Florida Atlantic University



Kurzweil 1000 - Training Module

Adapted from Kurzweil 1000 – User Guide


I. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………..……………..….. 1

STARTING UP…………………………………………………..………………………………..…. 1

KEYPAD AND MENUS……………………………………………..…………………………..…… 2

ABOUT THE MENU SYSTEM…………………………………….………………………………………. 4

HELP…………………………………..…………………..………………………………………… 4

CLOSING KURZWEIL……………………………………………….……………………..…..…… 6

II. USING KURZWEIL 1000…………………………………………………………………………….. 7

KEYPAD LAYERS……………………………………………………………………………………. 7

Reading Keypad……………………………….…………………………………………..……… 7

File Management Keypad………………………………………………………………..……….. 8

Settings Keypad ……………………………………………………….…………………………. 9


READING…………………………………………………………….……………………………… 11

FILE MANAGEMENT………………………………………………………………………….……. 12

EDITING…………………………………………………………………………………………..…. 14

TOOLS……………………………………………………………….……………………………… 15

NAVIGATION…………………………………………………………………………………...….... 16

MENU CONTROLS…………………………………………………………………………………. 16

Dialog Boxes………………………………………………………………………………….…. 16

Command Buttons……………………………………….…………………………………….…. 17


Working With Checkbox Lists…………………………………………………………………..... 18

Text Boxes…………………………………………….………………………………………..….19

Combo Boxes………………………………………………………….………………………..…19


III. QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE………………………………………………………………………... 20

READING REFERENCE GUIDE…………………………………………………………………..… 20

EDIT REFERENCE GUIDE…………………………………………………………….………….….22


TOOLS REFERENCE GUIDE……………………………………………………………..………... 24

FUNCTION KEYS REFERENCE GUIDE…………………………………………………………….25



Kurzweil 1000 is a Windows-based software application that makes printed and electronic material accessible to people who are blind or have limited vision. This product is easy to use for beginners, yet powerful and flexible enough for advanced users. Kurzweil 1000 converts the printed or electronic word into speech. You can scan in books, articles, currency, bills, and advertisements – almost anything that fits on a scanner. The system uses optical character recognition (OCR) to create a version of the page that Kurzweil 1000 can read aloud.

You can create and edit documents. You can open and read almost any file that contains text, as well as download and read material and books directly from World Wide Web sites such as . You can look up information from the dictionary and thesaurus, as well as from online encyclopedias. Annotation and navigation features such as multi-level bookmarks and links, along with document summarization, enable you to easily create study documents, some with quick access to related information.

Kurzweil 1000 is highly customizable, allowing you to set a wide range of preferences from reading speed and voice to verbosity, that is, how much audio assistance you want from the program. Kurzweil 1000 provides the convenience of document portability: you can convert text files into audio files and send files to other devices, such as Book Port™. An expanding set of office applications, such as Fax, Photocopier and Calculators, are available to help with daily tasks.

What Kurzweil 1000 is not: It’s not a screen reader, so it doesn’t read the contents of other applications on your PC. It also does not interpret graphic images, nor does it replace a full word processor.


There are several possible ways for starting up Kurzweil: From the Start menu, from the Run feature, from the Desktop, and from the Kurzweil hot key combination.

From the Start Menu

Press the Windows Logo key (or CTRL + ESCAPE) to open the Start Menu.

Press “P” for Programs and press “ENTER” or the RIGHT ARROW key to open.

Press “K” until “Kurzweil Educational Systems” is selected, and press “ENTER” or RIGHT ARROW key to open. Press “K” for Kurzweil is highlited and press “ENTER”.

From the Run Option

Press the Windows Logo key (or CTRL + ESCAPE) to open the Start Menu. Press “R” for the “Run” option and type in C:\ and the Kurzweil address,.

From the Desktop

The user’s most popular programs are kept on the “Desktop.”

Press the “Windows Logo” key and the letter “M” to maximize the desktop.

Press “K” for Kurzweil and press “ENTER.”

From the Kurzweil Hotkey Combination

Hot key combinations are another way to open specific programs.

Press the “Alt and CTRL” key combination while pressing the letter, “K.”

Note: Administrative status is required to setup a hotkey combination.


This section provides an overview of the two ways of using Kurzweil 1000: the keypad and the menus. It explains how to locate important features, and how to get help as you work. The menu system provides access to the complete Kurzweil 1000 feature set, while the keypad provides a limited subset of the features. Keep this in mind as you decide which method you want to use. Many users opt to learn both as in a number of instances; it is faster to use the keypad.

About the Keypad

• You can operate Kurzweil 1000 through the numeric keypad on the right-most side of a standard Windows keyboard. The keypad has five rows of keys. The top row has four small keys; the next three rows have three small keys; and the bottom row has one long horizontal key and one small key. The right side of the keypad has

two vertical keys below the first square key in the upper-right corner.

As reference points you can use the following keys located at the perimeter of the keypad:

• Cancel. The key in the upper-left corner of the keypad. Pressing Cancel stops initiated tasks.

• Accept. The small key in the upper-right corner of the keypad. Pressing Accept confirms initiated operations. Not every operation requires a confirmation.

• Help and Status is the vertical key in the lower-right corner of the keypad. It provides information about each key in the keypad, and when used with the Shift key (the horizontal key in the lower-left corner of the keypad), it opens the online help manual. To hear a key name, press the Help and Status key and then press and release a keypad key; Kurzweil 1000 tells you the name of that key. For more detailed information about a keypad key, press the Help and Status key, and then hold down the key you want described.

• Almost all the keys have additional functions when used with the Shift key. To hear more about a key’s shifted function, press the Help and Status key, and then hold down the Shift key and the key you’d like described.

• Start and Stop Scanning is the vertical key located immediately above the Help and Status key. It initiates a scan, or cancels a scan in progress.

• Start and Stop Reading is the long horizontal key in the lower-left corner of the keypad. This key lets you start or stop reading, and doubles as a Shift key for keypad functions.

These five keys do not change their function regardless of the current keypad layer.


The menu system is the second way you can work with Kurzweil 1000. You can access all of the Kurzweil 1000 features and settings from menus by using a standard keyboard. The menu system provides auditory feedback. As in all Windows-based systems, Kurzweil 1000 displays a menu bar at the top of the Kurzweil 1000 application window.

When you first start Kurzweil 1000, there are seven menus laid out in the following order from left to right: File, Folder, Scan, Settings, Tools, Online, and Help.

When you open a document, several additional menus appear. The order from left to right is as follows: File, Edit, Folder, Scan, Read, Navigation, Settings, Tools, Online, Window, and Help.

• To access the menu bar, press the ALT key. The F10 key also performs this function, however, you’ll find that ALT is the more convenient of the two.

• To move from menu to menu, use the LEFT and RIGHT ARROW keys. As you reach each menu, you’ll hear its name.

• To access the individual menu items, press the UP and DOWN ARROW keys until you hear the desired name.

• To select a menu item, press the ENTER key when you hear its name.

• To close the current menu and go to the previous level in the menu system, press the ESCAPE key.

• To leave the menu system from any level within it, press the ALT or F10 key


Kurzweil has several Help options that can assist the user in understanding

Kurzweil’s keys, functions and commands.

• Help and Status is the vertical key in the lower-right corner of the keypad. It provides information about each key in the keypad, and when used with the Shift key (the horizontal key in the lower-left corner of the keypad), it opens the online help manual.

• To hear a key name, press the Help and Status key and then press and release a keypad key; Kurzweil 1000 tells you the name of that key. For more detailed information about a keypad key, press the Help and Status key, and then hold down the key you want described.

• Press F1 for some general information and shortcut keys.

• Press Shift + F1 to identify the location of the cursor (I.E. Page 4, line 12, in document X. This document contains X pages).

• When in Explorer Layout mode, CTRL + F1 identifies the exact location of a word within a region/page.

• To access the Help menu press ALT + H; the following information is available: Register (How to . . .), Reading Status (an overview), File Management Status (an Overview), Setting Status (an Overview), Open the Manual (Opens Kurzweil’s Help manual), Quick Reference (list of Commands and Shortcut keys), and About (Information regarding version, serial number, etc.).


• F4 will close a document withing Kurzweil, and ALT + F4 will close the Kurzweil application. You can also close the file or application by accessing the File Menu.

• To close a file press ALT and use the Arrow down key to move to Close and press Enter.

• To close the Kurzweil application press ALT and use the Up Arrow key to move to Exit and press Enter.



Kurzweil 1000 uses the keypad layers on the calculator key pad located on the right of the standard keyboard to provide additional functions. There are three main layers: Reading, File Management, and Settings. To switch between layers:

• Hold down the Shift key (the horizontal key in the lower-left corner of the keypad) and tap the Accept key (the small key in the upper-right corner of the keypad) until you hear the name of the layer you want. Keep holding down the Shift key as you cycle through the layers.

• In addition, each keypad layer has a sub layer, or Shifted layer, with additional functions. To access a keypad sub layer, hold down the Shift key and another key on the keypad. For instance, after you press the Shift Accept combination to get to the File Management main keypad press the SHIFT and number 2 keys to get to its sub layer; this key combination saves your file in export format.

Reading Keypad

The Reading keypad is the default layer when you start up Kurzweil 1000, and is the keypad you use for scanning, reading and moving around in a document. With this keypad, you can change the reading speed or volume and access the dictionary and thesaurus.

The top row of keys, from left to right, is:

• Cancel, Erase Text, Dictionary, and Accept.

The second row of keys are:

• Volume Up, Speed Up, Reading Mode and Start and Stop Scanning.

The third row of keys are:

• Volume Down, Speed Down, and Multiple Column.

The fourth row of keys are:

• Rewind, Fast Forward, Go to Page, and Help and Status.

The bottom row keys are:

• The large horizontal key for Start and Stop Reading (doubles as a Shift key when used with another keypad key) and the small key for the Spell function.

Reading Keypad, Shifted

To access the shifted functions of keys hold the large horizontal key on the bottom row down while pressing another key on the key pad.

On the Reading Key Pad the top row of shifted keys are:

• No Function, Paste Page, Thesaurus, and Change Keypads.

The second row of shifted keys are:

• Recognize Currency, No Function, White on Black, and the Rescan or Insert Scan key.

The third row of shifted keys are:

• No Function, Create Bookmark, and Two Page Mode.

The fourth row of shifted keys are:

• Rewind by Unit, Forward by Unit, Go to Bookmark, and the Help and Status key.

The bottom row of shifted keys are:

• Shift and Spell (using mnemonics rather than letters).

File Management Keypad

Use the File Management keypad to create and delete the folders that store your Kurzweil 1000 documents, and to move between folders. You can open, close, and delete document files, and save files in other formats.

The top row keys, from left to right, are:

• Cancel, Go to Favorite Folders, Go to Favorite Files, and Accept.

The second row of keys are:

• Change Folder, Create New Folder, Delete Folder, and Stop Scanning key.

The third row of keys are:

• Open File, Close File, and Delete.

The fourth row of keys are:

• Save File, Save as, Export File, and the Help and Status key.

The bottom row keys are:

• The Start and Stop Reading key, (the small key has no function)

File Management Keypad, Shifted

On the File Management Key Pad the top row of shifted keys are:

• No Function, Delete Favorite Folder, Delete Favorite File, and Change Keypads.

The second row of shifted keys are:

• Change to Folder Under Current Folder, No Function, No Function, and the Rescan or Insert Scan Key.

The third row of shifted keys have no function.

The fourth row of shifted keys are:

• No Function, Save in Export Format, No Function, and Help and Status.

The bottom row of shifted keys are:

• The Shift Key (the small key has no function).

Settings Keypad

The Settings keypad lets you customize the Kurzweil 1000 environment.

In this keypad layer, you can change the reading voice for documents, or change the system voice that reads prompts and messages. You can also change some scanning options.

The top row keys of the Settings Keypad are:

• Cancel key, Page Orientation, Number Layout, and Accept key.

The second row keys are:

• Reading Voice, System Voice, Progress Messages, and Start and Stop Scanning key.

The third row keys are:

• Dynamic Thresholding, Scanning Mode, and Partial Columns.

The fourth row keys are:

• Punctuation Level, Recognition Languages, AutoLoad, and Help and Status.

The bottom row keys are:

• Start or Stop Reading and Save/Restore Settings

Settings Keypad, Shifted

On the Settings Key Pad, most of the shifted keys have no function. The exceptions are:

• The first key in row three, which handles the Brightness Setting.

• The first key in row four, which handles the Pronunciation of Numbers.


To start scanning printed material with the Kurzweil 1000 make sure the scanner is turned on. Place a page on the scanner face down on the glass. To start scanning, access the Scan menu by pressing ALT and S, then press Enter on the Start New Scan button in the Scan menu. You will hear progress messages as Kurzweil scans the image and recognizes the text.

Kurzweil can also be scanned directly from the keyboard using the hot key CTRL + Alt + S, or either of two keys: The F9 key or the Scan (Plus) key on the num pad. Each new page that is scanned is added to the end of the document. During scanning, any of the Scan Buttons will Cancel the scan.

Note - The hot key combination, CTRL + Alt + S will activate the Kurzweil Scan feature even if Kurzweil has been minimized, and the user is working in another application. For example, the user could be working in Word Perfect while commanding Kurzweil to scan a document.


|Description |Command |

|Start New Scan |F9, Num Pad +, or the Hot Key CTRL + Alt + S |

|Scan Repeatedly |CTRL + F9 |

|Rescan Page |Rescans and replaces the current page |

|Insert Scan |Scans and Inserts Page into Current Location |

|Rerecognize Page |Re-evaluates Current Page |

|Rerecognize All Pages |Re-evaluates All Pages |

|Flip Sides |Collates 2-sided batch Scanning |

|Optimize Scan Allows Kurzweil to choose the Optimal Settings | |


To start Reading press the Start and Stop Reading key (num pad 0), press F5, or access the Read menu by pressing ALT + R and press enter (Start Reading is the first menu item). To hear the menu items use the Up/Down arrow keys.

Kurzweil will automatically start reading the first page after scanning it. The scanning of the next page does not have to wait until the previous page has been read. Kurzweil can read continuously, by unit (by line, or sentence, paragraph) using the arrow keys and Brows features, and the rate of the speed in which Kurzweil reads is fully adjustable.

To activate the Brows mode press Shift + F5. To Brows forward by unit press the Right Shift key and toBrows backward press the Left Shift key.


|Description |Command |

|Start/Stop Reading |F5 or Num Pad Zero |

|Start Browsing |Shift + F5 |

|Rewind by Unit |F6 |

|Read Current Unit |F7 |

|Forward by Unit |F8 |

|Spell |CTRL + L |

|Define |CTRL + D |

|Thesaurus |Shift + F7 |

|Increase Reading Speed |F12 |

|Decrease Reading Speed |F11 |

|Say Selection |CTRL + Y |

|Read a Note |CTRL + Q |


Kurzweil presents folders, and the files within them, as a tree-view. ALT + F accesses the File menu. New files can be created and old files can be opened, saved, closed, or have other actions applied to them. Files can be saved in other formats, such as Word Perfect or Microsoft Word, but if the file is

save in the Kurzweil format then, when accessed, the file will open to the last page which was being read or worked upon.


|Description |Command |

|New |CTRL + N |

|Open |CTRL + O |

|Close |F4 (Closes File) |

|Save |CTRL + S |

|Save as |Saves file under a Different Name |

| |Saves a Specified Part of a Document |

|Delete |Deletes Current or Selected Item |

|Favorites |Stores favorite Files or Folders for Quick Access |

|Add to Favorites |Adds Files or Folders to Favorites List |

|Print |CTRL + P |

|Find and Open |Finds and Opens a Specific File |

|Summarize |Creates a Summary of the Original Document |

|Launch |Accesses Compatible Programs (Calculator, Fax) |

|Utilities |Specifies Specific Actions (Copy, Append) |

|Send to |Sends File to a Specific Location |

|Properties |Contains Information about the Current File (Size, Location) |

|Recently Opened |List of Recently Opened Files |

|Exit |ALT + F4 (Closes Kurzweil) |


To access the Edit menu press ALT + E Or use the shortcut keys for the specific commands, as Kurzweil uses the same shortcut keys as do most word processing programs.


|Description |Command |

|Undue |CTRL + Z (Undoes the Previous Action) |

|Cut |CTRL + X (Cuts to Clipboard) |

|Copy |CTRL + C |

|Paste |CTRL + V |

|Cut Page |Removes Current Page from the Document & Places it on the Clipboard |

|Paste Page |Pastes Page from Clipboard |

|Select All |CTRL + A(Selects the Contents of the Current File) |

|Find |CTRL + F |

|Find Next |F3 |

|Find Previous |Shift + F3 |

|Find & Replace |CTRL + H |

|Mark a Position |CTRL + M |

|Format |Changing Font or Paragraph Formatting |

|Create a Note |Shift + CTRL + Q |


Kurzweil has many editing tools available to assist the user, such as spell checking and a Thesaurus, as well as a Date-/Time feature and a currency identifier. To access the Tools menu press ALT + O.



|Apply Corrections |User-created List of Common Mistakes |

|Check Spelling |CTRL + K |

|Edit Corrections |User Modifies Corrections List |

|Edit Spell-Checker Word List |Modifies Spell-Checker |

|Edit Pronunciations |Modifies how Kurzweil Pronounces a Word |

|New Pronunciation |Shift + CTRL + N |

|Recognize Currency |Shift + F9 |

|Generate Bookmarks |Allows for the Creation of Bookmarks |

|Select Corrections File |Allows User to Select the Appropriate Corrections File |

|Define a Word |Adds a Word’s Definition to the Dictionary |

|Use the Thesaurus |Supplies a List of Synonyms |

|Recognition Statics |Information about the Percent of Recognition Accuracy for the Document |

|Explore Layout |Allows Reorganization of Current Page |

|Show Image |Turns on Graphic Mode, CTRL + W |

|Rank Spelling | |

|What Time is It |CTRL + T (States Time and Date) |


Kurzweil has many different options for navigating throughout a document. The various navigation commands can be accessed through the Navigation menu by pressing ALT + V or by using the hot keys for the specific commands.



|Go to Page |CTRL + G |

|Go to Bookmark |CTRL + R |

|Select a Link |CTRL + F7 |

|Activate a Link |Shift + F7 |

|Go to Last Position |CTRL + F5 |

|Set User Page Number |Adopts User-specified Page Number |

|Unset User Page Number |Forgets User-specified Page Number |

|Create a Bookmark |CTRL + B |

|Create a Link |CTRL + Shift+ F7 |


Kurzweil utilizes many types of control buttons and boxes within the menu system. These include Dialog Boxes, Text Boxes, and Tables.

Dialogue Boxes

Some menu items open dialog boxes. These are special screens that present a feature’s options, also called "controls" throughout Kurzweil 1000. You know that a menu item has a dialog box when the system says, “Opens a dialog.”

You make selections and choose settings in dialogs by using lists and

commands, and by entering text. For example, when you choose Search for Books from the Online menu, you get a dialog that contains Combo boxes that let you type text as well as select from a list, Check boxes that let you activate or deactivate an option, and Command

buttons that allow you to perform an action.

• To move forward through the Dialog options press the TAB key. The SHIFT+TAB key combination takes you backward through the options. The system announces the name of the control and its current setting as it reaches each one.

• Each control in a dialog has a mnemonic letter, just as each menu item does. Press ALT and the mnemonic for a control to go to that control.

• To get Help about the specific option at your cursor position, press the F1 key.

• To accept changes you’ve made and close the dialog, tab to the OK button and press the Space Bar or the ENTER key.

• To cancel changes and close the dialog tab to the “Close” button and press the Space Bar or Escape key.

• To get Help in dialogs, press F1. When you press F1 the first time, you get specific information about the current control. Press F1 again to get general information about the type of control.

Command Buttons

Command buttons perform a specified function. To activate a

command, press the TAB key until you hear the button name, then

press ENTER.


Lists contain one or more items. In some lists, those items are sorted

alphabetically, in others they are not.

• To cycle through the list, use the UP and DOWN ARROW keys.

• To go to the first list item whose name begins with a desired letter, type the first letter of the item.

• To move through all the items that begin with a desired letter, tap that letter repeatedly.

• To go to the first item in a list, press the HOME key.

• To go to the last item in a list, press the END key.

• To move through the list one screen at a time, use the PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN key.

• To hear the current list item, press F7. This sometimes provides

additional information about the item.

• A list view is almost exactly like a standard list, except that you may be able to select more than one item, and you can get to a particular

item by typing. To move through the list view, use the list navigation


• To select more than one item, use CONTROL and the UP or DOWN ARROW to move from one item to another, and the SPACEBAR to add or remove an item from the selection.

• To add a contiguous block of items to a selection, press the SHIFT key and an arrow key.

• To go to an item, type its name. For example, if you are editing pronunciation changes, you could find the pronunciation change for the word "Kurzweil" by typing in the letters K, then U, then R, until the appropriate word is selected.

• To hear the items that are currently selected, press CONTROL+Y.

Working with Checkbox Lists

It is possible for list views to contain a check box for each item in the list.

When this occurs, selection is done differently. You can get to an item in the same manner as in any list box. Kurzweil 1000 tells you if the box is "checked" or "unchecked."

• To "check" or select the item press the SPACEBAR.

• To "uncheck" or deselect it press the SPACEBAR. Unlike a standard list view, moving away from an item does not automatically deselect it.

• There are very few instances of check boxes in Kurzweil 1000, but one example is the Languages list in the Recognition Settings.

• To hear the current list item spelled aloud, press CONTROL+L.

• To hear the current list item spelled mnemonically, using a word alphabet (alpha, bravo, etc.) press CTRL +Shift + L

Text Boxes Text boxes let you type and edit characters. In text boxes, you can do the following:

• To select text, hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard and use the arrow keys to move over the characters you want to select.

• To spell the selected text, or the current word if no text is selected, press CONTROL+L.

• To spell text mnemonically, press CONTROL+SHIFT+L.

• To hear the contents of the text box, press F7.

• To move forward or backward by one character, press the RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW, respectively.

• To move to the end or beginning of a text box, press the END or

HOME key, respectively.

• To delete the character to the left or right of the cursor, use the BACKSPACE key and the DELETE key, respectively.

• To hear the last word in a text box, press CONTROL+END.

• For text boxes that use numeric values, like speech speed and speech volume, you can type a number or use the UP/DOWN ARROW keys to make the current value larger or smaller, respectively. You can change a numeric value by a larger amount by pressing SHIFT and then using UP/DOWN ARROW.

Some text boxes, however, only provide you with information, and are not editable.

Combo Boxes

These are text boxes combined with a list to give you two ways to select the option you want. Like a text box, you can type and edit characters. Like a list, you can use the UP/DOWN ARROWS. You can find an example of a combo box in the Save Settings dialog.


Tables show tables of data. Like all tables, data is organized in rows

and columns. The Explore Layout dialog is an example of a table.

• To move from row to row, use the UP/DOWN ARROW keys.

• To place your cursor in the left-most or the right-most column of the current row, press the HOME or END key, respectively.

• To go to the first or last cell in the table, press CONTROL+HOME or CONTROL+END, respectively.

• To hear the contents of the current cell, press F7.

• To hear the contents of the first cell in the current row, press SHIFT+F7.



|Description |Command |

|Start/Stop Reading |F5 or Num Pad 0 |

|Read Slower |F11 or Num Pad 5 |

|Read Faster |F12 or Num Pad 8 |

|Previous Reading Unit |F6 |

|Current Reading Unit |F7 |

|Next Reading Unit |F8 |

|Word Before the Cursor |CTRL + Left Arrow |

|Word After the Cursor |CTRL + Right Arrow |

|Line before the Cursor |Up Arrow |

|Line After the Cursor |Down Arrow |

|Start of Current Line |Home |

|End of Current Line |End |

|Start of Current Paragraph |CTRL + Up Arrow |

|Start of Next Paragraph |CTRL + Down Arrow |

|Previous Page |Page Up |

|Next Page |Page Down |

|Top of Current Page |Shift + Page Up |

|Bottom of Current Page |Shift + Page Down |

|Beginning of Document |CTRL + Home |

|End of Document |CTRL + End |

|Start Browsing |Shift + F5 |

|Brows Forward by Unit |Right Shift Key |

|Brows Backward by Unit |Left Shift Key |


EDIT MENU [Alt + E]:

|Description |Command |

|Undue |CTRL + Z (Undoes Previous Action) |

|Cut |CTRL + X (Cuts to Clipboard) |

|Copy |CTRL + C |

|Paste |CTRL + V |

|Delete Last Word |CTRL + Backspace |

|Delete Next Word |CTRL + Delete |

|Select All |CTRL + A |

|Find |CTRL + F |

|Find Next |F3 |

|Find Previous |Shift + F3 |

|Find & Replace |CTRL + H |

|Mark a Position |CTRL + M |

|Create a Note |CTRL + Shift +Q |

|Open |CTRL + O |

|Print |CTRL + P |

|Save |CTRL + S |

|Save to Floppy Disc |CTRL + Shift + S |

|Right Align |CTRL + Shift + R |

|Left Align |CTRL + F12 |

|Justify Paragraph |CTRL + J |

|Italic |CTRL + I |

|Underline |CTRL + U |

|Bold |CTRL + Shift + B |


|Description |Command |

|Bo to Page |CTRL + G |

|Go to a Bookmark |CTRL + R |

|Go to Next Document |CTRL + F6 |

|Activate a Link |Shift + Enter |

|Go to Last Cursor Position |CTRL + F5 |

|Create a Bookmark |CTRL + B |

|Create a Link |CTRL + Shift + F7 |

|Select by Letter(s) |Shift + Left/Right Arrow Key(s) |

|Select by Word |CTRL + Left/Right Arrow Key |

|Select to Beginning of Line |Shift + Home |

|Select to the End of Line |Shift + End |

|Select to Top of Document |CTRL + Shift + Home |

|Select to Bottom of Document |CTRL + Shift + End |

|Select All |CTRL + A |

|Say Selected Text |CTRL + Y |

|Spell Selected Text |CTRL + Shift + Y |

|Select a Link |CTRL + F7 |


|Description |Command |

|Check Spelling |CTRL + K |

|New Pronunciation |CTRL + Shift + N |

|Use Thesaurus |F8 |

|Identify Currency |Shift + F9 |

|What Time is It |CTRL + T |


|Description |Command |

|Help |F1 |

|Report Line & Page Number |Shift + F1 |

|Report Position of Word on Scanner |CTRL + F1 |

|Help for Dialog Box |F2 |

|Find Next |F3 |

|Find Previous |Shift + F3 |

|Close Document |F4 |

|Start Reading |F5 |

|Start Browsing |Shift + F5 |

|Go to Last Position |CTRL + F5 |

|Rewind |F6 |

|Previous Region |Shift + F6Next Document |

|CTRL + F6 |Previous Document |

|Shift + CTRL + F6Read Current Unit |F7 |

|Use Thesaurus |Shift + F7 |

|Forward to Next Unit |F8 |

|Next Region |Shift + F8 |

|Expand Selection |CTRL + F8 |

|Shrink Selection |Shift + CTRL + F8 |

|Start New Scan |F9 |

|Recognize Currency |Shift + F9 |

|Scan Repeatedly |CTRL + F9 |

|Access Menus |F10 |

|Access Context Menu |Shift + F10 |

|Read Slower |F11 |

|+Read Faster |F12 |


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