CV.040 Conversion Data Mapping


CV.040 Conversion Data Mapping


Creation Date: May 7, 1999

Last Updated: XXX 0, 0000

Document Ref:

Version: DRAFT 1A

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|Date |Author |Version |Change Reference |

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|7-May-99 | |Draft 1a |No Previous Document |

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Document Control iii

Introduction 1

Purpose 1

Background 1

Scope and Application 1

Audience 1

Application Business Object Reference Information 2

Conversion Mapping - 4

Extract File Layout 6

Data Clean-up 7

Data Normalization 8

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable 9

Open Issues 9

Closed Issues 9

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N Introduce the document with a short paragraph about the content.

The Conversion Data Mapping document describes the:

1. detailed data mapping from the source legacy system to the for

2. file layout to be used for extraction of the data from the source system


The information in this document has been defined as the result of discussions between project staff, technical staff, and consultants.

Scope and Application

The Conversion Data Mapping identifies for use in designing conversion programs to convert :

3. data sources

4. target tables and columns

5. validation

6. processing

7. translation

8. filter

9. foreign key rules


This document is intended for the following individuals:

10. conversion project staff

11. outside consultants

12. reviewers of data conversion deliverables

Application Business Object Reference Information

In each of the following sections, a table maps the business objects for to the Oracle Application tables. The foreign key relationships between the Oracle Application tables are also indicated. Column (2) suggests whether the business object is a candidate for programmatic conversion. In column (4), the standard Oracle interface is documented if one exists for facilitating the conversion of a specific business object.

N If a business object is a candidate for conversion, determine whether the business object should be converted programmatically or manually. The primary determining factor for this decision should be the volume of data being converted. This information is available in Data Conversion Requirements and Strategy (CV.010).

“Man” is the key for manual and “Prog” is the key for programmatic. Refer to the documentation for the software release you are implementing for a listing of standard Application Program Interfaces (APIs) provided.


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|Transaction Entities |

|Enter Journals | |GL |Journal Import |gl_je_batches, |fnd_concurrent_requests, |

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Conversion Mapping -

N Repeat this component for each Oracle table to be populated. See the chapter in the AIM Process and Task Reference for the Conversion process for more information.

N Insert an abbreviation for the business object to the rules abbreviations in order to indicate a rule is associated with which specific business object being converted. For example, a processing rule for a customer conversion may be abbreviated as CUSPR1 and CUSPR2.

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Target Application:

Business Object :

Prepared by:

N The Conversion Mapping table consists of the same table included in Mapped Business Data (BR.040).

Complete columns 2, 3, 7, and 8 for each business object being converted in BR.040. Complete the remaining columns in Conversion Data Mapping (CV.040). See the CV.040 task description in the AIM Process and Task Reference for more information on completing this component.

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Below is a table documenting the extract file schema.

N Repeat this component for each extract file. See the chapter on the Conversion process in the AIM Process and Task Reference for more information.

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Data Clean-up

Below is a description of the data clean-up efforts required for the conversion of :

Data Normalization

Below is a description of the data normalization that will occur for the conversion of :




Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable

N Add open issues that you identify while writing or reviewing this document to the open issues section. As you resolve issues, move them to the closed issues section and keep the issue ID the same. Include an explanation of the resolution.

When this deliverable is complete, any open issues should be transferred to the project- or process-level Risk and Issue Log (PJM.CR.040) and managed using a project level Risk and Issue Form (PJM.CR.040). In addition, the open items should remain in the open issues section of this deliverable, but flagged in the resolution column as being transferred.

|ID |Issue |Resolution |Responsibility |Target Date |Impact Date |

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Closed Issues

|ID |Issue |Resolution |Responsibility |Target Date |Impact Date |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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