The New Netherland settled primarily to

Unit I Assessment

What effects did the interaction between the Old World and the New World have?

AP US History - Mrs. Grover

30 questions @ 4.5 points each = 135 points


1. (5) The Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 resulted in

(A) a war between Spain and Portugal

(B) Portuguese control of Brazil

(C) English control of Canada

(D) French control of Martinique

(E) the withdrawal of the Spanish from the New World

2. (5) Which of the following statements describes how religion affected the English monarchs desire for colonies?

(A) They wanted to expand Catholicism to the New World

(B) They wanted to convert Native Americans to Puritanism

(C) They wanted to establish Protestant colonies to oppose Catholic Spanish colonies

(D) They wanted to succeed at a “Holy Experiment” to establish a godly society

(E) They wanted to send separatists and nonconformists to the New World

3. (7) Initially, Lord Baltimore intended that Maryland be a example of a godly society of

(A) Quakers

(B) Puritans

(C) Catholics

(D) Baptists

(E) Separatists

5. (8) The two most important leaders of the Great Awakening in colonial America were

(A) Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield

(B) John Winthrop and Jonathan Edwards

(C) John Locke and Benjamin Franklin

(D) Thomas Gordon and John Trenchard

(E) Cotton Mather and George Whitefield

6. (8) Which of the following was NOT an important effect of the Great Awakening?

(A) It stimulated higher education in the colonies

(B) It strengthened the authority of the old colonial religions

(C) It encouraged the development of individualism

(D) It fostered an optimistic view of the future among those touched by it

(E) It evoke a sense of “new birth” among believers


7. (1) The most significant factor that allowed large numbers of nomadic hunters to enter the heart of North America was

(A) the domestication of horses

(B) global warming

(C) population growth

(D) the search for new food supplies

(E) the growing diversity of people

8. (1) Which of the following revolutionized early Native American cultures?

(A) the discovery of hunting

(B) the development of agriculture

(C) tribal political alliances

(D) emergence of a written language

(E) the domestication of the horse

9. (4) Before the Columbian Exchange, many American Indian cultures were already strongly influenced by

(A) the spread of corn cultivation

(B) ravages of smallpox epidemics

(C) regular contacts with Africa

(D) invention of the spoked wheel

(E) domestication of horses

11. (9) The most important reason for the difference between the New England and Chesapeake colonies was based on

(A) differing environmental conditions

(B) the much higher mortality rate of the Chesapeake colonies

(C) the practice of slavery in the southern colonies

(D) contrasting economic systems

(E) varying degrees of ethnic diversity in the populations


12. (2) Which of the following was true of the Northeast American Indian tribes at the time Europeans first began colonization?

(A) Their economies depended entirely on hunting and gathering

(B) Their political and linguistic differences hindered their united opposition to the Europeans

(C) Their populations were immune to European diseases

(D) Their warriors rarely engaged in intertribal warfare

(E) Their cultures made no distinction between men’s work and women’s work

13. (2) By the time Europeans arrived, the peoples of Central Mexico had each of the following EXCEPT

(A) large cities ruled by effective bureaucracies

(B) tools and weapons made of iron and bronze

(C) hieroglyphic writing

(D) an accurate solar calendar

(E) a religion which involved human sacrifice

14. (6) Which of the following terms is CORRECTLY matched with a definition?

(A) encomendero – a Spaniard who controlled Native American labor

(B) mestizo – an individual of mixed Native American and African ancestry

(C) criollo – a person of Spanish parentage who was born in Spain

(D) peninsulares – a person of Spanish parentage who was born in the New World

(E) mulatto – an individual of mixed Spanish and Native American ancestry

15. (6) In their relations with the Native Americans, the French

(A) were as obsessed with Christian conversion as the Spanish

(B) tended to cultivate good relations because of the Native American’s knowledge of fur trapping

(C) were ruthless in their treatment of Native Americans

(D) drove them from their land in order to set up plantations

(E) were at a distinct disadvantage

DO NOT DO. 16. (12) By the end of the seventeenth century, which of the following was true of women in New England?

(A) They had begun to challenge their subordinate role in society

(B) They were a majority in many church congregations

(C) They voted in local elections

(D) They frequently divorced their husbands

(E) They could lead town meetings

17. (12) Which of the following was true of a married woman in the colonial era?

(A) She would be sentenced to debtors’ prison for debts incurred by her husband.

(B) She could vote as her husband’s proxy in elections.

(C) She generally lost control of her property when she married

(D) She was the prime beneficiary by law of her husband’s estate

(E) Her legal rights over her children were the same those of her husband

18. (13) By the end of the seventeenth century, Virginia could best be described as

(A) a plantation society, dominated by a slaveholding aristocracy

(B) a diversified society and economy, with minimal social stratification

(C) a society of small farmers, committed to multicrop agriculture

(D) a successful commercial enterprise that returned large profits to the Crown

(E) a society struggling with the question of slavery

19. (13) Most farmers in the northern colonists belonged to which of the following groups?

(A) large scale planters or aristocrats

(B) indentured servants

(C) yeomen or independent farmers

(D) tenant farmers

(E) none of the above

20. (15) A Maryland master placed the following newspaper advertisement in 1772 after Harry, his slave, had run away: “He has been seen about the Negro Quarters in Patuxent, but is supposed to have removed among his Aquaintances on Potomack: he is also well acquainted with a Negro of Mr. Wall’s named Rachael; a few miles from that Quarter is his Aunt, and he may possibly be harboured thereabouts.”

Which of the following statements about conditions under slavery is best supported by the passage above?

(A) Slaves had no opportunity to develop their own culture and society.

(B) Slaves commonly formed settlements of their own away from the plantations.

(C) Slaves lived entirely independently of their masters

(D) Slaves frequently associated with free Black people

(E) Slaves maintained social networks among kindred and friends despite forced separation.

21. (15) Regarding Christianity, most slaves in North America

(A) accepted it with no alterations, as it was taught to them by Whites

(B) rejected it as an alien faith

(C) were never exposed to it

(D) accepted it as their own, but with their own cultural variations

(E) could not understand it due to differences in language


22. (3) All of the following contributed to the rise of nation-states in Europe in the fifteenth century EXCEPT

(A) population growth

(B) a general prosperity

(C) the centralization of political authority under a monarch

(D) feudalism with local lords have strong authority

(E) the effects of the Renaissance ideas of secular power

23. (3) Columbus originally was determined to prove that

(A) a westward water route to China existed

(B) the world was not flat

(C) the continents of North and South America existed

(D) the lost continent of Atlantis was actually part of South America

(E) the world was smaller than scientists believed at the time.

24. (10) Which of the following was true of most Puritans who emigrated to seventeenth-century New England?

(A) They had renounced the Church of England.

(B) They rejected the authority of the English king.

(C) They considered themselves non-Separatists

(D) They approved of the Crown’s religious policy.

(E) They intended to return eventually to England.

25. (10) Which of the following was NOT a factor that stimulated English migration to the New World?

(A) religious disagreements in England

(B) poverty or the fear of falling into poverty

(C) a desire for land ownership

(D) government laws that forced the migration of the poorer classes

(E) a desire to make money from trade

26 (11) In the eighteenth century, colonial Virginia and colonial Massachusetts were most alike in that both

(A) relied on the marketing of a single crop

(B) were heavily dependent on slave labor

(C) had an established Anglican church

(D) were royal colonies established as proprietary colonies

(E) were established for religious freedom

27. (11) The Dutch settled The New Netherland primarily to

(A) secure a refuge for the persecuted

(B) check the growth of English colonies in North America

(C) expand commercial and mercantile networks

(D) gain colonies to produce agricultural surpluses

(E) secure naval supplies

28. (14) In the seventeenth century, which of the following was true of slavery in British North America?

(A) It was prohibited only in Massachusetts and Connecticut.

(B) It was opposed by the Anglican Church.

(C) Slaves officially accounted for more than thirty percent of the colonial population

(D) The number of slave increased rapidly in the last quarter of the century

(E) Most slaves lived on plantations with fifty or more slaves.

29. (14) Most slaves brought from Africa across the Atlantic by slave traders were sold in which of the following regions?

(A) what is now Mexico

(B) the North American colonies

(C) Central America

(D) Brazil or the Caribbean

(E) South America

30. (16) The mercantilist system in the eighteenth century led to

(A) the restriction of governmental intervention in the economy

(B) the protection of Native Americans from European economic exploitation

(C) the expansion of colonial manufacturing

(D) the subordination of the colonial economy to that of the mother country

(E) noncompetitive commercial relations among nations

DO NOT DO. 31. (16) The intention of the Navigation Acts was to

(A) allow England to monopolize American trade

(B) promote English industrial development

(C) keep the American colonies weak and dependent

(D) stimulate colonial economic diversification

(E) finance the British navy

32. (16) Which of the following was a requirement of the Navigation Acts?

(A) all foreign trade from the colonies, both imports and exports, was halted

(B) all imports to the colonies had to go through England to ensure correct import taxes were paid

(C) all exports were taxed before they could leave the colonies

(D) all imports to the colonies were prohibited

(E) none of the above



10. (4) The commentator in this illustration of the dandelion is also portraying a classical example of the two directional functioning of the

(A) Encomienda

(B) Mestizo

(C) Inquisition

(D) Conquesta

(E) Columbian Exchange


4. (7) Examine the woodcut print and the quotation given to the left. Based upon the information provided in both, which colony probably was the origin of these two primary source documents?

(A) Pennsylvania

(B) Jamestown

(C) Carolinas

(D) New York

(E) Massachusetts


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