Harvard History Graduate Student Association

Early Modern and late Modern Jewish HistoryDerek Penslar List from AY 2016-2017Unit 1 (General+ Overviews of Early Modernity): 13 books/articlesGeneral 1. Yosef Haim Yerushalmi, Zakhor (1981)2. Amos Funkenstein, Perceptions of Jewish History (1993)3. David Nirenberg, Anti-Judaism: The Western Tradition (2013) 4. Salo Baron,“Ghetto and Emancipation: Shall We Revise the Traditional View?” Menorah Journal 14.6 (1928): 515–526.5. David Biale, Cultures of the Jews (2005), part II, Chaps 4, 6; part III, 1-2, 96. Michael Brenner, Prophets of the Past: Interpreters of Jewish History (2010)7. Moshe Rosman, How Jewish is Jewish History? (2007)Early ModernityOverviews8. Jacob Katz, Tradition and Crisis: Jewish Society at the End of the Middle Ages (1992)9. Jonathan Israel, European Jewry in the Age of Mercantilism (1998)10. Gershon Hundert, The Jews in Poland-Lithuania in the 18th Century (2004)11. David Ruderman, Early Modern Jewry: A New Cultural History (2010)12. Robert Bonfil, Jewish Life in Renaissance Italy (1994)13. Marion Kaplan, Jewish Daily Life in Germany, 1618-1945, Part IUnit 2 (Legal and Political Status+ Normativity and Deviance): 13 books/articlesLegal and Political Status (1 week)14. Eric Nelson, The Hebrew Republic (2010)15. Adam Teller. “Telling the Difference: Some Comparative Perspectives on the Jews’ Legal Status in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Holy Roman Empire.” Polin 22 (2010): 109–141.16. R. Po-chia Hsia, “The Jews and the Emperors.” In State and Society in Early Modern Austria. Edited by Charles W. Ingrao, 71–8 (1994).17. Elisheva Carlbach, Palaces of Time: Jewish Calendar and Culture in Early Modern Europe (2011)18. Edward Fram, A window on their world: the court diary of Rabbi Hňayyim Gundersheim, Frankfurt am Main 1773-1794?19. Edward Fram, Ideals Face Reality: Jewish Law and Life in Poland, 1550–1665 (1997)20. Jay R. Berkovitz, Protocols of justice: the Pinkas of the Metz rabbinic court 1771-1789, 2 volumes vols. 21. Jay Berkovitz, Rites and Passages: The Beginnings of Modern Jewish Culture in Franc (2004)22. Yosef Kaplan, “The Social Function of the Herem.” In Kaplan, An Alternative Path to Modernity, 108–143 (2000).23. Matt Goldish, Jewish Questions: Responsa on Sephardic Life in the Early Modern Period (2008).24 Adam Teller, “Rabbis without a Function? The Polish Rabbinate and the Council of Four Lands in the Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries.” In Jewish Religious Leadership. Edited by Jack Wertheimer, 371–400 (2004) 25. Elisheva Carlebach, “Community, Authority, and Jewish Midwives,” Jewish Social Studies 20:2 (2014)26. Elliott Horowitz, “Coffee, Coffeehouses, and the Nocturnal Rituals of Early Modern Jewry.” Association for Jewish Studies Review 14 (1989): 17–46.Unit 3 (Economic Factors+ Selfhood): 13 books/articlesEconomic Factors and International Networks 27. Jonathan Israel, European Jewry in the Age of Mercantilism (1998)28. Moshe Rosman, The Lord’s Jews: Magnate-Jewish Relations in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1990) 29. David Sorkin, “The Port Jew: Notes toward a Social Type.” Journal of Jewish Studies 50.1 (1999): 87–97.30. Lois Dubin. The Port Jews of Habsburg Trieste: Absolutist Politics and Enlightenment Culture. (1999)31. Jonathan Karp, The Politics of Jewish Commerce: Economic Thought and Emancipation in Europe, 1638–1848 (2008)32. Francesca Trivellato, The Familiarity of Strangers: The Sephardic Diaspora, Livorno, and Cross-Cultural Trade in the Early Modern Period (2009)33. Cornelia Aust, “Between Amsterdam and Warsaw: Commercial Networks of the Ashkenazic Mercantile Elite in Central Europe.” Jewish History 27.1 (2013): 41–71.34. Jacob Barnai, The Jews in Palestine in the Eighteenth Century: Under the Patronage of the Istanbul Committee of Officials for Palestine (1992)35. Matthias Lehman, Emissaries from the Holy Land: The Sephardic Diaspora and the Practice of Pan-Judaism in the Eighteenth Century (2014) ONLINESelfhood and Identifications36. Turniansky, Chava, ed. Glikl: Zikhronot, 1691–1719 (2006)37. Debra Kaplan, “The Self in Social Context.” Jewish Quarterly Review 97 (2007): 210–23638. J. H. Chajes, “Accounting for the Self.” Jewish Quarterly Review 95 (2005), 1-1539. Elisheva Carlbach. “Fallen Women and Fatherless Children: Jewish Domestic Servants in Eighteenth-Century Altona.” Jewish History 24 (2010), 295–30840. Andreas Gotzmann, “Respectability Tested: Male Ideals, Sexuality, and Honor in Early Modern Ashkenazi Jewry.” In Jewish Masculinities: German Jews, Gender, and History. Edited by Benjamin Maria Baader, Sharon Gillerman, and Paul Lerner, 23–49 (2012)Unit 4 (Textual and Social Relations with Christians): 13 books/articles41. Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin, The Censor, the Editor, and the Text: The Catholic Church and the Shaping of the Jewish Canon in the Sixteenth Century (2007)42. Kazmierczyk, "The Rubinkowski Family: Converts in Kazimierz"43. Kenneth Stow, Theater of Acculturation: The Roman Ghetto in the Sixteenth Century (2001)44. Adam Sutcliffe, “Hebrew Texts and Protestant Readers.” Jewish Studies Quarterly 7 (2000): 319–337.45. Yaakov Deutsch, Judaism in Christian Eyes: Ethnographic Descriptions of Jews and Judaism in Early Modern Europe (2012).46. Aya Elyada, A Goy Who Speaks Yiddish: Christians and the Jewish Language in Early Modern Germany (2012)47. David Price, Johannes Reuchlin and the Campaign to Destroy Jewish Books (2011). 48. Miriam Bodian, “The Reformation and the Jews.” In Rethinking European Jewish History. Edited by Jeremy Cohen and Moshe Rosman, 112–132 (2008)49. Daniel Juette, The Age of Secrets (2015)50. Magda Teter, Sinners on Trial (2011)51. Dean Phillip Bell, “Confessionalization in Early Modern Germany: A Jewish Perspective.” In Politics and Reformations: Histories and Reformations: Essays in Honor of Thomas A. Brady Jr. Edited by Christopher Ocker, Michael Printy, Peter Starenko, and Peter Wallace, 345–372 (2007)52. Debra Kaplan, Beyond Expulsion: Jews, Christians, and Reformation Strasbourg (2011). 53. Magda Teter, Jews and Heretics in Catholic Poland: A Beleaguered Church in the Post-Reformation Era (2006)54. Magda Teter, "'There Should be no love between us and them' Social Life and the Bounds of Jewish and Canon Law in EM Poland"Unit 5 (Conversion+ Mysticism and Magic+ Sabbateanism): 16 books/articlesConversion (and Return)55. Jonathan Ray, After Expulsion: 1492 and the Making of Sephardic Jewry (2013)56. Miriam Bodian, Hebrews of the Portuguese Nation (1997)57. Yosef Haim Yerushalmi, From Spanish Court to Italian Ghetto (1981)58. David Graizbord, Souls in Dispute: Converso Identities in Iberia and the Jewish Diaspora, 1580–1700 (2003). 59. Miriam Bodian, Dying in the Law of Moses: Crypto-Jewish Martyrdom in the Iberian World. (2007).60. Elisheva Carlbach, Divided Souls (2001)Mysticism and Magic61. Gershom Scholem, Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism (1941)62. Gershom Scholem, The Messianic Idea in Judaism (1971): "Redemption Through Sin;" 63. Ada Rapoport-Albert, Women and the Messianic Heresy of Sabbatai Zevi (2011)64. Roni Weinstein. Shivru et ha-Kelim: Ha-Kabbalah ve-ha-Moderniyut he-Yehudit (2011)65. J. H. Chajes, Between Worlds: Dybbuks, Exorcists, and Early Modern Judaism (2003) 66. Matt Goldish, The Sabbatean Prophets (2004) 67. Moshe Idel, “Jewish Magic from the Renaissance Period to Early Hasidism.” In Religion, Science, and Magic in Concert and in Conflict. Edited by Jacob Neusner, Ernest S. Frerichs, and Paul Virgil McCracken Flesher, 82–117 (1989)68. Gershom Scholem "The Neutralization of the Messianic Element in Early Hasidism;" "Devekut, or Communion With God"69. Yaacob Dweck, The Scandal of Kabbalah: Leon Modena, Jewish Mysticism, and Early Modern Venice (2011) 70. Carlebach, Elisheva. The Pursuit of Heresy: Rabbi Moses Hagiz and the Sabbatian Controversies (1990) 71. Pawel Maciejko, The Mixed Multitude: Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement (2011) Online Unit 6 (The New World+ Overviews Late Modernity): 14 books/articlesThe New World72. Jonathan Schorsch, Jews and Blacks in the Early Modern World (2004)73. Iris Idelson-Schein, Difference of a Different Kind. Jewish Constructions of Race During the Long Eighteenth Century (2014)Late ModernityOverviews Part I74. John Efron, The Jews: A History (2009), Chapters 8-1575. Yuri Slezkine, The Jewish Century (2006)76. Paul Mendes-Flohr and Jehuda Reinharz, eds., The Jew in the Modern World (3rd ed., 2011), Sections I-IV, VI-VII77. Todd Endelman, The Jews of Britain, 1656 to 2000 (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 2003)78. Paula Hyman, The Jews in Modern France (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1999)79. Michael Meyer, ed., German-Jewish History in Modern Times (4 vols, New York, 1996-98) vol 2. Michael Meyer, Michael Brenner vol 3: Peter Pultzer, Lowenstein80. William McCagg, A History of Habsburg Jews, 1670-1918 (Bloomington, 1989)81. Esther Benbassa and Aron Rodrigue, Sephardi Jewry (2000)82. Eli Lederhendler, American Jewry: A New History (2016)83. Hasia Diner, The Jews of the United States (2004)84. Jonathan Sarna, American Judaism (2003)]Unit 7 (The Remaking of Judaism): 20 books/articlesThe Remaking of Judaism, From Haskalah to Hasidsim85. David Sorkin, Moses Mendelssohn and the Religious Enlightenment (1996) [Intro, Conc]86. David Sorkin, The Transformation of German Jewry, 1780-1840 (1987) 87. Shmuel Feiner, The Jewish Enlightenment (2004)88. Shmuel Feiner, Moses Mendelssohn (2011)89. Gershon Hundert, ed., Essential Papers on Hasidism (1991) – ch 6, 8, 9, 1290. Glenn Dynner, Men of Silk: The Hasidic Conquest of Polish Society (2006)91. Israel Bartal, The Jews of Eastern Europe, 1772-1871 (2005) 92. Olga Litvak, The Haskalah (2012)-93. Michael Stanislawski, Tsar Nicholas I and the Jews (1983) 94. Richard Pipes, "Catherine II and the Jews: The Origins of the Pale of Settlement," in Russia Observed: Collected Essays on Russian and Soviet History, (Boulder, 1989), 59-82.95. Derek Penslar, Shylock’s Children: Economics and Jewish Identity in Modern Europe (2001), chaps 1-2 96. Todd Endelman, The Jews of Georgian England (1979) 97. Steven J. Zipperstein, The Jews of Odessa: A Cultural History (1986) 98. Jonathan Hess, German Jewry and the Claims of Modernity, chaps 1-2 (2002)99. Arthur Hertzberg, The French Enlightenment and the Jews (1990) Friday100. Ronald Schechter, Obstinate Hebrews: Representations of Jews in France, 1715-1815 (2003)101. Ari Joskowicz, The Modernity of Others: Jewish Anti-Catholicism in Germany and France (2013) 102. Michael Meyer, Response to Modernity: A History of Reform Judaism (1988), vii-224103. Moshe Samet, “The Beginnings of Orthodoxy,” Modern Judaism (October, 1988), 249-69104 Ismar Schorsch, From Text to Context: The Turn to History in Modern Judaism (Hanover, 1994) (pages 71-92, 177-204, 255-333)105. Marcus Moseley, Being for Myself Alone: Origins of Jewish Autobiography (2006)Unit 8 (Jews and the State+ Emancipation Pt. 1): 14 books/articlesJews and the State106. Peter Pulzer, Jews and the German State (1988)107. Piere Birnbaum, The Jews of the Republic (1996)Emancipation and Social Change108. Pierre Birnbaum and Ira Katznelson, eds, Paths of Emancipation (1995)109. Jacob Katz, ed., Towards Modernity: The European Jewish Model (New Brunswick, 1987) 110. Jonathan Frankel and Steven J. Zipperstein, eds., Assimilation and Community: The Jews in Nineteenth-Century Europe (Cambridge, 1992) 111. Isaiah Berlin, “Benjamin Disraeli, Karl Marx and the Search for Identity,” in Against the Current: Essays in the History of Ideas (1991)112. Paula Hyman, The Emancipation of the Jews of Alsace (1991)113. Paula Hyman, Gender and Assimilation in Modern Jewish History (1995)114. Benjamin Maria Baader, Gender, Judaism, and Bourgeois Culture in Germany (2006)115. Marion Kaplan, The Making of the Jewish Middle Class (1991) 116. Till van Rahden, Jews and Other Germans (2008)117. Abigail Green, Moses Montefiore (2010) [and/or her many articles on Jewish internationalism in the mid 19 century)118. Michael Graetz, The Jews in 19-Century France (1996)119. Lisa Leff, Sacred Bonds of Solidarity120. John Efron, Medicine and the German Jews (2001)121. Derek Penslar, Jews and the Military: A History, Chapters 1-5122. ChaeRan Freeze, Jewish Marriage and Divorce in Imperial Russia (2002)123. Iris Parush, Reading Jewish Women (2004) 124. Benjamin Nathans, Beyond the Pale: The Jewish Encounter with Russia (2004)125. Glenn Dynner, Yankel’s Tavern: Jews, Liquor, and Life in the Kingdom of Poland (2012)126. Aron Rodrigue, French Jews, Turkish Jews (1990)127. Sarah Stein, Making Jews Modern: The Yiddish and Ladino Press in the Russian and Ottoman Empires (2003)128. Julia Cohen, Becoming Ottomans: Sephardi Jews and Imperial Citizenship in the Modern Era (2014)129. Orit Bashkin, New Babylonians: A History of Jews in Modern Iraq (2012) Online at HarvardEconomic Factors130. Penslar, Shylock’s Children, chaps. 3-4131.Adam Mendelsohn, The Rag Race: How Jews Sewed Their Way to Success in America and the British Empire (2014)Unit 10 (Mass Migration+ Antisemitism): 17 books/articlesMass Migration132. Tobias Brinkman, Points of Passage: Jewish Migrants from Eastern Europe in Scandinavia, Germany, and Britain 1880-1914 (2013)2133. Rebecca Kobrin, Jewish Bialystok and Its Diaspora (2010)133. Hasia Diner, Lower East Side Memories (2000)134. David Feldman, Englishmen and Jews. Social Relations and Political Culture 1840-1914 (1994) 135. Nancy Green, “The Modern Jewish Diaspora: East European Jews in New York, London, and Paris,” Comparing Jewish Societies, Todd Endelman, ed. (Ann Arbor, 1997), 113-34136. Eli Lederhendler, Jewish Immigrants and American Capitalism (2009)137. Marsha Rozenblit, The Jews of Vienna (1983)138. Steven Aschheim, Brothers and Strangers: The East European Jews in German and German Jewish Historical Consciousness, 1800-1923 (1982)139. Jack Wertheimer, Unwelcome Strangers: East European Jews in Imperial Germany (1987) Antisemitism140. Stephen Bronner, A Rumour About the Jews (2003)141. Peter Pulzer, The Rise of Political Antisemitism in Germany and Austria (Cambridge, 1984) 142. Shulamit Volkov, “Antisemitism as a Cultural Code,” Leo Baeck Institute Year Book 23 (1987), (pages 25-45) 143. Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi, “Assimilation and Racial Anti-Semitism: The Iberian and the GermanModels” (Leo Baeck Memorial Lecture 26, New York, 1982)144. Hillel Kieval, “Representation and Knowledge in Medieval and Modern Accounts of Jewish Ritual Murder,” Jewish Social Studies I (n.s., 1994), 52-72145. David Kertzer, The Popes Against the Jews (2001)146. Jonathan Dekel-Chen et al., eds., Anti-Jewish Violence: Rethinking the Pogrom in Modern Jewish History (2010)147. John Klier and Shlomo Lambrozo, eds., Pogroms: Anti-Jewish Violence in Modern Russian History (1991)Unit 11 (New Jewish Politics+ Cultural Turn): 16 books/articlesThe New Jewish Politics148. Jonathan Frankel, “Crisis as a Factor in Modern Jewish Politics,” in Jehuda Reinharz, ed., Living with Antisemitism (1987), 42-58149. Jonathan Frankel, Prophecy and Politics (1984) – Part I rusgin150. Ezra Mendelsohn, On Modern Jewish Politics (1993)151. Zvi Gitelman, ed., The Emergence of Modern Jewish Politics (2003)152. David Vital, The Origins of Zionism (1975)153. Ismar Schorsch, “On the History of the Political Judgment of the Jew,” in From Text to Context, 118-32 154. Carl Schorske, “Politics in a New Key: An Austrian Trio,” Fin-de-Siecle Vienna (1981), 116-80 155. Penslar, Shylock’s Children, chaps. 5-6156. Mitchell Hart, Social Science and the Politics of Modern Jewish Identity (2000)157. Tony Michels, A Fire in Their Hearts: Yiddish Socialists in New York (2005) 158. Ezra Mendelsohn, The Jews of East Central Europe Between the World Wars (1983) 159. Zvi Gitelman, A Century of Ambivalence: The Jews of Russia and the Soviet Union (new ed., 2001)160. Elissa Bemporad, Becoming Soviet Jews (2012) HARVARD ONLINEThe Cultural Turn161. Kenneth Moss, Jewish Renaissance in the Russian Revolution (2010)162. Michael Brenner, The Renaissance of Jewish Culture in Weimar Jewry (1998)163. John Efron, German Jewry and the Allure of the Sephardic (2015)164. Sam Kassow, Who Will Write Our History?: Rediscovering a Hidden Archive from the Warsaw Ghetto (2009) ................

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