ISES Discipline XML Interface Specifications Version 1.1

Individual Student

Enrollment System

CSV Interface Specification for the

Discipline Collection

Version 9

August 11th, 2015

No changes from Version 8.

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 2

1.1 Purpose 2

1.2 How This Document Is Organized 2

1.3 Definitions 2

2 ISES – Discipline Collection Data Exchange Description 3

2.1 Overview of Comma Separated Value (CSV) 3

2.2 File Flow 3

2.3 Discipline Collection- Data Files 3

2.3.1 Discipline Load File 3 Discipline Load Filename Format 3

2.3.2 Load Results Report 3 Load Result Report Filename Format 3

2.3.3 Load Failure File 4 Load Failure Filename Format 4

2.3.4. Discipline Status File 4 Discipline Status Filename Format 4

2.3.5 Discipline Baseline Download File 4 Discipline Baseline Download Filename Format 5

A. Data Element Definitions 6

A.1 Date Formats 8

A.1.1 Date Format 8

A.1.2 Date Time Group Format 8

A.2 Sequence Number 8

A.3 Criteria for Matching ISES to WSLS 8

A.4 Uniqueness Criteria 8

B. File Definitions 9

B.1 File Header Definition 9

B.2 Discipline Load File and Baseline Download File Definition 10

B.3 Discipline Load Failure File Definition 15

B.4 Discipline Load Result Report 16

B.5 Discipline Status File Definition 17

C. Additional Discipline Collection Data Validations 20

D. Code Tables 21

D.1 English Language Proficiency Code 21

D.2 Discipline Incident Type 21

D.3 Gender Code 21

D.4 Grade Level Placement 21

D.5 Primary Disability 22

D.6 Race Code 22

D.7 Race Key 22

D.8 Discipline Removal Type 22

D.9 Modified Term 22

E. Special Character Entity References for XML 23


The primary goal of the Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES) – Discipline Collection project is to allow the public school and/or district staff to report individual student discipline information via on-line entry and/or batch processing. These individual records will be anonymous and kept unique by a state assigned student WSN identifier. Data will be transmitted from the Student Information System (SIS) into the ISES. An encryption process using Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology will be used for these transmissions.

A process has been established which enables schools and/or districts to upload discipline data into the ISES – Discipline Collection. Schools and or districts are required to report data on suspensions, expulsions, and other removals of individual students. Limited validations will be run at the time of file upload. Once the school submits an error free file, all of the students for the school will be stored in the ISES – Discipline Collection database. More complex validations will be performed within the ISES – Discipline Collection web application during the “Validate” Process.

1 Purpose

The purpose of this Interface Specification is to provide the information necessary to transfer data from a Student Information System to the Individual Student Enrollment System – Discipline Collection.

2 How This Document Is Organized

The remainder of this document is divided into two sections plus appendices, designed to answer a wide range of questions involving the operational considerations, and the technical requirements for implementing the Student Information System interface with the ISES – Discipline Collection.

• Section 2 provides an introduction to the electronic form of data exchange.

• Appendix A contains the definitions of the data elements.

• Appendix B contains the definitions of the CSV formatted files.

• Appendix C contains the definitions for additional data validations

• Appendix D contains the code tables to validate the student files.

3 Definitions

This table provides a brief introduction to a variety of terms and acronyms that are used in this Interface Specification.

|Term |Description |

|Data Element |A singular piece of data in a data exchange. |

|DPI |Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction |

|ISES |Individual Student Enrollment System |

|SIS |Student Information System located at the district or school. |

|File |A standard format ISES data exchange. |

|WSLS |Wisconsin Student Locator System |

|WSN |Wisconsin Student Number |

|CSV |Comma Separated Value, a flexible way to create information formats and share both the format |

| |and the data on the World Wide Web, intranets, and elsewhere. |

Table 1-1 Definition of Terms

ISES – Discipline Collection Data Exchange Description

1 Overview of Comma Separated Value (CSV)

The ISES has selected the Comma Separated Value (CSV) as one of the underlying formats for the data exchange with the Student Information System packages. A CSV file contains the values in a table as a series of ASCII text lines organized such that each column value is separated by a comma from the next column's value and each row (or each new line) starts a new record. It is strongly encouraged that all fields are enclosed in double quotes. For example,


A valid file contains three to several rows of data. Each row of data contains several data fields, which are separated by commas. The first field of every row indicates the header type for the row. The ISES accepts distinct header types depending on the file type, for example the ISES – Discipline Load File has 5 header types, 01 - Header record, 02 - School record, 03 - Incident Detail records, 04 – Removal Detail records and 05 - Trailer record. These header types tell the ISES what type of data and in what format to expect to find the data in the row.

2 File Flow

For each Load File received from a Student Information System by the ISES a file result is returned. The file result identifies the status of the Load, Success or Failure, and any errors found when processing the file.

3 Discipline Collection- Data Files

The subsections that follow provide a brief description of the Discipline Collection – Data files. The specific structure of each file is defined in Appendix B.

2.3.1 Discipline Load File

The Discipline Load File is used to transmit discipline data from the schools. Discipline Load Filename Format

Name: _____.csv


Example: S_0130_0000_08012007_IDL_00002.csv

This is the Discipline Load File for District 0130. It is a district level file and may contain multiple schools in the district, thus the school code is represented as “0000” (If the file was for one school, then the school code would be used here). This file was generated on August 01, 2007, by the Student Information System. The IDL type stands for ISES Discipline Load. It was the 2nd file generated for the current school year. Refer to Appendix B.2 for additional information about this file.

NOTE: Sizes are exact and fixed. Most numbers should have leading zeroes if they do not fill the full size for the named field (e.g. the month of May should be represented as 05 and NOT 5). If the file contains more then one school, then the school code value must equal “0000”.

2.3.2 Load Results Report

A Load Results Report is generated for each file received and processed by the Discipline Collection. If the file status is not SUCCESS, then a Load Results Report is returned with an identification of the error. SUCCESS indicates that the file uploaded successfully, it does not reflect the result of the validation process required before data is locked in the Discipline Collection web application. Load Result Report Filename Format

Name: _____.html


Example: R_0130_0000_08012007_IDL_00002.html

This is the Load Results Report that corresponds to the Send file S_0130_0000_08012007_IDL_00002.csv. The IDL type stands for ISES Discipline Load. Refer to Appendix B.4 for additional information about this report.

2.3.3 Load Failure File

A Load Failure File will only be generated by the Individual Student Enrollment System if the Load File fails to process successfully. This file can be used by districts and schools to determine which records violated file upload business rules and the reason for the error. Load Failure Filename Format

Name: < SendTag>_____.csv


Example: S_0130_0001_08202007_DLF_00002.csv

This is Load Failure File for District 0130, for School 0001 in the district. It was generated from processing the transaction S_0130_0001_08202007_ISL_00002.csv. The type DLF stands for Discipline Load Failure. This is a file that will be generated by the Discipline Collection and can be used by the Student Information System to upload the results from their Discipline Collection Student Load file. Refer to Appendix B.3 for additional information about this file.

2.3.4. Discipline Status File

The Discipline Status File can be requested from the File Download Request screen and is a snapshot of the current Discipline Collection database. This file contains all the data in the Discipline Collection database including fields populated from WSLS data, calculated fields and validation status information. The filename will vary slightly depending on what criteria was selected for download. Discipline Status Filename Format

Name: _____.csv


Example: S_0130_0001_08202007_ISD_00002.csv

This is the Discipline Status File with all record types for District 0130, for School 0001 in the district. It was generated by request in the Discipline Collection web application on August 20, 2007. The type ISD stands for ISES Status File for the Discipline Collection. Refer to Appendix B.4 for additional information about this file

2.3.5 Discipline Baseline Download File

The Discipline Baseline file can be requested from the File Download Request screen. This file is the same file format as the ISES Discipline Load File. . Discipline Baseline Download Filename Format

Name: _____.csv


Example: S_0130_0000_08202007_IBD_00003.csv

This is the Discipline Student Baseline File with all records for District 0130. It is a district level file and may contain multiple schools in the district, thus the school code is represented as “0000” (If the file was for one school, then the school code would be used here). It was generated by request in the Discipline Collection web application on August 20, 2007. The type IBD stands for ISES Baseline file for the Discipline Collection. Refer to Appendix B.2 for additional information about this file.

A. Data Element Definitions

Files are comprised of data segments, which are groups of data elements. This section defines the Discipline Collection data elements. They are presented in alphabetic order, below. The data types of the data elements are all ASCII text, and are further defined in the table as: A (alphanumeric), N (numeric), D (date), or DT (date time). For more information about data elements included in the Discipline Collection, see and .

|Data Element Name |Description |Data Type |Size (bytes)|Value/Format |

|BirthDate |Student date of birth |D |10 |See Appendix A.1 |

|Collection |Collection Type |A |3 |‘YED’ |

|DateTimeGroup |Date and Time this file was created |D |24 |See Appendix A.1 |

|DaysRemovedCurrentTerm |Number of school days removed this term|N |3 | |

|DistrictAccountable |District accountable for student |A |4 | |

| |performance and progress (e.g FAPE) | | | |

|DistrictCode |District submitting students’ data This|A |4 | |

| |is the district that provides / | | | |

| |supervises the students’ primary PK-12 | | | |

| |educational services | | | |

|EarlyReinstatementConditions |Early Reinstatement Conditions for |A |1 |“Y” or “N” |

| |Expulsion | | | |

|EnglishProfCode |English Language Proficiency |A |1 |See Appendix D.1 |

| |Classification | | | |

|EnrollmentDate |Student enrollment date |D |10 |See Appendix A.1 |

|ExpulsionReturnYear |Expulsion Period Return Year |A |4 |“YYYY” format |

|IncidentDate |Date incident occurred |D |10 |See Appendix A.1 |

|IncidentID |Incident Unique Identifier |A |16 | |

|IncidentTypePrimary |Discipline Incident Type |A |2 |See Appendix D.2 |

|IncidentTypeSecondary |Discipline Incident Type |A |2 |See Appendix D.2 |

|GenderCode |Student Gender |A |1 |See Appendix D.3 |

|Grade |Grade Level Placement |A |2 |See Appendix D.4 |

|MaxAgeYear |Year during which student reached the |A |4 |“YYYY” format |

| |maximum age to be counted for | | | |

| |enrollment | | | |

|ModifiedTerm |Modified Mandatory Term indicator |A |1 |See Appendix D.9 |

|PrimaryDisability |Primary Disability for IDEA eligible |A |3 |See Appendix D.5 |

| |students | | | |

|RaceCode |Replaced by Race Key for the fall 2010 |A |1 |See Appendix D.6 |

| |collection | | | |

|RaceKey |Student race/ethnicity |A |4 |See Appendix D.7 |

|ReasonCode |Cross Reference Number of |A |3 | |

| |Informational, Warning or Error Message| | | |

| |associated with record | | | |

|RecordType |Record Type |A |3 |‘D’ |

|RemovalID |Removal Type Unique Identifier |A |16 | |

|RemovalType |Discipline Removal Type |A |2 |See Appendix D.8 |

|RemovalStartDate |Removal Period Start Date |D |10 |See Appendix A.1 |

|ReturnToSchool |Return to School after Expulsion |A |1 |“Y” or “N” |

|SchoolAccountable |School in district accountable for |A |4 | |

| |student performance and progress (e.g | | | |

| |FAPE) | | | |

|SchoolCode |School within the district submitting |A |4 | |

| |the ISES students’ data that | | | |

| |provides/supervises the students’ | | | |

| |primary PK-12 educational services | | | |

|SeriousBodilyInjury |Serious Bodily Injury Indicator for |A |1 |“Y” or “N” |

| |IAES removals by School Personnel | | | |

|SeqNum |Sequence Number for this file |A |5 |NNNNN is a 5 digit sequence |

| | | | |number |

|ServicesProvided |Services Provided during school term of|A |1 |“Y” or “N” |

| |expulsion | | | |

|Status |Status Message in Load Failure File |A |7 |‘SUCCESS’, ‘ERROR’, or |

| | | | |‘WARNING’ |

|UID1 |WSLS Local ID 1 |A |30 | |

|ValidationMessage |Validation Message in Status File |A |7 |‘INFO’, ‘ERROR’, ‘WARNING’ or|

| | | | |blank |

|WSNStudentID |Wisconsin Unique Student Identifier |N |10 | |

|YearCollection |School Year |A |4 |“YYYY” format |

|YearIncident |School Year in which incident occurred |A |4 |“YYYY” format |

|YearRemovalType |School Year in which removal occurred |A |4 |“YYYY” format |

1. Date Formats

1. Date Format




2. Date Time Group Format




where XXX is the time zone (e.g., CST).

2. Sequence Number

• Begins each new school year at 00001

• Reset to 00001 at the end of each school year.

• Incremented by 1 each time a new file is created.

Example: The file is generated for a school as the first file that year. The sequence number would be 00001. The very next file generated would be 00002.

• Each re-submittal of a file will be given a new sequence number.

Example: If the previously mentioned file (sequence 00001) had errors and a new file was created after corrections were made, the new file would have a NEW sequence number (in this case 00002, since 00001 was used for the first file).

• Sequence Number in the file must match the sequence number on the file name.

3. Criteria for Matching ISES to WSLS

Listed below are the criteria that will be used to match a Discipline record to an existing record in WSLS.

|FIELDS |WSLS Match Criteria |ISES Match Criteria |

|School District |X |X |

|School |X |X |

|WSN |X |X |

|School Enroll Date |X |X |

|Year of Record | |X |

|Record Type | |YE |

4. Uniqueness Criteria

Listed below are two criteria sets that may define a unique discipline record. In order to correctly identify a record, matching data must be provided for all fields of the criteria set.

|FIELDS |Uniqueness Criteria for Incident |Uniqueness Criteria for Removal|

|School District |X |X |

|School |X |X |

|WSN |X |X |

|School Enroll Date |X |X |

|Incident Date |X |X |

|Removal Start Date |X |X |

|Removal Type | |X |

B. File Definitions

A CSV file is a comma separated value file in ASCII format. Each CSV file must begin with a Header record, which controls how the ISES System will interpret the document.

The File Definition tables include the following columns:

• Header – indicates the header name for the data element.

• Parent Header – indicates which tag this data element is a child of. This defines the hierarchical relationships.

• Data Element Name – The name of the data element defined in Appendix A.

• Business Rule Description – a description of the data element, in the defining context.

• Nullable Upload – indicates if the data element can be null for the file upload processes.

• Nullable Lock – indicates if the data element may be null for the school or district lock process.

An example is provided for each file after its definition table. Line breaks and indentations are used in the examples to improve readability and illustrate hierarchy, but neither is required.

1. File Header Definition

|Header |Parent |Data Element |Business Rule |NULL- |

| |Header |Name |Description |ABLE |

|01 |N/A |N/A |Student Information System transaction set|NO |

| | | |parent header | |

|DTG |01 |DateTimeStamp |FORMAT |NO |

| | | | | |

| | | |Time must be in Central Standard Time | |

| | | |HH in 24 Hour denotation | |

| | | |TIMEZONE CST – Central Standard Time | |

|SEQ_NUM |01 |SeqNum |FORMAT 00009 – Leading Zeroes |NO |

|COLLECTION |01 |Collection |Must be a valid Collection from DPI Table |NO |

| | | |This value must be “YED” for Discipline | |

|DISTRICT |01 |DistrictCode |Must be a valid District Code from DPI |NO |

| | | |Table | |

| | | |FORMAT 0009 – Leading Zeroes | |

Table B-1. File Set Envelope Definition

The File Header will preface each of the files as shown in the following example:

“01”,”08-10-2008 13:00:05 CST”,”00001”,“YED”,“0001”

2. Discipline Load File and Baseline Download File Definition

The ISES Discipline Load File Definition is used by the Student Information System (SIS) to transmit student data to the Department of Public Instruction for reporting purposes. This file will be used to load student data into the Discipline Collection and will be reconciled against the data submitted to the Wisconsin Student Locator System (WSLS). This same file format can also be used to download a Baseline Download File which can be imported into or reconciled with local SIS data.

The Business Rule Description column in the table below applies to file upload process only. A violation of any of the business rules listed in the table below will cause the entire file to fail during the load process. If the file upload fails, a Load Failure File (see B.3) can be used to identify which records caused the file to fail and the reason for failure.

The Nullable Upload column in the table below also applies only to the file upload process. If Nullable Upload is ‘YES’, then submitting a null value will not cause file failure, and data may be later added on-line via the web application. If Nullable Upload is ‘No,’ or in some cases ‘COND,’ then submitting a null value WILL cause file failure.

The Nullable Lock column applies to the full validation and locking processes, see Appendix C. It is possible for a file to upload successfully, but because additional validations are run after upload, more data or modifications to the data are required prior to locking in the ISES – Discipline Collection web application. Validation results will be available within the application in on-line reports and can also be downloaded in a Status File (see B.5).

‘COND’ appears in the Nullable Upload or Nullable Lock column if data elements are conditionally required. For example, if a THIRD_PARTY_AGENCY for a CCDEB school is uploaded (not null), the THIRD_PARTY_SCHOOL must also be uploaded because both pieces of information are required to correctly identify the school.

The Cross Reference column provides means to correlate data elements and associated business rules to the additional documentation described in Appendix C. Certain values may be auto-generated during the full validation as noted in the Business Rule Description column. For such rules, the Cross Reference column will show an asterisk.

|Header |Parent |Data Element |Business Rule Description |Nullable |Null-able |Cross Reference|

|SCHOOL |02 |SchoolCode |Must be a valid School Code from DPI |NO |NO |56, 57 |

| | | |Table. | | | |

| | | |FORMAT 0009 – Leading Zeroes. | | | |

|RECORD_ TYPE |02 |RecordType |Must be ‘D’. |NO |NO |69 |

|YEAR |02 |YearCollection |FORMAT YYYY., i.e. ‘2008’ for files |NO |NO |70 |

| | | |submitted for the 2007-08 school term. | | | |

|03 |N/A |N/A |Incident parent header. Include one |NO |N/A | |

| | | |INCIDENT tag for each incident. | | | |

|INCIDENT_ID |03 |IncidentID |Each record must match an existing |YES |N/A |70, 78 |

| | | |discipline record for this DISTRICT, | | | |

| | | |SCHOOL, and WSN_ID. | | | |

| | | |May be included to meet uniqueness | | | |

| | | |requirement of Appendix A.4. | | | |

| | | |Will not be written to data base unless | | | |

| | | |YEAR_INCIDENT < YEAR. | | | |

|YEAR_INCIDENT |03 |YearIncident |FORMAT YYYY, i.e. ‘2008’ for incidents |NO |NO |71, 72 |

| | | |submitted for the 2007-08 school term. | | | |

| | | |Must be equal to or less than YEAR. | | | |

| | | |If less than YEAR, then must match | | | |

| | | |existing record from prior collection | | | |

| | | |for either (DISTRICT, SCHOOL, | | | |

| | | |YEAR_INCIDENT, WSN_ID, and | | | |

| | | |INCIDENT_DATE) or (WSN_ID and | | | |

| | | |INCIDENT_ID). | | | |

|WSN_ID |03 |WSNStudentId |FORMAT 0000000009. |NO |NO |18, 66, 68, 73 |

| | | |If YEAR_INCIDENT = YEAR, then record | | | |

| | | |must match an existing WSLS record for | | | |

| | | |this DISTRICT, SCHOOL, WSN_ID and | | | |

| | | |ENROLL_DATE. | | | |

| | | |The record must be unique based on | | | |

| | | |criteria listed in Appendix A.4. | | | |

|ENROLL_ DATE |03 |EnrollmentDate |FORMAT MM/DD/YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY |COND |NO |17, 18, 68, 74 |

| | | |If YEAR_INCIDENT = YEAR, then | | | |

| | | |ENROLL_DATE must meet matching criteria | | | |

| | | |defined for WSN_ID. | | | |

| | | |The record must be unique based on one | | | |

| | | |of the combinations listed in Appendix | | | |

| | | |A.4. | | | |

| | | |Will not be written to data base if | | | |

| | | |either YEAR_INCIDENT < YEAR or | | | |

| | | |INCIDENT_ID is non-null. | | | |

|INCIDENT_DATE |03 |IncidentDate |FORMAT MM/DD/YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY |COND |NO |29, 68, 72, 75 |

| | | |If YEAR_INCIDENT = YEAR, then | | | |

| | | |INCIDENT_DATE must be provided. | | | |

| | | |If YEAR_INCIDENT < YEAR and is not | | | |

| | | |null, then INCIDENT_DATE must meet | | | |

| | | |matching criteria for YEAR_INCIDENT. | | | |

| | | |The record must be unique based on one | | | |

| | | |of the combinations listed in Appendix | | | |

| | | |A.4. | | | |

| | | |Will not be written to data base if | | | |

| | | |INCIDENT_ID is non-null. | | | |

|INCIDENT_TYPE_PRIMA|03 |IncidentTypePrimary |Must be a valid Primary Incident Type |YES |NO |41, 76 |

|RY | | |from DPI Table. | | | |

| | | |Will not be written to data base if | | | |

| | | |either YEAR_INCIDENT < YEAR or | | | |

| | | |INCIDENT_ID is non-null. | | | |

|INCIDENT_TYPE_SECON|03 |IncidentTypeSecondar|Must be a valid Secondary Incident Type |YES |COND |59, 77 |

|DARY | |y |from DPI Table. | | | |

| | | |Will not be written to data base if | | | |

| | | |either YEAR_INCIDENT < YEAR or | | | |

| | | |INCIDENT_ID is non-null. | | | |

|04 |N/A |N/A |Removal Type parent header. Include one |NO |N/A | |

| | | |REMOVAL_TYPE tag for each removal type. | | | |

|REMOVAL_ID |04 |RemovalID |Will not be written to the data for file|N/A |N/A |80 |

| | | |upload. | | | |

|YEAR_REMOVAL_TYPE |04 |YearRemovalType |FORMAT YYYY, i.e. ‘2008’ for removals |NO |NO |79 |

| | | |submitted for the 2007-08 school term. | | | |

| | | |Must be equal to or greater than | | | |

| | | |YEAR_INCIDENT, but less than or equal to| | | |

| | | |YEAR + 1. | | | |

| | | |Expected to equal YEAR_INCIDENT and YEAR| | | |

| | | |when incident and removal occur in the | | | |

| | | |same school term. | | | |

|REMOVAL_TYPE |04 |RemovalType |Must be a valid Removal Type from DPI |YES |NO |49 |

| | | |Table. | | | |

|REMOVAL_START_DATE |04 |RemovalStartDate |FORMAT MM/DD/YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY |NO |NO |45, 46, 68 |

| | | |Must be equal to or greater than | | | |

| | | |Incident Date. | | | |

| | | |Must fall on or after 7/1 of YEAR – 1 | | | |

| | | |and on or prior to the 10th day after | | | |

| | | |the Accountable District Term Start Date| | | |

| | | |of YEAR. | | | |

| | | |The record must be unique based on one | | | |

| | | |of the combinations listed in Appendix | | | |

| | | |A.4. | | | |

|SERIOUS_BODILY_INJU|04 |SeriousBodilyInjury |Must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’. |YES |COND |60, 62* |

|RY | | | | | | |

|EARLY_REINSTATE_CON|04 |EarlyReinstatementCo|Must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’. |YES |COND |10, 11* |

|DITIONS | |nditions |Expected only when REMOVAL_TYPE = “EX’. | | | |

|EXPULSION_RETURN_YE|04 |ExpulsionRetuenYear |FORMAT YYYY. |YES |COND |20, 21* |

|AR | | |Expected only when REMOVAL_TYPE = “EX’. | | | |

|MODIFIED_TERM |04 |ModifiedTerm |Must be a valid Modified Term Code from |YES |COND |31, 32* |

| | | |DPI Table. | | | |

| | | |Expected only when REMOVAL_TYPE = “EX’. | | | |

|PRIM_ DISAB |04 |PrimaryDisability |Must be a valid Primary Disability Code |YES |NO |34, 35* |

| | | |from DPI Table | | | |

| | | |May be auto-generated if blank and | | | |

| | | |PRIM_DISAB is available from associated | | | |

| | | |ISES record | | | |

|ENG_ PROF_ |04 |EnglishProfCode |Must be a valid English Proficiency Code|YES |NO |13, 14* |

|CODE | | |from DPI Table | | | |

| | | |May be auto-generated if blank and | | | |

| | | |ENG_PROF_CODE is available from | | | |

| | | |associated ISES record. | | | |

|DAYS_REMOVED_CURREN|04 |DaysRemovedCurrentYe|Decimal values may be .0 or .5. |NO |NO |1 |

|T_TERM | |ar | | | | |

|SERVICES_PROVIDED |04 |ServicesProvided |Must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’. |YES |COND |63, 64* |

| | | |Expected only when REMOVAL_TYPE = “EX’. | | | |

|RETURN_TO_SCHOOL |04 |ReturnToSchool |Must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’. |YES |COND |53, 54* |

| | | |Expected only when REMOVAL_TYPE = “EX’ | | | |

| | | |and EXPULSION_ RETURN_YEAR = YEAR.. | | | |

|05 |N/A |N/A |End of Transaction header |NO |N/A | |

|EOF |05 |End of File |EOF String |NO |NO | |

Table B-2. Discipline Load File and Baseline Definition

The following is an example of the Load File Definition:

“01”,”08-10-2008 13:00:05 CST”,”00001”,“YED”,“0001”


example: incident with a single removal



example: single incident with two removals in one school term






3. Discipline Load Failure File Definition

The ISES Discipline Load Failure File is generated when there is an error that causes the Load File processing to fail. The Load Failure File can be used by districts and schools to determine which records caused the file load to fail. It contains all of the students submitted in the Load File with a record status. A reason will be provided for all students with a record status of Error. The Load Result Report (B.4) will provide information on all records with a record error in an html file viewable in the web application.

All CSV files are translated to XML as part of the load process. If translation fails the Load Failure File is not generated, but the Load Result Report (B.4) will provide information regarding the failure.

|Header |Parent |Data Element |Business Rule Description |NULL- |

| |Header |Name | |ABLE |

|02 |N/A |N/A |School set parent tag. Include one SCHOOL tag for each SCHOOL |NO |

| | | |submitted. | |

|SCHOOL |02 |SchoolCode |Must be a valid School Code from DPI Table |NO |

| | | |FORMAT 0009 – Leading Zeroes | |

|RECORD_TYPE |02 |Record Type |‘D’ |NO |

|YEAR |02 |YEAR |Exact Same format as value received in File Set B2 |NO |

|03 |N/A |N/A |Student parent tag. Include one STUDENT tag for each student. |NO |

|WSN_ID |03 |WSNStudentId |Exact Same format as value received in File B.2 |NO |

|ENROLL_DATE |03 |EnrollmentDate |Exact Same format as value received in File B.2 |NO |

|YEAR_INCIDENT |03 |YearIncident |Exact Same format as value received in File B2 |NO |

|INCIDENT_DATE |03 |IncidentDate |Exact Same format as value received in File B.2 |NO |

|REMOVAL_START_DATE |03 |RemovalStartDate |Exact Same format as value received in File B.2 |NO |

|INCIDENT_ID |03 |IncidentID |Exact Same format as value received in File B.2 |YES |

|REMOVAL_ID |03 |RemovalID |Exact Same format as value received in File B.2 |YES |

|STATUS |03 |StudentStatus |Must be a SUCCESS, ERROR or WARNING |NO |

|REASON_ |03 |ReasonCode |Only included if the STATUS = “ERROR” |YES |

|CODE | | |Must be a valid Reason Code from the DPI Table | |

|04 |N/A |N/A |End of Transaction header |NO |

|EOF |04 |End of File |EOF string |NO |

Table B-3. Load Failure File Definition

The following is an example of the Load Failure File Definition:

“01”,” 09-01-2008 07:00:05 CST”,”00001”,“YED”,“0001”




“03”,” 2223334444”,”11/02/2004”, "2007",”05/04/2007”,”05/04/2007”,””,””,”ERROR”,”18”

“03”,” 2223334444”,”11/02/2004”, "2007",”05/04/2007”,”05/04/2007”,””,””,”ERROR”,”47”


4. Discipline Load Result Report

An ISES Discipline Load Result Report is generated in HTML format for every file that is processed. The Load Result Report lists the District Number, School Number, File Name, File Status ("Success" or "Failure"), Record Status (“Success” “Error” or "Warning") and a list of Schools Submitted in the Load File. Note that File Status is different from Record Status. The record status will help identify the specific records that caused the Load File to fail during upload.

File Status "Success" indicates that the ISES Discipline Load File processed successfully and that all records were inserted into the data base. File Status "Failure" indicates that NONE of the records in the Load File were inserted into the data base so all of the records must be resubmitted.

Record Status is listed below the File Status. Only records that have Errors will be listed in the Load Result Report. A Record "Error" always prevents data in the record from being updated in the data base. A Record "Error" indicates that a value in that record did not pass the business rule edits in B.2. for the specified field. A Record "Error" will always result in file "Failure". In this case, a Load Failure File (B.3) will also be generated to provide this information in a downloadable file.

Details provided about any record “Error” include the student's WSN, Collection Type, Year, and Enroll Date. Also provided are the relevant Data Element Value, Line, or Data Element of the relevant record, and Reason for the record “Error”. The Reason is a link to a further explanation of the “Error”. The districts and schools will use the Load Result Report to go to the local SIS, correct the field(s) in question, and generate a new CSV file.

If file processing is stopped due to a file format error, then a CSV Error Report is generated.

|Report |ERROR |REASON |

|CSV Error Report |File xxxxx erred due to CSV errors. |This error is returned in two scenarios. When this error is |

| |Please contact your district staff or|generated, an .ERR file is also generated that contains |

| |vendor. |additional information about the error. |

| | |The CSV file does not follow the specified CSV layout defined |

| | |in Section B.2. All of the mandatory data elements must be |

| | |present in order for the CSV to be valid. |

| | |The CSV file contains invalid characters that are not allowed |

| | |in a CSV file. Certain commonly used characters such as < (less|

| | |than), > (greater than), & (ampersand), ' (apostrophe), ~ |

| | |(tilde), ` (accent), and subscript will cause file failures. |

| | |(See Appendix E) |

|Load Results Report |Missing |The data element is submitted in the CSV file but the data is |

| | |missing and the data element is null-able. Discipline does not |

| | |allow empty data for null-able data elements. |

Table B-4. Load Result Report File Definition

5. Discipline Status File Definition

The ISES Discipline Status File Definition is used by the Department of Public Instruction to return a complete set of discipline data along with the validation information to the Student Information System (SIS). This file can be downloaded from the on-line application and includes all data provided during upload as well as fields populated by WSLS or calculated by Discipline.

The Business Rule Description and Nullable Upload columns in the table below apply to file upload process only. The Nullable Lock column applies to the full validation and locking processes. ‘COND’ appears in the Nullable Upload or Nullable Lock column if data elements are conditionally required. ‘CALC’ applies to data elements which are calculated by the application. For more detailed information about the business validation rules for upload and user lock use the Cross Reference and the Business Validation Rule table in Appendix C.

|Header |Parent|Data Element |Business Rule Description |Nullable |Null-able |

|SCHOOL |02 |SchoolCode |FORMAT 0009 – Leading Zeroes. |NO |NO |

|RECORD_ TYPE |02 |RecordType |‘D’. |NO |NO |

|YEAR |02 |YearCollection |FORMAT YYYY., i.e. ‘2008’ for files |NO |NO |

| | | |submitted for the 2007-08 school term. | | |

|03 |N/A |N/A |Incident parent header. Include one |NO |N/A |

| | | |INCIDENT tag for each incident. | | |

|INCIDENT_ID |03 |IncidentID |When multiple Removal IDs are associated |YES |N/A |

| | | |with a single Incident ID, the complete set| | |

| | | |of incident data will be displayed for the | | |

| | | |first Removal Type (Removal ID) while only | | |

| | | |Incident ID and WSN ID will be repeated in | | |

| | | |the subsequent rows. | | |

|YEAR_INCIDENT |03 |YearIncident |FORMAT YYYY, i.e. ‘2008’ for incidents |NO |NO |

| | | |submitted for the 2007-08 school term. | | |

|WSN_ID |03 |WSNStudentId |FORMAT 0000000009. |NO |NO |

|UID1 |03 |UID1 |WSLS Data |N/A |N/A |


|GRADE |03 |Grade |ISES Data |N/A |N/A |

|RACE_KEY |03 |RaceKey |WSLS Data |N/A |N/A |

|GENDER |03 |Gender |WSLS Data |N/A |N/A |


|PRIMARY_INCIDENT_TYPE |03 |PrimaryIncidentType | |YES |NO |

|SECONDARY_INCIDENT_TYPE |03 |SecondaryIncidentType | |YES |YES |

|REMOVAL_ID |03 |RemovalID | |YES |N/A |

|YEAR_REMOVAL_TYPE |03 |YearRemovalType |FORMAT YYYY, i.e. ‘2008’ for incidents |NO |NO |

| | | |submitted for the 2007-08 school term. | | |

|REMOVAL_TYPE |03 |RemovalType | |YES |NO |


|SERIOUS_BODILY_INJURY |03 |DistrictResidence | |YES |COND |

|EARLY_REINSTATE_CONDITION|03 |EarlyReinstatementConditi| |YES |COND |

|S | |ons | | | |


|MAX_AGE_YEAR |03 |MaxAgeYear |ISES Data |N/A |N/A |

|MODIFIED_TERM |03 |ModifiedTerm | |YES |COND |

|PRIM_ DISAB |03 |PrimaryDisability | |YES |NO |

|ENG_ PROF_ |03 |EnglishProfCode | |YES |NO |

|CODE | | | | | |

|BIRTHDATE |03 |BirthDate |WSLS Data |N/A |N/A |

|DAYS_REMOVED_CURRENT_TERM|03 |DaysRemovedCurrentYear |Decimal values may be .0 or .5. |NO |NO |

|SERVICES_PROVIDED |03 |ServicesProvided | |YES |COND |

|RETURN_TO_SCHOOL |03 |ReturnToSchool | |YES |COND |

|VALIDATION_MESSAGE |03 |ValidationMessage |1) Must be info, error or warning. If |YES |N/A |

| | | |there are no infos, errors or warnings, | | |

| | | |this field will be null in the CSV file. | | |

|REASON_CODE |03 |ReasonCode |1) Required if validation message is not |YES |N/A |

| | | |null. | | |

| | | |2) Must be a valid Reason Code from the DPI| | |

| | | |table. | | |

|04 |N/A |N/A |End of Transaction header |NO |N/A |

|EOF |04 |End of File |EOF String |NO |NO |

Table B-5. Discipline Status File Definition

The following is an example of the Status File Definition:

“01”,”08-10-2008 13:00:05 CST”,”00001”,“YED”,“0001”


example: incident with a single removal

“03”,” 11111111111”,”2007”,”1234567890”,”ABC098”,”09/02/2003”,”09”,”0012”,”F”,”04/12/2007”,"SR",””,

” 21313131312”,”2007”,”OS”,”04/13/2007”,"","","","2013",””,"N","7",”03/02/1990”,”4.0”,"","",””,””

example: single incident with two removals in one school term



“03”,”12121212121”,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””," ",””,


example: incident in the 2006-07 school term with a single removal in the 2007-08 school term

“03”,” 11111111111”,”2007”,”1234567890”,”ABC098”,”09/02/2003”,”09”,”0055”,”F”,”04/12/2007”,"SR",””,

” 21313131312”,”2007”,”OS”,”01/15/2008”,"","","","2013",””,"N","7",”03/02/1990”,”4.0”,"","",””,””



C. Additional Discipline Collection Data Validations

Following every successful file upload with the ‘Perform Final Validation’ checked and when requested from the Discipline Student Record List or Summary of Schools screens, a full validation process will evaluate the submitted Discipline file. The validation process includes a significantly larger number of business rules. It is possible for a file to upload successfully that will require more data or modifications to the data prior to locking in the ISES Discipline web application. In addition, the ISES Discipline records cannot be locked until the associated ISES YE records exist and are locked within the ISES Third Friday of September.

Validation results will be available within the on-line application in on-line reports and can also be downloaded in a Student Status File (see B.5). The most up-to-date list of validation business rules will be posted on the Web at .

D. Code Tables

For more information about data elements included in the ISES Discipline Collection, see


1. English Language Proficiency Code


|1 |ELL/LEP Beginning Preproduction. (WIDA label: Entering) |

|2 |ELL/LEP Beginning Production. (WIDA label: Beginning) |

|3 |ELL/LEP Intermediate. (WIDA label: Developing) |

|4 |ELL/LEP Advanced Intermediate. (WIDA label: Expanding) |

|5 |ELL/LEP Advanced. (WIDA label: Bridging) |

|6 |Formerly ELL/LEP, now fully English proficient |

|7 |Fully English proficient, never ELL/LEP |

2. Discipline Incident Type


|HG |Handgun |

|SG |Shotgun or Rifle |

|OF |Other Firearm |

|DW |Dangerous Weapon - Not Firearm |

|AS |Assault |

|AE |Endangering Behavior (definition modified for 2007-08) |

|DG |Drug-Related |

|AL |Alcohol-Related |

|SR |Other Violation of School Rules |

3. Gender Code


|F |Female |

|M |Male |

4. Grade Level Placement


|K3 |3 Year Old Kindergarten |

|K4 |4 Year Old Kindergarten |

|PK |Pre-Kindergarten |

|KG |Kindergarten |

|01 |First Grade |

|02 |Second Grade |

|03 |Third Grade |

|04 |Fourth Grade |

|05 |Fifth Grade |

|06 |Sixth Grade |

|07 |Seventh Grade |

|08 |Eighth Grade |

|09 |Ninth Grade |

|10 |Tenth Grade |

|11 |Eleventh Grade |

|12 |Twelfth Grade |

5. Primary Disability


|A |Autism |

|CD |Cognitive Disability |

|DB |Deaf-Blind |

|EBD |Emotional Behavioral Disability |

|H |Hearing Impairment |

|LD |Specific Learning Disability |

|OHI |Other Health Impairment |

|OI |Orthopedic Impairment |

|SDD |Significant Developmental Delay |

|SL |Speech or Language Impairment |

|TBI |Traumatic Brain Injury |

|V |Visual Impairment |

|N |Not IDEA Eligible or No Disability |

6. Race Code

(These are the WSLS race/ethnicity codes.)


|A |Asian or Pacific Islander |

|B |Black, Non-Hispanic |

|I |American Indian or Alaskan Native |

|H |Hispanic |

|W |White, Non-Hispanic |

7. Race Key

(These are the WSLS race/ethnicity keys.)

To view the Race Keys please visit the following URL and reference the DPI Race/Ethnicity Crosswalk document.

8. Discipline Removal Type


|EX |Expulsion |

|OS |Out-of-School Suspension |

|IS |In-School Suspension |

|SP |Placement in IAES - School Personnel |

|HO |Placement in IAES - Hearing Officer |

9. Modified Term


|N |Not Modified |

|Y |Modified (not valid after 2006-07) |

|I |Modified because of IDEA |

|M |Modified for reasons other than IDEA |

E. Special Character Entity References for XML

All CSV files are converted by ISES to XML files for processing. There are a great number of characters and symbols used throughout human languages and not all can be directly represented in XML. Below are listed some special characters along with the “Entities References” used to convert these characters into a format that XML parsers can read and understand.

"Special" Character Entity References

|< - < > - > |

|& - & " - " |

HTML 2.0 Standard Entity References

|Æ - Æ |Á - Á |Â - Â |

|À - À |Å - Á |Ã - Ã |

|Ä - Ä |Ç - Ç |Ð - Ð |

|É - É |Ê - Ê |È - È |

|Ë - Ë |Í - Í |Î - Î |

|Ì - Ì |Ï - Ï |Ñ - Ñ |

|Ó - Ó |Ô - Ô |Ò - Ò |

|Ø - Ø |Õ - Õ |Ö - Ö |

|Þ - Þ |Ú - Ú |Û - Û |

|Ù - Ù |Ü - Ü |Ý - Ý |

|á - á |â - â |æ - æ |

|à - à |å - å |ã - ã |

|ä - ä |ç - ç |é - é |

|ê - ê |è - è |ð - ð |

|ë - ë |í - í |î - î |

|ì - ì |ï - ï |ñ - ñ |

|ó - ó |ô - ô |ò - ò |

|ø - ø |õ - õ |ö - ö |

|ß - ß |þ - þ |ú - ú |

|û - û |ù - ù |ü - ü |

|ý - ý |ÿ - ÿ | |


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