Date and Time

Date and Time

Working with date and time, time spans, time

zones as well as formatting and parsing date

and time.








DateTime and LocalDateTime



Formatting and parsing dates and times

The Timestamp Class






Poco::Timestamp is the main time keeping class in Poco.

#include "Poco/Timestamp.h"

It stores a UTC-based monotonic 64-bit time value with (up to)

microsecond resolution. The actual resolution depends on the

operating system.

Since Poco::Timestamp is UTC-based, it is independent of the

timezone (and changes to it).

Poco::Timestamp supports value semantics, comparison and

simple arithmetics.

The Timestamp Class (cont'd)


Poco::Timestamp defines a few public types:





a 64-bit signed integer holding UTC time with microsecond



a 64-bit signed integer holding UTC time with 100

nanoseconds resolution (actual resolution is still ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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