Mole Conversion Problems (You must show ALL of your work ...

Mole Conversion Problems: Worksheet #1 (moles to grams or atoms)

(You must show ALL your work for full credit!)

1 mole = 6.022 x 1023 particles 1 mole = molar mass in grams

A. What is the molar mass of the following substances?

1. Carbon 6. CO2

2. Nickel 7. HCl

3. Gold 8. AgBr

4. Silver 9. H2

5. Fe 10. CaCl2

B. Determine the number of moles in each of the following (convert mass to moles):

1. 35.6 g Si

2. 80.0 g Ar

3. 20.0 g Ca

4. 100.0 g NaCl

C. Determine the mass in grams of each of the following (convert moles to mass):

5. 2.00 mol N

6. 1.75 mol Mg

7. 25.0 moles CaCl2

8. 2.35 mol H2O

D. Determine how many atoms there are in each of the following:

9. 2.5 mol Zn

10. 1.75 mol C

11. 13.5 moles Na

D. Determine how many atoms there are in each of the following

12. 6.0 mol CO2

13. 36 mol HCl

E. Determine the number of moles in each of the following:

14. 3.011 x 1023 atoms Cl

15. 12.044 x 10 24 atoms Ne

16. 6.022 x 1023 molecules AgBr

17. 25.0 x 1025 molecules NaCl


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