CMPS 273, Fall 2006, Assignment 4, Excel

CMPS 173, Fall 2008, Assignment 10, Fundamentals of Computing; Hex to Binary to Decimal, Due October 21, 2008 (210 points)

1. Put your name, W number at the top of your paper. Answer the questions. Use your text book, (Introduction, chapter 1, … index) and notes as a guide. In these exercises, for any questions requiring calculations, it is best to show your work. (17)

2. Work the following 4 bit two’s complement math problems. Make sure that you show the two’s complement process as outlined below. (40)

a. 0101 - 0001

b. 0101 + 0010

c. 0001 - 1111

d. 0010 + 0011

e. 0001 + 0001

f. 1111 + 1010

g. 0111 - 1011

h. 0111 – 0110

i. 1110 + 0001

j. 0100 – 0101

3. Count from 0 to 33 in hexadecimal. (33)

4. Convert the following hexadecimal numbers to binary. (30)

a. 10

b. 11

c. 1e

d. a

e. 1eb

f. 03f8

g. 02f8

h. 27

i. 72

j. 01

5. Convert the following hexadecimal numbers to decimal. (30)

a. 10

b. 11

c. 1e

d. a

e. 1eb

f. 03f8

g. 02f8

h. 27

i. 72

j. 01

6. Convert the following unsigned binary numbers to hex and then to decimal. (60)

a. 0011

b. 0001 1100

c. 0011 0011

d. 1000 1111

e. 1010 0101

f. 0001 0001 0001

g. 0011 1001

h. 0010 1100

i. 0010110

j. 0011010

k. 10101

l. 100001

m. 10001

n. 100011

o. 101010


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