Unit Conversions and Unit Rate Conversions.docx

1) Convert 32 feet per second to inches per second. 2) The average American eats 23 pounds of pizza per year. Find the number of ounces the average American eats per year. 3) A car traveled 60 miles on a road in 2 hours. How many feet per second was the car traveling? 4) Sam drives his car 23,040 miles per year. Find this rate in the number of miles driven per month, to the nearest mile. 5) A train traveled 180 miles on a railroad track in 4 hours. Find this rate in feet per second. 6) 6) A cheetah was timed running 200 yards in 6 seconds. What was its average speed in miles per hour? 7) 55 feet per second is how many miles per hour? 8) 40 miles per hour is how many feet per second? 9) Walter Payton has been clocked at 4 seconds in the 40 (40yd). How many miles per hour is this. 10) Journal prompt: Many people have difficulty with conversions deciding whether to multiply or divide. Convert 250 inches to feet using unit analysis and explain how the units help you know whether to multiply or divide by 12. (Separate Sheet of Paper) ................

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