Name:______________________________________________________________________Date:________Class:______APWH|Unit 4 Sections 4.1 “Technological Innovations,” 4.2 “Exploration: Causes and Events,” and 4.3 “Columbian Exchange”Directions: For each reading section define the important vocabulary words and answer the reading questions that follow using specific details. It is imperative that you complete your readings thoughtfully and independently. Students who do not do their reading will not do well in this course. MAKE SURE TO USE COMPLETE SENTENCES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Vocabulary for Sections 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3Key term/eventDefinition (Think - Who, What, When, Where…) and Significance (Why this term matters)1. Primogeniture Laws2. Omani-European Rivalry3. Maritime Empires4. Prince Henry the Navigator5. Caravel6. Mercantilism7. Trading Post Empire8. Ferdinand Magellan9. Galleons10. Northwest Passage11. Columbian Exchange12. Engenhos13. Cash Crop14. African Diaspora15. Creole4.1 “Technological Innovations” ObjectiveKey DevelopmentsExplain how cross-cultural interactions resulted in the diffusion of technology and facilitated changes in patterns of trade and travel from 1450-1750. General Overview1. Although land-based empires were important, what inventions in general led to Europeans venturing out to sea? Fill in the blank with the correct item below: __________________________ originally created in China for fortune telling, helped steer a ship in the right direction.__________________________improved by Muslim navigators in 12th century, let sailors find out their position based on the equator__________________________ small three-masted ship developed by Portuguese in 15th century, allowed sailors to survive storms better than earlier ships__________________________ also known as mapmaking, helped sailors navigate2. What motivations pushed Europeans into exploration and trade? List the matching demographic pressures below:__________________________ not all workers could find work or food__________________________not all sons of wealthy could own land, estates went to the eldest son__________________________searched for a place to settle where they would be treated w/tolerance3. How did rivalries develop as more Europeans joined the Indian Ocean trade network? How was the Omani-European Rivalry an example of this?4. This rivalry led to Columbus searching for a new route to India. What did his voyages get from the following: Americas: Africa: Asia: 5. How does the extensive trade impact Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, France, and Holland? (What do they become)?Classical, Islamic, and Asian Technology6. Explain how Western European countries developed naval technology as a combination of old and new practices. 7. How were the following impactful in the creation of these practices and trade routes? Al-Andalus: Prince Henry the Navigator:8. How did the following advancements in ideas impact trade and travel:Newton’s discovery of gravitation: Astronomical charts: 9. Along with the astrolabe, compass, and other innovations listed earlier, other developments in equipment impact trade and travel. List the developments in equipment that impacted trade and travel next to the correct description: _______________________: Square and lateen sails/masts, made for trade and used by Portugal. _______________________: Lateen sails, made for long voyages at great speed, used by Portugal/Spain. _______________________: Square sails, used for trade, used by the Dutch. _______________________: ship sal in the shape of a triangle used by Arab sailors in the Indian Ocean first; could catch wind on either side of the ship. 10. Discuss the long-term results of these techniques on exploration, gunpowder, Islam, and Africa. 4.2 “Exploration: Causes and Events”ObjectiveKey DevelopmentsDescribe the role of states in the expansion of maritime exploration from 1450 to 1750. Explain the economic causes and effects of maritime exploration by the various European states. General1. For the longest time, ____________________ had a monopoly on European trade with Asia. How did this push Spain, Portugal, France, England, and the Netherlands? 2. European states wanted to expand their authority and control of resources. List were the motives for these conquests for power below:____________________________through taxes, new trading opportunities, and silver____________________________led to European states expanding to claim territory before others____________________________led Europeans to seek out people in other lands and convert them3. How did states measure wealth? Describe the system or theory this entails; what is the government’s role?Portugal 4. Who led the way in European exploration at first? Where did it expand to and why was it successful?5. Portugal in Africa and IndiaWhat was the significance of: Prince Henry the Navigator: Bartholomew Diaz:Vasco Da Gama: 6. Portugal in Southeast and East AsiaWhat was the significance of Afonso de Albuquerque? How had China’s role changed after Zheng He? How did the presence of Portugal impact China?7. How did the Portuguese try to control their trade networks? Summarize their efforts; what resource did they specifically intend to control?8. Describe the issues that made Portugal vulnerable. Who began challenging them in East Asia during this time?9. Explain the significance of Spanish ships - what was their great success? Who proved that this could be done?10. The Spanish annexed the Philippines in 1521 and returned to conquer the Filipinos in 1565. How did this impact Manila and the Filipinos specifically? The Lure of Riches11. What ‘rekindled’ European interest in the Americas? What did the Europeans realize? 12. Explain how various states utilized silver, making it a ‘dominant force’ in the global economy.13. Exploration: Fill in the information relevant to the table (some has already been done for you)WhoPrimary Goal(s)People of ImportanceOther important infoFrenchRarely settled permanentlyTraded with Native Americans and had better relationship with themClaimed much of N America for FranceEnglishJohn Cabot - looking for northwest passage in America, claimed lands for EnglishDutchNorthwest passage14. Using the chart on page 204, compare and contrast the impact of the empires in their voyages. 4.3 “The Columbian Exchange”ObjectiveKey DevelopmentsExplain the causes of the Columbian Exchange and its effects on the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. General 1. What was the Columbian Exchange - summarize the system.2. Explain why the indigenous lacked the immunities the Europeans had. What was the relationship of the Western and Eastern Hemispheres before contact with one another?3. What else began to settle in the Americas, along with colonists? How did this further the decline of the indigeneous? 4. Why was this one of the greatest population disasters in human history? 5. Along with germs and disease, other items were exchanged of great significance. What was the significance of:In the Eastern HemispherePigs, cows, wheat, grapes: Horses: In the Western Hemisphere: Maize, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, peppers, cacao: 6. During the 16th and 17th centuries, millions of Africans were kidnapped by slave traders, yet the population in Africa grew - why? 7. Which cash crop did Portugal focus on growing - where did it need to grow it? 8. Explain why Portugal had a labor shortage for their cash crop? What was their solution?9. What was the transatlantic slave trade? Where were most of the slaves sent - describe the conditions.10. Explain how captives in the Americas were able to keep parts of their cultures (African Diaspora). Give examples. 11. How did the Columbian Exchange impact the environment? Explain. 12. Compare and contrast the crops and impact of trade on the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. AMSCO 4.1 Multiple Choice________________ 2. ______________ 3. _____________AMSCO 4.2 Multiple Choice________________ 2. ______________ 3. _____________AMSCO 4.3 Multiple Choice________________ 2. ______________ 3. _____________SAQ OutlineABCAMSCO 4.1 Question 1AMSCO 4.2 Question 1AMSCO 4.3 Question 2 ................

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