Unit 1: See list of root words, prefixes, suffixes, and abbreviations

Unit 2: Biomedical Ethics & Legal Principles

|Malpractice |Negligence |Assault |Battery |Conduct |

|Consent |Felony |Misdemeanor |Illegal restraint |Living will |

|Durable power of attorney|Advanced directive |Ethics |Morals |Rules |

|Euthanasia |Litigation |Tort |Contract |Liable |

Unit 3: Technology in Medicine

|Prosthetics |Mammography |Radiology |Digital imaging |Telemedicine |

|Telepsychiatry |Telepathology |Teleradiology |HIPAA |Telespirometry |

|Clinical |Xray |CAT scan |PET scan |Ultrasound |

|Interventional radiology |Stereotactic radiology |Focused ultrasound | | |

| | |surgery | | |

Unit 4: Medical Mathematics

|Meter |Gram |Liter |Kilo |Hecta |

|Decka |Deci |Centi |Milli |Cubic centimeter |

|Volume |Distance |Weight |Fahrenheit |Celcius |

|Metric system |Household system | | | |

Unit 5: Forensic Medicine

|Forensics |Autopsy |DNA fingerprinting/typing |Forensic anthropology |Odontology |

|Rh factor |Coroner |Medical examiner |Pathologist |Natural death |

|Unnatural death |Rigor mortis |Lividity/hypostasis |Body temperature |DNA |

|Chromosomes |Egg |Sperm |Serology |Barr body |

|Kastle-meyer test |Precipitin test | | | |

Unit 6: Infectious Diseases

|Pathogen |Microbe/microorganism |Disease |Colonization |Infection |

|Flora |Opportunistic infection |Epidemiology |Epidemiologist |Disease reservoir |

|Symptoms |Assymptomatic |Transmission |Virulence |Indirect contact |

|Direct contact |Immune system |Immunity |Vaccine |Pesticide |

|Antimicrobial |Microbicidal |Antiviral |Antibiotics |FDA |

|CDC |NIH |WHO |HIV/AIDS |Influenza |

|Rifampin |Penicillin |Tuberculosis |Emerging disease |Re-emerging disease |

|Endemic |Pandemic |Ebola |Lyme |SARS |

|Acyclovir |AZT |Eukaryote |Prokaryote |Bioterrorism agents |

Unit 7: Organ Transplants

|Cell |Tissue |Organ |Organ system |Living donor |

|Cadaveric donor |Tissue typing |Organ procurement |Recipient |Immunosuppressive drugs |

|UNOS |Discordant species |Concordant species |Autologous transplant |Xenogenic transplant |

|Allogenic transplant |Brain death |Antigens |Anti-rejection drugs |Immune system |

Unit 8: Cell biology & Cancer

|Cancer |Incidence |Predisposition |Genetics |Heredity |

|Mitosis |Benign |Tumor |Malignant |Metastatic |

|Prognosis |Diagnosis |Susceptible |Carcinogens |Risk factor |

|Mutagen |Mutation |Mortality rate |Survival rate |Cell cycle |

|Proto-oncogenes |Tumor suppressor genes |Hyperplasia |Dysplasia |In situ cancer |

|Invasive cancer |UV radiation |Chemotherapy |Radiation |Alternative therapy |

|Detection | | | | |

Unit 9: Careers in biomedical Technology

|Pathologist |Medical technologist |Phlebotomist |Microorganisms |Hematology |

|Pathogens |Histology |Life science |Microbiologist |Virologist |

|Biochemist |Radiography |Radiologic tech |Film badge |Radiologist |

|Nuclear medicine tech |Ultrasound tech |Physicist |Medical dosimetrist |Electrocardiograph tech |

|Echocardiograph tech |Electroencephalography tech |Dietician |Environmental engineer |Health inspector |

|Sanitartian |Biomedical equipment tech |Central services tech |Biosphere |Ecosystems |

|Environmental protection |Emphysema |Lead poisoning |Carbon monoxide poisoning|Biotechnologist |

|agency (EPA) | | | | |

|Geneticist |Biomedical engineer |Biomedical equipment tech|Associates degree |Bachelors degree |

|Masters degree |Doctoral degree | | | |

Unit 10: Biomedical Research

|Biomedical research |Basic research |Clinical research |Applied research |Clinical trials |

|In vitro |Culture |Control |Hypothesis |FDA |

|Epidemiology |Diabetes |Bone marrow transplants |Pancreas |Polio |

|Hepatitis |Vaccines |Experimental epidemiology|Descriptive epidemiology |Observational |

| | | | |epidemiology |

|Gene therapy |Antibiotics |Fluoride |Pacemaker |Angioplasty |

|Fact |Myth |Biotechnology |Transgenic animals |Pharming |

|Transgene |DNA |Base pairs |Embryos |Surrogate |

|Sickle-cell anemia |Recombinant DNA |Cloning |Stem cells | |

Unit A Medical Terminology—6% of test

1. I have memorized all the prefixes, suffixes, roots & abbreviations

2. I can break down larger words into smaller parts and can define them this way

Unit B Biomedical Ethics & Legal Principles—5% of test

1. I know the difference between criminal and civil law

2. I know the difference between a felony & a misdemeanor

3. I know the difference between slander & libel

4. I know the different ways a medical professional can be found negligent

5. I know the different ways a medical professional can breach their confidentiality

6. I know the appropriate conduct of a medical professional at work

7. I know the difference between an advanced directive, living will and the role of a durable power of attorney

8. I know the professional code of ethics for medical professionals

9. I know how morals play a role in healthcare

10. I know the basic patient’s rights

Unit C Technology in Medicine—6% of test

1. I can describe the 5 different ways computers are used in health care

2. I know what computer assisted surgery is and the two tools we used as examples of computer assisted surgery

3. I know the basics of prosthetics—what they are used for the and the special features we discussed in class that make them especially useful to amputees

4. I know the difference between traditional and digital x-rays

5. I know why an x-ray would be used

6. I know who invented the x-ray

7. I know why an ultrasound would be used

8. I know why an MRI would be used

9. I know how an MRI works

10. I know why a CAT scan would be used and how it works

11. I know why a PET scan would be used and how it works

12. I know the importance of telemedicine

13. I know the issues surrounding telemedicine including insurance issues, technical issues and privacy issues

Unit D Medical Mathematics—5% of test

1. I know what metric units are used to describe length/distance, weight/mass and volume

2. I know how to draw a helpful chart that will allow me to convert metric units

3. I know how to convert kgs into lbs. and vice versa

4. I know how to convert lbs to ounces and vice versa

5. I know how to convert inches and feet into meters and vice versa

6. I know how to convert, quarts, ounces, pints into liters and vice versa

7. I know how to convert milliliters to pints, cups, ounces, T and tsps and vice versa

8. I know how to convert centimeters to inches and feet and vice versa

9. I know how to convert Celcius to Fahrenheit and vice versa

Unit E Forensic Medicine—9% of test

1. I know the purpose of forensics

2. I know the goal of forensics

3. I know different methods/techniques of forensics

4. I know why an autopsy would be performed

5. I know the 3 different methods to determine time of death

6. I know that the 3 different methods to determine time of death are not 100% reliable

7. I know what DNA is

8. I know the parts of DNA, including all four bases

9. I know how many chromosomes are in a human cell and how many are in a human sperm or egg

10. I know what can be left behind at a crime scene that would give investigators your DNA

11. I know how many bones are in the human body

12. I know what bones left behind can tell us about their owner

13. I know why teeth are helpful to find at a crime scene

14. I know that teeth are unique and no two people have the same set

15. I know, in addition to the teeth at the crime scene, what is needed to identify the victim from their teeth

16. I know the four different types of blood

17. I know what Rh factor is

18. I know the ways blood can help investigators know the gender of a victim and its species

Unit F: Infectious Diseases—11% of test

1. I know the difference between an infectious and non-infectious disease

2. I know the difference between a microbe and a pathogen

3. I know the difference between an infection and a disease

4. I know the four steps a pathogen must take in order to cause disease in a host

5. I know the 6 different microbes that cause disease

6. I can identify which specific diseases are caused by which pathogens

7. I know how to treat bacterial, viral and fungal infections

8. I know what antimicrobial resistance is

9. I know how the virulence of a disease effects its ability to become an epidemic

10. I know the rate of transmission and duration of infection a disease effects its ability to become an epidemic

11. I know the relationship with immunization and the spread of disease

12. I know the mechanisms of non-specific defenses

13. I know the mechanism of specific body defenses

14. I know the public health measures that prevent the spread of infection

15. I can differentiate between an emerging and re-emerging disease

Unit G: Organ Transplants—5% of test

1. I know the myths out there that prevent people from donating organs

2. I know the age limits and rules surrounding organ donations

3. I know the tissues that can be donated at this time

4. I know the organs that can be donated at this time

5. I know the criteria required to get matched for organ donation

6. I know the ethical concerns surrounding organ transplants

Unit H: Cell Biology & Cancer—9% of test

1. I know what cancer is

2. I know that males have a higher incidence than females of cancer

3. I can describe the steps it takes for cancer to form (stages of tumor development)

4. I know the relationship between age and cancer

5. I know the risks factors associated with getting cancer

6. I know the difference between a mutagen and a carcinogen

7. I know why cancer takes a long time to form

8. I know the differences between a healthy cell and a cancerous cell (physical and physiological changes)

9. I know ways to prevent cancer

10. I know about treatments available for cancer

Unit i: Careers in Biomedical Technology—14% of test

1. I know the differences between different degree programs

2. I know the job descriptions of the professions listed in the vocab section for this unit

Unit 10: Biomedical Research—22% of test

1. I know what biomedical research is

2. I know what the importance of biomedical research is

3. I know how basic, applied and clinical research is all used to perform biomedical research

4. I know what clinical trials are used for

5. I know the 3 phases of clinical trials and what each tests

6. I know the 5 different research methods and why they are used

7. I know the limitations to the 5 different research methods

8. I know why someone would conduct an epidemiological study

9. I know the benefits of biomedical research

10. I know what a transgenic organism is

11. I know which animals have been used as transgenic organisms

12. I know what the Harvard mouse is and Dolly the sheep

13. I know which animals are used the most in transgenics

14. I know why pharming is practiced

15. I know how transgenic organisms are made and cared for

16. I know the ethical concerns surrounding transgenics

17. I know the basics of how to clone

18. I know what the human Genome Project is and what it is used for

19. I know what stem cells are and what they contribute to research


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