8A Quick Quiz

LOWER Ideas about speed

These statements are about speed. Some statements are true and some are false.

1 Cut out the statements and sort them into true and false statements.

2 Stick each statement into your book. Write true or false under it.

3 Explain why you think each statement is true or false.


You can remember the formula for speed using this triangle:


Jamie Smith ran 50 m in 6 seconds.

speed = distance/time = 50 m/6 s = 8.3 m/s

|A If I walk 2 miles in 1 hour, I am going at the same speed as someone who walks half a mile in half an hour. |

|B If a car travels 15 miles in half an hour, it is going at the same speed as a lorry that travels 30 miles in 1 |

|hour. |

|C A cat takes 2 minutes to walk between two lamp posts. A dog takes 1 minute. The dog is walking faster than the |

|cat. |

|D A car takes 2 seconds to pass a set of speed markings on the road. A bus takes 3 seconds to pass the markings |

|because it is travelling faster than the car. |

|E It takes an apple 4 seconds to fall from a tree to the ground. A conker takes 6 seconds to fall. The apple was |

|falling faster than the conker. |

|F A snail moves 15 cm in 2 minutes. It is moving slower than a slug, which takes 1 minute to move 8 cm. |

|G Jenna runs 1000 m in 6 minutes. She is running at the same speed as Danny, who runs 1500 m in 9 minutes. |

|H Manisha takes half an hour to walk to school. Samir takes 20 minutes, because he is walking more slowly. |

MEDIUM Who was the fastest?

Athletes run races over set distances. The time they take is measured. The winner is the person who covers the distance in the shortest time. If you want to find out who was the fastest in different races, you need to calculate the speed of each athlete.

1 The table shows the winning times for different races. Calculate the speed for each athlete and fill in the last column.

|Athlete |Race |Time (s) |Speed (m/s) |

|Jamie Smith |  50 m |  6 |8.3 |

|Suhail Patel |1000 m |250 | |

|Jenny Baker | 400 m | 70 | |

|Rosie Kennett | 100 m | 13 | |

|Andy Groves | 200 m | 25 | |

|Sunita Parekh | 800 m |150 | |

2 Which athlete in question 1 was the fastest? _______________________________________

3 The Paralympics is a sporting event held for disabled athletes. Wheelchair races are run over different distances.

a Scott Jacobs won the 100 m wheelchair race in 20 seconds. How fast was he going?


b Sally Malin won the 200 m race in 39 seconds. How fast was she going?


c Who was the fastest, Scott or Sally?



Speed is calculated using this equation:

speed = distance/time

HIGHER Speed, distance and time

Show all your working when answering these questions.

1 An athlete ran 26.2 miles in 180 minutes. How fast was he running? Give your answer in miles per hour.

2 Jenny ran 100 m in 20 seconds.

a What was Jenny’s speed in m/s?

b What was her speed in mph?

c How long should it take Jenny to run 5 miles? Give your answer in minutes. (Hint: 0.3 hours is not 30 minutes!)

d It actually took Jenny an hour to run 5 miles. Why was her time longer than the time you calculated in part c?

3 A car attempting to break the land speed record reached a speed of 675 mph.

a How many miles would it travel each second? (Hint: You will need to divide by the number of seconds in an hour.)

b How long would it take to travel 10 miles? Give your answer in seconds.

c How far would the car travel in 5 seconds at this speed?

4 The slowest mammal is the sloth, with an average speed of about 0.1 mph. The fastest is the cheetah, with a mean speed of 37 mph.

a What is the speed of the two animals in m/s?

b How far could the cheetah travel in 10 seconds? Give your answer in metres.

c How long would it take the sloth to travel the same distance? Give your answer in seconds.

d Approximately how many hours is your answer to part c?


You can remember the formula for speed using this triangle:


You can convert a speed in m/s into mph by multiplying it by 2.237.

You can convert mph to m/s by dividing by 2.237.


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