Farm to Child Care Resource ListCurriculum:Farm to Childcare Curriculum and Lessons Learned (Minnesota based curriculum), by Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy it! Try it! Like it!, by Team Nutrition (USDA) Dirt? Garden Toolkit, by Wisconsin Department of Health Services Veggies? Garden Based Nutrition Toolkit, by Wisconsin Department of Health Services to Preschool Harvest of the Month Curriculum, by Occidental College Urban & Environmental Policy Institute, Nutritious, Wisconsin: Connecting Nutrition Education and Local Foods, by Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Sprouts, by the Health Science and Early Childhood Education departments of Keene State College A Green Generation, by the University of New Hampshire Departments of Plant Biology & Child Study and Development Center Joy and Wonder: Educating for Sustainability in Early Childhood Through Nature, Food, and Community, by Shelburne Farms Team Nutrition Preschool Book List, by Michigan State University to Preschool Training Manual, by Occidental College Urban and Environmental Policy Institute Bites, by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Department of Health Services, and Department of Children and Families (Free) Preschool Initiative, by The Food Trust (Free) Blocks For Fun and Healthy Meals, by Team Nutrition (USDA) (Free) Care Gardens, by Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (Free) School Garden & Farm To Cafeteria Safety - A Food Safety Operations Manual, by MN Statewide Health Improvement Program: Care Food Program Wellness Toolkit, by Food Research and Action Center (Free) and Growing Edible Schoolyards: A How to Manual For School Professionals, by the Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP), Anoka County: Creating Healthy Opportunities in Child Care Environments, by Contra Costa Child Care Council Local Foods:Minnesota Grown: Grown CSA Finder: Harvest: Foods College resource locator: map: of the Prairie Local Food Guide (Southwest and West Central MN): of MN Organic Farms: Farm Directory (Land Stewardship Project): Wild – MN Listings: Farmers Market Association’s Farmers Market Locator: ’s Minnesota Farm to School Producer directory: Alliance Midwest: Collections:Recipes for Healthy Kids: Cookbook for Child Care Centers and Homes, by USDA Team Nutrition and Let’s Move (Free) Homes: Care Centers: Recipes for Childcare, by the United States Department of Agriculture (Free) of the Month, by Network for a Healthy California for Kids: Cooking Green Across America, by The University of Mississippi National Food Service Management Institute of Taste, by West Virginia Department of Education Office of Child Nutrition Snacks and Physical Activities for Early Childhood Programs, by USDA Team Nutrition That Count: Recipes for Nutritious Snacks, be Texas Department of Agriculture About Nutrition Through Activities: Cooking Activities, by Minnesota Department of Health is Farm to Preschool?: the Garden as an Educational Tool: a Garden For Preschoolers: With Preschoolers: Children About Nutrition During Meals: Lab School Gardening Videos: Visits / Educational Opportunities:Gale Woods Farm, Minnetrista: Ridge Environmental Learning Center, Finland: Barn Learning Farm, Hayfield: of Wild Health, Hugo: Food Connection, Twin Cities: Corps/SPARK, Twin Cities: Dancing Turtle, Pine River: Nature Center, West St. Paul: Lake Nature Center, Richfield: Urban Ag, Burnsville: . Farm to Preschool - ’s Move! Childcare - Minds - Matters - Costa Child Care Council - Learning About Nutrition Through Activities (LANA) - Labe School Garden Resources: Resources for Garden-Enhanced Nutrition Education: Gardening: ................

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