

Opening Address (Introduction)

Begin all presentations with an introduction. An example would be “Good morning/afternoon chairperson, Mrs. ___________ and fellow speaker’s club members.”

Interesting & Entertaining (Spicy)

Choose a topic that you can make into an interesting and entertaining presentation. Use props, pictures, technology or any other creative idea that will give it a little spice. Make sure you sound interested in and excited about your own topic! Your enthusiasm will be infectious and will captivate your audience.

Cover Criteria Completely

Use the criteria while you are preparing, to make sure that you perform all the duties of the job.


Use a clear voice with good volume, speed and voice inflection

Eye Contact

Look up at audience regularly. Your job is to give a speech to the class on a topic that you have studied and prepared. You should be speaking to the class and not just reading from a paper or the screen. To help keep your speech organized and on track, feel free to use cue cards with key words printed on them.

Body Language

You should have good posture, avoid playing with objects etc..

Organization and Preparation

Information should be well organized, clear and easy to follow. You must be fully prepared for all presentations. Do not attempt to “wing it.”

Closing (Conclusion)

All presentations should have an appropriate concluding statement. Example: “And in conclusion….Thank-you for your time today.”

Duties of T.U.S.C. Presenters

Chairperson (Volunteer)

1. Have agenda filled out before the meeting

2. Call the meeting to order and conclusion

3. Introduce each speaker and their topic

4. Thank the speaker and make a comment after each report

5. Keep the meeting running smoothly, and do not tolerate interruptions or noise

World Traveler

1. Choose an interesting place in the world you would like to travel to

OR Tell us about an interesting place you have already been.

2. Show us where it is on a map, explain when is the best time to travel there, show pictures of the landscape, describe what would be fun to see and do while there, etc..

3. Find out how much it would cost to travel to this location and what the prices are like for various accommodations.

Mad Scientist

1. Come prepared with all materials needed

2. Present the purpose of the scientific demonstration

3. Perform and explain the steps of the demonstration for the class

4. It is very important that you discuss the science behind the demonstration (What happened and why?)

News Reporter

1. Research a World or Local news topic that you find interesting

2. Explain the who, what, when, where, why.

3. The issue should be explained clearly in detail

Take the Mascot

1. Take the mascot with you on an adventure (Soccer, skating…..)

2. Take pictures of the mascot in at least 5 different places.

3. Make a power point presentation of the adventure.

4. Explain why you chose these places to go with the mascot.

5. Write a diary entry from the mascot’s perspective of the outing and tell the story to the class.

Movie Critic

1. Critique a movie that you have watched. The movie must be of good taste. (G, PG or PG13 - anything with inappropriate content, language and violence will not be accepted)

2. State the main characters and actors’ names

2. Give a 30 second summary of the main story line (without giving away the ending)

3. Describe where and when the movie was set

4. It is very important that you Critique the movie by pointing out at least three strengths and/or weaknesses (** See Movie Critique form)

Sports Reporter

1. Choose one of your favourite sports to share with the class. It can be a sport you play or one you just enjoy watching on T.V.

2. Teach the class how the game works. Include ideas such as, where it’s played, the rules, the positions involved, how to win, favourite players/team and how long you have played for (if you play.)

3. Explain the sport in clear detail.

4. Bring in props, diagrams, pictures, videos – anything that you think will create interest and/or help you teach the game!

History Professor

1. Choose an important historical event to teach the class about

2. Research that event

3. Organize information in a logical manner

4. Include: what happened, when it happened, where it happened, and why it happened, etc.. (use pictures on the smart board)

5. Explain why you chose this particular historical event

Advertising Executive (Commercial)

1. Invent an original product to sell

2. Create and state the name of the product

3. Come prepared with the necessary props and the product

4. Perform a short lively commercial trying to “sell” the product

5. The reasons to buy the product should be obvious

Book Critic

1. A Book critique is similar to an oral book report state the title, author and genre of book

2. Briefly summarize the book. Don’t give away the ending (You do not need to retell the entire story line) See Book Critique form

3. State where and when the book is set

4. Read a favourite passage from the book (make sure you practice)

5. It is very important that you Critique the book, stating likes and/or dislikes explaining why.

Bucket List

1. Create a list of the top 10 things you want to see, do or accomplish in your lifetime.

2. Include an explanation for each idea. For example, if you tell us about your career choice, you need to explain what it is that you think you would like about that career.

3. You can creatively use technology to present your ideas.

Music Critic

1. Choose a favourite song from a favourite music group or musician

2. Make sure the content of the song is appropriate

3. Give a brief description of the musician(s) and their career(s)

4. Play the song

5. It is very important that you describe what you believe the song means

6. Explain why you choose to play that song


1. Choose three-five appropriate jokes to tell to your audience

2. The jokes should not contain offensive language, racial slurs, or other offensive material.

3. **Remember a joke does not ask a question of the audience. That is a riddle

4. Practice telling the jokes rather than reading them – make sure you know the punch line well (It’s much funnier that way!)

Technology Tycoon

1. Decide what you will teach the class about technology.

2. Explain why you choose this technology topic.

3. Some ideas include:

• an evaluation of a website or app (pros/cons)

• some tricks you’ve learned on a computer program (word, power point, excel, etc.)

• how to use a cool new app

• tricks on any sort of tech device (apple or android).

4. Clearly explain and demonstrate all steps

5. Come prepared with all materials/visuals necessary

Famous Spotlight (Talk Show Style)

1. Decide on a famous person about whom you would like to learn more. (The person does not have to be a celebrity. They can be anyone from history, living or dead.)

2. Research family life, accomplishments, career. “What made you decide to”... Discuss what made them famous

3. Organize information in a logical manner (a way that makes sense)

4. Write a script of at least eight important questions/answers.

5. Ask a friend to help you during the performance by reading the questions. You may want to use costumes, props, music, pictures!

Lottery Winner!

1. What would you do with 1 million dollars?

2. Would you spend it all? (On what?) Would you save some for your future? (What would you be saving it for?) Would you donate some of it? (To whom?)

3. Keep track of your “spending” because you are not allowed to go over! Research prices and keep a record of what you have done with your money.

4. After discussing the details of what you do with the money, show the class the recorded breakdown of what you did with it!

Pet Reporter

1. Tell the class all about your pet or a pet you would like to have

2. Give details such as, when/how you got it, breed, how you care for it, personality traits and things your pet likes to do.

3. Bring in pictures or a video of your pet (or your future pet)

Game Critic

1. Choose a game you enjoy playing (Board game or video game.)

2. Present the game and the game pieces to the class

3. Describe the purpose of the game

4. Describe how to play the game (Including how to win)

5. Explain why you choose this particular game


1. Demonstrate how to do something or how to make something.

2. Keep the steps clear, simple and well organized.

3. List the steps you need to follow.

4. Explain each step as you perform it.

5. Explain why you chose this demonstration.


1. Choose a topic/issue you are interested in

2. Create a survey question about the topic and predict the outcome.

3. Survey friends, family, classmates, teammates, teachers, etc…

4. Explain why you chose to survey this topic/issue

5. 5.Describe the steps you took to collect your data

6. 6. Present the results of the survey to the class in the form of a chart or graph (Computer or hand drawn)

6. Explain the final result-Was it what you expected?


1. Choose something in interesting in nature that you are knowledgeable about or are willing to research. (Ex. plant, animal, hurricanes, tornados, tsunami etc..)

2. Complete necessary research to gain a full understanding of topic

3. Prepare a speech for the class that teaches about this piece of nature.

4. Use props, pictures, diagrams, etc…

5. Explain why you choose this topic.

Magical Magician

1. You are a magical magician that will wow us with your tricks!

2. Research and practice, practice, practice some magic tricks.

3. Perform the trick(s) like a real magician. You may invent a stage name, costume, musical theme, etc..

4. You may choose to reveal your secrets at the end.

Master Speaker

1. This is your chance to speak on any issue/topic about which you have strong feelings or already have a lot of knowledge.

2. It could be an issue. Example: “Should kids have to wear uniforms to school?” Or a topic. Example “My favourite hobby.”

3. You may need to research to find more facts.

4. Use an interesting lead (grabber), clear details and a conclusion that wraps up your topic.

Country Spy

1. You are now a special agent reporting to the highest levels of authority about a country outside of North America.

2. You may use the CIA World Factbook and any other good Internet resources to research that country.

3. Report on the following aspects of the country:

climate, terrain (geography), natural hazards, population, neighbouring countries, literacy rate, type of government, capital city, picture of flag, currency, disputes (conflict), and anything else you think might interest the highest levels of authority!

4. Compare statistics to Canada where appropriate. (Ex. literacy, population)

Dream School Designer

1. Describe what you would do if you were a principal and you could design your own school.

2. You can present a floor plan, diorama, show pictures, describe the classes, events and activities, etc..

Master Chef

1. Decide on a recipe to share with the class (nut free please)

2. Clearly explain all the steps involved in making the dish

3. Show a sample of the food to the class or make enough to share with the class

Evaluator (Volunteer)

1. Your job is to evaluate each speaker during the meeting

2. Fill out an evaluation form

3. Give accurate marks and valuable comments

4. Valuable comments include at least one positive comment and a possible improvement


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