RC Model Aircraft Design Analysis Notes
RC Model Aircraft Design Analysis NotesNotes and Formulas Useful In Analyzing the Performance of Model AircraftWilliam B. Garner1/1/2017Provides notes and formulas for the evaluation of model aircraft performance. Subjects included are aerodynamics, propellers and electric power systems.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc471285956 \h 2Measurement Conversion Tables PAGEREF _Toc471285957 \h 3Wing Lift and Drag PAGEREF _Toc471285958 \h 4Wing Pitching Moment (Torque) PAGEREF _Toc471285959 \h 5Angle of Attack PAGEREF _Toc471285960 \h 5Reynolds Number & Drag Estimating PAGEREF _Toc471285961 \h 5Fuselage Drag Estimating PAGEREF _Toc471285962 \h 6Climb Rate & Angle of Climb PAGEREF _Toc471285963 \h 7Wing Aerodynamic Center & Mean Chord PAGEREF _Toc471285964 \h 7Air Density, Standard Atmosphere PAGEREF _Toc471285965 \h 7Air Foils PAGEREF _Toc471285966 \h 9Flight Duration PAGEREF _Toc471285967 \h 10Center of Gravity and Neutral Point PAGEREF _Toc471285968 \h 13Propellers PAGEREF _Toc471285969 \h 14Propeller equations PAGEREF _Toc471285970 \h 15Propeller Noise PAGEREF _Toc471285971 \h 17Glow Engines and Matching Propellers PAGEREF _Toc471285972 \h 18Electric Power Systems PAGEREF _Toc471285973 \h 19Battery Resistance PAGEREF _Toc471285974 \h 19Electronic Speed Controls PAGEREF _Toc471285975 \h 20ESC and Electric Motor Combined PAGEREF _Toc471285976 \h 20Relationships PAGEREF _Toc471285977 \h 22Newton’s Method Solution PAGEREF _Toc471285978 \h 25Matching motor to prop & estimating flight performance at max throttle PAGEREF _Toc471285979 \h 26Bending Moment PAGEREF _Toc471285980 \h 29Stress Analysis PAGEREF _Toc471285981 \h 30IntroductionOver the years I have collected a number of programs and descriptions related to the design and performance of RC model airplanes. They are scattered in various books, notebooks, document files and computer programs, making finding some particular subject sometimes a challenge. This document attempts to remedy that condition by assembling a lot of them in one place. It is limited to a set of subjects that are of most interest to the author. Topics included are various aspects of aerodynamics, propellers and electric power systems. There is a section on in-flight performance combining the aerodynamics and electric power system to estimate flight duration as a function of power setting as well as climb performance.The subjects are mostly presented without explanations as to their use or derivations. It is assumed the reader has some understanding of these subjects and does not need further explanations. Many of the explanations can be found in the literature, but there are a few that the author developed for a specific purpose. The section on in-flight performance was developed by the author and does contain some more detailed explanations. The application of the formulas and other information requires the use of a consistent set of measurement units. Any set can be used; in this case the foot – pound –second system is used throughout. Tables are included giving conversions from this system to the metric system.The formulas and other types of numerical information are approximations to the real world. For instance, wing profile drag coefficients change with air speed and angle of attack but it is very difficult to include these changes in any straight forward analysis. The result is that there are differences between computed results and actual results that can be quite large. It makes no sense, then, to carry out computations to 3 decimal places when the actual results may be no better than no decimal places.There are three books that were especially helpful in understanding how models work and perform.#1: Lennon, Andy, “R/C Model Aircraft Design”, Air Age, Inc., 2002.The best source for detailed explanations of just about every RC airplane subject with math models for many of them. Much of the formulae in this document came from this source.#2: Simmons, Martin; “Model Aircraft Dynamics”, Fourth Edition, Special Interest Model Books, Dorset, UK, 2002.More qualitative than quantitative, many excellent chapters on the underlying principles of aerodynamics as applied to models. There is a large appendix devoted to airfoils and one with example calculations of aerodynamic properties.#3: Smith, H.C. ‘Skip”, “The Illustrated Guide to Aerodynamics”, 2nd Edition, 1992, Tab Books (McGraw Hill), This book was written for a private pilot so is written in a more general manner than the other books. It has lots of illustrations and photos that help in understanding the descriptions. It is a good starting book.Measurement Conversion TablesEnglish Measurement EquivalentsTo Convert FromSymbolMultiply ByTo Get SymbolFootFt12InchesInInchIn1/12FeetftPoundlb16OuncesozOunceOz1/16PoundlbSquare footFt2 144Square InchesIn^2 Square InchesIn21/144Square feetFt2Foot-poundFt-lb192Inch-ouncesIn-ozInch-ouncesIn-oz1/192Pound-feetFt-lbBrake HorsepowerBHP742WattsWWattsW1/742Brake HorsepowerBHPRevolutions/minuteRpm1/60Revolutions /secondRpsSlugSlug1Lbf-sec2/ftLbf-sec2/ftEnglish to Metric EquivalentsTo Convert FromSymbolMultiply ByTo GetSymbolFootFt0.3048MetersmInchIn2.54CentimeterscmInchIn1/39.37MetermInchIn25.4millimetermmMileMi1.60934KilometerskmSquare footFt20.092903Square metersM2Square InchesIn26.4516Square centimetersCm2OuncesOz28.3495GramGrmPoundLb0.45392KilogramKgPound ForceLbf4.44822NewtonNPound-force-footLbf-ft1.355818Newton-meterN-mPounds/cubic footLb/ft316.0185Kilograms/cubic meterKg/m3Slug/ft3Slug/ft3515.4Kilograms/cubic meterKg/m3Degree FahrenheitF(C-32)*9/5Degree Celsius CMillibarMb100PascalsPaInches MercuryinHg33.8639MillibarMbInches MercuryinHg3386.39PascalsPaWing Lift and DragDefinitionsρAir densityClLift CoefficientVAir speedSWing AreabTotal wing spanCdoAirfoil profile drag coefficientCdiInduced drag coefficientCdpParasitic drag coefficientLift:L= ρ*Cl*v2*S2StallVs= L*2ρ*Clmax*SIf V is in mph, S in square inches, σ = 1.0 at sea level:σ = 1 -2.519E-05*hfthft is altitude in feetThen L=σ*Cl*Vmph2*Ssqin/3519 ouncesVs=L*3519σ*Clmax*SsqinMphProfile Drag: Dprofile=Cdo*ρ*v2*S/2Dprofile=Cdo*σ*Vmph2*Ssqin/3519OuncesInduced Drag: Dinduced=Cdi*ρ*v2*S/2Dinduced=Cdi*σ*Vmph2*Ssqin/3519OuncesCdi=0.318*Cl2*(1+delta)AR,Aspect Ratio: AR=b2/SWing Planform Taper Ratioλ=tip chordroot chordλTau, AoA correctionDelta, Cdi correction00.16.12.1250.0450. Drag: Dparasite=Cdp*ρ*v2*S/2Dparasite=Cdp*σ*Vmph2*Ssqin/3519OuncesDtotal=Cdo+Cdi+Cdp*σ*Vmph2*Ssqin/3519OuncesAlternate Equation: Dtotal=Cdo+Cdp*σ*V2*S3519+3519*Weightσ*Vmph2*b2 OuncesWing Pitching Moment (Torque)Ch = mean chord length, inchesMpitch=Cm*σ*Vmph2*Ssqin*Ch/3519In-Oz Angle of AttackThe actual angle of attack is a function of the lift coefficient, wing planform and the aspect ratio.Α0 is angle of attack from airfoil infinite aspect ratio plot at given Cl.AoA=A0+18.26*Cl*(1+tau)AR DegreesReynolds Number & Drag EstimatingRe=778*Vmph*Ch*σReynolds number decreases with altitude.σ = 1 -2.519E-05*hft,hft is altitude in feetA tapered wing has chords that decrease in length from root to tip. This means that the Reynolds number decreases in proportion and the corresponding drag coefficient increases. The drag area will decrease with chord decrease, and since drag is proportional to area and drag coefficient, the net drag change is not all that great. A compromise to calculating the drag at stations along the span and adding them is to use the mean aerodynamic chord length in the drag estimation. Fuselage Drag EstimatingDfus= Cdfus*σ*Vmph2*Sfus/3519OuncesSfus is the cross-sectional area of the fuselage at its greatest.The coefficient Cdfus can be estimated by the use of the values contained in the following figures, obtained from wind tunnel tests at MIT. All of the fuselages were 43 inches long.Note that other combinations can be derived from these results. For instance, fuselages 1 and 8 are the same except that number 8 has landing gear. The increase in the coefficient is thus due to the landing gear.Climb Rate & Angle of ClimbThrust & Drag in ouncesWeight in OuncesClimbRate=Vmph*Thrust-Drag*88Weight, feet/minuteClimbAngle=arcsinclimbrateVmph*88*57.25, degreesIf thrust > drag then ClimbAngle = 900 Wing Aerodynamic Center & Mean ChordAssumes uniform tapered wing, dimensions in inchesR = root chordT = tip chordSpan = distance from root to tip (half of total wing span)Sweep = distance tip leading edge is swept back from root leading edgeMAC = mean aerodynamic chordAC = aerodynamic center measured from root leading edgeQ= (R2+R*T+T2)6*(R+T)P=(R+2*T)3*(R+T)AC=Q+Sweep*PInchesMAC=4*QInchesArea=Span*(R+T)2inches2 (area of wing half)Air Density, Standard AtmosphereAssumes standard temperature and pressure conditions at sea level. There is no allowance for actual temperature or water vapor-caused variations.po = sea level standard atmospheric pressure, 101.325 kPaTo = sea level standard temperature, 288.15 Kg = earth surface gravitational acceleration, 9.80665 m/s2L = Temperature lapse rate, 0.0065, K/mR = Ideal gas constant, 8.31447 J/(mol-K)M = molar mass of dry air, 0.0289644 kg/molTemperature at altitude h meters above sea level:T = To – L*hThe pressure at altitude h is given by:p=po1-L*hTog*MR*L Density then is found to be:ρ=p*M*1000R*TKg/m3This set of equations is essentially linear with altitude.ρ(hm)=-1.01E-04*hm+1.225,Kg/m3ρ(hft)= -5.992E-08*hft+.002378,slugs/ft3σ=ρ(hft)ρ(0)=1-2.519E-05*hftNote: 1 slug = 1 lbf-sec2/ftAir FoilsThe figure defines the various terms used in identifying and characterizing an air foil. The maximum camber is defined as a percentage of the chord line length and its location along the chord line is usually specified. The maximum thickness is defined as a percentage of the chord line length as is it location along the chord line. The angle of attack (AoA) is defined relative to the chord line as well.There are several ways of presenting airfoil data. One way is to plot the lift coefficient, Cl(alpha) and profile drag coefficient, Cd(alpha), as functions of the angle of attack.Note that the lift coefficient is relatively insensitive to Reynolds number but the drag coefficient increases as the Reynolds number decreases.Another way of presenting the data is to plot the lift coefficient as a function of drag coefficient. This is especially useful when the lift coefficient is known and the drag coefficient is wanted to match.Flight DurationAssuming that flight takes place at constant airspeed and level flight the duration of flight can be estimated.T=km*kp*kb*WbWa(1+WbWa)1.5*0.5*rho*SWa*(Cl1.5Cd)T is timekm is motor efficiency coefficientkp is propeller efficiency coefficientkb is battery energy to mass ratioWa is aircraft weight without the batteryWb is the battery weightrho is air densityS is total lifting surface areaCl is the lift coefficientCd is the total drag coefficient – includes profile, parasitic & inducedThe measurement units in the preceding equations must be from a consistent set and are undefined. Using the foot – pound – second set of units, then:Wa & WblbSft^2kbWhrs/lbrhoslug/ft^3 = lb*sec2ft4Watt 1.356lb*ftsecUsing these units, the time equation becomes: T=km*kp*kb*WbWa(1+WbWa)1.5*sigma*SWa*(Cl1.5Cd)*.0254hourssigma = 1 at sea level & 15 degrees C, 0.8616 @ 5,000 ft, 0.7384@ 10,000 ftConsider the equation terms involving weight and wing area, letting a = Wb/Wa, the ratio of battery weight to airplane weight without the battery. Include the wing loading term Wa/S.FW = a1+a1.5*SWaFigure x plots FW as a function of Wb/Wa and Wa/S In lb/ft^2. This graph indicates that there is little to be gained in making the ratio Wb/Wa greater than 1. That is, the battery weight is equal to the aircraft weight without the battery. It also indicates that the lower the wing loading, the longer the potential flight time.Power Factor = Cl1.5CdPower factor is dependent upon the specific lift and drag characteristics of the airplane. Figure Y is a plot of power factor for a specific design, showing how it varies with angle of attack and aspect ratio. Note that the maximum lies near the stall AoA, in this case 13 degrees. This result indicates that best duration is achieved when the plane is flown at airspeed close to stall.The graph also indicates that the higher the aspect ratio, the greater the power factor.Figure X FW as a function of battery weight to aircraft weight, Wb/Wa, and wing loading Wa/S Figure Y Power factor exampleCenter of Gravity and Neutral PointWing Sweep, C =(S * (A + 2B)) / (3 * (A + B))MAC (length) =A – (2 * (A – B) * (0.5 * A + B) / (3 * (A + B)))MAC location, d =Y * ((A – MAC) / (A – B))wing area, WA =Y * (A + B)tail area, TA =YY * (AA + BB)wing aspect ratio, Arw =((Y * 2) ^ 2) / WAtail aspect ratio, Art =((YY * 2) ^ 2) / TATail Arm =?(D – wing AC) + tail ACtail volume, Vbar =(TA / WA) * (Tail Arm / MAC)NP (%MAC) =0.25 + (0.25 * sqr(sqr(Arw)) * Vbarideal CG (%MAC) =NP – Desired Static MarginFormulas for calculating neutral point and CGPropellersPropellers are identified by their diameter and pitch.Pitch is the hypothetical distance forward a propeller would advance in one revolution if there were no slippage.Pitch is measured relative to the chord line, normally at 70 to 75% of the blade radius.The first 20% of the blade radius, measured from the hub, contributes virtually nothing to thrust.The outer 50% of the blade contributes about 80% of the total thrust.Cumulative Thrust with Blade RadiusAlthough most model propellers have two blades, there are versions with three or more blades. The diameters of these propellers can be reduced relative to two-bladed versions while maintaining the same pitch and shaft power. An approximate relationship as a function of the number of blades is as follows:DN = DN is the diameter of a propeller of N bladesD2 is the diameter of a two-bladed prop.Bn is the number of blades of the N-bladed prop.For three blades D3 = 0.904*D2 For four blades D4 = 0.840*D2Propeller equationsAdvance RatioJ Where V is the axial or forward velocity of the propeller, n is the revolution rateD is the diameter. A consistent set of units such as ft/sec, rev/sec and ft are required. J is dimensionless. J is an indirect measure of the angle at the blade tip.Thrust:T= lbf is air density equal to 0.002378 slugs/ft^3 at sea level.n is the revolution rate in rpsD is the diameter in feetCt is the thrust coefficient. It is a function of pitch, diameter, rpm, forward velocity, and blade shape.Figure P-1 plots the thrust coefficient as a function of J and p/D, the ratio of pitch to diameter, for a typical model propeller profileFigure P-1 Thrust Coefficient as a function of advance ratio and pitch/diameter ratioShaft PowerPs = bhpMultiply by 742 to get WattsThe power coefficient, Cp, is a function of J and the pitch to diameter ratio p/D. Figure P-2 is a graph of the power coefficient as a function of J and p/D for a typical sport propeller. The power increases as the fifth power of the diameter and the cubic power of the revolution rate. Figure P-2 Power Coefficient as a function of advance ratio and pitch/diameter ratioOf interest is the power efficiency defined as the ratio of thrust power to shaft power. The higher this ratio the more efficient is the propeller. Note that thrust power is defined as the product of the thrust, T, and the forward velocity, V. This is the conventional definition in which useful work is done only when there is actual motion.Efficiency Figure P-3 plots the power efficiency as a function of advance ratio, J, and pitch ratio, p/D for a typical sport propeller.Figure P-3 Efficiency as a function of advance ratio and pitch/diameter ratioPropeller NoiseThere are three types of noise generated by a propeller. The pulsing of the air as the blades rotate generates periodic noise. The pulse rate is equal to the rotation rate per second multiplied by the number of blades. For example, consider a two-bladed prop turning at 12,000 rpm (200rps). Then:Pulse rate = 200 x 2 = 400 pulses per second.The turbulence of the air passing over the blades also generates a random noise component whose magnitude increases with increased rpm.Transonic noise is created when airflow over the top surface at or near the tips approaches or exceeds the speed of sound. This flow occurs typically when the tip speed is on the order of 0.55 to 0.7 times the speed of sound since the curved upper surface of the blade causes the sir to speed up relative to the bottom surface. Figure P-4 plots the approximate propeller diameter boundary for transonic noise generation as a function of rpm (ref 7). Figure P-4 Transonic Noise GraphGlow Engines and Matching PropellersThe following charts list manufacturer’s recommended propeller sizes for two-stroke and four-stroke glow engines. A range of sizes is shown for each engine displacement. Low pitch props are preferable for slow speed operation while high pitch props are preferable for high speed operation. Props with pitch to diameter ratios of 0.6 to 0.7 are good for general usage.Prop Chart for 2-Stroke Glow EnginesAlternate PropellersStarting PropEngine Size5.25x4, 5.5x4, 6x3.5, 6x4, 7x36x3.0497x3,7x4.5,7x57x4.098x5,8x6,9x48x4 .158x5,8x6,9x59x4.19 - .259x7,9.5x6,10x59x6.20 - .309x7,10x5,11x410x6.35 - .369x8, 11x510x6.4010x6,11x5,11x6,12x410x7.4510x8,11x7,12x4,12x511x6.5011x7.5, 11x7.75, 11x8,12x611x7.60 - .6111x8,12x8,13x6,14x412x6.7012x8,14x4,14x5 13x6.78 - .8013x8,15x6,16x514x6.90 - .9115x8,18x516x61.0816x10,18x5,18x616x81.2018x8,20x618x6 1.5018x10,20x6,20x8,22x618x81.8018x10,20x6,20x10,22x620x82.00Prop Chart for Four-Stroke Glow EnginesAlternate PropellersStarting PropEngine Size9x5,10x59x6.20 - .2110x6,10x7,11x4,11x5.11x7,11x7.5,12x4,12x511x6.4010x6,10x7,10x8,11x7,11x7.5,12x4,12x5,12x611x6.45 - .4811x7.5,11x7.75,11x8,12x8,13x5,13x6,14x5,14x612x6.60 - .6512x8,13x8,14x4,14x613x6.8013x6,14x8,15x6,16x614x6.9014x8,15x6,15x8,16x8,17x6,18x5,18x616x61.2015x6,15x8,16x8,18x6,18x8,20x618x61.6018x12,20x8,20x1018x102.4018x10,18x12,20x1020x82.7018x12,20x1020x103.00Electric Power SystemsBattery ResistanceBattery resistance is used in estimating the performance of RC electric power systems. The following formula is useful for that purpose. It assumes that the battery is new as used batteries may have substantially higher internal resistance.Rbattery=0.021*NcellsAH*25C , OhmsNcells is the number of cells in seriesAH is the ampere hour ratingC is the c-rating. Multiply it times the Amp Hours to get maximum current draw.Electronic Speed ControlsESC resistance is used in estimating the performance of RC electric power systems. The following formula is useful for that purpose. ESC resistance as a function of current ratingESC and Electric Motor CombinedThere are standard formulas for calculating the performance of electric motors assuming an ideal drive and control mechanism. However, ESCs are not ideal and introduce additional losses, degrading performance somewhat. These losses are accounted for in the formulas that follow by the inclusion of an empirically derived function, f(d), that takes into account the operating state of the throttle, ranging from off to full on.Figure PS1 Complete Power System Equivalent Electric DiagramThe battery and the motor EMF are voltage generators and their volltages begin with the letter E. Loss voltages begin with the letter V. These are conventional electrical engineering formats used to distinguish between generator and load voltages.Beginning on the left, the battery no-load voltage is Ebat. The battery internal resistance is Rbat, in ohms. The battery is connected to the ESC by wires and connectors whose resistance is labeled Rcab. Next is the ESC; it is characterized by resistance Resc and throttle fraction d. “d” is the relative value of the throttle setting, ranging from 0 to 1.0. When d = 0, the motor is off; when d = 1, the motor is at full on.The voltage marked Vesc is the voltage delivered to the input of the ESC. Emot is the equivalent generator voltage applied to the motor itself taking into account the throttle setting fraction, d. Emot = d * Vesc.The motor parameters are the motor resistance Rmot, the back emf Emf in volts, the motor current, Imotor, the no load current, Inl, the no load power loss, Pnl, the motor voltage constant, Kv and the torque constant Kq. The motor outputs are the shaft power, Pshaft, the torque, Q and the revolution rate, Rpm.The terms and their definitions are:DefinitionsEbatNo load battery voltageRbatBattery internal resistance, ohmsRcabCable and connector resistance, ohmsRescESC through resistance, ohmsRmotMotor internal resistance, ohmsPnlMotor power loss due to internal non resistive causesEmfMotor back EMF, opposed to the battery voltage, voltsPshaftPower output through the motor shaftKvMotor rpm per voltIono load reference current at VoVono load reference voltageInlMotor no load current, AmpsImotMotor current transferring power to the output shaft, AmpsdFraction of full throttle setting, range 0 to 1.0EmotThe source voltage driving the motor from the ESC, VoltsRelationshipsThere are some relationships that are common to all working formulas that follow.f(d) = 1+d*(1-d)ESC loss factor, multiplied by the motor current.Vesc = Ebat –Itotal*(Rbat + Rcab + Resc)Voltage into ESCEmotor= d*VescVoltage out of ESC to motor, viewed as a generatorInl = (Io/Vo)*EmfNo load current, AmpsPnl = Inl*EmfNo load power, WattsItotal = Inl + Imot*f(d)Total current, AmpsEmf = Kv * RpmMotor back voltage, VoltsKq = 1353/KvTorque constant, in-oz. /AmpQ = Kq*ImotTorque, in-oz.Pshaft = Imot* EmfShaft power, WattsCase1: Assume that the throttle is at its full position and the motor is stalled such that the rpm is zero.Under these conditions the full battery voltage is applied to the motor and only the resistances impede the flow of current. As an example, assume that the battery voltage is 11 Volts and the total resistance is 0.15 ohms in a small motor rated 20 Amps and 1000 Kv. The current is then 11V/.15Ohms = 73 Amps, enough to severely damage the ESC, motor or battery. The torque would be 73*1353/1000 = 98 in- oz. If a finger or piece of clothing were the cause of the stalled condition, the torque would be such that real damage could occur.Case 2: A second case is to estimate the torque, rpm, shaft power and battery power by varying the current. This approach is fairly common in displaying the characteristics of a specific motor.fd=1+d-d2) Rbce=Rbat+Rcab+RescEmot=d*(Ebat-Itotal*Rmot)Emf=Emot-Itotal*RmotRpm=Emf*KvInl=IoVo*RpmKvImot=Itotal-Inlf(d)Pshaft=Imot*EmfQ=1335Kv*ImotPnl=Inl*EmfPresistance=Itotal2*(Rbce+Rmot)Pbattery=Pshaft+Pnl+PresistanceExample result for half-throttle settingThe battery power increases linearly with current. The shaft power increases linearly at low currents, then slowly bends over as the internal losses increase more rapidly. The rpm decreases as the load increases, the efficiency is low at low currents, increase rapidly then flattens out with increases in current.Example result for maximum throttle settingCase 3: Another condition of possible interest occurs if the required motor shaft power and rpm are known and it is desired to determine the current, throttle settings and battery power. Unfortunately, there is no simple formula that allows estimation of the throttle setting needed. “d” is found from a solution to a cubic equation. Rbce=Rbat+Rcab+RescImot=Pshaft*KvRpmInl=IoVo*RpmKvEmf=Rpm/Kv0=a0+a1*d+a2*d2+a3*d3a0=Emf+Rmot*(Inl+Imot)a1=-(Ebat-Rbce*Imot+Inl-Rmot*Imot)a2=Imot*(Rbce+Rmot)a3=-Rbce*ImotIt is possible to analyze the cubic equation directly by finding its roots, but it is a messy process. The solution can also be found by using a convergence algorithm such as that described by Newton. Newton’s Method SolutionNewton’s method is an iterative algorithm that quickly converges to a result.Make an initial guess d1 for the value of dCalculate the value of the function in d.Fd=a0+a1*d1+a2*d12+a3*d3Calculate the value of the derivative of F(d1) =F’(d)F'd1=a1+2*a2*d1+3*a3*d12Evaluate:d2=d1-F(d1)F'(d1)Substitute d2 for d1 in the equation:d3=d2-F(d2)F'(d2)And repeat this process until the answer is of adequate accuracy. The following Table presents an example of these computations.a0 = 9.39a1= -9.82a2 =0.056a3= -0.648Initial guess: d1 = 0.5The result is zero when d is approximately 1.0. Using this value of d the other parameters can be found.Itotal=Inl+(1+d-d2)*Imot Emot=Emf+Itotal*RmotPmotor=PshaftPnl=Inl*EmfPresistance=Rbce+Rmot*Itotal2Pbattery=Pmotor+Pnl+PresistanceEfficiency=Pshaft/PbatteryCase 4: Testing of propellers can be done using electric motors calibrated to the task. It is possible to test the thrust characteristics of a propeller on a homemade test stand. The measurable quantities are the thrust, the motor rpm, the total current and the throttle setting. The known parameters are the resistances of the power system, the source voltage (best if done using a regulated power supply), the idle current parameters and the motor Kv rating. What is not easy to measure is the actual shaft output power, or the propeller absorbed power as it is sometimes known. However, it is possible to get a reasonable estimate of this power using the measured data and the formulas presented before.Pshaft= RpmKv*(Itotal-Io*RpmVo*Kv)(1+d-d2) WattsThe value of d can be estimated by running the propeller at maximum throttle and recording the resulting Rpm as d =1. Any other value of d can be estimated by scaling to the measured value of Rpm to the maximum observed value.Matching motor to prop & estimating flight performance at max throttleAssemble input parameters for aircraft, battery, ESC, motor and propellerAircraft: Weight, wing span, wing area, fuselage area, tail area, wing Cd as a function of Cl, altitudeBattery: Voltage, AH rating, C rating, Rcables, calculate RbatESC:Maximum continuous current, calculate RescMotor:Kv, Rm, Io @ Vo, Propeller:Diameter, pitchSelect initial airspeed; stall is suggestedVstall=weight*3519σ*Clmax*SCompute Cl needed for level flightCl=weight*3519σ*V2*SCompute Wing;Profile drag using Cl –Cdo graph or formula: Dprofile=Cdo*σ*Vmph2*S3519Example aircraft Cdo coefficients for: Cdo=Coeff4*Cl4+coeff3*Cl3+coeff2*Cl2+coeff1*Cl+coeff0Induced drag: Dinduced=0.318*Cl2*1+delta*σ*V2*SAR*3519 Compute fuselage and tail drag: Dfus=Cdparasitic*σ*Vmph2*Sfus/3519Dtail=Cdtail*σ*Vmph2*Stail/3519Compute total drag: Dtotal=Dprofile+Dinduced+Dfus+DtailFind the rpm that matches motor shaft power to propeller absorbed power at maximum throttle (d = 1)Compute motor output power as a function of rpm in tabular form & plotPshaft=a1*rpm-a2*rpm2 ; a1=EbatRtot*Kv , a2=(1+Rtot*IoVo)/Kv2Compute propeller input power as a function of rpm in tabular form and plot.Prop=CpJ*ρ*n3*D5*742/550 ; J =V/nD, V in ft/sec, n in rps, D in feetCp = a2*J^2+a1*J + a0p/Da2a1a00.4-0.08720.0130.02630.45-0.09610.01980.03050.5-0.09470.02140.0350.55-0.10230.02860.040.6-0.10660.03420.0450.65-0.10650.03710.05070.7-0.10530.03840.05710.75-0.09650.03020.05610.8-0.09330.0280.06140.85-0.08690.02230.06760.9-0.08190.01730.0739When powers are equal then that is desired rpmCompute the total current & battery powerItotal=Prop*Kvrpm+IoVo*rpmKvPbattery=Ebattery*ItotalCompute thrust for the computed rpm.T=CtJ*ρ*n2*D4Ct = =a2*J^2+b1*J+b0p/Db2b1b00.4-0.1553-0.08470.07440.45-0.1537-0.07810.08270.5-0.1534-0.06960.09020.55-0.1534-0.05990.0970.6-0.153-0.04940.10290.65-0.1545-0.03660.10770.7-0.1541-0.02430.11160.75-0.1543-0.030.10820.8-0.1541-0.02430.11160.85-0.1551-0.01220.11160.9-0.1562-0.00270.1125Compute the climb rate and climb angle using the computed thrust and drag difference, Thrust – DragIncrement the airspeed and repeat until (T – D) =< 0Bending MomentWings are subject to distributed lifting loads along the wing span. They also support the rest of the aircraft weight at the attachment points. The loads and stresses reach maximum at the root and decrease toward the tips, becoming zero at the tip. This implies that spars and other components may be made lighter (less strong) the farther they are toward the tip.The load factor, n, takes into account stressful maneuvers where the airplane is at some airspeed and is suddenly pulled up to its maximum lift condition (maximum Cl). It is the ratio of lift to total weight, expressed in Gs.The safety factor 'j' is a multiplier to account for the potential uncertainties in materials, construction and operation.Any taper is assumed to be uniform from root to tip.The computed loads are for the wing only. They do not include the load distribution or stresses associated with the wing to body attachment method. If a single point attachment is used then the loads pass through that point. If there are two attachment points as is common in many designs, the loads are distributed in some fashion between them. Since the highest loads are near the leading edge, attachments here need to be strong.The lowest stress transfer occurs when the attachment is distributed all the way along the root chord from one end to the other. Passing the wing through the fuselage with firm support on top and bottom chords accomplishes this.DefinitionsspanTotal wing span, inchescrWing root chord, inchesctWing tip chord, inchesQwWing weight, lbsQtTotal aircraft weight, lbsClmaxMaximum wing lift coefficientVmaxMaximum airspeed, mphJ Safety factorBending Moment EquationsWing semi-spanhspan=span2,inchesSemi-span areaS=hspan*cr+ct2, square inchesLoad Factorn=σ*Vmax2*S*2Qt*3519,GsSemi-span loadL=n*J*Qt-Qw, lbsTip load intensityCt=ct*L2*S,lbs/inchRoot load intensityCr=cr*L2*S, lbs/inchRoot MomentM=Cr-Ct*hspan26+Ct*hspan22,lb-inchesRoot vertical loadTr=Cr-Ct*hspan22+Ct*hspan2,lbsStress AnalysisI-Beam Compression and Tension MaximaMmoment in in-lbsX=B*h+2*t6 in^3Y=B-c*h36*h+2*tin^3Z=c*d36*h+2*tin^3S=X-Y-Z,In^3Tau=MSpsithe stress in either compression or tension at the surface of the beamSome Common Material PropertiesMaterialTension psiCompression psiPultruded CF strip110,00090,000Balsa light1,100680Balsa medium2,9001750Balsa heavy4,6702830Birch plywood99816416Poplar plywood64164277 ................
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