Lesson plan - Study Island

|Math Lesson: Convert Fractions to Decimals |Grade Level: 4 |

|Lesson Summary: The teacher will begin by making sure that students are able to identify fractions with 10 and 100 as denominators. Students will then learn about |

|the tenths and hundredths place values and how to write fractions as decimals when they look at models of fractions with 10 and 100 as denominators. Students will |

|then play a memory game in pairs in which they must match a fraction to its equivalent decimal. Advanced learners will answer a word problem in which they must |

|convert fractions to decimals. Struggling learners will use place value mats to help them convert from fractions to decimals. |

|Lesson Objectives: |

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|The students will know… |

|How to convert fractions with denominators of 10 and 100 to decimals. |

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|The students will be able to… |

|Convert fractions with denominators of 10 and 100 to decimals. |

|Learning Styles Targeted: |

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|Visual |

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|Auditory |

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|Kinesthetic/Tactile |

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|Pre-Assessment: Give each student a whiteboard, dry-erase marker, and a tissue. Project the first picture from the Pre-Assessment* under a document camera. Ask |

|students to write the fraction shown by the picture on their whiteboards. After all students have written their answers, ask them to hold up the whiteboards for |

|you to see. If you see students answering incorrectly, and stop and explain the correct answer. Repeat for the remaining pictures from the Pre-Assessment*. |

|Whole-Class Instruction |

|Materials Needed: 1 piece of chart paper, Example Chart Paper* for teacher reference, Base 10 blocks (1 flat, 1 long, and 1 unit) to project under a document |

|camera, a document camera connected to a projector, 1 whiteboard per student, 1 dry-erase marker per student, 1 tissue per student, Guided Practice PowerPoint*, a |

|computer connected to a projector, 1 set of pre-cut Memory Cards* that have been copied onto cardstock per pair of students, 1 piece of construction paper per pair|

|of students, 1 bottle of glue or glue stick per student |

|Procedure: |

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|Tell students that they are going to learn how to write fractions like the ones from the Pre-Assessment as decimals. Post a piece of chart paper on the board and |

|title it “Place Value” or something similar. Draw three horizontal dashes like the ones shown on the Example Chart paper. Place a decimal where the one is on the |

|Example Chart Paper. Label the place value farthest to the left “ones.” Quickly explain to students that the place value chart extends to the right past the ones |

|place behind the decimal, and these place values are named for fractions. Project the flat base 10 block under a document camera for students to see. Tell students|

|that you want them to think of this block as 1 big block that has been divided into 100 smaller parts. Project the long base 10 block under the document camera, |

|and ask students what fraction of the one block does the long represent. Elicit responses, leading students to see that the long is 1/10 of the flat. Label the |

|tenths place on the chart paper and include the fraction with it. Project the unit base 10 block under the document camera, and ask students what fraction of the |

|one block the unit represents. Elicit responses, leading students to see that the unit is 1/100 of the flat. Label the hundredths place on the chart paper and |

|include the fraction with it. In addition, draw the base 10 blocks associated with each place value on the chart paper. See the Example Chart Paper, if necessary. |

| |

|Give each student a whiteboard, dry-erase marker, and a tissue. Have students draw a labeled place value chart like the one on the Example Chart on their |

|whiteboards. Draw the same place value chart on the board. Neither you nor students need to include the pictures of the base 10 blocks on their whiteboards. |

|Explain to students that they are going to learn how to write fractions with the denominators 10 and 100 as decimals. |

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|Project the first slide of the Guided Practice PowerPoint. Explain to students that there is one whole flat shaded in, so the whole number in the mixed numbers is |

|1. Record 1 in the ones place on the place value chart on the board, and have students do the same. Explain to students that there is one long, or 1/10, shaded in |

|the model. Record 1 in the tenths place, and have students do the same. Explain to students that there are 3 units, or 3/100, shaded in the model. Record 3 in the |

|hundredths place, and have students do the same. Click on the slide so that the answer appears. Lead a discussion with students about how the fraction is similar |

|to the decimal. |

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|Repeat this process for the remaining Guided Practice PowerPoint slides. Allow students to become more independent in converting the fractions to decimals as they |

|become more comfortable with the concept. After each slide, be sure to discuss the similarities between the fraction and the decimal. |

| |

|Take up whiteboards, markers, and tissues from students, and put students into pairs. Give each pair a set of pre-cut Memory Cards, a piece of construction paper, |

|and a bottle of glue or glue stick. Have pairs shuffle the memory cards and lay them face down on the table or floor in front of them. Explain to students that |

|some of the Memory Cards have fractions written on them, and some of the cards have decimals written on them. To play, one student should turn over two Memory |

|Cards. If the fraction and decimal are equivalent, the student should keep the pair of cards and take another turn. If the fraction and decimal are not equivalent,|

|the student should turn the pair of cards face down again and let the second player take his/her turn. Play continues until all matches have been made. After all |

|matches have been made, explain to students that they should glue the fraction/decimal matches together on the piece of construction paper. Check for |

|understanding, and allow students to play. |

|Advanced Learner |

|Materials Needed: 1 copy of the Advanced Learner Activity* per student, 4 colored pencils per student (1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow), writing utensils |

|Procedure: |

| |

|Give each student a copy of the Advanced Learner Activity and 4 colored pencils (1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, and 1 yellow). Explain the directions to students, and |

|allow them to work independently. |

|Struggling Learner |

|Materials Needed: 1 copy of the Struggling Learner Activity* per student, 1 copy of the Struggling Learner Activity* to project under a document camera, a document|

|camera connected to a projector, writing utensils |

|Procedure: |

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|Give each student a copy of the Struggling Learner Activity, and a project a copy under a document camera. Tell students that they are going to focus on the |

|denominators in each fraction to help them convert the fractions to decimals. |

| |

|Have students look at the first problem on the page. Go over each of the place values on the place value chart. Emphasize the denominators in the tenths place and |

|hundredths place. Explain to students that the 1 represents how many ones there are in the number. Record 1 in the ones place, and have students do the same. |

| |

|Have students look at the fraction with the whole number, 17/100. Ask students to point to the denominator. Make sure students identify 100 as the denominator. |

|Explain to students that when they record the decimal that it should include all place values up to the hundredths place because the denominator is 100. Model for |

|students how to record 1 in the tenths place and 7 in the hundredths place. |

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|Repeat this process for the remaining problems. For each problem done together, emphasize how the denominator can help them understand how to record each fraction |

|as a decimal. As students become more independent, allow them to complete some problems on their own. |

*see supplemental resources


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