Chapter 7 – Cell Organelles Graphic Organizer

Organelles (Definition):Organelles are structures within a eukaryotic cell that perform important cellular anelleLooks like (draw a picture)FunctionPlant Cell, Animal Cell or Both?Cytoplasmportion outside nucleus and works with nucleus; maintains organelles in their placeBothNucleusconsists of cell’s DNAcoded instructions for making proteinsBothNucleoluswhere assembly of ribosomes beginsBothChromatinconsists of DNA bound to proteinforms chromosomesAnimalChromosomesdistinct, threadlike structuers contain the genetic information (DNA) that is passed from one generation to the nextAnimalRibosomesassembles (makes) proteins using coded instructions that come from the nucleusBothEndoplasmic Reticulum (Rough, Smooth)site that assembles lipid components of the cell membrane, proteins and other materials exported from the cellBothGolgi Apparatusmodifies, sorts, packages proteins for storage in the cell or secretion outside the cellBothLysosomesfilled with enzymes used to digest, breakdown lipids, carbohydrates and proteins (breaks down food the cell can use)AnimalVacuolesstores materials such as water, salts, proteins, carbohydratesin plants, there is a large central vacuole filled with liquidBothMitochondriaconverts food into compounds that the cell uses for growth, development, and movementBothChloroplastcaptures energy from sunlight and convert it into chemical energy during photosynthesisPlantCentrioleslocated near the nucleushelps to organize cell divisionAnimal, lower plant formsCytoskeletona network of protein filaments that maintain cell’s shapeinvolved in movementBothCell Membraneprovides supportprovides protectionregulates which materials enter and leave the cell BothCell Wallprovides supportprovides protectionmade of tough fibers (unlike cell membrane)Plant ................

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