Pdf to sql table


Pdf to sql table

We have different types of files such as Text, Pdf, Image, Excel etc and we want to load them into Sql Server Table. First of all, let's create a table that can store these files. FileName column will be used to store the location from which the file is imported and File itself will be stored in File column whose data type is Varbinary. We will use For-each loop container to loop through the files and Import Column Transformation to load these files into table. CREATE TABLE dbo.ImportFiles ( ID INT IDENTITY, FileName VARCHAR(1000), [File] VARBINARY(MAX) ) Create a variable of string type in SSIS Package with name "VarSourceFolder" and value = Folder Path. Step 2: Bring the For-each loop container to Control Flow Pane and configure as shown below to loop through all the files. We will be using VarSourceFolder as Directory in For-each loop. Go to Variable Mapping and then create a new variable VarFileName to save File name with extension. Step 3: Create a variable VarSQLQuery. We will write expressions on this variable to build TSQL Statement. The statement will contain complete path to file that we will pass to Import Column. Expressions : "Select '"+ @[User::VarSourceFolder]+"\\"+ @[User::VarFileName] +"' AS FileName" and Set EvaluateAsExpression: True Step 4: Bring Data Flow Task inside For-each Loop Container. Double Click on Data Flow Task and then Bring OLE DB Source and in SQL Statement provide the VarSQLQuery Step 5: Drag Import Column Transformation and connection OLE DB Source to it. After connecting, Double Click on Import Column and go to Input Columns Tab and Choose input column (FileName) Step 6: Go to Input and Output Properties, Then Output Columns and Add a new column "File" and note down the LienageID. The LineageID for File column in our case is equal to 85. Step 7: Click on FileName under Input Columns and then under Customer Properties. Set FileDataColumnId=85(LineageID for File Column that we created above). Step 8: Bring OLE DB Destination and map input columns to destination table. FileName is going to contain File name with source path and File column will contain file data itself. Final Output: Execute SSIS Package and query the table to see if all information is loaded. All the four files are successfully loaded into our destination table. Hi @ChaitanyaKoneru Are you PDF files stored in a table in binary format, or can you otherwise connect to the binary data? If so, you can load the binary data, convert to Base64 with Power Query, then display using the PDF Viewer visual. There are some limitations on text length in Power Query (32,766 characters) and DAX (2.1 million characters) so you may have to split the Base64 strings up. I ran a quick test myself with the binary contents of PDF files stored in a SQL Server table varbinary(max) column. The steps I had to follow: Load SQL Server table into Power Query. Convert to Base64 using Binary.ToText. User Splitter function to split text into lengths of < 32,766 characters, and add an Index column. Load the resulting table to the data model. Create a DAX calculated table which concatenates the segments of Base64 string for each PDF file. Display using the PDF Viewer visual. This visual only accepts a column, not a measure (hence the need for step 5). Sample PBIX attached. Let me know if this helps in your situation. Note: The author of the PDF Viewer visual also provides a sample PBIX file. Regards, Owen View solution in original post In this tutorial, we will discuss how to extract a database table data (specifically Oracle) to a PDF report in table format, using Java programming language. We will use standard JDBC tools available in Java to pull data from Oracle via SQL, and use iText to neatly format it into a report in a PDF file. In order to pull the rows from a SQL table into a PDF report format in Java, you will need the following JAR files: ojdbc6.jar [ we have a 11gR2 database, you should use a different one for your database version / different JAR file if the database is not Oracle ] itextpdf-5.3.4.jar [ iText will help to convert table rows to PDF format ] We would like to create a PDF report out of "departments" table in HR schema. A snapshot of the table data is provided below: SQL Table to PDF Report using Java /JDBC - Input Table The step by step guide to creating a PDF report for this example is provided below: In this step, we define the driver to be used for connection and define the Query / Connection details inside the Java program. These details will be used by the program to connect to the instance. A code fragment for this is provided below: Class.forName ("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/xe", "hr", "hr"); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet query_set = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT DEPARTMENT_ID,DEPARTMENT_NAME,MANAGER_ID,LOCATION_ID FROM DEPARTMENTS"); In this step, we will create Document and PdfWriter objects that will instantiate a PDF report file for us. We will also define a PDF table with 4 columns, and a PdfCell object that can accept the SQL data. Code snippet below: Document my_pdf_report = new Document(); PdfWriter.getInstance(my_pdf_report, new FileOutputStream("pdf_report_from_sql_using_java.pdf")); my_pdf_report.open(); PdfPTable my_first_table = new PdfPTable(4); PdfPCell table_cell; Here, we loop through all the rows from the database table, and add every single column data to the cell inside the PDF table. We also attach the column data to the table in this step. The code fragment that does this is given below: while (query_set.next()) { String dept_id = query_set.getString("DEPARTMENT_ID"); table_cell=new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dept_id)); my_report_table.addCell(table_cell); String dept_name=query_set.getString("DEPARTMENT_NAME"); table_cell=new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dept_name)); my_report_table.addCell(table_cell); String manager_id=query_set.getString("MANAGER_ID"); table_cell=new PdfPCell(new Phrase(manager_id)); my_report_table.addCell(table_cell); String location_id=query_set.getString("LOCATION_ID"); table_cell=new PdfPCell(new Phrase(location_id)); my_report_table.addCell(table_cell); } In this step, we add the logical report table created out of the earlier step, to the PDF document. This writes the report to the PDF and we close the document following this action. my_pdf_report.add(my_report_table); my_pdf_report.close(); As good programmers do, we close all connection objects (Query, Statement and DB objects) at this step. The report is ready! query_set.close(); stmt.close(); conn.close(); The complete Java program merging all the tiny steps above is provided below: import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.sql.*; import com.itextpdf.text.*; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.*; public class jdbc_pdf_report { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ Class.forName ("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/xe", "hr", "hr"); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet query_set = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT DEPARTMENT_ID,DEPARTMENT_NAME,MANAGER_ID,LOCATION_ID FROM DEPARTMENTS"); Document my_pdf_report = new Document(); PdfWriter.getInstance(my_pdf_report, new FileOutputStream("pdf_report_from_sql_using_java.pdf")); my_pdf_report.open(); PdfPTable my_report_table = new PdfPTable(4); PdfPCell table_cell; while (query_set.next()) { String dept_id = query_set.getString("DEPARTMENT_ID"); table_cell=new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dept_id)); my_report_table.addCell(table_cell); String dept_name=query_set.getString("DEPARTMENT_NAME"); table_cell=new PdfPCell(new Phrase(dept_name)); my_report_table.addCell(table_cell); String manager_id=query_set.getString("MANAGER_ID"); table_cell=new PdfPCell(new Phrase(manager_id)); my_report_table.addCell(table_cell); String location_id=query_set.getString("LOCATION_ID"); table_cell=new PdfPCell(new Phrase(location_id)); my_report_table.addCell(table_cell); } my_pdf_report.add(my_report_table); my_pdf_report.close(); query_set.close(); stmt.close(); conn.close(); } } A screen dump of the output PDF report created by the program is provided below: PDF Report Created from Java JDBC Program Sample compilation / execution example for the code is given below:javac -classpath .;itextpdf-5.3.4.jar;ojdbc6.jar jdbc_pdf_report.java java -classpath .;itextpdf-5.3.4.jar;ojdbc6.jar jdbc_pdf_report That completes a breezy tutorial to convert SQL Table data to PDF in Java using JDBC and iText. If you have a question, you can post it in the comments section. By: Matteo Lorini | Updated: 2020-12-14 | Comments | Related: More > R Language Problem In this article we cover how to import data from a PDF file into a SQL Server table with R. We will use an example of past lottery winning numbers to see how you could use R to load the data and possibly predict the next set of winning numbers. Solution Lottery winning numbers can be manually downloaded in a PDF file one at a time. In this article we will import the Mega Millions winning numbers from a PDF file into a SQL table. This is just a simple exercise that shows how powerful the combination of R and SQL in SQL Server can be. Import PDF into SQL Server from Georgia Lottery The first step is to download the winning numbers from the official Georgia lottery website. From the website, we select the Mega Millions lottery game and click on download to get the numbers. Please notice that if the winning numbers are on multiple pages, we will have to download each page. Once we have the winning numbers in PDF files, we can use R to extract information like Date, Winning Numbers, and Megaball, and import them into a SQL Server table for further analysis. The image below shows the contents of the lottery pdf file. Read PDF File and Extract Information with R Let see how we can read the pdf file and extract the information it contains. First, we need to install the R pdftools package in order to use the pdf_text R function. As usual, we will be using RStudio to execute our R scripts. The code below reads the PDF file and splits each line according to the "" character (Line Feed). install.packages("pdftools") library(pdftools) pdf_text("GA_Lottery_WinningNumbers MegaMillions.PDF") %>% strsplit(split = "") At first glance, we see that the pdf_text function can correctly read the pdf file. Examine Data Type Once Import into R Data Frame Let us examine our data type once imported into an R data frame. First, we import our pdf file into a data frame (gal) and split it by "" (Line Feed Character). When we issue the str() R command, we see that the type of data returned is an R list data type. gal


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