
Name: ________________________

Hour: ____ Date: ___________

Honors Chem: Unit 1 Test Review Questions (Intro to Chem)

Directions: Complete the following questions using your notes and previous homework to help. Show all your work and include units, when necessary. Write in complete sentences, when necessary.

Scientific Notation

1. Express in standard form. Express in scientific notation.

a. 5.2 x 103 __________ d. 780000 __________

b. 9.65 x 10-4 __________ e. 0.00000422 __________

c. 8.5 x 10-2 __________ f. 10000000 __________

2. Use the exponent function on your calculator to compute the following, rounding your answer to correct SF.

a. (4.1 x 1023) (8.0 x 103) e. (3.2 x 104) / (6.8 x 103)

b. (3.6 x 104) (13) f. (4.6 x 103) / (9.8)

c. (4.0 x 10-3) (145) g. (298) / (2.7 x 10-2)

d. (7.9 x 105) (3.1 x 10-8) h. (5.6 x 10-9) / (3.3 x 106)

Significant Figures

3. Identify the correct number of significant figures in the examples below.

a. 0.000541 __________ d. 0.01020 __________ g. 2839.17 __________

b. 500.0 __________ e. 062709 __________ h. 0.05493 __________

c. 80475.050 __________ f. 50140 __________ i. 60500.00 __________

4. Use your math rules to complete the following problems with correct SF.

a. (7.5 x 103 cm3)(1.9 x 102 kPa)

(6.21 x 102 kPa)

b. [pic][pic]


✓ Certainty vs. Estimation: Use a ruler to measure this piece of paper in the following units: cm and mm.

To what place can we reasonably estimate? Why?

✓ Comparing precision of instrumentation

Will I get more precision using a 100 mL or a 500 mL grad cylinder? Why?

Math Review

5. Simplify… 250 J (4.0 g)


6. Simplify… (10a + 15a) (a3b)

7. Solve for X… X – 15 = J

8. Solve for X… PX = NRT

SI System

✓ Prefixes: kilo, deci, centi, milli (Memorize!) What does “milli” mean?

✓ Base Units: Vol_____ Length____ Mass_____ Temp_____


1. Convert 168 mL into cm3.

2. Convert 58.3 mm into km.

3. After returning from a lovely trip to Europe, you find that a couple of posters you purchased have dimensions provided in metric. The dimensions are: 1.40 m x 1.00 m. Approximately what size frame will you need for your poster in inches? (1 in = 2.54 cm)

What is the area of this poster in cm2?

Basics of Chemistry

In the chemical reaction… 2 Al (s) + Fe2O3 (s) ( 2 Fe (s) + Al2O3 (s)

a. What are the reactants? What are the products?

b. What is the relationship between the combined mass of the reactants and the combined mass of the products?

c. In general, what happens to atoms during a chemical reaction?


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