Report Documentation - ReCrystallize

Report Documentation

Employee Profile (Alphabetical with Employee Picture)

1 Report Summary Information 2

2 Primary Report 3

2.1 Report Layout 3

2.2 User Formulas 4

2.3 Groups 4

2.4 SQL Query 4

2.5 Tables 4

2.6 Sections 4

2.6.1 Report Header 4

2.6.2 Page Header 5

2.6.3 Group Header 1 5

2.6.4 Group Header 2 5

2.6.5 Detaila 6

2.6.6 Detailb 8

2.6.7 Detailc 9

2.6.8 Group Footer 2 9

2.6.9 Group Footer 1 9

2.6.10 Report Footer 9

2.6.11 Page Footer 9

Report Summary Information

Title = Employee Profile (Alphabetical with Employee Picture)

Author = © 2000 Seagate Software, Inc.

Keywords =

Comments = Employee Profile with employee picture, listed alphabetically by employee last name.

Subject = Human Resources Reports

Template =

Crystal Reports Version = 7.0/8.0

Report Statistics

Last Saved By = © 2000 Seagate Software, Inc.

Revision Number = 42

Total Edit Time = 6:41:52

Last Printed = 06-Aug-1997 17:44:27

Created = 13-Aug-1996 02:50:47

Last Saved = 04-Dec-2000 19:11:28

Report Options

Convert date-time to = Date

Preview pages start with = Full Size

Convert null field value to default = False

Translate DOS strings = True

Translate DOS memos = True

Save data with report = True

Save summaries with report = True

Suppress printing if no records = False

Show all headers on drill down = False

Use indexes on server for speed = False

Save data with report = True

More report engine error messages = False

Case-insensitive SQL data = False

Select distinct data for browsing = True

Perform query asynchronously = False

Create group tree = True

Can Perform Grouping on Server =

Field Mapping Type = Auto Field Mapping

Formula Syntax = Crystal

Page Setup

Top Margin = 1

Bottom Margin = 0.5

Left Margin = 0.5

Right Margin = 0.5

Field Mapping Type = Auto Field Mapping

Formula Syntax = Crystal

Printer Details

Printer Name =

Printer Driver =

Printer Port =

Printer Duplex Option = Default

Paper Orientation = DefaultOrientation

Paper Size = DefaultPaperSize

Paper Source = Auto

Total Number of Pages =

Export Details

Export Destination Type = No Destination

Primary Report

1 Report Layout


2 User Formulas

|Name |Definition |

|@reports to (String) |if IsNull({Reports to.Employee ID}) then "" |

| |else {Reports to.First Name} + " " + {Reports to.Last Name} |

|@name (String) |{Employee.Last Name} + ", " + {Employee.First Name} |

|@first letter (String) |{Employee.Last Name}[1] |

|@home address city/region (String) |if IsNull({Employee Addresses.Region}) then {Employee Addresses.City} |

| |else {Employee Addresses.City} + ", " + {Employee Addresses.Region} |

|@home phone (String) |if length({Employee.Home Phone})=10 then |

| |"(" + {Employee.Home Phone}[1 to 3] + ") " + {Employee.Home Phone}[4 to 6] +|

| |"-" + |

| |{Employee.Home Phone}[7 to 10] |

| |else |

| |{Employee.Home Phone}[1 to 3] + "-" + |

| |{Employee.Home Phone}[4 to 7] |

3 Groups

|Group |Field |Break-on |Direction |

|Group #1 |{@first letter} |Any Value |Ascending |

|Group #2 |{@name} |Any Value |Ascending |

4 SQL Query


Employee.`Last Name`, Employee.`First Name`, Employee.`Position`, Employee.`Birth Date`, Employee.`Home Phone`, Employee.`Extension`, Employee.`Photo`, Employee.`Notes`,

Employee_Addresses.`Address1`, Employee_Addresses.`Address2`, Employee_Addresses.`City`, Employee_Addresses.`Region`, Employee_Addresses.`Country`, Employee_Addresses.`Postal Code`


`Employee` Employee INNER JOIN `Employee Addresses` Employee_Addresses ON

Employee.`Employee ID` = Employee_Addresses.`Employee ID`

5 Tables

|Table |Alias |Location |Driver |

|Employee |Employee |C:\Program Files\Seagate |pdsodbc.dll |

| | |Software\Crystal | |

| | |Reports\Samples\Databases\xtreme | |

|Employee Addresses |Employee Addresses |C:\Program Files\Seagate |pdsodbc.dll |

| | |Software\Crystal | |

| | |Reports\Samples\Databases\xtreme | |

6 Sections

1 Report Header

Height = 1, Keep Together

|ID |Text/Field |Position |Size |Type |Sup |Border |Font |

|1 |Ole Object |4.42 , 0.05 |2.85 X 0.77 |Ole Object |No |None | |

|2 |"Employee Profiles" |0.02 , 0 |3.56 X 0.34 |Text |No |None |Arial, 20, Bold, |

| | | | | | | |Italics, Custom: |

| | | | | | | |R(191), G(165), |

| | | | | | | |B(125) |

|3 |Horizontal Line |0.02 , 0.5 |4.33 X 0 |Line |No |Color = Black, | |

| | | | | | |Thickness = 30 | |

|4 |PrintDate |0 , 0.58 |0.75 X 0.15 |Spec Var |No |None |Arial, 10, Black |

|5 |PrintTime |0.75 , 0.58 |0.75 X 0.15 |Spec Var |No |None |Arial, 10, Black |

1, Ole Object: Position=(4.42, 0.05), Size=(2.85 x 0.77) , X Scaling = 75%, Y Scaling = 75%, Orig Size = 3.8 x 1.03, ToolTipText=Formula, Hyperlink=

Formulas for this object:

Tool Tip Text = "New Hyperlinking feature allows you to link to web sites, other reports, subreports and more!"

2, Text: ("Employee Profiles"), Position=(0.02, 0), Size=(3.56 x 0.34) , Alignment=Left, Font=Arial, 20, Bold, Italics, Custom: R(191), G(165), B(125), Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=String, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

3, Line: Position=(0.02, 0.5), Size=(4.33 x 0) , Color = Black, Thickness = 30, Extend to Bottom of Section = False

4, Spec Var: (PrintDate), Position=(0, 0.58), Size=(0.75 x 0.15) , Alignment=Default, Font=Arial, 10, Black, Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=Date, Date format = Windows Short date format, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

5, Spec Var: (PrintTime), Position=(0.75, 0.58), Size=(0.75 x 0.15) , Alignment=Default, Font=Arial, 10, Black, Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=Time, Clock=12 Hour, AM Symbol="AM", PM Symbol="PM", AM-PM Position=After, Hour format=Show leading zero, Minute format=Suppress leading zero, Second format=Suppress leading zero, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

2 Page Header

Suppressed based on formula, Height = 0.3, Keep Together

No objects in this section.

3 Group Header 1

Suppressed, Height = 0.4, Keep Together

No objects in this section.

4 Group Header 2

Height = 0.3, Keep Together, Background Color=Custom: R(0), G(102), B(102)

|ID |Text/Field |Position |Size |Type |Sup |Border |Font |

|6 |GroupName ({@name}) |0.24 , 0.06 |2.89 X 0.2 |Group Name |No |None, |Arial, 12, Bold, |

| | | | | | |(BGColor=Custom: |White |

| | | | | | |R(0), G(102), | |

| | | | | | |B(102)) | |

6, Group Name: (GroupName ({@name})), Position=(0.24, 0.06), Size=(2.89 x 0.2) , Alignment=Default, Border=None, (BGColor=Custom: R(0), G(102), B(102)), Style=None, Font=Arial, 12, Bold, White Can Grow, Max lines=0, Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=String, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

5 Detaila

Height = 2.6, Keep Together, Background Color=Formula

|ID |Text/Field |Position |Size |Type |Sup |Border |Font |

|7 |"[Employee.First Name] [Employee.Last |3.5 , 0.25 |2.02 X 0.17 |Text |No |None, |Arial, 10, Black |

| |Name] " | | | | |(BGColor=White) | |

|8 |"Position:" |2.5 , 0.55 |0.91 X 0.2 |Text |No |None, |Arial, 12, Bold, |

| | | | | | |(BGColor=White) |Custom: R(0), |

| | | | | | | |G(102), B(102) |

|9 |{Employee.Position} |3.5 , 0.61 |2.02 X 0.17 |Field |No |None, |Arial, 10, Black |

| | | | | | |(BGColor=White) | |

|10 |"Extension:" |2.5 , 0.97 |0.92 X 0.2 |Text |No |None, |Arial, 12, Bold, |

| | | | | | |(BGColor=White) |Custom: R(0), |

| | | | | | | |G(102), B(102) |

|11 |{Employee.Extension} |3.5 , 0.97 |0.76 X 0.17 |Field |No |None, |Arial, 10, Black |

| | | | | | |(BGColor=White) | |

|12 |"Birthdate:" |2.5 , 1.34 |0.92 X 0.2 |Text |No |None, |Arial, 12, Bold, |

| | | | | | |(BGColor=White) |Custom: R(0), |

| | | | | | | |G(102), B(102) |

|13 |{Employee.Birth Date} |3.5 , 1.33 |0.76 X 0.17 |Field |No |None, |Arial, 10, Black |

| | | | | | |(BGColor=White) | |

|14 |"Home Phone:" |5.67 , 1.71 |0.77 X 0.39 |Text |No |None, |Arial, 12, Bold, |

| | | | | | |(BGColor=White) |Custom: R(0), |

| | | | | | | |G(102), B(102) |

|15 |"[Employee Addresses.Address1] [Employee|3.5 , 1.71 |2.01 X 0.84 |Text |No |None, |Arial, 10, Black |

| |Addresses.Address2] [@home address | | | | |(BGColor=White) | |

| |city/region] [Employee | | | | | | |

| |Addresses.Country] [Employee | | | | | | |

| |Addresses.Postal Code] " | | | | | | |

|16 |{@home phone} |5.67 , 2.21 |1.09 X 0.17 |Formula |No |None, |Arial, 10, Black |

| | | | | | |(BGColor=White) | |

|17 |"Home ^Address:^" |2.5 , 1.7 |0.92 X 0.4 |Text |No |None, |Arial, 12, Bold, |

| | | | | | |(BGColor=White) |Custom: R(0), |

| | | | | | | |G(102), B(102) |

|18 |"Name:" |2.5 , 0.22 |0.91 X 0.2 |Text |No |None, |Arial, 12, Bold, |

| | | | | | |(BGColor=White) |Custom: R(0), |

| | | | | | | |G(102), B(102) |

|19 |{Employee.Photo} |0.24 , 0.12 |2 X 2.32 |Blob Object |No |None | |

7, Text: ("[Employee.First Name] [Employee.Last Name] "), Position=(3.5, 0.25), Size=(2.02 x 0.17) , Alignment=Left, Border=None, (BGColor=White), Style=None, Font=Arial, 10, Black Can Grow, Max lines=0, Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=String, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

7.1 Embedded Field: Text = 'Employee.First Name', Font = Arial, Size = 10, Style = Regular, Color = Black, Spacing = 0, Underline = False, Strikeout = False

7.2 Embedded Field: Text = ' ', Font = Arial, Size = 10, Style = Regular, Color = Black, Spacing = 0, Underline = False, Strikeout = False

7.3 Embedded Field: Text = 'Employee.Last Name', Font = Arial, Size = 10, Style = Regular, Color = Black, Spacing = 0, Underline = False, Strikeout = False

7.4 Embedded Field: Text = ' ', Font = Arial, Size = 10, Style = Regular, Color = Black, Spacing = 0, Underline = False, Strikeout = False

8, Text: ("Position:"), Position=(2.5, 0.55), Size=(0.91 x 0.2) , Alignment=Left, Border=None, (BGColor=White), Style=None, Font=Arial, 12, Bold, Custom: R(0), G(102), B(102), Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=String, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

9, Field: ({Employee.Position}), Position=(3.5, 0.61), Size=(2.02 x 0.17) , Alignment=Left, Border=None, (BGColor=White), Style=None, Font=Arial, 10, Black Can Grow, Max lines=0, Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=String, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

10, Text: ("Extension:"), Position=(2.5, 0.97), Size=(0.92 x 0.2) , Alignment=Left, Border=None, (BGColor=White), Style=None, Font=Arial, 12, Bold, Custom: R(0), G(102), B(102), Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=String, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

11, Field: ({Employee.Extension}), Position=(3.5, 0.97), Size=(0.76 x 0.17) , Alignment=Left, Border=None, (BGColor=White), Style=None, Font=Arial, 10, Black Can Grow, Max lines=0, Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=String, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

12, Text: ("Birthdate:"), Position=(2.5, 1.34), Size=(0.92 x 0.2) , Alignment=Left, Border=None, (BGColor=White), Style=None, Font=Arial, 12, Bold, Custom: R(0), G(102), B(102), Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=String, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

13, Field: ({Employee.Birth Date}), Position=(3.5, 1.33), Size=(0.76 x 0.17) , Alignment=Left, Border=None, (BGColor=White), Style=None, Font=Arial, 10, Black Can Grow, Max lines=0, Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=Date, Date format = Windows Short date format, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

14, Text: ("Home Phone:"), Position=(5.67, 1.71), Size=(0.77 x 0.39) , Alignment=Left, Border=None, (BGColor=White), Style=None, Font=Arial, 12, Bold, Custom: R(0), G(102), B(102) Can Grow, Max lines=0, Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=String, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

15, Text: ("[Employee Addresses.Address1] [Employee Addresses.Address2] [@home address city/region] [Employee Addresses.Country] [Employee Addresses.Postal Code] "), Position=(3.5, 1.71), Size=(2.01 x 0.84) , Alignment=Left, Border=None, (BGColor=White), Style=None, Font=Arial, 10, Black Can Grow, Max lines=0, Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=String, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

15.1 Embedded Field: Text = 'Employee Addresses.Address1', Font = Arial, Size = 10, Style = Regular, Color = Black, Spacing = 0, Underline = False, Strikeout = False

15.2 Embedded Field: Text = ' ', Font = Arial, Size = 10, Style = Regular, Color = Black, Spacing = 0, Underline = False, Strikeout = False

15.3 Embedded Field: Text = 'Employee Addresses.Address2', Font = Arial, Size = 10, Style = Regular, Color = Black, Spacing = 0, Underline = False, Strikeout = False

15.4 Embedded Field: Text = ' ', Font = Arial, Size = 10, Style = Regular, Color = Black, Spacing = 0, Underline = False, Strikeout = False

15.5 Embedded Field: Text = '@home address city/region', Font = Arial, Size = 10, Style = Regular, Color = Black, Spacing = 0, Underline = False, Strikeout = False

15.6 Embedded Field: Text = ' ', Font = Arial, Size = 10, Style = Regular, Color = Black, Spacing = 0, Underline = False, Strikeout = False

15.7 Embedded Field: Text = 'Employee Addresses.Country', Font = Arial, Size = 10, Style = Regular, Color = Black, Spacing = 0, Underline = False, Strikeout = False

15.8 Embedded Field: Text = ' ', Font = Arial, Size = 10, Style = Regular, Color = Black, Spacing = 0, Underline = False, Strikeout = False

15.9 Embedded Field: Text = 'Employee Addresses.Postal Code', Font = Arial, Size = 10, Style = Regular, Color = Black, Spacing = 0, Underline = False, Strikeout = False

15.10 Embedded Field: Text = ' ', Font = Arial, Size = 10, Style = Regular, Color = Black, Spacing = 0, Underline = False, Strikeout = False

16, Formula: ({@home phone}), Position=(5.67, 2.21), Size=(1.09 x 0.17) , Alignment=Left, Border=None, (BGColor=White), Style=None, Font=Arial, 10, Black Can Grow, Max lines=0, Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=String, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

17, Text: ("Home ^Address:^"), Position=(2.5, 1.7), Size=(0.92 x 0.4) , Alignment=Left, Border=None, (BGColor=White), Style=None, Font=Arial, 12, Bold, Custom: R(0), G(102), B(102), Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=String, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

18, Text: ("Name:"), Position=(2.5, 0.22), Size=(0.91 x 0.2) , Alignment=Left, Border=None, (BGColor=White), Style=None, Font=Arial, 12, Bold, Custom: R(0), G(102), B(102), Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=String, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

19, Blob Object: ({Employee.Photo}), Position=(0.24, 0.12), Size=(2 x 2.32) , X Scaling = 100%, Y Scaling = 100%

6 Detailb

Height = 0.7, Keep Together, Background Color=Formula

|ID |Text/Field |Position |Size |Type |Sup |Border |Font |

|20 |{Employee.Notes} |0.9 , 0.29 |6.41 X 0.16 |Field |No |Single, Black, |Arial, 10, Black |

| | | | | | |(BGColor=White) | |

|21 |"Notes:" |0.24 , 0.3 |0.53 X 0.18 |Text |No |None, |Arial, 12, Bold, |

| | | | | | |(BGColor=White) |Custom: R(0), |

| | | | | | | |G(102), B(102) |

|22 |Horizontal Line |2.48 , 0.12 |5.02 X 0 |Line |No |Color = Custom: | |

| | | | | | |R(0), G(102), | |

| | | | | | |B(102), Thickness | |

| | | | | | |= 20 | |

20, Field: ({Employee.Notes}), Position=(0.9, 0.29), Size=(6.41 x 0.16) , Alignment=Default, Border=Single, Black, (BGColor=White), Style=Single, Font=Arial, 10, Black Can Grow, Max lines=0, Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=Memo, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

21, Text: ("Notes:"), Position=(0.24, 0.3), Size=(0.53 x 0.18) , Alignment=Left, Border=None, (BGColor=White), Style=None, Font=Arial, 12, Bold, Custom: R(0), G(102), B(102), Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=String, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

22, Line: Position=(2.48, 0.12), Size=(5.02 x 0) , Color = Custom: R(0), G(102), B(102), Thickness = 20, Extend to Bottom of Section = False

7 Detailc

Height = 0.2, Keep Together, Background Color=Formula

No objects in this section.

8 Group Footer 2

Height = 0.1, Keep Together

No objects in this section.

9 Group Footer 1

Suppressed, Height = 0.2, Keep Together

No objects in this section.

10 Report Footer

Suppressed, Height = 0.3, Keep Together

No objects in this section.

11 Page Footer

Height = 0.6, Keep Together

|ID |Text/Field |Position |Size |Type |Sup |Border |Font |

|23 |PageNumber |6.82 , 0.34 |0.61 X 0.16 |Spec Var |No |None |Arial, 10, Black |

|24 |Horizontal Line |0.01 , 0.02 |7.49 X 0 |Line |No |Color = Black, | |

| | | | | | |Thickness = 30 | |

|25 |"Feedback on Samples by E-mail" |5.18 , 0.09 |2.25 X 0.16 |Text |No |None |Arial, 10, Blue |

|26 |"Seagate Software Support Site" |2.08 , 0.08 |3.5 X 0.19 |Text |No |None |Arial, 11, Blue |

|27 |"© Copyright 2000 Seagate Software, Inc.|2.08 , 0.33 |3.58 X 0.18 |Text |No |None |Arial, 10, Custom:|

| |All Rights Reserved." | | | | | |R(102), G(153), |

| | | | | | | |B(204) |

|28 |Ole Object |0 , 0 |2.08 X 0.52 |Ole Object |No |None | |

23, Spec Var: (PageNumber), Position=(6.82, 0.34), Size=(0.61 x 0.16) , Alignment=Right, Font=Arial, 10, Black, Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=Integer, Show negatives as=Leading Minus, No thousands separator, Show leading zeros, Show zero as , Decimals=0, Round to 0 Decimals, Currency position=Leading Inside Negative, Currency symbol type ="None", Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

24, Line: Position=(0.01, 0.02), Size=(7.49 x 0) , Color = Black, Thickness = 30, Extend to Bottom of Section = False

25, Text: ("Feedback on Samples by E-mail"), Position=(5.18, 0.09), Size=(2.25 x 0.16) , Alignment=Right, Font=Arial, 10, Blue, Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=String, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing, Hyperlink=mailto: feedbackSCR@

26, Text: ("Seagate Software Support Site"), Position=(2.08, 0.08), Size=(3.5 x 0.19) , Alignment=Left, Font=Arial, 11, Blue, Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=String, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing, ToolTipText=Formula, Hyperlink=

Formulas for this object:

Tool Tip Text = "Visit the Support Site for samples, web forums, tutorials, technical briefs and more!"

27, Text: ("© Copyright 2000 Seagate Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved."), Position=(2.08, 0.33), Size=(3.58 x 0.18) , Alignment=Left, Font=Arial, 10, Custom: R(102), G(153), B(204), Close border on break, Keep Together, Data type=String, Line Spacing Type = Multiple Spacing

28, Ole Object: Position=(0, 0), Size=(2.08 x 0.52) , X Scaling = 100%, Y Scaling = 100%, Hyperlink=

Formulas for this object:

Tool Tip Text = "New Hyperlinking feature allows you to link to web sites, other reports, subreports and more!"


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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