SwingPix Photo Organizer

SwingPix Photo Organizer

Project Design Document


Justin Berstler

Aju Mathew

Yinka Ogungbemi

Yinka Olabinjo

John Rountree

Mathew Schaffer

Submitted for Drexel University’s Software Engineering Workshop 2

Monday June 2, 2003

This document is also available at

Document Revision History

|Date |Revision |Description |

|3/7/2003 |0.01 |Initial document framework creation and front-matter creation |

|3/8/2003 |0.1 |Incorporation of implementation schedule |

|3/10/2003 |1.0 |Document completion |

|5/30/2003 |1.1 |Front-matter editing (Sections 1 and 2), initial editing in section 3 |

|6/01/2003 |1.2 |Section 3 editing |

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Purpose 1

1.2 Audience 1

1.3 References 1

1.4 Document Overview 1

2 General Subsystem Interaction 2

3 Major System Components 2

3.1 Main Application Driver 2

3.1.1 Main Driver 2

3.2 Main Graphical Interface 3

3.3 Application Workspace 14

3.3.1 WorkSpace 14

3.3.2 FileManager 18

3.4 Data Importing 19

3.4.1 ImportWizardUI 19

3.4.2 Import 20

3.5 Database Handling 22

3.5.1 Database System plan 22

3.5.2 DBDriver Class 23

3.6 Image Editing 24

3.6.1 ImageEditor 24

3.7 Printing 25

3.7.1 PrintJob 25

3.7.2 PageLayout 27

3.7.3 PrintSize 27

3.7.4 PrintSystemInterface 28

3.7.5 AwtPrintSystem 29

3.8 CD Burning 32

3.8.1 CDBurner 32

3.8.2 CDRecordHandler 33

3.8.3 ISO Maker 34

3.8.4 CDDevice 34

3.9 Utility Classes 35

3.9.1 Configuration 35

3.9.2 PhotoAlbum 36

3.9.3 StorablePhoto 37

3.9.4 ViewablePhoto 38

4 Development Schedules 40

4.1 System Implementation 40

4.2 Planned feature addition 40

5 Glossary 42

Figures and Screenshots Index

Figure 1: Subsystem Interaction 2

Figure 2: MainInterface Class Dependency Diagram 3

Figure 3: Main User Interface 5

Figure 4: Icon palette 6

Figure 5: File menu 7

Figure 6: Edit menu 9

Figure 7: Tools menu 11

Figure 8: Help menu 12

Figure 9: Database-specific interactions 22


1 Purpose

This document is a full design for the SwingPix photo organization system. This document will present a full subsystem-oriented outline of the SwingPix software system. Each subsystem will then be described in adequate detail to implement a working system. As such, this document will provide the basis for the implementation of the system by the SwingPix development team.

2 Audience

This document will be a highly detailed description of the SwingPix photo organization system. This document will be used by any developers implementing the SwingPix system. Additional intended audiences include those who are interested in learning about the inner workings of the SwingPix photo organization system who also have some knowledge of the workings of computer software applications. This document is not intended to give a simple overview of the proposed software system, please use the requirements document for any non-technical information on the system.

3 References

The SwingPix Requirements Specification document will provide additional non-technical information about this system.

4 Document Overview

This document will begin with a general overview of the system, going over the individual components in little detail. Following the overview, there will be more detailed explanations of the classes that make up each of the system components. The document will conclude with a general development schedule and the current list of future development items.

General Subsystem Interaction

The SwingPix photo organization application will be divided into seven subsystems. Each of which will be described in detail in the following pages of this document. These subsystems are as follows:

■ Main Driver

■ Main GUI

■ Application Workspace

■ Database System

■ Image Editing System

■ Printing System

■ CD Writing System

The following diagram has been provided to detail the interaction between these systems. The arrows are to indicate interactions between subsystems. This interaction will either be in the form of data communications, or functional communications, depending on the process being carried out. The systems surrounded by a double border will have graphics interface components. Most of the components will communicate with both the Main GUI and the Workspace systems, so for the sake of simplicity, a unifying box has been drawn around the Main GUI and Workspace. Any system connected to the unifying box will communicate with both the Main GUI and Workspace systems.

Figure 1: Subsystem Interaction

Major System Components

The following tables detail individual system components. Each table will define some type of system component (usually an object class). The table headings are as follows:

o Identification – an identifying name for the component

o Type – the type of component being detailed

o Function – the high level role of the component in the system

o Subordinates – components that are used by the component being detailed

o Dependencies – components that the component being detailed builds on

o Interface – the methods of interaction with the component (e.g., member functions of a class)

o Processing – the general operating procedures of the component

o Data – the data that will be contained in the component

1 Main Application Driver

1 Main Driver

|Identification |Main Driver (name: swingpix.run.SwingPix) |

|Type |Class |

|Function |The Main Driver class will run basic configuration functions, then invoke the Main Graphical Interface. |

|Subordinates |none |

|Dependencies |The Main Driver operates with the Configuration system and the Main GUI. |

|Interface |The Main Driver will be main class for this program; as such it does not have any methods of its own other|

| |than a main function to be invoked upon the program’s execution. |

|Processing |The Main Driver first calls upon the Configuration system to initialize system-specific data, then |

| |instantiates the Main Graphical Interface. |

|Data |None. |

2 Main Graphical Interface


Figure 2: MainInterface Class Dependency Diagram

|Identification |MainInterface |

|Type |Class |

|Purpose |MainInterface acts as a controller for each subsystem in SwingPix. |

|Function |The main function of this class is to handle the events triggered by the user and translate these events |

| |to specific subsystem requests. |

|Subordinates |MainInterface will contain and manipulate instances of each of the following classes; |

| |ImportWizard |

| |Workspace |

| |PrintSystemInterface |

| |ImageEditor |

| |CDBurner |

| |Search |

| | |

| |Frames; |

| |ImportWizardGUI |

| |PrintWizardGUI |

| |EditGUI |

| |CDBurnerGUI |

| |SearchGUI |

|Dependencies |None |

| |The main method of this class will start the application. When the application is started, the MainGUI |

| |will be loaded which is also the User Interface. This will also initialize the workspace (WorkSpace |

| |class). Each subsystem is called from MainGUI class by an actionperformed method. For instance, in order |

| |to launch the import wizard, the user has to either select “Import” from the File Menu or select the |

| |“Import Wizard” icon from the icon palette. The same actionperformed method is used to load each of theses|

| |instances. Here is an example of what the actionperformed method will look like for the import wizard; |

| | |

| |void import_actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { |

| |ImportWizard importWizard = new ImportWizard(); //Here the |

| |}//class is being instantiated |

| | |

|Processing | |

| |The above method is then called while adding an actionListener to the import object. Here is an example of|

| |what the actionListener will look like; |

| | |

| |import.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ |

| |void import_actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { |

| |ImportWizard importWizard = new ImportWizard(); |

| |} |

| |}); |

|Subsytems |The internal structure of the main system (MainGUI) and how each component interacts with one another as |

| |specified in the functional requirements. |

| |[pic] |

| |Figure 3: Main User Interface |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| |Figure 4: Icon palette |

| | |

| |Main Screen |

| |The main screen will have three panes as displayed above. One consisting of the album tree, the second one|

| |consisting of thumbnails of the picture(s) that exist in an album, and the last pane consisting of icons. |

| |Initially, there will be a default album and picture(s) as displayed in Figure 1.0, the first time a user |

| |launches the application. When the user selects an album from the album tree, the thumbnails of the |

| |picture(s) that exist in the album will be displayed in the thumbnail pane as you can see in the Figure |

| |1.0. |

| | |

| |The “Create New Album” button when clicked will load the ImportWizard class that will launch the |

|Interfaces |ImportWizardGUI where the user can either create a new album and import picture(s) to it or import |

| |picture(s) to an existing album. The following method will be called in MainGUI class; |

| | |

| |void importWizard_actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { |

| |ImportWizard importWizard = new ImportWizard(); |

| |} |

| | |

| | |

| |The “Previous Album” button when clicked, acts as a navigation tool for the user to view previous |

| |picture(s) that exist in the previous album(s) up the album tree hierarchy, if any exists. |

| | |

| |The “Next Album” button when clicked, also acts as a navigation tool for the user to view other picture(s)|

| |in album(s) that exist down the album tree hierarchy, if any exits. |

| | |

| |The “Print, Rotate, Write to CD, Save for Email, and Import Picture(s)” icons, are displayed at the bottom|

| |pane for quick access. When the user double clicks on any of these icons, a method is called and a new |

| |window or dialog is displayed that pertains to that icon’s class. |

| |Note: It’s the same method that is used to handle the actionPerformed when the user selects a quick access|

| |icon from the icon palette or a menu item from the file and tools menu. |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| |Figure 5: File menu |

| | |

| |Under the “File” menu will exist the following menu items; Open, Import, Save album, Save for email, |

| |Close, Print, and Write to CD, as shown in figure 1.2. When any of these menu items is selected, a method |

| |is called that will load a class which will then launch a dialog or window pertaining to the menu item |

| |selected. Look at figure 1.7 for the menu items and their methods. The “Close” menu item will allow the |

| |user to exit the system. |

| | |

| |Open |

| |When open is selected, a method is called that will launch a file dialog which will enable the user|

| |to select a picture or image to be viewed from a specified directory or device. Hee is an example of what |

| |the method will look like; |

| | |

| |void open_actionPerformed() { |

| |FileDialog fileDialog = new FileDialog(); |

| |} |

| | |

| |Import |

| |When import is oselected, ImportWizard class will be loaded which will extend |

| |ImportWizardGUI that will launch the import wizard. Here the user can import picture(s) into an existing |

| |album or create a new album to import picture(s) to. Here is an example of that the ImportWizard class |

| |will look like; |

| | |

| |public class ImportWizard extends ImportWizardGUI { |

| |} |

| | |

| |Save album and Save for email |

| |When either of these menu items is selected, a method will be called that will allow the user to save the |

| |album or picture for email in the save album or save for email directories under the workspace directory. |

| | |

| |Print |

| |When print is selelcted, PrintWizard class will be loaded which will extend PrintWizardGUI that will |

| |launch the print wizard. Here the user can select picture(s) to be printed and the sizes the picture(s) |

| |should be printed as. Here is an example of what the PrintWizard class will look like; |

| | |

| |public class PrintWizard extends PrintWizardGUI { |

| |} |

| | |

| |Write to cd |

| |When print is selelcted, CDBurner class will be loaded which will extend CDBurnerGUI that will launch the |

| |cd burning wizard. Here the user can select picture(s) and/or album(s) to be burned unto a cd. Here is an |

| |example of what the CDBurner class will look like; |

| | |

| |public class CDBurner extends CDBurnerGUI { |

| |} |

| | |

| |Close |

| |When close is selected, a method is called that will exit the system. To find out what the method will |

| |look like, go to figure 1.7. |

| | |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| |Figure 6: Edit menu |

| | |

| |Under the “Edit” menu will exist the following menu items; Delete, and Rename, as shown in figure 1.4. |

| |When any of these menu items is selected, a method is called that will load a class which will then launch|

| |a dialog or window pertaining to the menu item selected. Look at figure 1.7 for the menu items and their |

| |methods. |

| | |

| |Delete |

| |When delete is selected a method will be called that will allow the user to delete album(s) or |

| |picture(s). Look at figure 1.7 for what the method will look like. |

| | |

| |Rename |

| |When rename is selected, a method is called that will allow the user to rename an |

| |album or picture. Look at figure 1.7 for what the method will look like. |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| |Figure 7: Tools menu |

| | |

| |Under the “Tools” menu will exist the following menu items; Rotate, Crop, Zoom in (+), Zoom out (-), Next |

| |album (Page Down), and Previous Album (Page Up) , as shown in figure 1.5. When any of these menu items is |

| |selected, a method is called that will load a class which will then launch a dialog or window pertaining |

| |to the menu item selected. Each of this menu items will be handled by methods in the Edit class. |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| |Figure 8: Help menu |

| | |

| |Under the “Help!” menu will exist the following menu items; About, Search, and Help with…, as shown in |

| |figure 1.6. When any of these menu items is selected, a method is called that will load a class which will|

| |then launch a dialog or window pertaining to the menu item selected. Look at figure 1.7 for the menu items|

| |and their methods. |

| | |

| |About |

| |When selected, will display a small dialog that will tell the user what version of the system he/she is |

| |using, an overview of the system, and copyright laws. |

| | |

| |Help with... |

| |When selected, will load call a method This will then load the HelpWith window. This is where a user’s |

| |question can be answered concerning the system. |

| | |

| |Search |

| |When selected, will load the Search class which extends SearchGUI that will launch the search window. The |

| |user can search for an album or picture by name. If the album(s) or picture(s) exist, they will be |

| |displayed in a list, and if not, a message will be displayed telling the user to either check the search |

| |string entered, or enter a new search string. Look at figure 1.7 for what the method will look like. |

| | |

| |Here are the following methods called when any of the menu items is selected; |

| | |

| | |

| |Menu item |

| |Method |

| | |

| |Import |

| |void importWizard_actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) |

| |{ |

| |ImportWizard importWizard = new ImportWizard(); |

| |} |

| | |

| | |

| |Open |

| |void open_actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) |

| | |

| | |

| |Save |

| |void save_actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) |

| | |

| |Save for email |

| |void saveForEmail_actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) |

| | |

| |Print |

| |void printWizard_actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) |

| |PrintWizard printWizard = new PrintWizard(); |

| |} |

| | |

| | |

| |Write to CD |

| | |

| |void writeToCd_actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) |

| |{ |

| |WriteToCd writeToCd = new WriteToCd(); |

| |} |

| | |

| |Close |

| |private void exitForm(WindowEvent evt) { |

| |System.exit(0); |

| |} |

| | |

| |Rename |

| |void renamePhoto( Photo photo, String name) |

| |void renameAlbum(PhotoAlbum album String name) |

| | |

| |Delete |

| |void deleteAlbum(PhotoAlbum album) |

| |void deletePhoto(Photo photo, PhotoAlbum album) |

| | |

| |About |

| |void about(JDialog dialog, JLabel label) |

| | |

| |Search |

| |void searchAlbum(String album) |

| |void searchPhoto(String photo) |

| | |

| |HelpWith |

| |void helpWith(String word) |

| | |

|Data |This class is static and therefore no instance of it shall be created. |

3 Application Workspace

1 WorkSpace

|Identification |WorkSpace |

|Type |Class |

|Function |The WorkSpace is a management tool. Its purpose is to manage albums and their contents while keeping |

| |the filesystem and database up-to-date. It will communicate with DBDriver for data updates and |

| |retrieval. It will also need to handle any and all errors when performing its operations. |

|Subordinates |none |

|Dependencies |Communicates with MainGUI, DBDriver, FileManager, AppDriver, Editing, cd burning and import wizard |

| |classes. |

|Interfaces |void initialize() |

| |PhotoAlbum createAlbum(String name) |

| |vector getAllAlbums() |

| |Photo getPhoto() |

| |PhotoAlbum getAlbum() |

| |void addPhoto(Photo photo, PhotoAlbum album) |

| |void copyPhoto(Photo photo, PhotoAlbum sourceAlbum, PhotoAlbum destAlbum) |

| |void movePhoto(Photo photo, PhotoAlbum sourceAlbum, PhotoAlbum destAlbum) |

| |void renamePhoto(Photo photo, String name) |

| |void renameAlbum(PhotoAlbum album, String name) |

| |void deletePhoto(Photo photo, PhotoAlbum album) |

| |void deleteAlbum(PhotoAlbum album) |

| |void savePhoto(Photo photo) |

|Processing |void initialize() |

| |As soon as WorkSpace is created it will need to begin the initialization process. This includes |

| |creating the database container and using it to access the database. Album objects will also be |

| |created at this time. |

| | |

| |PhotoAlbum createAlbum(String name) |

| |Tell DBDriver to create new album. Create an instance of the new album. Call on FileManager to create|

| |a folder for the new album on the hard disk. Handle disk write and DBDriver exceptions. |

| | |

| |vector getAllAlbums() |

| |Get list of albums from DB. Make a call to getAlbum() for each album in list. Handle disk read and |

| |DBDriver exceptions. |

| | |

| |PhotoAlbum getAlbum() |

| |Make a call to getPhoto() for each image in the album. |

| | |

| |Photo getPhoto() |

| |Call readImage method in FileManager class. Construct a new Photo object with the Graphic2d that is |

| |returned. Handle disk read exceptions. |

| | |

| |void addPhoto(Photo photo, PhotoAlbum album) |

| |Call on DBDriver to create this image in the database. Call writeImage function in FileManager class. |

| |Handle disk write or DBDriver exceptions. |

| | |

| |void copyPhoto(Photo photo, PhotoAlbum sourceAlbum, PhotoAlbum destAlbum) |

| |Call writeImage function in FileManager class to write the copied image to the new location. Make |

| |update call to DBDriver. Update the PhotoAlbum objects. Handle disk write and DBDriver exceptions. |

| | |

| |void movePhoto(Photo photo, PhotoAlbum sourceAlbum, PhotoAlbum destAlbum) |

| |Call deleteImage in FileManager class to remove the image from the source album. Call writeImage in |

| |FileManager class to write the image to the destination album. Make update call to DBDriver. Update |

| |the PhotoAlbum objects. Handle disk write and DBDriver exceptions. |

| | |

| |void renamePhoto(Photo photo, String name) |

| |Make update call to DBDriver. Handle DBDriver exception. |

| | |

| |void renameAlbum(PhotoAlbum album, String name) |

| |Make update call to DBDriver. Handle DBDriver exception. |

| | |

| |void deleteAlbum(PhotoAlbum album) |

| |Call on DBDriver to delete the album from the database. Call deleteAlbum in FileManager class to |

| |remove it from the hard disk. Handle disk write and DBDriver exceptions. |

| | |

| |void deletePhoto(Photo photo, PhotoAlbum album) |

| |Call on DBDriver to delete the image from the database. Call deleteImage in FileManager class to |

| |remove it from the hard disk Handle disk write and DBDriver exceptions. |

| | |

| |void savePhoto(Photo photo) |

| |Call writeImage in FileManager class to write the new version of the image to the hard disk. Handle |

| |disk write exception. |

|Data |private DBDriver dbDriver |

2 FileManager

|Identification |FileManager |

|Type |Static Class |

|Function |The FileManager class is a static class and will be responsible for maintaining the Swingpix directory |

| |structure on the hard disk. It will write image files to the disk as well as read images from the hard|

| |disk or a cd. |

|Subordinates |none |

|Dependencies |The FileManager can only be referenced by the WorkSpace class. |

|Interfaces |void createAlbum(String folderName) |

| |Graphics2d readImage(String path, String filename) |

| |void writeImage(Graphics2d image, String path, String filename) |

| |void deleteImage(String path, String filename) |

| |void deleteAlbum(String folderName) |

|Processing |void createAlbum(String folderName) |

| |This method will create a folder for the new album. |

| | |

| |Graphics2d readImage(String path, String filename) |

| |This method will read an image file from the disk and store it in the Photo object that will be |

| |returned. |

| | |

| |void writeImage(Graphics2d image, String path, String filename) |

| |This method will write the given image to disk. |

| | |

| |void deleteImage(String path, String filename) |

| |This method will delete the given image from the given album’s folder. |

| | |

| |void deleteAlbum(String folderName) |

| |This method will delete the given folder and all its contents. |

|Resources |Filesystem |

| |The filesystem will be organized as follows: |

| | |

| |Each album will have a folder |

| |Each album folder will have one subdirectory for each of the following: images, thumbnails, and |

| |original images. |

| |Each image belonging to an album will be stored in the appropriate album’s images folder |

| | |

| |The directory structure will look like this: |

| | |

| |-Swingpix (Base directory) |

| |-Data |

| |-Album (each album will have a folder at this level) |

| |-Images |

| |-Thumbnails |

| |-Backup |

5 Data Importing

1 ImportWizardUI

|Identification |ImportWizardGUI |

|Type |Class |

|Function |This class provides a graphical interface that allows the user to import pictures to a new or |

| |existing album. Images can be added or removed from the working album while working with the |

| |wizard. |

|Subordinates |none |

|Dependencies |none |

|Interfaces |void onAddImages(Vector photoCollection) |

| |void onAddImage(Photo photo) |

| |void onRemoveImage(Photo photo) |

| |void onCreateNewAlbum() |

| |void onOpenExistingAlbum() |

|Processing |void onAddImages() |

| |Calls on import object to add the selected photos to the album. |

| | |

| |void onAddImage() |

| |Calls on import object to add the selected image to the import |

| | |

| |void onRemoveImage() |

| |This method calls on the import object to remove the selected image from the import. |

| | |

| |void onCreateNewAlbum() |

| |This method calls on the import object to create a new album to import images to. |

| | |

| |void onOpenExistingAlbum() |

| |This method calls on the import object to retrieve an existing album from the WorkSpace to import|

| |images to. |

| | |

| |void onPerformImport() |

|Data |Import import |

2 Import

|Identification |Import |

|Type |Class |

|Function |This class provides a data type to store all relevant information about an import. This |

| |information includes the images to be added. |

|Subordinates |none |

|Dependencies |none |

|Interfaces |void addImages(Vector photoCollection) |

| |void addImage(Photo photo) |

| |void removeImage(Photo photo) |

| |void createNewAlbum() |

| |void openExistingAlbum( ) |

|Processing |void addImages(Vector photoCollection) |

| |Adds the collection of images to the import |

| | |

| |void addImage(Photo photo) |

| |Adds the image to the import |

| | |

| |void removeImage(Photo photo) |

| |Removes the image from the import |

| | |

| |void createNewAlbum() |

| |This method has the WorkSpace create a new album that images will be imported into. |

| | |

| |void openExistingAlbum( |

| |Gets an existing album from the WorkSpace to import images to. |

| | |

| |void performImport() |

| |This method will ask the WorkSpace to add all the selected images to the album that was chosen |

| |during the import process. |

|Data |private Vector imageCollection |

| |private Album importAlbum |

6 Database Handling

1 Database System plan


Figure 9: Database-specific interactions

For our purposes we are using JDBM 0.12, an open source database available through . JDBM is a simple transactional persistent engine for Java. It aims to be for Java what GDBM is for C/C++, Perl, Python, etc: a fast, simple persistence engine. All the API’s are available on the website.

2 DBDriver Class

|Identification |DBDriver |

|Type |Class |

|Function |This class will act as a communication portal between the Database and the other subsystems. The DBDriver |

| |will handle all the requests made to the database by the other subsystems and will use the build-in |

| |functions of the database to give appropriate output. The DBDriver will have to create methods to handle |

| |each request. |

|Subordinates |none |

|Dependencies |This module is responsible for orchestrating data accuracy within the program, as it will be responsible |

| |for dealing directly with the database. |

| |It will rely on the accuracy of its methods and the format of the request heavily to perform its task. In|

| |order for the DBDriver to run, all the JDBM API files must be available. The module will completely depend|

| |on the hardware and software being used by the system, the operating system being either Windows or Linux.|

|Interface |The DBDriver is the interface of the database. The DBDriver wouldn’t need a graphical interface of its |

| |own, as the subsystems will know how to invoke the methods of the DBDriver. |

| |This class will create the following methods: |

| |createTable( ) – Creates a new table |

| |deleteTable( ) – Deletes an existing table |

| |insertRecord( ) – Insert a new record into an existing table. |

| |deleteRecord( ) – Delete existing record/records |

| |updateRecord( ) – Update changes to a record. |

| |findRecord( ) - Search for a record within the database. |

|Processing |The Subsystems will request information using their defined methods. |

| |The DBDriver will take the request and figure out what the subsystem requests of the database. |

| |The DBDriver then uses its methods to get the requested information from the database using the |

| |appropriate query. |

| |The database acts on the requested query and gives an output accordingly. |

| |The DB will get the output provided by the database, arrange it and present it to the subsystem in the way|

| |they requested it. |

|Data |The data being handled will be metadata, mostly information about the images in terms of its size, the |

| |album it’s being stored in and the path to the image location. |

7 Image Editing

1 ImageEditor

|Identification |ImageEditor |

|Type |Class |

|Function |This class will provide static methods for operating on BufferedImages. All of the functions contained|

| |in this class will operate on and return BufferedImage objects, as such, the first argument of every |

| |function is a BufferedImage. |

|Subordinates |None. |

|Dependencies |None. |

|Interfaces |toBlackandWhite(…) |

| |setColors(…, double, double, double) |

| |zoom(…, double) |

| |copy(…) |

| |scale(…, double[, double[, int]]) |

| |resize(…, double, double) |

| |rotate(…, double) [also rotateCW, rotateCCW] |

| |flip[Horizontal/Vertical] |

| |createThumbnail(…) |

| |constrain(…, Dimension, boolean) |

|Processing |toBlackandWhite()- this function is a convenience function for setColors(…, 0, 0, -1) |

| |setColors()- adjusts the brightness, contrast, and saturation of an image respectively. All parameters|

| |are ranged [-1,1] |

| |zoom()- convenience function for fast scaling |

| |copy()- creates a new BufferedImage from the provided image. |

| |scale()- scale an image in one or both directions, with an int parameter to specify the type of |

| |scaling. |

| |resize()- resizes an image to a particular pixel or percentage proportion |

| |rotate()- rotates an image by the specified number of degrees, or 90 degrees |

| |clockwise/counterclockwise. |

| |flip[Horizontal/Vertical]- flips the image in a mirror fashion either vertically or horizontally. |

| |createThumbnail()- creates a thumbnail sized image from the provided image. |

| |constrain(…, Dimension, boolean)- constrains an image to specific proportions without changing the |

| |image aspect ratio, the boolean specifies whether the image should be scaled up to the proportions or |

| |not. |

|Data |None. All image data is passed into functions and immediately passed back out. |

8 Printing

1 PrintJob

|Identification |PrintJob |

|Type |Class |

|Function |This class provides a data type to store all relevant information about a print job. This |

| |information includes the photos to be printed, the size of each photo, and the page layout. This|

| |class is what is expected by all implementing classes of the PrintSystemInterface in order to |

| |properly print. |

|Subordinates |none |

|Dependencies |none |

|Interfaces |void addPhotos(Vector photoCollection) |

| |void addPhoto(Photo photo) |

| |void removePhoto(Photo photo) |

| |void setLayout(PageLayout layout) |

| |PageLayout getLayout() |

| |void setPrintSize(PrintSize size) |

| |PrintSize getPrintSize() |

|Processing |void addPhotos(Vector photoCollection) |

| |Adds the photoCollection to the PrintJob |

| | |

| |void addPhoto(Photo photo) |

| |Adds the photo to the PrintJob |

| | |

| |void removePhoto(Photo photo) |

| |Removes the photo from the PrintJob |

| | |

| |void setLayout(PageLayout layout) |

| |Sets the layout of the PrintJob to layout (see PageLayout). |

| | |

| |PageLayout getLayout() |

| |Returns a reference to the current PageLayout (see PageLayout). |

| | |

| |void setPrintSize(PrintSize size) |

| |Sets the PrintSize to size (see PrintSize). |

| | |

| |PrintSize getPrintSize() |

| |Returns a reference to the current PrintSize (see PrintSize). |

|Data |private ArrayList photos |

| |Collection of StorablePhotos to be printed |

| | |

| |private PageLayout layout |

| |PageLayout used to print the photos |

| | |

| |private PrintSize size |

| |PrintSize to be used |

2 PageLayout

|Identification |PageLayout |

|Type |Class |

|Function |This class provides a simple abstraction of the two page layout choices: “Pretty Print” and |

| |“Maximum Output”. Pretty Printing ensures that all photos on each printed page face the same |

| |direction are centered horizontally on the page, contain captions indicating their user-given |

| |photo names, and that photos are separated vertically by at least ½ inch. Maximum Output |

| |printing indicates that any measures may be taken to place photos on each page to maximize the |

| |number of photos per sheet of printed paper as long as the print size is retained and that all |

| |photos are separated by at least ¼ inch. |

|Subordinates |none |

|Dependencies |none |

|Interfaces |void setLayout(final int layout) |

| |final int getLayout() |

|Processing |void setLayout(final int layout) |

| |This method takes one of the final int data members of PageLayout to set the layout field |

| |appropriately (see Data section). |

| | |

| |final int getLayout() |

| |Returns the current layout data field. |

|Data |public static final int PRETTY_PRINT = 0 |

| |public static final int MAX_FIT = 1; |

| |private static final int NUM_LAYOUTS = 2; |

| |The total number or available layouts – used for error checking |

3 PrintSize

|Identification |PrintSize |

|Type |Class |

|Function |This class provides a simple abstraction to the variety of printable photo sizes available (any |

| |of the supported standard photo sizes or other options – see Data section). Each option is |

| |characterized by a final int data member of the PrintSize class. |

|Subordinates |none |

|Dependencies |none |

|Interfaces |void setSize(final int size) |

| |int getSize() |

|Processing |void setSize(final int size) |

| |Set the photo size of the current instance to size. |

| | |

| |int getSize() |

| |Return the current print size int. |

|Data |int printSize |

| |private static final int 3_BY_5 = 0 |

| |3”x5” standard photo size |

| |private static final int 4_BY_6 = 1 |

| |4”x6” standard photo size |

| |private static final int 5_BY_7 = 2 |

| |5”x7” standard photo size |

| |private static final int 8_BY_10 = 3 |

| |8”x10” standard photo size |

| |private static final int FREE_SIZE = 4 |

| |Print the photo by it’s current size |

| |private static final int MAX_SIZE |

| |Maximize the photo to fit on a single sheet while still retaining its aspect ratio (i.e. shape). |

4 PrintSystemInterface

|Identification |PrintSystemInterface |

|Type |Interface |

|Function |This interface provides the minimum requirements that an implementation should support. |

| |Basically, any print system implementation should support the print(PrintJob job) method, no |

| |matter what API it uses to accomplish the task of turning the PrintJob into dead trees. |

|Subordinates |none |

|Dependencies |none |

|Interfaces |void print(PrintJob job, int resolution) throws PrintException |

|Processing |void print(PrintJob job) throws PrintException |

| |This method should use whatever means necessary to convert the PrintJob from bits and bytes into |

| |sheets of paper with the photos of the job laid out exactly as specified in the job. In case of |

| |a printing error, a PrintException should be thrown with a message indicating the nature of the |

| |error. |

|Data | |

5 AwtPrintSystem

|Identification |AwtPrintSystem |

|Type |Class |

|Function |This class implements the PrintSystemInterface using the AWT printing API. Currently, this is |

| |the API we expect to use for all of SwingPix’s printing needs, but just in case, we made sure to|

| |first create the PrintSystemInterface so that we may change our minds without drastically |

| |changing our code. |

|Subordinates |none |

|Dependencies |AWT Printing API |

|Interfaces |void print(PrintJob job, int resolution) throws PrintException |

|Processing |public AwtPrintSystem(Frame frame, Workspace workspace) |

| |Constructor |

| | |

| |void print(PrintJob job, int resolution) throws PrintException |

| |This method employs the Java2D API to print the job to paper as described specifically by the |

| |job’s PageLayout and PrintSize. |

| | |

| |private int layoutPage( |

| |ArrayList allPhotos, |

| |int index, |

| |PrintJob job, |

| |Dimension pageSize, |

| |Graphics page) |

| |Method for laying out the next page in the document – makes a call to either layoutPagePretty() |

| |or layoutPageSqueezed() depending on the PageLayout of the PrintJob. |

| |allPhotos – all StorablePhotos to be printed |

| |index – index into allPhotos of the next photo to be laid out |

| |job – the PrintJob being printed |

| |pageSize – the printable area of the page |

| |page – the current page to be drawn to |

| |Returns the number of photos laid out onto page. |

| | |

| |private int layoutPagePretty( |

| |ArrayList allphotos, |

| |int index, |

| |PrintJob job, |

| |Dimension pageSize, |

| |Graphics page) |

| |This method follows the “Pretty Print” guidelines for laying out photos onto the current page. |

| |allPhotos – all StorablePhotos to be printed |

| |index – index into allPhotos of the next photo to be laid out |

| |job – the PrintJob being printed |

| |pageSize – the printable area of the page |

| |page – the current page to be drawn to |

| |Returns the number of photos laid out onto the page. |

| | |

| |private int layoutPageSqueezed( |

| |ArrayList allphotos, |

| |int index, |

| |PrintJob job, |

| |Dimension pageSize, |

| |Graphics page) |

| |~NOT IMPLEMENTED~ This method follows the “Max Output” method of laying out photos onto the |

| |current page. |

| |allPhotos – all StorablePhotos to be printed |

| |index – index into allPhotos of the next photo to be laid out |

| |job – the PrintJob being printed |

| |pageSize – the printable area of the page |

| |page – the current page to be drawn to |

| |Returns the number of photos laid out onto the page. |

| | |

| |private BufferedImage resizePhoto( |

| |BufferedImage photo, |

| |PrintSize printSize, |

| |Dimension pageSize) |

| |This method will resize the photo (if necessary) to match the printSize while still retaining the|

| |photo’s aspect ratio (shape) AND not allowing the photo to be larger than the page. |

| |Please note that in the case of the standard photo PrintSizes, the original photo may not be the |

| |same aspect ration as the requested output size. In such cases, resizing will occur such that |

| |the largest dimension of the output image will be exactly the largest dimension of the desired |

| |size AND the smallest dimension of the output image will be greater than or equal to the smallest|

| |dimension of the desired size but less than or equal to the largest dimension of the requested |

| |size. In simpler terms, either the output will be exactly the requested dimensions or only one |

| |dimension (length or width) will need to be trimmed (by cutting manually) in order to make the |

| |printed output into the standard photo size. The motivation for this method is to allow the user|

| |to chop off whatever parts of the image they find most suitable – rather than programmatically |

| |doing it or distorting the image’s original shape. |

| |photo – photo to be resized |

| |printSize – desired output size |

| |pageSize – printable area of the page. |

| | |

| |private BufferedImage getBufferedImage(StorablePhoto currentPhoto) |

| |This method uses the workspace to return the BufferedImage which corresponds to the |

| |currentPhoto’s full sized image. |

|Data |private static int printerResolution |

| |Resolution in dots per inch (dpi) to print at |

| | |

| |private static final PageAttributes.PrintQualityType PRINT_QUALITY |

| |One of the three available print quality in the AWT system |

| | |

| |private Frame parentFrame |

| |Frame to which the AWT print dialog belongs |

| | |

| |private final Workspace workspace |

| |Workspace used to convert StorablePhotos to BufferedImages |

| | |

| |private BufferedImage cachedPhoto |

| |When implementing the Pretty Print layout, it became necessary to look ahead to the next photo, |

| |which requires loading it into memory. In the case that this photo cannot fit on the current |

| |page, it is cached here so that it does not need to be retrieved again when laying out the next |

| |page – pretty slick, eh? |

9 CD Burning

1 CDBurner

|Identification |CDBurner |

|Type |Class |

|Function |This is the main class for handling CD burning. Any CD burning process will start by |

| |instantiating an object of this class. This class will have the functions necessary to |

| |specify what data is to be burned, and how. |

|Subordinates |CDRecordHandler, ISOMaker |

|Dependencies |None |

|Interfaces |void setFiles(Vector filelist) throws FileException |

| |void setMode(int burnmode) throws InputException |

| |Vector getDevices() |

| |CDDevice getFirstDevice() |

| |void setDevice(CDDevice dev) throws IOException |

| |void burn() throws BurnException |

|Processing |construction – CDBurner must be given a reference to the program’s Workspace object |

| |setFiles(Vector filelist) – will define the set of files (or directories) to be burned to |

| |the CD |

| |setMode(int burnmode) – takes one of CDBurner.COPY or CDBurner.ARCHIVE and uses it to |

| |define what type of disc to write |

| |getDevices() – returns a vector of CDDevice objects, each referencing a particular |

| |possible CD burning device. |

| |getFirstDevice() – returns the first device reported by the CDRecordHandler |

| |setDevice(CDDevice dev) – sets the device to write to as specified by dev |

| |burn() – tells the CDBurner to begin the burn process |

|Data |The CDBurner object keeps internal copies of the data passed to it. |

2 CDRecordHandler

|Identification |CDRecordHandler |

|Type |Class |

|Function |This class is an abstraction for ‘cdrecord’, the program used to interact with the CD |

| |recording hardware. |

|Subordinates |None |

|Dependencies |presence of ‘cdrecord’ in the system (where it is expected to be found) |

|Interfaces |Vector getDevices() |

| |void writeDisc(CDDevice dev, String isofilename) throws IOException |

|Processing |getDevices() – returns a vector of CDDevice objects, each referencing a particular |

| |possible CD burning device. |

| |writeDisc(…) – starts the burning process for the selected ISO using the specified writing|

| |device |

|Data |None |

4 ISO Maker

|Identification |ISOMaker |

|Type |Class |

|Function |This class is an abstraction for ‘mkisofs’, the program used to build the ISO files used |

| |to make CDs |

|Subordinates |None |

|Dependencies |presence of ‘mkisofs’ on the system (where it is expected to be found) |

|Interfaces |void setFiles(Vector filelist) throws FileException |

| |String getISOFilename() |

|Processing |setFiles(…) – returns a vector of CDDevice objects, each referencing a particular possible|

| |CD burning device. |

| |getISOFilename()) – builds an ISO and returns the file name and path of the generated ISO.|

|Data |Holds a record of files to be included in the ISO. |

| |Contains a hardcoded member dictating the ISO type as either Joliet (Romeo if necessary) |

| |or Rockridge |

6 CDDevice

|Identification |CDDevice |

|Type |Class |

|Function |This is a data class intended to represent a particular CD writing device. It will |

| |contain all the data about the particular device. |

|Subordinates |None |

|Dependencies |None |

|Interfaces |int getLUNAdapter() |

| |int getLUNHost() |

| |int getLUNDev() |

| |int getID() |

| |String getLongName() |

| |String getShortName() |

| |String toString() |

|Processing |construction – specify LUN (comma separated string), Long name, and Short name |

| |getLUNAdapter() – returns the adapter number of the device |

| |getLUNHost() – returns the host number of the device |

| |getLUNDev() – returns the device number of the device |

| |getID() – returns the unique identifier for the device |

| |getLongName() – returns the device name (with model info) |

| |getShortName() – returns the short device name (for UI) |

| |toString() – outputs LUN as a comma separated triplet |

|Data |Holds a record of specified LUN, long name, and short name |

10 Utility Classes

These classes are common classes across every subsystem used for data storage and handling.

1 Configuration

|Identification |Configuration |

|Type |Class |

|Function |This class holds static members and functions used to hold system configuration data. |

|Subordinates |None. |

|Dependencies |None. |

|Interfaces |public void setOS() |

| |numerous public static data members |

|Processing |setOS()- sets public static data members that are operating-system dependent |

| |static data members- these data members encompass various operational parameters for the |

| |system (e.g., JPEG compression, external program locations, thumbnail sizes, image |

| |formats). |

|Data |All data for this class is in the form of public static member variables. They are |

| |provided by the class directly. As such any instantiation of this class has no personal |

| |data. |

2 PhotoAlbum

|Identification |PhotoAlbum |

|Type |Class |

|Function |This class serves as data storage for a collection of StorablePhoto objects. |

|Subordinates |StorablePhoto |

|Dependencies |None. |

|Interfaces |addPhotoCollection(Collection) |

| |addPhoto(StorablePhoto) |

| |removePhoto(StorablePhoto) |

| |setName(String) |

| |getName(String) |

| |getId() |

| |size() |

| |getPhoto(int) |

| |search(String) |

|Processing |addPhotoCollection(Collection)- appends a java Collection of StorablePhoto objects to this|

| |album in the order that they are returned by the Collection’s iterator. |

| |addPhoto(StorablePhoto)- adds a single StorablePhoto to this album. |

| |removePhoto(StorablePhoto)- removes a specific StorablePhoto from this album. |

| |setName(String)- sets the album name. |

| |getName(String)- returns the album name. |

| |getId()- returns the album’s ID. |

| |size()- returns the number of StorablePhoto objects in the album. |

| |getPhoto(int)- returns a specific StorablePhoto by index in the album |

| |search(String)- searches for any StorablePhoto whose textual data matches the provided |

| |regular expression. |

|Data |photos- a collection of StorablePhotos in the album |

| |name- the name of the photo album |

| |id- the ID for this album |

3 StorablePhoto

|Identification |StorablePhoto |

|Type |Class |

|Function |This class represents all the non-graphical data associated with a photograph in the |

| |system. This object is serializable (able to be represented by a string) so that it can |

| |be stored in the database. |

|Subordinates |None. |

|Dependencies |None. |

|Interfaces |setName(String) |

| |getName() |

| |setId(String) |

| |getId() |

| |getAlbumName() |

|Processing |setName(String)- sets the name for this photo |

| |getName()- returns the name for this photo |

| |setId(String)- sets the ID for this photo |

| |getId()- returns the ID for this photo |

| |getAlbumName()- returns the album name |

|Data |name- the name for this photo |

| |id- the ID for this photo (unique within an album) |

| |albumName- the parent album name for this photo |

4 ViewablePhoto

|Identification |ViewablePhoto |

|Type |Class |

|Function |This class is an encapsulation of StorablePhoto that also contains the graphical data |

| |associated with the StorablePhoto. It is not serializable, because storing this class |

| |directly into the database would also put graphical information in the database. |

|Subordinates |StorablePhoto |

|Dependencies |None. |

|Interfaces |updateThumbnail() |

| |getPhoto() |

| |getThumbnail() |

| |setStorableInfo(StorablePhoto) |

| |getStorableInfo() |

| |getAlbumName() |

| |getPhotoID() |

| |getName() |

| |getDiskLocation() |

|Processing |updateThumbnail()- creates a new thumbnail image using the full sized image as a |

| |reference. |

| |getPhoto()- returns the full sized BufferedImage. |

| |getThumbnail()- returns the thumbnail BufferedImage. |

| |setStorableInfo(StorablePhoto)- sets the StorablePhoto data for this object. |

| |getStorableInfo()- returns the StorablePhoto data for this object. |

| |getAlbumName()- returns the parent album name (taken from the internal StorablePhoto). |

| |getPhotoID()- returns the ID of this photo (taken from internal StorablePhoto). |

| |getName()- returns the name of this photo (taken from internal StorablePhoto). |

| |getDiskLocation()- returns the location of the file from which this photo was created, on |

| |disk. |

|Data |photo- the full size image, as a BufferedImage object |

| |thumbnail- the thumbnail-sized image, as a BufferedImage |

| |storableInfo- the StorablePhoto from which this ViewablePhoto was created |

| |diskLocation- the location of the file representing this photo, on disk |

Development Schedules

1 System Implementation

1. Build Photo class

2. Build Album class

3. Build DB class

a. Implement data storage

b. Implement data searching

4. Test function and integration between Photo, Album, and DB classes

5. Build Main GUI

6. Build Main Driver

a. Test function and integration between completed components

7. Build Workspace

8. Build Importing System

9. Test partially completed system for integration and photo management capabilities

10. Build Editing System

11. Test Editing System

12. Build Printing System

13. Test Printing System

14. Build CD Burning System

15. Test CD Burning System

16. Test whole system for completeness and reliability

17. Build installation guide program

18. Test software package as a whole until package is prepared for initial release

2 Planned feature addition

The SwingPix photo system will be complete for basic use upon initial release. However, there are a number of features that have been discussed for possible release. These features will not be available until subsequent releases. These features may include the following possibilities, as well as any features that may be suggested during the course of user testing.

■ Rendering albums to HTML for sharing purposes

■ Uploading rendered HTML pages to user web space

■ Automatic photograph enhancement

■ Direct importing from devices that use TWAIN style interfaces

■ Album encryption and keyed access


TWAIN: [Technology Without An Interesting Name] A common protocol used for communications with advanced graphic devices such as scanners and digital cameras.

ISO: [International Organization for Standardization] When used as a noun, this acronym refers to a disk image adhering to the ISO9660 standard.

disk image: The contents of an entire storage device’s data represented as a single file. This file can be used to reproduce copies of a data storage device’s contents, in their entirety.

ISO9660: A standardized data file format commonly used on CD-ROMs.

Joliet: A Microsoft file system designed to be encapsulated into an ISO9660 image. This file system has support for long file names, and is compatible with the DOS 8.3 file naming convention.

Romeo: An extended Joliet file system. This file system can handle longer file names than Joliet, but is not compatible with the DOS 8.3 file naming convention.

Rockridge: An open file system designed to be encapsulated into an ISO9660 image. This file system conforms to the extended file system standard, commonly used on Linux systems.

LUN: [Logical Unit Number] A numeric triplet (e.g., 0, 6, 0) used to identify devices on a SCSI device adapter.

SCSI: [Small Computer System Interface] An interface to mass storage devices commonly used for high-bandwidth data transfers. All recordable CD devices operate over either hardware or software SCSI channels.


CD Burning

Handles archiving images or burning images to CDs for sharing.

Application Workspace

Handle requests for data manipulations and data access.


Handles database management for easy storage and retrieval of shared program data.


Handles importing new images into the system.

Main GUI

Interacts with the user and calls appropriate subsystems


Handles printing single photographs or thumbnail sheets

Main Driver

Will start basic system components and transfer control to main GUI.


Handles modifying images per user request




createTable( )

deleteTable( )

insertRecord( )

deleteRecord( )

updateRecord( )

findRecord( )

CD Burning

getSize( )

getPath( )

Search(Main GUI)

findImage( )

findAlbum( )


createAlbum( )

deleteAlbum( )

addPhoto( )

deletePhoto( )

renameAlbum( )

renamePhoto( )


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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