s most popular rap bands) Physical EducationHalf marathon in Cairo: Concept(s)Students will research what papyrus is, how it was made, how the ancient Egyptians used it, and then make their own version of “papyrus” paper with matter available in our community. Goal/ObjectivesStudents will be able to identify what papyrus in ancient Egypt was, where it was found, and how it was made into paper. Because papyrus is native to Africa, they cannot make paper out of papyrus here, so they will work in groups to figure out how they can make their own paper, in the same manner that papyrus is made, with materials they find in our community or classroom. Standard(s)New York State Science Standards:: Students should describe, categorize, compare, and measure observable physical properties of matter and objects. Things can be done to materials to change their properties, but not all materials respond in the same way to what is done to them. Younger students emphasize physical properties while older students will recognize chemical changes. Appropriate tools are a necessary component to describe some physical properties of objects. 3.1b: ■ Matter has properties (color, hardness, odor, sound, taste, etc.) that can be observed through the senses. ELA Common Core State Standards:: Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur). RI.3.10: Read and comprehend informational text. W.3.6: With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others. SL.3.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on Grade 3 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. SL3.3: Ask and answer questions about information from a speaker, offering appropriate elaboration and detail.VocabularyPapyrus (Cyperus Papyrus), paper, Egypt, Africa, Career(s) Tie-InPaper Milling: Students will create their own paper, or recycle paper to make papyrus, by doing so, they will see how the industry of paper milling can actually be an industry where work can be foundJournalism: By creating paper, and researching papyrus in ancient Egypt, students will see that paper is a medium for conveying information relates to journalism and writing in general. They could explore a career in journalism or writing.Project Element and Educator / Student Feedback(student application of standard/benchmark/goal)Students will explore papyrus and its application with the ancient Egyptians. They will identify the makeup of papyrus paper, and make a link to their local community as to how they can make their own version of modern day, New York City “papyrus” paper. I will facilitate, and hopefully help them make the connection that they can reuse brown paper bags to create “papyrus.”There will be ongoing feedback and checkpoints. The first major checkpoint is seeing if they understand how papyrus paper was made, this will determine how they will move forward with making their own paper. Another major checkpoint will be when they decide on how they are going to make their own “papyrus” paper. Are they going to attempt to make it from plant matter, or will they make the connection that paper is already made from plant matter, and that they can recycle paper, and following a similar process to making papyrus, make their own recycled paper from paper pulp, or even just wet strips of a paper bag, which will also create a product similar to papyrus.Materials will depend on what they decide to use to make their paper (a trip to the park across the street could produce some nice plant matter)As a backup, plenty of paper bags will be available, as they are made from plant matter, and are relatively thick, mimicking the feel and texture of papyrus paperSamples of actual papyrus paperProduct Students will make their own “papyrus” cross-hatched paperAssessmentEvidence BasedEnd Product + InterviewI plan on implementing a Google ePortfolio methodology I developed a few years ago as a Google Education Trainer. The students will record all of the information they learn in a Google Doc, and will add artifacts from this project into the ePortfolio, along with metacognitive reflections. I will be able to add comments to these posts, providing ongoing feedback. I will be able to assess them throughout the process, as well as the creation of the product. I want to ensure that they understand the makeup of papyrus paper, that they understand what papyrus is in terms of matter, and that they tried to create their own form of paper; this will correlate to the science standards. Formative assessment will be used throughout to demonstrate where they are in terms of mastery of the Science and ELA standards. There will be a rubric they can follow that will show them what constitutes a “Needs Improvement” version of paper, an “Improving” version of paper, a “Good” version of paper, and an “Excellent” version of paper. The “Excellent” section of the rubric will most closely align to the original formation of papyrus paper, but it will take into account that papyrus is not found in Flushing, Queens, so they will have creative license in how they create their own “papyrus” paper.Miscellaneous(Enrichment, modification, extension, alternate methodology)If there are students with disabilities, if possible, they will be teamed with a group that can best help this student, and make them a part of the team. If the disabilities are of a nature that requires more 1:1, I will accommodate as necessary. If there are learning disabilities, the amount of information and adaption supplied to them will vary as needed.As an extension activity, students can explore papyrus, and try to find out how it lasts for thousands of years if it is just made from a plant.2. Technology & 3. EngineeringEssential Concept(s)Students will explore the Great Pyramid of Giza, and come to understand how truly enormous it is, by comparing it to a structure they are familiar with in their community (if possible). They will then research the size and weight of each block used in the creation of the pyramid. They will hypothesize how people could have moved such a massive rock. They will then be tasked with moving a massive structure on their own. That massive structure is me.They will work in teams to figure out a way to move me from one location to another, possibly up a ramp in the hallway of our school. They will not be allowed to physically pick me and carry me (which they probably wouldn’t be able to do anyhow). Throughout this process we will have discussions as a class to help them realize that by using simple machines (a wheel and possibly and axle, but the wheel that attaches to the axle would have to be built by them, and my weight may break any wheel and axle, so a simple wheel in the form of a pencil or metal rod might be more practical), they can move me much easier than they realize. Goal/ObjectivesStudents will be able to use simple machines to move me up a ramp. (T)Students will build some sort of device, which I will sit on, which they can then use to transport me from point A to point B. (E)Standard(s)ASEE Dimension 1: Engineering Design - Students will apply concepts of engineering design to solve problems. ASEE Dimension 2: Connecting Engineering to Science, Technology, and Mathematics - Students will be able to apply concepts of science, technology, and mathematics to engineering processes and problems. ASEE Dimension 4: Communication and Teamwork - Americans will be able to use effective communication and teamwork skills to acquire information and convey outcomes to a variety of stakeholders. ITEEA Standard 7: Students will develop an understanding of the influence of technology on history.ITEEA Standard 11: Students will develop the abilities to apply the design process. VocabularyPyramid, limestone, simple machine, wheel, axleCareer(s) Tie-InEngineer (many different kinds of engineering careers) (E)Construction worker (T)Project Element and Educator / Student Feedback(student application of standard/benchmark/goal)Students will explore the creation of the Great Pyramid of Giza, and how it was built. Through class discussion, they will discuss how they believe the giant stones were transported to the pyramid. Through this discussion, the theory that the stones were rolled using logs and hundreds of people (T) will be uncovered. They will then be tasked with moving an enormous object themselves. I am the enormous object. They will research and develop a way to move me up a ramp; they will then build their solution (E). They will try to move me using what they built (T). If they are not successful they will go back in the design process and revise.Product The final product for this lesson is the device they build to successfully move me up a ramp.AssessmentEvidence BasedEnd Product + InterviewAssessment will take place throughout, and will also incorporate the ePortfolio they are adding to. Formative assessment is ongoing, and Summative assessment will take place with the project, which is rubric based. I am not so much concerned with if they actually are able to move me, but more if what they build to transport me (E) and then how they use that tool to transport me (T) makes sense. I want to see them build something (E) that could theoretically move me (T). Perhaps they fail, but they keep revising (E), and hopefully can figure out an iteration that succeeds in moving me from point A to point B (T).The end product and our discussion afterwards will be very important in assessing them.Miscellaneous(Enrichment, modification, extension, alternate methodology)I will have materials available for them to use, and will try to meet their requests for additional materials. But, the basic materials will include plywood (for me to sit on), pencils, metal rods, rope.Extension: Research alternative and newer theories of the creation of the limestone blocks for the Pyramids, and write about it, or create a presentation on it using Google Slides or Prezi. A newer theory suggests that a primitive form of limestone concrete may have been used to cast the blocks.4. Social StudiesEssential Concept(s)Universal human rights suggests that all people should be treated fairly and should have the opportunity to meet their basic needs. We have learned throughout our research of Egypt, particularly ancient Egypt, and the creation of the pyramids, that there were thousands of slaves who worked very hard. How would you compare your life to the life of a slave in ancient Egypt? Did they live a fair life, were their basic needs met? Students will write a letter to an ancient pharaoh explaining why slavery is wrong, and why they feel slavery should be abolished.Goal/ObjectivesStudents will be able to compare their lives to the lives of a slave in ancient Egypt. They will be able to identify ways they could have taken action against the inhuman act of slavery.Standard(s)New York City 3rd Grade Social Studies Scope and Sequence 3.8: The concept of universal human rights suggests that all people should be treated fairly and should have the opportunity to meet their basic needs. (Standards 1, 2, 5) Rights and Responsibilities 3.8a, 3.8b, 3.8cIssues of human rightsResponsibilities to protect human rights and treat others fairlySteps people can take to support social action and changeVocabularySlavery, human rights, freedomCareer(s) Tie-InCommunity ActivismSocial WorkPoliticsProject Element and Educator / Student Feedback(student application of standard/benchmark/goal)As the students have worked on this thematic unit, they have seen how slavery was a key component of ancient Egypt. We will further investigate the life of a slave in ancient Egypt. The students will also research what life is like for the average modern day Egyptian. Is it similar to theirs? Are they treated fairly by their government? The students will write a letter to the Pharaoh explaining why slavery is wrong, how every life matters, and everybody should be treated fairly, and should have the opportunity to meet their basic needs. They will have someone record them reading their letter, or they will record their letter as a voiceover, and create a video out of it, using iMovie or another digital storytelling app if they wish. I will then have them work in groups to identify how they might reach out to the current Egyptian government, and share how they feel about the injustices currently taking place in Egypt. This lesson will end with me letting them know that they can really make change, and they can do things now and in the future to help the Egyptian people.Product Students will write a letter to the Pharaoh and create a digital video from it.AssessmentEvidence BasedEnd Product + InterviewAssessment will be ongoing in both formative and summative. The letter to the pharaoh, which will be rubric based, will serve as a piece of assessment, but they will also be adding artifacts their ePortfolios, and the group work where they identify how they might respond to the current treatment of Egyptians will also serve as assessment. At the end of the project, I will talk with each student individually to assess his or her understanding of the human rights issues regarding slavery.Miscellaneous(Enrichment, modification, extension, alternate methodology)Extension: Compare ancient Egypt’s treatment of people to the historical treatment of African Americans in the United States.5. Language ArtsEssential Concept(s)The students have done quite a bit of research on the Great Pyramid of Giza. They will take this knowledge, and research the pyramids even further in order to create a tourism brochure for the Pyramid.Goal/ObjectivesStudents will create a tourism brochure promoting the Great Pyramid of Giza to serve as an informational tool for people looking to visit the landmark.Standard(s) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.2Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information SS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.2.AIntroduce a topic and group related information together; include illustrations when useful to aiding SS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.2.BDevelop the topic with facts, definitions, and SS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.2.CUse linking words and phrases (e.g., also, another, and, more, but) to connect ideas within categories of SS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.2.DProvide a concluding statement or SS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.6With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with SS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.7Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.VocabularyPyramid, brochure, tourismCareer(s) Tie-InTravel agent; MarketingProject Element and Educator / Student Feedback(student application of standard/benchmark/goalStudents will research the Great Pyramid of Giza, looking for information they feel will be of interest to people looking to visit Egypt. They will record the information they find about the pyramid, and create a marketing brochure providing information about the pyramid. They will use Google Docs (if on Chromebook), Pages (if on iPad or MacBook), or another app.Product Students will create a travel brochure for the Great Pyramid of GizaAssessmentEvidence BasedEnd Product + InterviewAgain, assessment will take place throughout the project, both formative and summative. They will also document their work in their ePortfolios. The travel brochure will serve as a summative assessment piece, and be rubric based. At the end of the project, I will speak with each student, and this will also serve as an assessment piece.Miscellaneous(Enrichment, modification, extension, alternate methodology)Alternate methodology: If a student would prefer to create the brochure in a non-digital medium, they are free to do so, they can create a brochure any way they would like. As long as it includes information about the Great Pyramid of Giza, it is acceptable.6. MathematicsEssential Concept(s)Students will identify the size and dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza in meters, and then build a scaled version of the pyramid in millimeters using TinkerCad. With my assistance, the finished product will be further scaled to an even smaller size and printed on our 3D printer.Goal/ObjectivesStudents will be able to create a scaled version of the Great Pyramid of Giza and print it on the 3D printer.Standard(s)NYC Go Math 3rd Grade Standards Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects. 3.MD.2 Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units of grams (g), kilograms (kg), and liters (l).6 Add, subtract, multiply, or divide to solve one-step word problems involving masses or volumes that are given in the same units, e.g., by using drawings (such as a beaker with a measurement scale) to represent the problem. Represent and interpret data. 3.MD.4 Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch. Show the data by making a line plot, where the horizontal scale is marked off in appropriate units— whole numbers, halves, or quarters. VocabularyMeter, millimeter, pyramid, scaleCareer(s) Tie-InArchitect; Sculptor; Building Designer / EngineerProject Element and Educator / Student Feedback(student application of standard/benchmark/goal)Students will research the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza, recording the height, and the length of each side of its base, in meters. A worksheet will be created for them to record this data. They will then recreate the pyramid in TinkerCad () in millimeters rather than meters, and with my help scale it to an even smaller size so it can be printed on our 3D printer. We will recreate the pyramid in TinkerCad in a whole group setting if possible. Product 3D printed model of the Great Pyramid of Giza.AssessmentEvidence BasedEnd Product + InterviewThe worksheet they record the measurements of the pyramid will serve as assessment, as will the 3D printed model, and the project in TinkerCad. When the project is complete I will interview each students having them reflect on the project, which will also serve as assessment. Additionally, this will also be documented in their ePortfolios.Miscellaneous(Enrichment, modification, extension, alternate methodology)Extension: If time allows, the students can decorate their scaled 3D pyramids7. Fine ArtsEssential Concept(s)Students will research the meaning of Egyptian hieroglyphics, identify a hieroglyph that connects with them personally, and recreate it using TinkerCad or SketchUp, or another CAD related software. They will print it out on our 3D printer, and decorate it in a way that is meaningful to them. Alternatively, they can make the hieroglyph with other tools, as well as create/invent their own unique hieroglyph. Goal/ObjectivesStudents will be able to identify the meaning of a hieroglyph, and recreate it using software or tools already available in the classroom, designing it so it reflects their own personal feeling and emotion.Standard(s)NCCAS Standard: Creating:Conceiving and developing new artistic ideas and work.Anchor Standard #1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.Anchor Standard #2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.Anchor Standard #3. Refine and complete artistic work.VocabularyHieroglyphic (hieroglyph)Career(s) Tie-InArtistTranslatorDesignerProject Element and Educator / Student Feedback(student application of standard/benchmark/goal)Students will explore an ancient language, Egyptian hieroglyphics, identify a hieroglyph that resonates with them, and recreate it using either CAD software and our 3D printer, or recreate it using tools available in the classroom. They will present their hieroglyph to the class, and explain why it is meaningful to them. Note: As a child, the Ankh was extremely meaningful to me, as it represented life, and the design of the Ankh really stood out to me. I wore it as a necklace for years. I want my students to connect to an ancient hieroglyph, and recreate it themselves, allowing greater meaning to be attached to it.Product Students will recreate or invent their own hieroglyph, build it, design it, and make it their own. AssessmentEvidence BasedEnd Product + InterviewAs with the other lessons, formative and summative assessment will take place throughout the project, as well as their ePortfolio entries. But, for the hieroglyphic they develop, there will be a rubric that accompanies it that considers how much it looks like an actual Egyptian hieroglyphic, the colors used are appropriate, and how well they are able to concisely explain why their hieroglyphic was meaningful to them.Miscellaneous(Enrichment, modification, extension, alternate methodology)Extension: Students will explore if any other ancient or modern cultures have hieroglyphics, and compare them to Egyptian hieroglyphics.8. Musical ArtsEssential Concept(s)Students will write a song of their own style about life in Ancient or Modern Egypt. They will use GarageBand to create their backing music, and record the song they wrote to accompany the music.Goal/ObjectivesStudents will be able to write and record a song about ancient or modern Egyptian life.Standard(s)National Association for Music Education: Music StandardsMU:Cr1.1.3aImprovise rhythmic and melodic ideas,and describe connection to specific purpose and context (such as personal and social).MU:Cr2.1.3b Use standard and/or iconic notation and/or recording technology to document personal rhythmic and melodic musical ideas.VocabularyEgypt, compose, record, conduct, improviseCareer(s) Tie-InComposerPerformerRap ArtistSingerProject Element and Educator / Student Feedback(student application of standard/benchmark/goalThe students will work in teams to compose a song about life in ancient or modern Egypt. Once they have written the song, they will collaborate to create the music in GarageBand, and then sing the song, recording it in GarageBand as well. They can rap or sing, any style they choose. I would like each student in the team to take part in singing the song.Product The students will write and record a song about ancient or modern Egyptian life.AssessmentEvidence BasedEnd Product + InterviewThe assessment is not on the quality of the song, but on how well it articulates the life of ancient or modern Egypt. As usual formative assessment will take part throughout, the project will be rubric based, and the end product and interview will serve as summative assessment. The ePortfolio will also be used in assessment.Miscellaneous(Enrichment, modification, extension, alternate methodology)Extension: Explore modern day pop music in Egypt. See if children in Egypt have similar or different taste in music.9. Physical ArtsEssential Concept(s)The students will run the distance equal to the length of all four sides of the Great Pyramid of Giza in order to gain a greater perspective of the enormity of this world wonder. Goal/ObjectivesStudents will be able to run about 3,000 feet (3,023 feet to be exact).Standard(s)Shape America: National PE StandardsStandard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.NYC Go Math 3rd Grade Standards Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects. 3.MD.2 Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units of grams (g), kilograms (kg), and liters (l).6 Add, subtract, multiply, or divide to solve one-step word problems involving masses or volumes that are given in the same units, e.g., by using drawings (such as a beaker with a measurement scale) to represent the problem. VocabularyDistance, feetCareer(s) Tie-InAthlete; Physical Education TeacherProject Element and Educator / Student Feedback(student application of standard/benchmark/goal)The students will have already researched the length of each side of the Great Pyramid of Giza in meters. They will either convert it from meters to feet, or research again the length of each side of the pyramid in feet, and then using addition or multiplication, determine the total length of all four sides of the pyramid. I will have already measured out the distance of 3,023 feet, in a safe location where they can run. I will explain to them that the pyramid was massive, so massive that we are going to find out how big it is by running the combined distance of all four sides. There is a park near our school, I will try to find an area that represents the actual footprint of the pyramid, so we can run in an actual square. Product The students will have run 3,023 feet, the combined distance of all four sides of the Great Pyramid of Giza.AssessmentEvidence BasedEnd Product + InterviewI will assess the students on their research of the length of the sides of pyramid, and see if they can arrive at the final number of 3,023 feet. I will then see if they can run the entire distance. This will be a light jog. The entire project will be rubric based, incorporating the research section, and the physical arts section.Miscellaneous(Enrichment, modification, extension, alternate methodology)Modification: If I have any students with disabilities, we will see if they can still participate in the run. If they are in a wheelchair, I will see if it is possible to find a route that is accessible by wheelchair. ................

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