Version 25.0

Methodology Overview


GRP?041 Version 25.0 02/08

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This manual was written, designed, and produced by the Clinical Research and Documentation Departments of 3M Health Information Systems, Wallingford, Connecticut and Murray, Utah.

Document number GRP?041 Version 25.0 02/08



The development of the 3MTM APR DRG Classification System, Version 25.0, involved the participation of many individual contributors. 3M HIS consultants Ruth Shaber, M.D., Warren Strauss, M.D., Stephen Wittenberg, M.D., David Earle, M.D., James Flink, M.D., James Slaughter, M.D., Robert Keller, M.D., Donald George, M.D., and Benjamin Gitterman, M.D. provided clinical input into the research. Data analysis support for the project was provided by Ana Tang, Julie-Anne Perry, Keith Boucher, Mano Rudravajhala, Sue Boucher, and Oleg Kostenko. The software was produced by Ronald Mills, Judy Switalski, and Laurence W. Gregg. It was tested by Kathy Bowen and Robyn Fernelius. Assistance in the design and production of the Definitions Manual for the APR DRG Classification System was provided by Kathy Blake and Chad Parkinson.


Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1 History of the Development of the Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs)


CHAPTER 2 Development of the 3MTM All Patient Refined Diagnosis

Related Groups (APR DRGs)


CHAPTER 3 Background and Explanation of Approach for Rerouting Logic

in 3MTM All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Groups

(APR DRGs), Version 25.0


APPENDIX A List of All Patient Refined DRGs, Version 25.0




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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