Overview of Lessons (take from RWK 2 page layout)

Lessons 1 and 2

Click City

Lesson 1

Optional Lesson 1 Follow-up Class Activity

Social Skills – Brainstorm with your students where

they might be exposed to secondhand smoke.

Talk about things they can do to avoid being around

secondhand smoke.

Optional Lesson 1 Journal Writing


If your students keep a personal journal you may want to encourage them to write a reflective entry related to the activities in Lesson 1. Here are a couple of suggestions to get them started.

1. Some of the things I liked about this lesson are . . .

Some things I would change about this lesson are . . .

2. If I could make a new law about secondhand smoke for my town it would be . . .

• TEACHER NOTE: Some students may want to take notes while doing Click City lessons. As note taking will add onto the time it takes to complete the booster lessons, please ask your students not to bring paper and pencil with them to the computer.

Click City

Lesson 1 Overview


Diagnosis Symptoms Plaque

Chart Asthma Second Hand Smoke

|Activity |Objectives |Risk Factors |Description | |

| | | | | |

|Avg: 4 min. | | | |[pic] |

| | | | | |

|Introduction and |Navigate | |Students are shown the town and | |

|Tutorial |Click City on the | |introduced to their buddy. |[pic] |

| |computer | | | |

| | | |Students practice using the mouse and| |

| | | |arrow keys to get around Click City. | |

| | | | | |

|Activity |Objectives |Risk Factors |Description | | |

| | | | | | |

|Avg: 2 min. | | | |[pic] | |

| | | | | | |

|Secret Survey |Find out what |Subjective norms; |Students go to the Cyber Booth and | | |

|Part 1 |classmates think about |Normative social images|take a survey assessing their | | |

| |using tobacco |regarding tobacco use. |intention to use tobacco when older | | |

| | | |and their social images of smokers. | | |

|Activity |Objectives |Risk Factors |Description | |

| | | | | |

|Avg: 7 min. | | | |[pic] |

| | | | | |

|Mystery Game |Learn about the health |Perceptions regarding |Students use clues to solve a mystery.|[pic] |

| |problems caused by |the health effects of |The clues give students information on| |

| |inhaling second hand |secondhand smoke (SHS) |why a person who is exposed to second | |

| |smoke. | |hand smoke gets sick. | |

|Activity |Objectives |Risk Factors |Description | |

| | | | | |

|Avg: 12 min. | | | |[pic] |

| | | | | |

|Dr. Time |Learn that smoking even|Physical consequences; |Students visit a doctor’s office, |[pic] |

| |a little can cause |Cumulative risk |interview 3 patients who smoke or chew| |

| |health problems. | |tobacco, and make a diagnosis of their| |

| | | |health problems due to tobacco use. | |

Click City

Lesson 2

Optional Lesson 2 Follow-up Class Activity

Art and Social Studies – Have students find and paste pictures of smokers onto a blank page and write a few sentences describing what the advertiser did in the picture to make the smokers look cool. Display pictures and have a discussion about ways that smokers really aren’t cool.

Optional Lesson 2 Journal Writing


If your students keep a personal journal you may want to encourage them to write a reflective entry related to the activities in Lesson 2. Here are a couple of suggestions to get them started.

1. If I could tell the tobacco companies what I think about smoking I would say . . .

2. Being addicted to something means . . .

Adaptations for English Language Learners and SPED Students:

Click City

Lesson 2 Overview


Nicotine Physical Addiction Withdrawal

Cravings Mental Addiction

|Activity |Objectives |Risk Factors |Description | |

| | | | | |

|Avg: 5 min. | | | |[pic] |

| | | | | |

|Secret Survey |Find out what |Subjective norms; |Students guess how their classmates | |

|Part 2 |classmates think about |Normative social images|responded to the Secret Survey Part | |

| |using tobacco |regarding tobacco use. |1. They are given feedback on their | |

| | | |classmates’ actual responses from the| |

| | | |survey. | |

|Activity |Objectives |Risk Factors |Description | | |

| | | | | | |

|Avg: 7 min. | | | |[pic] | |

| | | | | | |

|Addiction 201 |Find out why nicotine |Perception of |In the Addiction Lab students see 4 | | |

| |is addictive |addiction; Emphasizing |experiments that show different | | |

| | |that once you start |aspects of addiction (including | | |

| | |smoking you can’t avoid|physical and mental addiction). | | |

| | |addiction. | | | |

|Activity |Objectives |Risk Factors |Description | |

| | | | | |

|Avg: 6 min. | | | |[pic] |

| | | | | |

|Addiction Road |Reinforce concept that |Perception of |In this game students race a car, | |

| |people become addicted |addiction; Emphasizing |trying to avoid cigarettes, but find | |

| |to tobacco as soon as |that once you start |out that even they can’t avoid | |

| |they begin using it |smoking you can’t avoid|addiction, once they start smoking. | |

| | |addiction. |They see testimonials from smokers who| |

| | | |want to quit but can’t. | |

|Activity |Objectives |Risk Factors |Description | |

| | | | | |

|Avg: 6 min. | | | |[pic] |

| | | | | |

|Make a Friend |Decrease favorable |Subjective norms; |Students make a friend similar to |[pic] |

| |images of kids who |Normative social images|them. Students and their friend go to | |

| |smoke; Change |regarding tobacco use. |a party, an arcade, a pool. They meet | |

| |perceptions of their | |kids who smoke. They “discuss” that | |

| |peer’s images of | |kids who smoke are not exciting or | |

| |smokers | |cool. | |

|Activity |Objectives |Risk Factors |Description | |

Avg: 6 min.

Scavenger Hunt |

Review the information from Lessons 1 and 2 on the effects of tobacco use |

Summary activity |

In this review activity, students use clues to find each location on the map. When they find the correct location, they hear a message summarizing what they learned in the activity. |


[pic] | |Physical consequences; Cumulative risk |Students visit a doctor’s office, interview 3 patients who smoke or chew tobacco, and make a diagnosis of their health problems due to tobacco use. | CEL – please insert screen shot | |[pic]


✓ 1 in 8 trees chopped down in the world are for tobacco production.

✓ In many communities cigarette butts make up 40% of litter.

One of the goals of Click City is to give students a fun, engaging way to learn the truth about tobacco. Each lesson overview has an interesting piece of information about tobacco that you can post on a bulletin board, use as a discussion starter, or as a starting point for other research and writing activities.

✓ Preview the vocabulary with students: nicotine, physical addiction, mental addiction, withdrawal, cravings. Write the words, pronounce them, and then have students say the words. Then link the words to something that students are familiar with to help develop their background knowledge.

✓ Have students do the follow-up activity located in the appendix to review and reinforce the key concepts in Lessons 1 and 2.

“Nicotine is addictive. We are, then, in the business of selling nicotine – an addictive drug effective in the release of stress mechanisms.”

Brown & Williamson, 1963

Adaptations for English Language Learners and SPED Students:

Have an instructional assistant or volunteer demonstrate to ELL and SPED students how to use Click City, and then have the assistant observe to determine if the student can do the activities independently or will need ongoing help.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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