Using MS Excel

Using MS Excel

Excel and what it can do

MS Excel is one of the many spreadsheet application software (e.g. Lotus 123, Symphony, Quatro Pro, etc.) available that will allow you to do the following:

• keep information (or data) in columns and rows, which you can organize. It works with numbers and values but can also contain words.

• organize data, do arithmetic operation and other calculations, add style to the data and convert data into charts to illustrate these data into visuals.

• create budgets, balance checkbooks, record enrolment, record stock or inventory, collect research data, keep financial and accounting records.

• Mathematically and statistically manipulate data to produce interpretations and information for decision making.

Running Microsoft Excel

1. On the desktop, double-click the icon:


1. Click Start.

2. Click All Programs.

3. Click Microsoft Office

4. Click Microsoft Office Excel.

Microsoft Excel Screen

Book - one single MS Excel file composed of one or more worksheets.

Worksheet - a working sheet composed of columns and rows where data are entered and arranged.

Columns - the vertical alignments in the worksheet labeled by letters across found at the top of the worksheet. There are 256 columns in the worksheet, and the right most column is column IV.

Rows - the horizontal alignments in the worksheet labeled by numbers downward found at the left side of the screen. One row is equal to one line in a word-processing program. Column and row tabs are not included in the printout.

Cell - the intersection of a column and a row, where a single datum is entered. It is indicated by the column letter and the row number, example: cell D5.

Range - it is a rectangular area on the worksheet composed of two or more adjacent cells. The notation of which is upper left corner cell, colon (:), lower right corner cell, example: F9:G18.

Cell address- indicates the current active cell where the cursor is located.

Formula bar - displays the content of the current active cell.

Worksheet tab - a tab located at the lower left corner of the worksheet that allows you to shift location from worksheet to worksheet.

Navigating the Microsoft Excel Screen

Scrolling the screen Up/Down & Left/Right

The scroll bars are on the right side and on the bottom of the screen.

The scroll bar helps you to scroll up or down, right or left.

To scroll down, click. (

To scroll up, click. (

To scroll right, click. (

To scroll left, click. (

Moving Up/Down & Left/Right Using the Arrow Keys

The cursor arrow keys help you to move up or down, right or left on the active worksheet.

To move one cell down, press. (

To move one cell up, press. (

To move one cell to the right, press. (

To move one cell to the left, press. (

NOTE: You may also relocate the active cell using the mouse. On the screen, position the mouse pointer to the desired cell and click to select.

Data & Entering Data in the Excel Worksheet

Data are entered into the worksheet by selecting the cell, and typing the data into the cell.

There are three (3) types of data that you can enter into the worksheet as listed below:

• Label – A type of alpha-numeric data used for titles or description of items in the worksheet.

• Value – A type of data which is an integer, dates and other data having numeric values.

• Formula – a value which is derived or result of a mathematical calculation or computation.

Entering Labels

Alphabetic (letters) or Alphanumeric (letters-numbers) label can be entered into the worksheet. For example, click on cell A1, type “Name” then press the ENTER key. You have entered the label “Name” on cell A1.

When you cannot avoid using numbers as label, you start the label with an apostrophe (‘) so that it will not be interpreted as value by the Excel program. The numbers will be aligned to the left of the cell. Numbers when entered as value will be aligned to the right of the cell. For example: Click on cell B1, type the apostrophe (‘), type the numbers 2008, then press the ENTER key. The numbers 2008 will be used as a label and not a value.

Entering Numbers

Numbers or numeric data are entered into the worksheet in the following format:

Positive integer 10 type 1 and 0, then press the ENTER key

Negative integer -10 type -, 1 and 0, then press the ENTER key

Percent 10% type 1, 0 and % then press the ENTER key

Decimal 0.1 type .,1 and 0, then press the ENTER key

Date 10-Jan type 10-Jan, then press the ENTER key

Arithmetic Operators

Operation Character Sample formula

Addition + plus sign =A1+B1

Subtraction - minus sign =A2-B2

Multiplication * asterisk =C3*C4

Division / slash =D2/D3

Exponentiation ^ (Shift 6) =E1^E2

Entering Formula

Follow the steps listed below when entering a formula:

• The formula starts with an equal (=) sign

• Enter the cell address where the value(s) is/are contained, instead of typing the value in the formula.

• Press the ENTER key to confirm the formula.

NOTE: Consider the arithmetic EXPRESSIONS when dealing with two or more arithmetic operators in a formula. MDAS, means that Multiplication and Division are performed before Addition and Subtraction. Expressions enclosed in the parentheses ( ) are performed first.

The illustration below will explain these arithmetic expressions:

The worksheet requires adding the Midterm and the Endterm grades then divide them by 2 to obtain the Final grade.

In the first formula, DIVISION (B2/2) was performed first, before ADDITION (added to A2). The answer is 99 which, is logically wrong based on the requirement. But because of the MDAS principle, the program computes it that way.

If you have to follow the sequence of arithmetic operations required to compute the Final grade, you will consider the second formula where the Midterm and the Endterm grades must be added first so, you have to enclose the expression in a parenthesis (A3+B3) before it will be divided by /2. The answer is 64.5 which is correct.

Using Percent (%) and Decimal Point (.) in a Formula

Percent and Decimal Point can be used interchangeably in a formula without affecting the result of the computation. See the illustration below:

Editing Data in the Excel Worksheet

Changing/Replacing Label

For short label entries (including numbers & formulas):

• You just retype the label and press the ENTER key

For long label entries:

• You can click on the FORMULA bar and change the label OR

• Press [F2] key and edit the label inside the cell


Formula Bar

Cell Address

Worksheet tab



Range F9:G18

Cell D5


Scroll bar

Scroll bar


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