7606720700Colegio ChileEnglish DepartmentPamela Arenas S.Leonardo Contreras Z. ENGLISH WORKSHEET 3UNIT 1: MY FIRST JOBName: ……………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………….……………… 3rd grade …………………… Date: May…………………… Aprendizajes esperados: Emplear vocabulario temático de la unidad, palabras y frases clave, expresiones y frases prender información explícita e ideas principales al escuchar diálogos y/o monólogos simples.Use the grammatical structure of “Reported Speech” according to the context. NOTA: Con el fin de facilitar la revisión de las actividades, las respuestas de esta guía deben ser traspasadas a la hoja de respuestas (answer sheet) en la plataforma de google classroom. Para acceder a la plataforma utiliza el siguiente código: ejfrxbdThink about the following questions and answer them mentally then the read the text. Finally, provide a tittle for the text. (2 points)*What kind of media consumer are you? How much time do you spend online each day? Do you like playing video games?Today’s teens spend more than 7 and 1/2 hours a day consuming media. These include watching TV, listening to music, surfing the web, social networking, and playing video games. Teens today are known as the “digital natives” and are part of the first generation to be so closely identified with technology. When it comes to talking about video games, almost everyone would like to voice their opinion. The palette of choices nowadays is almost infinite and that’s why design plays a very important role when choosing the “right one”. Design is what makes the difference between software you have to use and software you want to use. Emilio is a user interface designer. His job is to figure out how software and users interact with each other. When you submit a form, what happens?? How are users notified of errors?? ?Does the form go to a new page, or submit while staying on the current page? Pretty cool, huh? Emilio lives in Santiago and works at a Canadian company called Behavior, which is the largest independent game development studio in Canada, specializing in the production of 2D and 3D action/adventure games for Xbox3, Wii, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable and Nintendo DS. What do you think would be the best title? _______________________________________________________________________________________Listen to part 1 of Emilio’s interview and answer the following questions. Click on the following link to listen to the audio. (4 points). What does Emilio do at Behaviour? _______________________________________________________________________________________ b. What projects has he worked on there? _______________________________________________________________________________________c. Does he get to play a lot of video games? Why? _______________________________________________________________________________________d. Does he speak English outside work? Why? _______________________________________________________________________________________Now listen to part 2 of Emilio’s interview and complete the chart with the correct information. Click on the following link to listen to the audio. (7 points) interestsHe lovesHe doesn’t likeHis favorite video gamesHis future plansHe thinks technology isHis adviceReported Speech: Choose the correct question. (3 points)1. The reporter asked: “What language do you speak at work?”A. She asked if he spoke language at work.B. She asked what language he spoke at work.2. The reporter asked: “Do you get to play video games at work?”A. She asked him if he got to play video games at work.B. She asked him what do you get to play video games at work.3. The reporter asked “What do you like about your work?”She asked him what he liked about his work.She asked him if he liked about his work.V. Rewrite some of Emilio’s questions reporting the information. Use the following example as a model. (6 pointse.g., ‘What do you do?’The reporter asked Emilio what he dId.a. “Is Behavior a Chilean company?”The reporter _______________________________________________________________________________________b. “What are your future plans?”The reporter _______________________________________________________________________________________c .“Do you use English outside work?”The reporter ______________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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