Unit 3: A Digital Portfolio - Scheme of work (Version 1 ...

Scheme of work

Guided learning hours (GLH): 30

Number of lessons: 15

Duration of lessons: 2 hours

Learners should spend lesson time and non-supervised time working on assignments.

A whiteboard is expected for every lesson to help explain topics, issues raised by learners and for classroom activities. Learner internet access expected.

|Lesson |Unit content |Activities |Links to other units |Resource checklist |

|Learning aim A: Design a digital portfolio |

|1 |Basic project lifecycle |Introduce learning aim A. |This unit brings together the content |Sample websites (live or as a slide|

| |Introduction to the unit: stages of |Introduce the project lifecycle and discuss/question learners on the |of all the optional specialist units |show) |

| |lifecycle: design, create, test and |activities that happen in each of the stages. |Unit 12: Software Development |A3 sheets and writing materials |

| |review |Hold a whole group discussion on the audience and purpose of digital | | |

| |What the purpose of the digital portfolio|portfolios using a variety of websites as the basis for discussion. Ask | | |

| |is, who the audience is |questions (who, why, how, etc.) about how the websites tailor themselves to| | |

| | |the audience. | | |

| | |Group work: groups are given different potential audiences for a digital | | |

| | |portfolio and discuss what that audience may want from the portfolio. | | |

| | |Individuals within each group to create a list of attributes for the | | |

| | |particular type of portfolio they have been given. | | |

|2 |Digital portfolio structure |Individual or small group work: learners to be given a specific audience |Unit 13: Website Development | |

| |Home page, section pages and context |for a portfolio they are required to create. With that audience in mind, | | |

| |pages |they need to create a draft diagram of pages that they might want to | | |

| |Structure chart |include, split into different topics. This produces a structure chart | | |

| |Folder structure |showing navigation routes. | | |

| |Producing an asset list |Once this is done they will need to create a draft list of folders as the | | |

| | |structure for the portfolio and a basic asset list . | | |

| | |Individuals and small groups then feedback to the whole group, evaluating | | |

| | |each solution. | | |

|3 |Digital portfolio user interface |Introduce topic of user interface. |Unit 6: Creating Digital Graphics | |

| |The formatting of the pages including |Research into means of navigation on websites. Small groups or pairs to |Unit 13: Website Development | |

| |colour schemes and fonts. The assets |report on three different examples to whole group giving reasons why they | | |

| |required and navigation details |are significant. | | |

| | |Group work with mixed abilities: learners to create a user interface design| | |

| | |for a specified audience (maybe the audience determined in the previous | | |

| | |lesson) including a colour scheme with fonts and navigation assets. | | |

|4 |Digital portfolio content |Group work: researching websites on improving accessibility to the content.|Knowledge of formats used from: | |

| |Considerations: accessibility – what |Feed back approaches to improving accessibility. |Unit 5: Creating Digital Audio | |

| |options are needed for accessibility? |Complete file format activity and teacher-led discussion on how file |Unit 6: Creating Digital Graphics | |

| |File formats – what formats are items |formats can affect accessibility. |Unit 7: Creating Digital Video | |

| |going to be stored in? | |Unit 13: Website Development | |

|5 |Storyboards |Teacher-led discussion on the content of storyboards and their role in the |Storyboards are used in: | |

| |Role in the process and what they contain|design process. |Unit 4: Creating Digital Animation | |

| | |Individuals or small groups: create a storyboard for a given scenario. |Unit 13: Website Development | |

| | |Evaluate each other’s results. | | |

|6 |Assignment 1 covering 2A.P1, 2A.P2, |Learner activity: Learners work individually on assignment work. | | |

| |2A.M1, 2A.D1 | | | |

| |Centre-devised assignment. Alternatively,| | | |

| |use the free assignment from Pearson. | | | |

|Learning aim B: Create and test a digital portfolio |

|7 |Prepare content |Introduce learning aim B. | | |

| |Folder structure: a logical folder |Practical session: learners to create a folder structure on the server | | |

| |structure needs to be created on the |ready to receive content. | | |

| |server to hold the content |Learners to ensure they understand about the appropriateness of different | | |

| | |file formats for their portfolios. | | |

|8 |Prepare content |Practical session: learners to ensure that video, text and other content | | |

| |Gathering and preparing content: content |are in the appropriate format and convert files if necessary. | | |

| |needs to be gathered together and |Practical session: converting images and other content into the appropriate| | |

| |converted into the appropriate format and|format and uploading or placing into the pre-prepared folders. | | |

| |uploaded or placed into the folders |Checking uploading of files against folders and structure from lesson 7. | | |

|9 |Create web pages |Teacher-led discussion including question and answer session confirming |Unit 13: Website Development | |

| |The home, section and context pages need |tasks to be completed on order of completion. | | |

| |to be created to display the information |Learners to practise the basics of HTML. | | |

| | |Practical session: using HTML and/or authoring software to create the pages| | |

| | |to display the content. | | |

|10 |Create web pages |Learners to practise and understand navigation techniques. |Unit 13: Website Development | |

| |Navigation: the home, section and context|Practical session: using HTML and/or authoring software to create pages to | | |

| |pages need to be created to display the |display content and create the navigation as outlined in the design. | | |

| |information and linked together | | | |

|11 |Testing the portfolio |Learners to think of reasons why it is important to test a portfolio. | | |

| |The portfolio needs to be tested for |Discuss the purpose of testing and give a presentation/demonstration on how| | |

| |completeness, functionality and usability|to carry out testing. | | |

| | |Create a test plan for testing the functionality of the website. | | |

|12-13 |Assignment 2 covering 2B.P2, 2B.M2, |Learner activity: Learners work individually on assignment work. | | |

| |2B.P4, 2B.P5, 2B.M3, 2B.M4, 2B.D2 | | | |

| |Centre-devised assignment. Alternatively,| | | |

| |use the free assignment from Pearson. | | | |

|Lesson |Unit content |Activities |Links to other units |Resource checklist |

|Learning aim C: Review the digital portfolio |

|14 |Review the digital portfolio |Introduce learning aim C | | |

| |Review the content of a digital portfolio|Practical session: Discuss the reasons for getting feedback and how to get | | |

| |including: |feedback. | | |

| |whether it meets the needs of the |Learners to understand the importance of different types of questioning, | | |

| |audience and purpose |and to create questions in order to gain feedback on their portfolio. | | |

| |evaluating design document |Learners to record user feedback gathered from own devised questions. | | |

| |importance of user feedback in |Collate results and make suggestions for further improvements. | | |

| |establishing effectiveness of portfolio | | | |

| |making suggestions for further | | | |

| |improvements | | | |

|15 |Assignment 3 covering 2C.P6, 2C.M5, 2C.D3|Learner activity: Learners work individually on assignment work. | | |

| |Centre-devised assignment. Alternatively,| | | |

| |use the free assignment from Pearson. | | | |

* BTEC First Information and Creative Technology Student Book (Pearson Education) is due to publish in early 2013.


BTEC First Information and Creative Technology

Unit 3: A Digital Portfolio



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