DATA STRUCTURE EXCERCISE 1. Write a python script that ...


1. Write a python script that accepts an integer n as user input (with empty prompt) Create a list of integers from 0 to n-1 Print this list


n=int(input()) L=list(range(n)) print(L)

2. Write a python script that accepts an integer n as user input (with empty prompt) Store the square of all the odd numbers less than n in a list Print this list


Input: 7

Output: [1, 9, 25]


n=int(input()) L=[] for i in range(n): if(i%2!=0):

L.append(i*i) print(L)

3. Write a python script that accepts an integer n as user input (with empty prompt) Store the square of all the odd numbers less than n in a tuple Print that tuple


Input: 7

Output: (1, 9, 25)


n=int(input()) T=() for i in range(n): if(i%2!=0):

T=T +(i*i,) print(T)

4. Write a python script that accepts an integer, n (>= 1) from the user. Store the first n numbers of the Fibonnaci series in a list. Print this list. Example:

Input: 5

Output: [0, 1, 1, 2, 3]


n=int(input()) a=0 b=1 c=a+b L=[a,b,c] i=3 while(i ................

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