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“At Hartest we develop the wholeness of the child”

This policy must be read in conjunction with the Safeguarding Policy

This policy document has been adopted by the Governing Body and is signed by the chairperson on its behalf.

_____________________________ (Chair of Governors)

The Headteacher as the Local Health and Safety Coordinator for the workplace also signs the policy.

_______________________________ (Headteacher)



Hartest CEVC Primary School

The Governors and Headteacher acknowledge that:

1. Suffolk County Council has the prime responsibility for Health and Safety

and that the Governing Body and Headteacher have specific responsibilities to manage health, safety and welfare at the school level;

2. They have responsibilities

• to support the published policies and aims of the County Council, and

• to promote continuous improvement in the health and safety performance of the education service;

3. The Headteacher, as Local Health and Safety Coordinator has principal duty in the school for ensuring the local implementation of guidance, codes of practice and other advice from Suffolk County Council;

4. This duty extends to ensuring that:

working conditions and environment

substances used

equipment provided, and

working methods adopted

do not impair the well-being of any employee, or any other person including clients,

contractors, visitors, volunteers and any member of the public who may be affected by the

conduct of its work.

This document is available to all staff in the school.


The Headteacher has responsibility for day-to-day management of health and safety issues and is known as the Local Health And Safety Coordinator. The Headteacher is assisted in these matters by staff as indicated below and on an ‘as required basis’ according to expertise and/ or qualifications.

All staff should have regard to their own health and safety and that of others including pupils, clients, visitors and colleagues. They should communicate any concerns to the appropriate person(s) (see below) so that hazards can be dealt with quickly.

The Governing Body recognises that there is no caretaker or site manager at Hartest CEVC Primary School.

IIndividual members of staff are responsible for the particular areas as follows:

|Task |Name of person responsible |Job title of person responsible |

|H&S Policy review |Hilary HallK Harman / I Kearns |Headteacher |

|Health and safety committee and/or governor committees |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Headteacher |

| |Rev Patrick PriggGraham McGregor |Gov |

|Communication and information management |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Headteacher |

|Critical Incident Management |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Headteacher / School Administrator SLT |

| | | |

| |Abbi ThorpeSue PricketttSue Prickett | |

| | | |

|H&S Induction Training |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Headteacher / School Administrator SLT |

| |Abbi ThorpeSue Prickett | |

|Programmed updating training |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Headteacher / School Administrator SLT |

| |Abbi ThorpeSue Prickett | |

|Personal safety procedures (also Schoolsafe) |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall | Headteacher / School Administrator SLT |

| |Abbi ThorpeSue Prickett | |

|Planned checks (procedures) |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Headteacher |

|Planned checks (equipment) |Abbi ThorpeSue Prickett |School AdministratorBursar |

| |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Headteacher / School Administrator SLT / CoG |

|Planned checks (premises) |Abbi ThorpeSue Prickett | |

| |Mary Burr | |

|Incident reporting/investigation |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall | |

| | |Headteacher |

|Coordination of risk assessment work |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Headteacher |

|Fire procedures including personal emergency evacuation plans |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Headteacher |

|Locally organised premises maintenance, repair and improvement |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Headteacher / School Administrator SLT |

| |Abbi ThorpeSue Prickett | |

|First Aid (training and equipment) |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Headteacher / School Administrator SLT |

| |Abbi ThorpeSue Prickett | |

|Vehicle control and pedestrian safety |Abbi ThorpeSue Prickett |School AdministratorBursar |

|Educational visits coordinator (EVC) |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Headteacher |

|Stress and Wellbeing |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |SLT |

| | | |

| |Abbi ThorpeSue Prickett | |

|School Minibus |N/A | |

|Child Protection Co-ordinator |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Headteacher |

|Supporting pupils with medical needs |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Headteacher |

| | |LSA |

| |Jo Clarke | |

|Premises Security |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Headteacher / School Administrator SLT |

| |Abbi ThorpeSue Prickett | |

|Contractors on site |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Headteacher / School Administrator SLT |

| | | |

| |Abbi ThorpeSue Prickett | |

|Outside lettings |Abbi ThorpeSue Prickett |School AdministratorBursar |

|Asbestos Log update / review |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Headteacher / School Administrator |

| | | |

| |Sue Prickett | |

|Electronic Back up of Admin Network |Abbi Thorpe |School AdministratorBursar |

| |Sue Prickett | |

|Electronic Back up of Curriculum Network |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Head teacher |

|Educational Visits Co-ordinator |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Head teacher |

|E-safety Co-ordinator |K Harman / I KearnsHilary Hall |Head teacher |

Health And Safety Arrangements

1. Health and Safety Policy Review

a) The school’s Health and Safety policy is reviewed annually. The new policy is discussed and approved by the Premises, Health and Safety Committee (PHS) who recommend the policy for ratification by Governing Body and signed by Chair of Governors.

b) The review process includes

– Views of staff

– View of pupils through the school council

– Outcomes of annual assessments carried out by Safety Boss or the LA H&S audit

– Consultation with the School Safe and Local Authority H&S representative as appropriate

– Evaluation of procedures etc. following any “incident”, evacuation drill, parental complaint etc.

– Adopting new Health and Safety guidance as it becomes available

– During and following new building or maintenance projects

– Adopting up to date advice from Property Division

c) From September 2014 the school will follow the HSE 9 term Plan (Plan – Do-Check-Act) Appendix 1

d) An action plan to address/ review specific aspects of Health, Safety and Welfare is produced each term and reviewed at PHS Committee meetings.

e) The school’s policy document is displayed openly and discussed with the staff annually, so that all are aware and may comment on the intentions and plans.

f) There are clear links between the school's general policy and the policies of the individual departments within the school. Policies cross-refer where appropriate and the departmental statements are subsidiary to the school's main document. Subject Leaders are identified as responsible for the subsidiary documents. Science, Design Technology, Art and ‘PE and School Sport’ carry specific risks associated with practical work and are the subject of extensive additional guidance for which subject Leaders are responsible and to which they must respond.

g) Risk assessments for practical activities are included within medium term plans and short term plans where appropriate.

2. Health, Safety and Welfare Task Group and Governor Committees

▪ The Premises, Health and Safety Committee (PHS) meet at least three times a year and includes health, & safety and welfare / wellbeing and safeguarding on the agenda. The Personnel Committee also include staff welfare/ wellbeing on their agenda.

▪ The Committee monitors progress regarding any targets identified in the current edition of the school’s H & S policy, School Improvement Plan, risk assessments and other relevant school documents or new legislation.

▪ The proceedings of the meetings are formally recorded and action points brought forward for review. Formal records are available at full governing Body meetings

▪ The head teacher presents a Health Safety and Welfare termly report to the whole governing body using the template provided by the Local Authority.

▪ The committee reviews the school’s incident records for each term, and for each year, to identify any patterns or other indicators requiring management attention.

▪ As a small primary school H&S matters are discussed regularly and included within staff meetings. Staff feel that due to the good internal communication network the need for a H&S sub committee is not applicable at Hartest.

▪ Governors are aware of the Governors’ website (School Governor Centre) and will review this regularly. The ‘governors online’ web site is accessed frequently by governors.

▪ All governors attended H&S training on 15th May 2012.

3. Communication and Information Management:

▪ Each month the Bursar routinely checks the Suffolk School Surf ,Schools Choice and Suffolk Learning sites for updates to the health and safety pages

▪ Health and Safety information that is particular to any area, department, activity, educational visit or specialism etc. is passed to the relevant staff and Headteacher .

▪ Subject Leaders are responsible for the storage and maintenance of curriculum subject specific information. When they receive new information and guidance they are to keep the Headteacher, colleagues and SHSP committee informed.

▪ Headteacher and School Administrator Bursar maintain files for Health and Safety issues.

▪ The School’s Health and Safety Policy is made available to staff by:-

– Posting an up to date copy on the staff shared folder under Policies

– Posting up to date copy on Learning Platform~ Policies

– Access to a paper copy of the policy in the staffroom.

▪ The Hhealth and Ssafety Ppolicy will be discussed in an PD day on an annual basis, using specialist adviser from Suffolk Ccounty Council when required.All staff must sign to register that they have read the policy

▪ There is a Health and Safety noticeboard in the staffroom on which members of staff may find notices relevant to general health and safety matters at any time. Notices include:-

▪ A copy of the “Health and Safety Law – What you should know leaflet”

▪ Poster displays or other awareness raising, etc. campaigns

▪ Childhood illnesses which may directly affect colleagues eg expectant mothers

▪ Incident reporting procedure

▪ The Headteacher isand Bursar are responsible for checking Suffolk Learning health and safety pages for updated guides and policy.physically keeping the “Education Health and Safety – Local Management of Schools” manual up to date.

5. Critical Incident Management and temporary staffing absences

▪ Critical Incidents Management Team and a Critical Incident Management Plan will be reviewed following staff changes. The existing plan was formulated to ensure County guidance is followed and staff have been briefed accordingly.

▪ In the event of occasional (but foreseeable) absence of key staff for maintenance of first aid provision, medical and security, the following arrangements are in place.

First Aid: Order for first point of contact for First Aid

1) Mrs Jo ClarkeMrs S Ashman

2) Mrs Paula AtkinsMrs C Cook

3) Head teacherMrs S Piper

– At least 2 members of staff are trained in Paediatric First Aid in any one year.

– Staff attend 6 hours first aid training every 3 years.

– Most recent 6 hour First Aid training took place on 4th September 2013

Security: The Headteacher and School AdministratorBursar are responsible for the security and basic back

up. Short term assistance will be arranged with Cavendish Primary School in the first instance and other pyramid cluster schools as required.

5. Health and Safety Induction Training

Every employee receives, on appointment, the County Councils Statement of Safety Policy (Suffolk Learning website) and s/he should become acquainted with the procedures. Employees are expected to familiarise themselves with Health and Safety aspects of their work and to avoid conduct which would put at risk themselves or other people.

Members of staff who are new to the school, are given a comprehensive induction by the head teacher and/or Bursar. This includes Safeguarding training. H & S refresher and updates take place for all staff at the start of each academic year and continue throughout the year via meetings, weekly bulletin and in response to an evaluation of any incident.

Check list of training / CPD available at Hartest includes

▪ Overview of the school’s health and safety policy and organisational structure

▪ Tour of the premises

▪ Current health and safety priorities for the school – safety policy targets

▪ Communication and relationships with other schools and Suffolk County Council.

▪ General health and safety advice, including the schools own guidance and that from the LEA

▪ The use of the Incident Reporting form for incidents, hazards, work-related injuries and illnesses and fires.

▪ Where appropriate, curriculum specific guidance and arrangements for working with the county subject advisers

▪ For certain staff (Headteacher, School AdministratorBursar, the arrangements for ensuring the duties relating to asbestos management are fulfilled and that the asbestos survey report is available.

▪ Initial advice to women of child bearing age about the need for 'expectant and new mothers' risk assessment

▪ Smoking restrictions

▪ Fire evacuation and emergency procedures

▪ Information on hazards that are specific to the school, and established controls or precautions (for example: school on 3 levels and ensuring all gates are locked re pupil safety.)

▪ Trained first aid personnel and first-aid facilities

▪ Trained first aid personnel and first-aid facilities – staff expected to undertake first aid duties must be advised that they are expected to deal with casualties including the staff, pupils, visitors to the site and any member of the public that may need assistance whilst on the school grounds.

▪ Fire extinguishers and blankets – location and use

▪ What to do in an emergency, including fires which start in class especially during Science, Art, Design and Food lessons where risk may be higher.

▪ Specific issues arising from mobility difficulties or other reasons giving rise to the need for Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans.( PEEPs)

• Introduction to recognised unions and the local representatives

• Employee problems and concerns - specific duties and responsibilities for the management of staff welfare / well-being

• Access to well being advice, counselling and other staff support schemes

• Grievance procedures (as they relate to health & safety)

• Arrangements for visits and trips

• Use of equipment and/or tools including defect reporting and the correct use of guards (where relevant)

• Materials and substances in use – handling and labelling systems/warning signs. COSHH requirements, risk assessments and health and safety data sheets

• Use and care of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment~ use of gloves, goggles etc)

• Housekeeping procedures for policy documents and local rules

• Legal responsibilities and rights

• Physical examinations relating to statutory maintenance requirements eg. electrical equipment, and other exhaust ventilation equipment, lifts, hoists and lifting equipment, pressurised systems such as autoclaves and air compressors

• Work Permit systems


• Restricted areas and equipment eg boiler room

• One-on-one instruction and supervision of young and inexperienced workers (and work experience students)

• Manual lifting and handling – general advice and risk assessment

• Working at height and working alone

• Safe stacking of materials

• Safety procedures for machines, including design technology equipment

• General housekeeping and maintenance of access and egress

6. Routine Updating Training

• Each year training needs for members of staff are reviewed as part of their annual Performance Management Review.

• The Headteacher willSenior Leadership Team consider refresher training for their staff on Safeguarding, Health and Safety matters at least once every two / three years and provide regular reviews and advice

• From 1st April 2012 5 ? E electronic records will be maintained for all safeguarding, health and safety training attended by staff and governors. Historic training records are as accurate as records permit.

• All staff are aware of Health and Safety issues and are regularly updated by the head teacher and School Administratorbursar

7. Personal Safety procedures, Schoolsafe and control of violence

• Training is organised for all school staff, who may deal with anyone presenting challenging or threatening behaviour.

▪ The school follows County guidelines in advising staff how they should deal with an incident where an adult has displayed aggressive behaviour or any kind of assault (including verbal abuse) and there is a clear policy on reporting and investigating such incidents.

• All staff have been advised on the Local Authority recently published guidance, “Dealing with abuse, threats and violence towards school staff”

• Visitors including contractors and people entering the building must report to Reception where they are issued with a badge and ‘sign by recording their details and the purpose of their visit.

All external doors are locked (‘on the catch’) except when staff are on duty on the field or playground

Staff, parents and pupils are all expected to ensure that all gates and doors to the school are closed at all times. Fasteners are not accessible to the youngest pupils.

The school car park is accessible to the pupils only when using the hall and when escorted to the school bus at the end of the school day. The car park gate to the main road is always closed and padlocked during the school day.

The gated access to the Forest School area of the school grounds is padlocked and opened for immediate access only.

A separate policy document covers all aspects of risks and risk management.

All staff have a key to access the main entrance at Reception. The police and local authority have a list of emergency contacts

A member of staff choosing to work in school during the school holidays or alone must ensure

13. the Headteacher / bursar are aware by email

14. That a relative is also aware of this and their expected time of returning home

15. Follow school working alone policy

Staff are reminded about these procedures via the penultimate staff bulletin prior to a holiday.

8. Planned Safety Checks

These can be broken down into 3 separate groups as follows:




8.1 Procedures

Staff and pupils are encouraged to report Health and Safety issues as well as general premises management matters. These are logged and discussed by the Headteacher and Bursar re the appropriate actions and timescales appropriate to the urgency of the issue in terms of H&S.

The Headteacher and Health and Safety Governor conduct a property survey of the school and swimming pool twice a year with a view to identifying work required and especially any health, safety and welfare issues.

All incidents are acted upon immediately. The governors PHS committee monitor related issues each term.

Daily procedures are listed within the staff handbook

Put items such as the one following in a staff handbook

• Reception teachers check the outside learning area gate is locked every morning and following its use during the day.

• School grounds including field, playground and outdoor play equipment are subject to a daily visual check~ as appropriate, sharps etc are removed, repairs arranged and if necessary the equipment / areas fenced off until repaired.

• School grounds and outdoor play equipment have warning signs re parental supervision and slip hazard when wet.

• All PE equipment and practical equipments eg test tubes are checked by staff before use.

• In the Autumn Term, leaf fall is monitored and paths cleared by the “Grounds Department” as required.

• Severe weather conditions are monitored daily and appropriate changes to daily routines amended to safeguard pupils and adults e.g. allow into school early, indoor break/ lunch if highwinds. All outdoor activities stop if thunder and lightning etc. Playground and steps out of use if icy until gritting has dissolved the ice etc

• Snow: Head teacher and Bursar co-ordinate removal of snow from external pathways and ensure access to the school building from all entry points and access between the kitchen and hall for kitchen staff. Grit boxes are positioned at strategic points. Steps to the playground are also gritted & cleared.

• Children are advised in class or during assembly to adapt ‘movements’ and play areas etc to reduce risk.

• Parents are regularly reminded about H&S matters both on site and when parking safely near school via the newsletters

8.2 Equipment

• All equipment (not otherwise covered under other headings) is subjected to a formal, appropriate, programmed and recorded maintenance check. For example:

• All indoor and outdoor sports and play equipment

• The school’s water system(s)- hygiene, temperature and legionnaires disease checks

• The County EMU checks all mechanical equipment used in Design Technology as well as other exhaust ventilation equipment eg hall heaters.

• Suffolk County Catering EATSVertas are responsible for all maintenance checks of catering equipment, including ventilators. Check who actually organises this.

• Toilets and clinical waste

• Mobile scaffolding is always hired from a contractor.

• Ladders and step ladders are checked visually by users each time they are used.

• School staff undertake regular visual checks of

– Door closers, running gear and catches

– Printing, reprographics machines and ICT Hardware

– carpets and steps

Each year the County Contractor inspects and tests all electrical equipment including plugs, sockets and mains leads. Any failures are reported to the person responsible for the item(s) and follow up checks carried out to ensure that problems are resolved by repair or disposal and replacement.

To ensure the high standards of safety, competence, record keeping, quality assurance and insurance cover, LEA advice is followed and the school makes use of the centrally organised contractors.

Staff are aware (and are reminded periodically) to undertake a simple and informal visual inspection of any electrical equipment they (or their class) are about to use.

Unused sockets are covered in Reception class

8.3 Premises

• Safety Boss or an LA H&S / Fire Audits are is carried out in line with LA guidanceannually.

• The school site is inspected at least twice a year (tree inspection once a year) by the Headteacher and Health & Safety Governor who report to the PHS Committee and full GB on both the fabric and use of the building and grounds.

• Visual checks on certain items are carried out daily. For instance, fire exits and all evacuation routes.

• The LA Property Manager visits school about three times a year to provide advice and guidance on building / property matters in relation to H&S

9. Infection Control Arrangements in school

All staff have access to guidance on infection control, intimate care arrangements and

managing medicines and pupils with medical needs.

10. Incident Reporting/Investigation

• The recently revised Incident Report form and associated guidance booklet is in use in the school. This is kept in Reception and a second copy kept by the Headteacher.

• All staff are briefed on when and how to use the form.

• The Headteacher or School AdministratorBursar, check and sign every Incident Report form before it is sent to the Area Office.

• Every incident is subject to investigation as appropriate with a view to preventing recurrence and the school reviews relevant risk assessments after any incident or reported near miss.

• The PHS Committee will periodically review the incident history for the school and plan actions to reduce the likelihood of future incidents.

11. Coordination of Risk Assessment Work

Risk assessments (or guidance ) have been / are completed for the following:

• A general risk assessment which indicate the areas for more detailed risk assessment and control work

• First aid arrangements, (numbers of trained staff, level of training and equipment)

• Working alone, including security checks and locking up

• In some cases individual children may present challenging behaviour for which the school will need to prepare a specific risk assessment.

• Staff stress and well-being

• Educational visits and trips

• Tree maintenance

• Display screen equipment/workstations

• Manual handling

• Level of supervision in playgrounds and for play equipment

• Working at height

• Hinge protectors for doors

• Clinical waste

• Swimming pool

• School fetes, drama productions, fireworks displays etc.

• Pedestrian safety where vehicles may be moving

• New pupils, those returning after a previous exclusion or pupils transferring from other schools may present challenging behaviour (occasionally related to a medical condition). A specific risk assessment is carried out identifying the appropriate action to assist the staff and the child on entry.

• New and expectant mothers

• Staff with specific ‘considerations’

• New resources eg Use of Hot wax for Batik work

• Movement of food / dining equipment between kitchen and hall.

• Walking to the Church and visits to the village

• Oak classroom outdoor Learning environment

• School Use of School grounds (including security and safeguarding)

• Managing Disruptive Pupils including de-escalation / use of restraint

• End of Day procedures

Assessments currently being reviewed:-

• Food Technology lessons

• Display screen equipment/workstations

12. Fire Procedures

• Hartest CEVC Primary School is a No smoking environment:

Appendix 2 No Smoking Policy.

• The Emergency Fire Plan is reviewed annually or earlier in response to changes to the building, unforeseen incident or evaluation following an evacuation drill.

Appendix 23: Emergency Fire Plan

20. Pupil friendly New visual Fire Aaction Nnotices which all children can quickly follow, detailing the evacuation procedures and assembly points are displayed around the school, with one in every classroom.

Appendix 4: Fire Evacuation Notice (monochrome copy)

Disability arrangements:

• 3 classrooms plus LDR have exit door on the same level. 1 classroom has stepped exit. All pupils in school are able to use all exits unaided.

• A Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) is produced for any person (child or adult) who requires assistance to evacuate the building. This may also be incorporated within an individual child’s Personal Risk Assessment.

Appendix 3 : PEEP template

21. Evacuation procedures are revised with pupils on the first school day in September each year. An evacuation drill is also carried out on this day.

22. An evacuation practice is carried out at least once per term.

23. The fire risk assessment is reviewed regularly and following every ‘drill’ or ‘incident’.

24. All fire extinguishers are examined during annual maintenance checks by ‘Kidde’ in the autumn term check contrator

25. The head teacher conducts the weekly fire alarm test or other tests (such as the emergency lighting checks as there is currently no automated fire brigade notification systems).

26. Details of the alarm and other tests, evacuation drills and fire precautions training are recorded in a log book.

• All fire exits and doors are checked daily as the school is opened and locked each day. Every exit is used several times each day. However, if public events are being held (plays, parents’ evenings etc) fire exit route doors are checked specifically for such events, as are emergency lighting.

• At the start of performances and GB meetings after school hours, evacuation procedures are explained to all visitors before the event takes place.

• Any works involving ‘hot work’ are subject to consideration in completion of Form 13 and require a permit. If there is any ‘uncertainty’ at the school, Area Property Division is contacted for advice at the ‘planning stage’

• Should return access to the school building be denied e.g. Gas leak, pupils will be walked to Hartest Institute. The Critical Incident Policy will be followed.

• A whole school H&S and fire risk assessment is carried out annually by the LA.

Fire and evacuation related Training

o Staff received Fire Awareness training every 3 years. This includes the use of fire extinguishers to enable them to escape in an emergency

o Training in the use of an EVAC chair (where provided) and practice will be provided so that all are confident and competent in its use. Information about the EVAC Chair can be obtained from

o Appropriate training is provided for staff in response to an individual child’s specific needs.

13. Locally Organised Premises Maintenance, Repair and Improvement

• The headteacher attended Premises Management training on 11th June 2014.

• Form 13 procedures are followed for all work on site.

• Relevant staff (Headteacher, School Administratorbursar,) plus the Chair of Governors and Health and Safety Governor know the asbestos procedures and have been advised about the asbestos survey report.

• Following any work on site related to asbestos, any necessary alterations to the asbestos survey report are notified to the County Council after discussion and assistance from the school’s Property Adviser.

• The school uses County provided catering and grounds maintenance services to ensure that service specifications are adequate and that work is to appropriate standards. The school employs an independent cleaning company. Quality assurance is monitored by the Head teacher and BursarSchool Administrator. Risk assessments and safe systems of work are comprehensive and subject to periodic specialist audit. The School Administratorbursar co-ordinates induction and ensures H&S matters are available to them.

14. First Aid – Training and equipment

27. The main First Aid resource is located in the First Aid Room (within the Accessibility Toilet). Kits are also located in the staff room, Reception classroom and in the Hall Accessibility toilet.

28. Miss Johnstone monitors stock levels in first aid kits each month and ensures maintenance and replenishment is managed. This is overseen by the School administratorBursar.

First Aid kit contents:

29. Guidance leaflets

30. Sterile dressings

31. Triangular bandage

32. Eye pads

33. Plasters

34. Compression bandage

35. Safety pins

36. Vent aid shield

37. Finger bandage

38. Crepe bandage

39. Micropore tape

40. Plastic gloves

41. Freeze pads

42. Wash pods

43. Thermometer (forehead)

44. Scissors

45. Tissues

46. The school is not obliged to administer prescribed medicines. Parents / carers must sign a medical disclaimer before such medicines are administered to children. (A letter covering the same information as on a disclaimer form is also acceptable). All administered medicines are recorded / logged. All classified medicines require 2 signatures when administered. The Headteacher can refuse to administer any medication and request that parents / carers administer the medicines in the First Aid room.

47. The School has a contract with Initial Washroom Solutions to ensure satisfactory disposal of clinical waste, including incontinence and sanitary waste.

48. First Aid Certificates:

First Aid training takes place every 3 years.

A list of trained staff is displayed in Reception, Staffroom and Accessibility Toilet.

• A daily record is kept of visits to First Aid identifying injury, illness and actions taken. This information is also used to review patterns of visits to First Aid and to discuss exact actions with parents.

• All parents receive a copy of the Accident/Incident / Illness Record sheet on the day of the incident. ( Appendix 46)

• The cause of any injury is investigated and any necessary changes to practices made where the injury might have been avoidable.

• The LA Incident Log is completed for injuries caused within school by any equipment or misuse or non compliance to procedures etc. or which require referral to a GP or A&E and where amendments to existing procedures are made following a review of the incident.

• A record of pupils’ medical history / requirements / allergies etc is located in the staffroom and Reception. Parents / carers are asked to update this information each year.

• Photographs of children with possible anaphylactic shock reactions and response actions are displayed in the Office at Reception

• A trained first Aider accompanies all off-site visits. A Paediatric First Aider accompanies all off site visits involving Reception children.

• A First Response or Paramedic response facility is available locally, an ambulance can take up to 30 minutes to arrive at the school. For the majority of injuries / illness :

• Each case is assessed individually

• Parents / carers are called if the child needs to go home or be taken to the GP or A&E

• The local GP surgery is located across the road from the school and can be contacted for advice, or to provide emergency assistance emergency ( eg major bleed)

• If parents / carers cannot be contacted a member of staff will accompany the pupil to hospital.

• To support the parent and provide essential information to medical professionals, a member of staff will accompany a child and their parent to hospital for more serious injuries / illness.

Calling For an Ambulance:

Mrs Jo ClarkeMrs Ashman will seek a second opinion from the Headteacher or Mrs Atkinsother First Aider if there is any doubt about an individual child or the need to call an ambulance. The Head / School AdministratorBursar will make the decision to call an ambulance. The person calling the ambulance must have all the information available to give the emergency services and be near the patient when the call is made. (Mobile phone to be used if patient is on the field / playground / swimming pool etc).

The School AdministratorBursar or headteacher will contact parents.

School Visits

• Miss JohnstoneMrs Ashman / Mrs Cook will ensure that all first aid boxes ready for taking on school visits/ trips for all visits

• Parents/ carers sign a consent form providing medical history and contact name and number of GP and emergency contact numbers

• A copy of the above forms are kept in Reception and a copy is taken on the visit

• Medical disclaimer forms are signed by parents/ carers for individual pupils requiring medication on the visit.

• All medication is given to teachers’ clearly named and appropriate dosage requirements identified.

• A ‘Health Care Plan’ for specific individual pupils is discussed in depth with parents/ carers and relevant health professionals. Where appropriate health professional input/ assistance is arranged at the visit destination (e.g. injections at the local health centre/ hospital etc.)

15. Vehicle Control and Pedestrian Safety

• Staff and smaller delivery vehicles are allowed to park on the school car park which is secure and away from pedestrian access.(except for staff who walk from the car park)

• Additional off road parking is available on the lay by outside the school for large vehicles.

• A disabled parking bay is located in the car park in line with the entrance to school.

• Parents / carers are regularly advised and reminded about parking safely and in appropriate parking areas along ‘The Row’. Parents are requested to leave the parking bay vacant for the school buses to drop off / collect children safely.

• Pupils arrive at school either with their parents or by school bus which stops in the lay by. The driver watches them off the bus safely and into the school grounds. At the end of the day the children are collected by their parents or escorted onto the bus. Mrs Clarke meets the childrena rriving by bus each morning, seeing them safely onto school premises.

• Upper Key Stage 2 children may either

▪ come to school with their parents and again meet their parents on the school grounds or

▪ Walk or cycle to school each morning and home each evening provided the parents have confirmed this arrangement in writing with the head teacher.

• Pupils enter school class by class

• Pupils are supervised by duty staff on the playground / field and cloakroom areas.

• Each evening the school is locked, the alarm set and all exterior gates closed.

• Refuse is collected when the children are off site.

• Mini buses and smaller coaches park in the school car park for school visits before leaving 8:00 and returning after 3:30pm.

16. Education Visits Coordinator (EVC)

• Current county council advice being followed

• The Headteacher is the trained nominated school Education Visits Coordinator.

• The school adopted a policy which follows the model provided by the County Council.

• At least one member of staff on each off site visit to have attended the “First Aid in Schools” training. For Reception children at least one member of staff accompanying the visit will be trained in Paediatric First Aid.

• Staff will have emergency contact numbers already programmed into the ‘contacts’ list on their mobile phones .eg school, head, bursar, chair of GB and LA

• Off site visits are recorded by staff using the EVOLVE website.

• No off site visit will take place without a risk assessment being completed by the Visit Leader and approved by the EVC. In addition a clear check list is left in Reception and with EVC. Check list includes date, leader, staff names and contact numbers, time left, expected return time, number of pupils and copy of Consent forms.

• Visits on Site: The EVC will co-ordinate appropriate risk assessments and H&S matters as for an off- site visit and relevant to the activities taking place.

17. Stress and Well Being

• The Governors and Headteacher recognise the value and immense goodwill of staff at Hartest CEVC Primary School and are committed to promoting and enhancing staff well being and a stress free environment through:-

• A supportive management structure

• All beverages are provided for all staff and visitors

• Programme to refurbish the staffroom

• A Stress Management Policy:

• Stress, work-life balance and workload management issues are discussed and recorded as part of the annual Appraisal Review process

• The school has bought into the County Worklife Support. This includes the provision to staff of a confidential counselling service..

• Mrs ThorpePrickett is the nominated Well-being co-ordinator.

• The Headteaccher Senior Leadership Team takes into account potential stress and workload when planning the school calendar and the balance of “events” throughout the year.

• Staff welfare and related matters are regularly discussed at HeadTeaeatchaer and Chair of Governors SLT meetings.

• The Headteacher SLT will be sensitive yet vigilant in identifying signs of stress among colleagues. and provide opportunities to discuss their observations and support options with individual staff.

• Following an absence from work, if a member of staff informs the school that they are suffering from stress.

• A return to work meeting will take place with the head

• A risk assessment will be undertaken

• Wherever possible the school will aim to reduce the factors causing the problem

• Will provide an opportunity for counselling

• All details of reported stress will be recorded, including action undertaken by the school and employee.

18. School Transport

• The school does not have its own minibus

• The County Council is responsible for school transport to and from school.

• For visits involving the transportation of children, contractors approved by the LA are hired and are equipped with seatbelts.

• All passengers wear seatbelts on a school visit.

• Staff are expected to take seats along the length of the coach when on school visits to ensure pupils have easy access to staff and to support positive management of pupils. ( eg; All staff do not sit at the front of the coach)

19. Child Protection Procedures

• The current County Council guidance is followed and supported by the Safeguarding Children Policy which is reviewed annually.

• Safeguarding Policy is updated annually.

• All voluntary helpers and staff on a visit are provided with a guidance leaflet.

20. Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs

• The latest County and DFE guidelines are followed.

• The school has adopted a suitable policy documenting the arrangements for the administration of medicines and for the management of medicines within the school.

• The school liaises with a number of agencies to support children following operations, medical treatment, with visual, hearing or speech impairments or other diagnosis eg ASD

o agencies include~ School Nurse, EWO, County Inclusive Resource, Speech and Language Therapy, Autism Suffolk

20. Premises Security and Visitor Safety

• Current County Council guidance is followed.

• Visitors Policy ( Appendix 7)

• During the school day all visitors ’sign in’ on arrival at Reception. They are directed to read the visitor information and to wear a visitor badge. They are then escorted to the appropriate office/ classroom.

• Arrangements are in place to ensure adequate supervision exists when visitors (including parents and children who are not pupils of the school) are present on site.

• Visitors to performances and intake or visit evenings are always informed of the domestic and evacuation procedures before the start of the ‘event’.

• During more informal settings e.g. performances and consultation evenings, PTA events, staff supervise areas with parents/ carers being responsible for their own children. A senior teacher will speak to parents/ carers of children who require closer supervision.

• Parents are frequently reminded of their responsibility and supervision of for their own children whilst still within the school grounds after 3:10pm

21. Contractors on Site

• Contractors are required to report to Reception. Contractors must provided proof of identify before being allowed on site.

• Contractors employed directly by the school will be asked to provide photographic identification.

• All contractors are shown the Asbestos register and asked to sign the contractors form.

• The Headteacher or School AdministratorBursar will brief contractors about the evacuation procedures, smoking policy, local management arrangements and vehicle movement restrictions etc.

• Restrictions on access to the site are dependaent on the nature of the delivery/ work schedule and specific ‘area’ of the premises. These are negotiated with the contractor prior to work/ delivery taking place

• In the event that work may pose a risk, the area would be ‘fenced’ off. In addition all staff would be notified by briefing, staff notice board and pupils informed during assembly. Where possible ‘work’ will take place when pupils are in lessons. Other contracted workers and visitors would be advised by the School AdministratorBursar.

• Children will have no access to the contractors or be able to communicate with them through fencing etc.

• The Headteacher and School AdministratorBursar are responsible for monitoring contractors’ safety performance in order to prevent danger to people other than the contractor’s staff. This includes checking the contractors’ site is adequately fences and materials stored reasonably safely.

22. Lettings

• The Hall is available for lettings.

• The areas being ‘hired’ are checked for suitability and condition prior to use, including toilet arrangements.

• Specific security arrangements are communicated to those taking out the letting.

• Hirers are required to familiarise themselves with fire/ evacuation drills and may view the risk assessment on request (see Lettings Policy).

• Hirers may ask for and be shown, risk assessments for school use of equipment etc. However, the hirer is made aware that they cannot rely on the school’s risk assessments for the activities carried out during the letting.

1. Information is given to people who are booking the premises about any necessary health, safety or security information relating to the premises and any equipment that may be used. The hirer has to sign to acknowledge receipt of the information.

• The school enters into a written agreement with the lessee. Coordination is in place in respect of first aid kits and equipment, fire procedure, telephone access and, in the case of swimming pool use – pool water testing and maintenance, lifeguard provision and emergency procedures.

• The School AdministratorBursar or Headteacher co-ordinates the locking up of school following a hiring.

• The school raises a standard County booking form for all lettings and this must be signed by the lessee before the booking can proceed.

• There is easy access to the school’s First Aid kit

• The School AdministratorBursar’s contact details are provided to hirers in case of emergency.

New families to Hartest. CEVC Primary School

• All are given a copy of the current School Prospectus and a tour of the school

• Pupils joining mid-year are attached to 2 buddies for the first 2 weeks at school.

• Pupils are informed about H&S procedures eg movement around school evacuation, bus transport, etc.

Appendix 1: 9Term Plan. “PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT” is a term from the HSE’s management system guidance. See HSE for further guidance)

|Term 1 |Term 2 |

|Sounds alarm |First adult /pupil to identify the fire |

|Classrooms evacuated |Every class teacher checks room is vacant |

|Toilets evacuated |Class teachers en route to exit |

| |Bursar checks visitor toilet |

| |MDS checks hall toilet |

|First Aid Bag |Elder teacher when disabled toilet is checked |

|Register of all persons |Class teachers: pupils |

| |Bursar All school employees |

| |Chef: Kitchen staff |

| |All present / missing: reported to Headteacher |

|Isolation of power: electricity / gas |Headteacher |

|Calls fire brigade: obvious fire |Headteacher / School Administrator Bursar |

|Calls fire brigade: gas / smoke |Headteacher / School Administrator Bursar |

|Calls to Local Authority / chair of Governors: |Headteacher/ School Administrator Bursar |

|Checks control panel / source of alarm |HT / School Administrator Bursar + Chef or LSA |

|Checks outside of school building |As above with mobile phone |

|Checks inside building |As above with mobile phone |

|Meets emergency services |Headteacher / School Administrator Bursar |

|Evacuation of site |Decision made by Headteacher / Emergency Services |

| |HT authorises calls to:- LA & Chair of Governors |

|First Aid Response |2 Paediatric trained first aiders + staff trained in emergency first aid |

|Class group supervision |Class teachers |

Appendix 35







I am informed of an emergency evacuation by:

existing alarm system pager device

visual alarm system other (please specify)


DESIGNATED ASSISTANCE: (The following people have been designated to give assistance when I need to get out of the building in an emergency).


METHODS OF ASSISTANCE: (eg: Transfer procedures, methods of guidance, etc.)




EVACUATION PROCEDURE: (A step by step account beginning from the first alarm).




Signed: _________________

Line Manager: __________________

Signature of ‘Evacuation buddy/buddies’

__________________________ _______________________

Health and Safety Advisor ____________________________

Template letter to parents / carers Appendix 4

Dear Parents / Carers,

Your child visited the First Aid area today. Please find a brief summary of the treatment provided below.

Please do not hesitate to contact school if you require further information.


Please consult your doctor or local hospital is your child suffers any drowsiness, vomiting, impaired vision or excessive pain after returning home.

Yours sincerely

Hilary Hall




|Details: eg location, cause etc |

| |

| |

| |

|Symptoms | |Symptoms | |Next steps: Contact | |

|Allergic Reaction? | |Headache | |Well enough to remain in school | |

|Asthma | |Head Injury | |Unable to contact parents | |

|Bump / Bruise | |High Temperature | |Parents collected child | |

|Cut / Graze | |Nose Bleed | |Advised to visit GP / Hospital | |

|Drowsiness | |Sprain / Twist / Fracture? | |Ambulance called | |

|Eye injury | |Vomiting &/or diarrhoea | |Surgery contacted | |

|Other: | |Staff accompanied child to hospital | |

|Details of First Aid treatment and any other comments |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

Hartest CEVC Primary School Appendix 7

Visitors Policy and Guidelines

The purpose of the policy

The purpose of the policy is to:

Develop a co-coordinated approach to using visitors;

Monitor and evaluate how we use visitors to support pupil learning;

Ensure that visitors know how their input is supporting pupil learning and how their contribution fits with the school curriculum;

Comply with relevant health and safety legislation, and develop good practice.

Why we use outside visitors in school

The use of visitors to support pupil learning has the potential to be very effective. Visitors bring into the classroom a wealth of experiences, expertise, different approaches or viewpoints to complement the work of the teaching staff. However, teachers need to manage the involvement of visitors to make sure that their input will support the achievement of learning objectives and that pupils are offered balanced views about a particular subject.

For contributions to be successful for all involved there needs to be a clear shared understanding of the learning objectives for the session and the needs of the young people taking part. The different roles that people carry and the contributions they make to pupil learning need to be clearly identified.

Visitors can enhance learning because they are able to:

Bring a depth of experience and subject knowledge that would not otherwise be possible;

Put across an argument or point of view that teachers may not be able to articulate;

Talk more openly or comfortably around certain issues;

Be more open about personal experiences;

Be seen as neutral and not part of the school organisation or authoritarian framework;

Act as positive role models and counter stereotypical images;

On some subjects, carry more credibility than teaching staff;

Provide a varied and alternative learning experience for young people;

Raise young people’s awareness of the community in which they live;

Give local services and agencies a "human face" and a higher profile.

Visitors who work within the school

A wide range of visitors (other than parents) are invited into school to contribute in a variety of ways. These include:

Health professionals;

Sports Partnership coaches

Artists/poets in residence;

People with particular expertise, experience or knowledge;

Theatre in Education groups;


Local historians;

Religious leaders

Local Authority advisors:

Police officers.


Variety of Local Authority extended services eg, CIR Services

How we use visitors in schools

Visitors contribute to learning in a variety of settings, such as:

Curriculum extension or enrichment activities, e.g. The Cathedral Discovery Centre


Alternative curriculum days / weeks

Extracurricular events / days or clubs;

Community projects;

Charity events;

Promoting equal opportunity;

"Enterprise" and ‘challenge’ days;

In lessons; eg supporting handwriting, art, reading

At school-based conferences;

As "expert witnesses;"

Accompanying pupils on school visits.

Pupil perception interviews which contribute to policy review and school improvement

See Appendix 1: A Checklist for Teachers to support planned visits

Links to relevant school policies

The relevant school policies should be shared with the outside visitors. These are likely to include:




Drugs Education;

Equal Opportunities;

Health and Safety;

Sex and Relationship Education


Personal, Social and Health Education

Smoking Policy

Issues when using visitors in school


Care is needed when handling sensitive and/or controversial issues that may arise. Staff and pupils should be involved in the establishment of "classroom rules" which set the climate for the lesson and make clear how all involved in the lesson are expected to behave towards each other during the session.  This should enable everyone involved to feel safe and secure.

Part of that discussion should include consideration of what kind of information is for sharing beyond the classroom, e.g. how pupils would feel if something they have contributed to the lesson were gossiped about on the playground or in the staffroom. These rules apply equally to pupils, staff and visitors.


Where visitors support the curriculum, they must be made aware of and abide by the school’s policy regarding disclosures and confidentiality. The boundary between providing individual advice and providing learning opportunities for groups of pupils must be made clear to everyone.

Visitors from outside agencies may well have a role in providing confidential advice and support to individual young people as part of their regular work. This circumstance is very different from discussing issues in an educational setting and both the visitor and pupil need to be clear about the distinction.

Teacher involvement in the session

The teacher will always be present during any session with an outside visitor but his/her degree of involvement will vary and should be negotiated with the visitor beforehand. The teacher needs to be present so that she/he knows exactly what has happened during the session. This will ensure continuity with the rest of the programme as well as understanding any issues relating to the visitor’s session that may arise later. Issues may be raised during the session that the visitor may not be able to deal with or may not be the appropriate person to deal with the issue.

A minor number of unsupervised sessions with individual or small group of pupils will take place with specified identified visitors who have an enhanced CRB. These may include health professionals re vaccinations or ‘drop-in’ sessions and pupil perception interviews with governors or LA advisors / consultants.


The school follows the LA safeguarding procedures and school policy at all times

Parents or occasional visitors supporting learning, without an enhanced CBR, will always be supervised by the teacher or Learning Support Assistant at all times.

Risk management and relevant training and Qualification

Issues of risk management / assessment and relevant training / qualifications should be confirmed with the school designated visits co-ordinator prior to the visit.

The school’s role and responsibilities and the role and responsibilities of the person or provider will also be clarified prior to the visit.


The teacher and visitor will ensure that time has been agreed to jointly evaluate the session. The following questions can be used as prompts:

What was the young people’s response to the session(s)?

What went particularly well in the session(s)?

Which parts (if any) of the session were not successful?

Were the resources and materials used appropriate?

In what ways do you think that the session(s) could be improved?

Are there any issues from this session that you think need addressing further?

Pupil evaluations will be carried out to inform future planning and will focus upon:

What pupils have learnt in the sessions;

What they like about the sessions;

What they didn’t like about the sessions;

What else they would like to know about.

Further ‘Assessment for Learning’ strategies are available in the Assessment policy.


This policy will be reviewed as appropriate in the light of new local or national legislative changes, an incident which requires a critical incident review or a significant change in the number of pupils on roll.

A future review will involve discussions during staff meetings and governors meetings, discussions during School Council meetings, parent questionnaires, focus groups, comments from outside visitors and any report from a relevant Critical Incident review.

A Checklist for Teachers

This checklist will be used by staff in school to support them through the stages of involving a visitor in the classroom.

Before the visit

Why is this visitor being asked into school?

Does the visitor come with any recommendations?

Has the school used this visitor before?

What experience has this visitor of working with this age group?

Have parents been informed of the session (if appropriate)?

How will you ensure that pupils are hearing a balance of opinions about the topic/issue?

Has a risk assessment been performed?

Has the visitor had a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) check

Preparing the visitor

Is the visitor aware of the context of the contributions they have been asked to make?

Is the visitor aware of the aims of their visit?

Has the visitor been made aware of the school ethos?

Is the visitor aware of the ability and maturity level of the young people they will be working with?

Will the visitor make a pre visit to the school?

Are the school’s legal responsibilities to the children and young people being met?

Has the visitor been supplied with copies of the relevant school policies?

Is the visitor aware of any risks to health and safety?

Preparing the visit

What arrangements will be made to welcome the visitor to the school and introduce them to the class?

Is the size of the group appropriate to the activity and learning purpose?

Is this visit part of a planned programme with preparation beforehand and follow up afterwards?

How will the group be prepared for the visitor?

What resources will be needed for the session?

During the visit

Will the school be able to respond appropriately to questions or incidents that may arise after the visitor has left?

How will the teacher support the visitor in this work?

Will a sufficient number of staff be present during the session?

After the visit

How will the outcome of the evaluation inform future work? 


Hartest CEVC Primary School



At Hartest we believe that Health and Safety is everyone’s responsibility



Revised 05.10.16 by SPr to reflect new HT




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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