The Smiling Stars



Wow! The year is just flying by. It is hard to believe we've come to May already. It is a very exciting time with lots of things going on in and out of the classroom. We are really working hard to gear up for next year and to finish many of our long-term projects. As always, the Smiling Stars are working hard and trying their best. Here's what is happening in our classroom:

Language Arts

Last month, we began the last unit in our Language Arts program, A World of Animals. We’ll be continuing to work on the short vowel sound of u, along with the short a, e, i, and o. The kids are making super progress using all of their letter sounds in phonics and writing. Please continue to work on sounding out sentences, leaving spaces in between words and using lowercase writing at home. We will be doing an author study of Eric Carle. We will move our way through many of his books in the month of May. We will learn and enjoy the writing, the humor, the patterns and the art techniques he incorporates into his work. He is the ideal children’s author. We know the children will walk away from this unit with a greater appreciation of literature. In our last monthly writing of the year we will be writing about what we have learned in Kindergarten.


This month we will be working on Chapter 9, called “Geometry and Fractions” and then will move onto our last unit, “Greater Numbers.” We will also continue to graph, estimate and play math games.

Social Studies

We will finish the year in Social Studies revisiting the theme of “Celebrating Me.” We do several projects to focus on what is special and unique about each individual child in the classroom. The growth that we have seen this year in all the children is amazing. We want the kids to leave kindergarten feeling confident and happy with themselves and their abilities. Each one of them is special and we can't wait to talk about how!


We are continuing with our Science Unit, Animals Two by Two. Be sure to ask your child about our classroom visitations and our Snail races! We will be having some more special animal friends come visit us in our class too!



Let’s give a special birthday cheer to one of our Smiling Stars who will celebrate their birthdays this month!

Ria-May 26th

Eliza – May 29th



Congratulations to Caitlin, Eliza, and Peyton. They received the Creative Kindergarten Award at the Spirit Assembly for April. Way to go and keep up the GREAT work! The next Spirit Assembly will be on Wednesday, May 30th. Everyone is welcome to attend!


• Wednesday, May 23rd is Open House from 6:30-7:30 (more information to follow). Please set that evening aside to come and look at your child's wonderful work and celebrate all their wonderful accomplishments together.

• There will be no school on Monday, May 28th in honor of the Memorial Day Holiday.

• We will be having a Kindergarten Song and Dance Performance on Tuesday, June 12th. It will be in the morning at 8:30 so keep that day reserved. More information will follow.

• The Red Oak Carnival is coming up soon (Sunday, June 3rd). Our class will be responsible for the decoration and running of one booth. We will have sign-up sheets available in the classroom on Open House Night. Please sign-up for a half-hour shift with your child. It is a fun family day but the Cool Cars need your support to make our booth a success. You will be receiving more information on this soon.

• We will be having an end of the year party with parents attending too on Thursday, June 14th, (please note that siblings may not come). Hold the date and more information will be also be coming.

Thank you so much to all of our parent volunteers who help out in the classroom and to all of you for your amazing support. I couldn't do it without you. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support for Emma and her family. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please let me know. Have a fantastic month and watch those backpacks. There will be lots of information coming home over the next few weeks regarding the end of the year information. Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Smiling Star moms!!!!!!!!


Mrs. Jones



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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