MIPS Reference Data (subset)

MIPS Core instruction set (subset)

Mnemonic Description Format Except Operation Opcode / Funct (hex)

add Add R (1) R[rd] = R[rs] + R[rt] 0 / 20

addi Add Immediate I (1)(2) R[rt] = R[rs] + SignExtImm 8

addiu Add Immediate Unsigned I (2) R[rt] = R[rs] + SignExImm 9

addu Add Unsigned R R[rd] = R[rs] + R[rt] 0 / 21

and And R R[rd] = R[rs] & R[rt] 0 / 24

andi And Immediate I (3) R[rd] = R[rs] & ZeroExtImm C

beq Branch On Equal I (4) branch if(R[rs] == R[Rt]) 4

bne Branch On Not Equal I (4) branch if(R[rs] != R[Rt]) 5

j or b Jump J (5) PC = JumpAddr 2

jal Jump And Link J (5) $ra = PC+4; PC = JumpAddr 3

jr Jump Register R PC = R[rs] 0 / 08

lbu Load Byte Unsigned I (2) 0 / 24

lhu Load Half Unsigned I (2) 0 / 25

lui Load Upper Immediate I R[rt] = {H16: imm, L16: zeros} F

lw Load Word I (2) R[rt] = M[R[rs]+SignExtImm] 0 / 23

nor Nor R R[rd] = ~ (R[rs] | R[rt] ) 0 / 27

or Or R R[rd] = R[rs] | R[rt] 0 / 25

ori Or Immediate I (3) R[rt] = R[rs] | ZeroExtImm D

slt Set (if) Less Than R R[rd] = (R[rs] < R[rt]) ? 1 : 0 0 / 2A

slti Set Less Than Immed I (2) R[rt] = (R[rs] < SignExtImm) ? 1 : 0 A

sltiu S.L.T Immed Unsigned I (2)(6) R[rt] = (R[rs] < SignExtImm) ? 1 : 0 B

sltu Set Less Than Unsigned R (6) R[rd] = (R[rs] < R[rt]) ? 1 : 0 0 / 2B

sll Shift Left Logical R R[rd] = R[rs] > ShiftAmount 0 / 02

sb Store Byte I (2) 28

sh Store Half I (2) 29

sw Store Word I (2) M[R[rs] + SignExtImm] = R[rt] 2B

su Subtract R (1) R[rd] = R[rs] - R[rt] 0 / 22

subu Subtract Unsigned R R[rd] = R[rs] + R[rt] 0 / 23

Other Integer Arithmetic Instructions and a Minimal Set for Double

div Divide R Lo = R[rs] / R[rt]; Hi = R[rs] % R[rt] 0 / 1A

divu Divide Unsigned R (6) Lo = R[rs] / R[rt]; Hi = R[rs] % R[rt] 0 / 1B

mfhi Move From Hi R R[rd] = Hi 0 / 10

mflo Move From Lo R R[rd] = Lo 0 / 12

mult Multiply R {Hi,Lo} = R[rs] * R[rt] 0 / 18

multu Multiply Unsigned R (6) {Hi,Lo} = R[rs] * R[rt] 0 / 19

l.d fd, addr cvt.s.d fd, fs #convert double to single

s.d fs, addr cvt.w.s fd, rs #convert single to word

mov.d fd, fs cvt.d.l fd, fs #convert long long floating to double

add.d fd, fs, ft Convert floating (y) to integer (x) with explicit rounding

div.d fd, fs, ft round.x.y rd, fs ex. round.w.s $r6, $f4

mul.d fd, fs, ft trunc.x.y rd, fs

sub.d fd, fs, ft ceil.x.y rd, fs

sqrt.d fd, fs floor.x.y rd, fs

recip.d fd, fs Test and affect condition code c1 (3 from the list of 16)

rsqrt.d fd, fs c.cond.d fs1, fs2 { Where cond can be eq, lt, le and others }

abs.d fd, fs Branch if code c1 is true or false

neg.d fd, fs bc1t label # note that is a one(1), not an ell(L)

bc1f label

Pseudo-Instruction Set

blt Branch Less Than branch if( R[rs] < R[rt] )

bgt Branch Greater Than branch if( R[rs] > R[rt] )

ble Branch Less Than or Equal branch if( R[rs] = R[rt] )

la Load Address R[rt] = R[rs] + ZeroExtImm R[rt] = label R[rs] = label + R[rt]

li Load Immediate R[rd] = immedate

move Move R[rt] = R[rs]

Exceptions (Code: H16 highest order 16 bits, L2: lowest order 2 bits)

1) May cause overflow Exception

2) SignExtImm = 16 copies of sign bit [15] + imm16

3) ZeroExtImm = zeros16 + imm16

4) BranchAddr = 14 copies of sign bit + addr16 + zeros2

5) JumpAddr = Copy of top 4 bits of PC + jumpAddr26 + zeros2

6) Operands considered unsigned (not 2’s complement)

Note: The assembler can generate appropriate translations in situations where a 32 bit address or an immediate longer than 16 bits must be assembled. As a result, many apparent instructions are assembled as groups of pseudo-instructions, and some pseudo-instructions can be assembled several different ways depending upon the addressing modes needed. For example:

lw $t2, label add $t1, 0x12345

sw $t3, label($t4) la $t4, array($s3)

li $t0, 0x12345 beq aLabelTooFar

Assembler directives (subset)

.align .asciiz .byte .data .double .dword .end .ent .extern

.float .globl .half .lab .mask .section .text .word

General Register Assignments Floating Assignments

Name Numbers Use Preserved

$zero 0 The constant value 0 N.A. $f0,$f2 $fv0,$fv1 function return

$at 1 Assembler Temporary No $f4 - $f10 $ft0 - $ft3 temporaries

$v0-$v1 2-3 Function Results No $f12, f14 $fa0,$fa1 function args

$a0-$a3 4-7 Function Arguments No $f16,$f18 $ft4,$ft5 more temps

$t0-$t7 8-15 Temporaries No $f20 - $f30 $fs0 - $fs5 saved regs

$s0-$s7 16-23 Saved Temporaries Yes

$t8-$t9 24-25 Temporaries No

$k0-$k1 26-27 Reserved for O.S. Kernel No

$gp 28 Global Pointer Yes

$sp 29 Stack Pointer Yes

$fp 30 Frame Pointer Yes

$ra 31 Return Address Yes

SPIM Exception Handler Services

Service Code in $v0 Argument Returned Value

Print Integer 1 $a0 == integer

Print Float 2 $f12 == float

Print Double 3 $f12 = double

Print String 4 $a0 == string address

Read Integer 5 $v0 ( integer

Read Float 6 $f0 ( float

Read Double 7 $f0 ( double

Read String 8 $a0 == buffer address (null terminated string is placed in buffer)

$a1 == buffer length

Allocate Memory 9 $a0 == number of bytes $v0 ( address

Exit 10

Basic Instruction Formats (Remember, rd is rightmost here but leftmost in the instruction.)

R opcode6 + rs5 + rt5 + rd5 + shamt5 + funct6 ex. addu $rd, $rs, $rt

I opcode6 + rs5 + rt5 + immediate16 beq $rs, $rt, label ori $rd, $rs, 0xff

J opcode6 + address26 j loop

IEEE 754 Floating Point Single and Double Precision Formats (normalized values only)

All normalized values assume a 1 to the left of the binary point. Only the “fraction” is stored.

Sign1 + Exponent8 + Fraction23 (Exp bias 127) (An exponent all zeros or all ones

Sign1 + Exponent11 + Fraction52 (Exp bias 1023) signals a special value.)


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