Transcript for Tough to Teach – Slavery in America

|01:00:00 |Classroom |[MUSIC] |

|01:00:01 |Kids reading |LOREDANA: |

| | |History is a hard thing to teach forth graders. Mainly the amount|

| | |of information in the paragraphs. If the kids... |

|01:00:07 |Loredana on screen |LOREDANA: |

| | |…are not able to grasp it it’;s like they’re just reading but |

| | |they’re not understanding anything. |

|01:00:12 |Books on shelves |LOREDANA: |

| | |But the structured informational reading is a lot different. The |

| | |vocabulary is different, this is the time; I've had big years ago |

| | |is really difficult for them, |

|01:00:20 |Students reading |LOREDANA: |

| | |Those are big ideas. The theme; the idea of slavery in America is|

| | |a difficult concept to be able to explain to children providing |

| | |them the opportunity to talk about things like slavery and not |

| | |making it such a taboo thing. |

|01:00:34 |Loredana on screen |LOREDANA: |

| | |Why not I mean lets hear what they have to say. I think they have|

| | |a lot more than, than some Loredanas maybe the leads that they |

| | |have. |

|01:00:39 |TOUGH TO TEACH |[MUSIC] |


| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |I was a struggling student. |

|01:00:45 |Loredana on screen |LOREDANA: |

| | |I was a LEP student; limited English proficient. I have a lot of |

| | |language issues. |

|01:00:49 |Pan around walls of room |LOREDANA: |

| | |Honestly I had such a negative experience in school. |

|01:00:53 |Loredana on screen |LOREDANA: |

| | |School was not done for me. I didn't like it. |


| |FOURTH-GRADE TEACHER |I didn't like anything about it. And so... |


|01:00:59 |Loredana on screen |LOREDANA: |

| | |... and so knowing how long my days were as a student I really try|

| | |hard... |

|01:01:02 |Post it on the screen |LOREDANA: |

| | |... to not have that environment for my kids.. |

|01:01:04 |Students in line |JEAN: |

| | |She doesn't want any... |

|01:01:06 |School building on screen |JEAN: |

| | |... to feel like she did |

|01:01:08 |School exterior |JEAN: |

| | |... or anyone to feel like they can't be successful. |

|01:01:11 |JEAN TREVINO |JEAN: |

| |PRINCIPAL EISENHOWER |And she’s passionate about what she does. She's passionate about |

| |ELEMENTARY SCHOOL |her students. |

|01:01:15 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |Well today boys and girls what we're starting is the new unit. |

| | |You're going to determine the big theme for the big idea of our |

| | |unit today with an opening activity. |

|01:01:23 |Posters on the wall |LOREDANA: |

| | |The lesson today is about Black history month. |

|01:01:26 |Loredana on screen |LOREDANA: |

| | |It's kind of the big idea. |

|01:01:27 |Books on screen |LOREDANA: |

| | |Trying to hit background knowledge on a difficult subject. |

|01:01:30 |Loredana |LOREDANA: |

| | |I like students to see if they can come up with the big idea. So |

| | |I we had a word to work. |

|01:01:34 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |On your desk you have a small envelope. You don't need to open |

| | |the envelope just yet because I want to explain it to you. |

|01:01:40 |Loredana |LOREDANA: |

| | |There were approximately 20 words in an envelope. They have to |

| | |take the words out of the envelope. |

|01:01:45 |Students on screen |LOREDANA: |

| | |And sort them categorize them any which way they wanted to. |

|01:01:48 |Loredana |LOREDANA: |

| | |To see if they could determine the meaning of those words and then|

| | |the big idea of the lesson. |

|01:01:52 |Students on screen |LOREDANA: |

| | |You're just taking these words to see what you know, see if you |

| | |can categorize them and then your goal is to learn from one |

| | |another. |

|01:02:00 |Loredana |LOREDANA: |

| | |It provides an opportunity for them to get; not only to learn from|

| | |one another but there's really no wrong answer. They take risks |

| | |because they know they're not going to get shot down. |

|01:02:07 |Students on screen |LOREDANA: |

| | |You're working with your group there are no wrong answers. That |

| | |level of comfort allows them to just be free with their. So once |

| | |we create that... |

|01:02:14 |Loredana and students |LOREDANA: |

| | |... then I'm able to look at the student and say okay lets go from|

| | |here, let's see what you can do now. It's kind of a warm-up |

| | |activity. Let's see what you know. |

|01:02:22 |Students sorting cards and working in groups |LOREDANA: |

| | |Let's talk about pronunciation of words. Let's see if you can |

| | |learn something new. Are you guys doing okay? What did you guys |

| | |choose; give me one of your ideas |

| | |STUDENT 1: |

| | |Journey route and north. |

|01:02:31 |Loredana with her students |LOREDANA: |

| |We get… |Journey route and north. |

| |Because, journey’s, you could go north. |STUDENT 1: |

| | |That’s because like journeys you could go like north. |

| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |You usually have a route on a journey, right? |

|01:02:38 |Students sorting cards and working in groups |LOREDANA: |

| | |The words sort is extremely powerful because they're not only able|

| | |to cooperatively learn. |

|01:02:42 |Loredana with a group of students |LOREDANA: |

| | |But they're also able to make connections to other things. A whip|

| | |with slave catcher why did you put those together? |

|01:02:48 |Because... in old times... white people whipped them to get |STUDENT 2: |

| |the slaves |Because in old times white people with them to get the slaves. |

| | |STUDENT: |

| | |Whipped people. |

| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |Really. |

|01:02:59 |Students working in group |LOREDANA: |

| | |Determining the main idea or the big idea where the theme. |

|01:03:01 |Loredana in class with student |LOREDANA: |

| | |I use that a lot in my classroom |

|01:03:03 |Students working in group |LOREDANA: |

| | |Because most of the things that we do... |

|01:03:05 |Loredana |LOREDANA: |

| | |... on a daily basis your determining the big idea. You're |

| | |looking at the, the big picture. Understanding... |

|01:03:11 |Student working in group |LOREDANA: |

| | |... how these are details that support it. Okay boys and girls |

| | |let's read like freeze for a second. |

|01:03:17 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |I'm seeing some amazing things out there. I love the way that |

| | |you're conversing with one another. I love the way that I hear |

| | |lots of positive comments. In talking to some of you I got to see|

| | |how much you know about this topic. Also how much we need to |

| | |learn about this topic. Who wants to share one category that you |

| | |guys feel really strongly about you’re like oh yeah this is for |

| | |sure something I think goes together? This is for sure. |

|01:03:38 |Students with hands up |LOREDANA: |

| | |Frausto? |

| | |FRAUSTO: |

| | |Um 1821, Abraham Lincoln, Civil War, Harriet Tubman, plantation |

| | |and route. |

| | |LOREDANA: And what why did you choose those words? |

|01:03:48 |Loredana with students in study session |FRAUSTO: |

| | |Uh because people had to find routes um to escape. |

| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |Okay. |

|01:03:52 |Loredana on screen |LOREDANA: |

| | |And then it gives me a lot of information. It directed my, my |

| | |teaching points throughout the rest of the, of the time because I |

| | |was able to refer back to a lot of the comments they made during |

| | |the word sort. |

|01:04:02 |Loredana with students |LOREDANA: |

| | |Is there one word that stands out to you that you’re like oh man I|

| | |don't know what this is. I don’t know. And he; I can’t even say |

| | |it but I’m going to try. Casey what word stood out to you? |

|01:04:11 |Casey on screen |CASEY: |

| | |Deo onus [PH]? |

| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |Yeah something like that. Does anyone he also wants to take |

| | |another shot at the word. |

| | | |

|01:04:14 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |But you're right that was close That sounds a lot like it. |

| | |Sam? |

| | |SAM: |

| | |Um segregation. |

| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |Segregation. Aubrey? |

| | |AUBREY: |

| | |Racism. |

|01:04:22 |Students on screen |STUDENT 3: |

| | |Racist. |

| | |LOREDANA:. |

| | |Okay so the purpose of this activity... |

|01:04:24 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |... and it is to say okay these are some of the terms I need to |

| | |know. Here's what I already know; maybe I can learn from others. |

|01:04:30 |Students on screen |LOREDANA: |

| | |What you're going to do now is as we... |

|01:04:32 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |... go through the lessons we're going to talk about some of the |

| | |words that you didn't know and some of the words that you actually|

| | |felt strongly about. At this time I want you guys to put those |

| | |words back inside the little envelope and we're going to hopefully|

| | |answer all your questions. |

|01:04:46 |Students on screen |LOREDANA: |

| | |And then those will come and they'll make sense afterwards. |

|01:04:48 |Loredana |LOREDANA: |

| | |Had I done the word sort and they were like the new all the |

| | |vocabulary might lessen would have looked completely different. |

|01:04:53 |Loredana and classroom |LOREDANA: |

| | |So it really helps guide what I need to do and yeah it's kind of |

| | |teaching on the fly but that's the art of teaching. |

|01:05:00 |Loredana addressing classroom |LOREDANA: |

| | |Okay I want to focus your attention up here to the PowerPoint. |

| | |Now I know earlier I said what do you think the big idea is of our|

| | |themes that were launching today. What do you think Marley? |

| | |MARLEY: |

| | |Black History Month. |

| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |Black History month. I love the way she didn’t just say well |

| | |Harriet Tubman. Because remember we have we usually look at the |

| | |big idea, a big theme. |


| |CONDUCTOR OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD |Why do you think we have a whole month dedicated to Black history?|

|01:05:23 |Loredana and students |LOREDANA: |

| | |A whole month dedicated; Stephen? |

| | |STEPHEN: |

| | |They were slaves. |

| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |They were slaves at one point.. Andrew? |

|01:05:31 |Students on screen |ANDREW: |

| | |For all the cool things the blacks did. |

| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |Okay. |

|01:05:34 |Loredana addressing students |LOREDANA: |

| | |Our lesson today is on the Harriet Tubman and I know that many of |

| | |you have a lot of information about her already. While our goal |

| | |and our purpose for this PowerPoint is that we are going to see |

| | |how many words we can clarify from the word sort and how many |

| | |words that we need to continue to clarify when we do the read |

| | |aloud later. |

|01:05:50 |Papers on the desk |LOREDANA: |

| | |Mainly the amount of information in the paragraphs if the kids |

| | |aren’t... |

|01:05:54 |Students reading book |LOREDANA: |

| | |... or if they're not able to grasp but it's just like they’re... |

|01:05:57 |Loredana |LOREDANA: |

| | |... just reading that they're not understanding anything. |

|01:05:59 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |What do you think of the word kind doctor? |

|01:06:02 |Students |LOREDANA: |

| | |What do you think about the word conductor before we start? |

| | |Madison. |

| | |MADISON: |

| | |It's like a train person like the person who liked conducts the |

| | |train. |

|01:06:09 |Loredana addressing students |LOREDANA: |

| | |Right it’s the person who controls the train very good. So |

| | |Conductor of the Underground Railroad what does that mean? |

|01:06:16 |Loredana |LOREDANA: |

| | |Initially when I asked the students you know what is the |

| | |Underground Railroad? It was like well she's the conductor she's |

| | |actually driving the train. |

|01:06:23 |Loredana addressing students |LOREDANA: |

| | |Does anyone have a different perspective for a different idea |

| | |based on information that you know? Sam. |

| | |SAM: |

| | |She um uh has a train that she drives a subway. |

| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |A subway and I thought that was interesting because we take for |

| | |granted... |

|01:06:38 |Loredana |LOREDANA: |

| | |... that we understand the figurative language. But not often |

| | |times the kids understand that. |

|01:06:42 |Students |LOREDANA: |

| | |And to so they really had little knowledge about the Underground |

| | |Railroad. |

|01:06:47 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |Okay sorry objectives is to understand the... |


| |After completing this lesson will, we |... existence of slavery in America and understand the life and |

| |will be able to... |escape of Harriet Tubman. . |

| |Understand the existence of | |

| |slavery in America | |

| |Understand the life and escape of | |

| |Harriet Tubman | |

| |Understand Herriot Tubman's role | |

| |in the Underground Railroad | |

|01:06:54 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |And understand Harriet Tubman's role in the Underground Railroad |

|01:06:57 |Students |LOREDANA: |

| | |We talked about everything from figurative language to context |

| | |clues to social studies. It wasn't just one lesson with one |

| | |specific objective. |

|01:07:06 |Loredana addressing students |LOREDANA: |

| | |Slavery of African-Americans in the United States began as early |

| | |as the fifteen hundreds when the first African slaves were brought|

| | |to the New World by the Spanish. This is a picture of a slave |

| | |ship right here. |


| |Slavery of African |When we did we studied maps in our last June and you realized what|

| |Americans in the United States began as early as 1500 when |the... |

| |the first African slaves were brought to the New World by the| |

| |Spanish. | |

|01:07:21 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |... America's looked like prior to um European exploration. Okay.|

| | | |

|01:07:26 |Students |LOREDANA: |

| | |This was a word that you guys had in your, in your word sort and |

| | |Casey said oh it’s abolol [PH] or something like that. Everyone |

| | |say abolitionists. |

| | |STUDENTS: |

| | |Abolitionists. |

| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |Take ten seconds and I want you to read these two points and then |

| | |I want you to pair./share with someone what you know about |

| | |abolitionists after you read that to yourself. Okay pair/share |

| | |with someone next to you what did you learn about abolitionists? |

| | |STUDENTS: |



| |MOVEMENT |And the PowerPoint basically provided visuals for the same |

| |ABOLITIONISLOREDANA: anyone who |vocabulary words. Okay time... |

| |was against slavery | |

| |abolitionists included many kinds of people white and blacks;| |

| |men and women; rich and poor; and religious and nonreligious | |

|01:08:02 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |... and turn. Now we can ask the same question what is an |

| | |abolitionist were what was considered back then and abolitionists?|

| | |Beth? |


| | |Anybody who is against slavery. |

| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |Anybody who was against... |

|01:08:15 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |...slavery. So now we have that background knowledge. Someone |

| | |who was against slavery at that time. And ever since slaves were |

| | |captured they've always tried to escape and the rise of the |

| | |abolitionist movement made escape easier. How many of you; I want|

| | |you to pair/share your feelings about if you lived back then; if |

| | |you if you were part of this movement, you lived in the fifteen, |

| | |sixteen hundreds, seventeen hundreds how would you feel about |

| | |slavery. I want you to pair/share with someone. Providing them |

| | |the opportunity to talk... |

|01:08:40 |Loredana |LOREDANA: |

| | |... and trying to relate it to something that's going outside |

| | |happening in the world today always keeps it kind of real. |

|01:08:46 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |So this topic elicits a lot of emotion because you see pictures |

| | |like this. |

|01:08:50 |Pictures on screen |LOREDANA: |

| | |Does anyone know what these are right here? |

|01:08:53 |Students |LOREDANA: |

| | |Brooklyn. |

| | |BROOKLYN: |

| | |Handcuffs. |

| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |Handcuffs or even shackles... |

|01:08:56 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |... they called them on their ankles. So we can all concur or |

| | |agree that slaves were not treated well. I'm a very visual |

| | |learner. That's why a lot of the lessons I do in my classroom is |

| | |a giant PowerPoint, large pictures because vision trumps all. |


| |Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in 1821 in Dorchester |Harriet Tubman was a very special person. |

| |County, Maryland. | |

| |Harriet was one of 11 children. All of Harriet's brothers | |

| |and sisters, as well is their parents were slaves on the | |

| |Maryland Plantation. | |

|01:09:12 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |And actually that's our goal for today is to learn a lot about |

| | |her. She was born into slavery in 1821. How many of you saw that|

| | |date on your word sort? She was one of 11 children and all of |

| | |Harriet's brothers and sisters as well as their parents were all |

| | |slaves on a Maryland Plantation. So she lived on the Maryland |

| | |plantation and she was a slave. In her early years she began to |

| | |work at age 6; how many of you were in first grade at age 6? |

| | |Almost all of you. She was working. Making things personal to |

| | |students he gives them so much meaning and purpose. |

|01:09:44 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |We need to understand... |

|01:09:49 |By 1851 the issue of slavery divided the entire nation. The |LOREDANA: |

| |Civil War had begun |... geography a little bit when we discussed this topic and in |

| | |fact... |

|01:09:50 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | | 1851 slavery divided our whole nation. They were against |

| | |slavery up here. But down here in the south they were still for |

| | |slavery. So the nation was divided. They had two completely |

| | |different what? |

| | |STUDENTS: |

| | |Perspectives. |

| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |Perspectives. We discussed perspectives because I want them to |

| | |understand multiple perspectives... |

|01:10:09 |Loredana |LOREDANA: |

| | |... on issues. |

|01:10:09 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |So that began the Civil War. How many of you have never heard |

| | |that before the words the Civil War; you're going to learn a lot |

| | |about that in fifth grade. But that's how that began is because |

| | |we had two different completely different sets of perspectives. |

| | |So when we got to the read aloud they were able to understand the |

| | |text; interact with the text a lot more on me, on the carpet. |

| | |Okay make sure you have your pencil with you because you're going |

| | |to need it. How many of you now feel like I kind of get what |

| | |we're talking about here? I understand the theme, I understand |

| | |the big idea. Good okay because that's the purpose of all that |

| | |warm-up activity. |

|01:10:39 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |If I just read this book to you without having done all that you |

| | |wouldn't have as much background knowledge that you need to be |

| | |able to understand the book. Harriet Tubman was born in 1820 or |

| | |1821 on a large plantation in Dorchester County Maryland. |

|01:10:53 |Students taking notes |LOREDANA: |

| | |Do you understand what plantation means now? |

|01:10:55 |Students |LOREDANA: |

| | |Give me a thumbs up if you have plantation. |

| | |FRAUSTO: |

| | |The lesson was about Harriet Tubman. |

|01:11:00 |FRAUSTO |FRAUSTO: |

| | |She was an inspirational person who bought all the slaves to |

| | |Philadelphia which is a state that has a law that slaves cannot be|

| | |owned. |

|01:11:12 |Loredana addressing students |LOREDANA: |

| | |And it’s really important that when we discussed people; boys and |

| | |girls in the history that you try to put yourself in the shoes |

| | |because you'll really try to understand that moment in time if you|

| | |can try to feel the feelings that those individuals uh felt. |

| | |Harriet said during the day and she traveled at night until she |

| | |reached Pennsylvania. There was a line that state against owning |

| | |slaves. So did she make it all the way up north? |

| | |MADISON: |

| | |Harriet Tubman was brave and... |

|01:11:36 |Madison on screen |MADISON: |

| | |... strong as a woman. Because I know a lot of people wouldn't; a|

| | |lot of women wouldn't get to do what Harriet Tubman did. |

|01:11:44 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |During the years between 1850 and 1860; how many years between |

| | |1850, 1860? |

| | |STUDENTS: |

| | |Ten. |

| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |Ten, ten years. Harriet worked as a cook, a dishwasher, a |

| | |cleaning woman. She used much of the money she earned to make |

| | |nineteen trips south to lead about three hundred slaves to |

| | |freedom. So did she return? |

| | |STUDENTS: Yes. |

|01:12:04 |Students taking notes |LOREDANA: |

| | |I think it really went well because they were able to take the |

| | |higher level of vocabulary that they wouldn't have access to; be |

| | |able to learn it, use it in a comfortable setting. Years later |

| | |Harriet said proudly I never ran my train off the track and they |

| | |never lost a passenger. What do you think she meant; is that |

| | |figurative language? Or is that literal language? |

| | |STUDENTS: |

| | |Figurative. |

| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |Why is that figurative language; Bobbie? |

| | |BOBBIE: |

| | |Because um she wasn't in a train... |

|01:12:30 |Bobbie on screen |BOBBIE: |

| | |... she was just leading them. |

| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |She was leading them. She was a conductor, she was a leader |

| | |excellent. |

|01:12:35 |Loredana addressing class |LOREDANA: |

| | |So closing this book how many of you give me a thumbs up feel |

| | |really comfortable with the topics we've discussed? Now it's your|

| | |turn know to do some independent reading. You have a biography; |

| | |is this narrative or expository? |

| | |STUDENTS: |

| | |Expository. |

| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |It's expository it’s a biography on her life. It's all about |

| | |engagement. Our students, our children are dealing with PSP’s, |

| | |with the YouTube, with the… this video game. |

|01:13:00 |Loredana |LOREDANA: |

| | |I mean its constant visual interaction. |

|01:13:02 |Students working |LOREDANA: |

| | |It’s a constant technology. It’s and information flying at them |

| | |eighty miles an hour. And then they're going to come to class and|

| | |they're going to sit in front of a teacher... |

|01:13:09 |Loredana |LOREDANA: |

| | |... who's just going to talk like this. |

|01:13:12 |Students |[MUSIC] |

| | |LOREDANA: |

| | |And we’re going to wrap up our lesson right now. |

|01:13:16 |Loredana addressing students |LOREDANA: |

| | |You’re going to go back to your words sort now that you know all |

| | |of this stuff and see if we can create some categories and that's |

| | |going to wrap up what we're doing today with this. |

|01:13:25 |Students working on words sort |LOREDANA: |

| | |So we try to present things in a manner that keeps them engaged. |

| | |If you're not engaged you are not really learning and then your |

| | |day is really long. |

|01:13:33 |Loredana |LOREDANA: |

| | |Having multiple objectives and trying to teach a lot of things at |

| | |one time and being able to review; I think that's probably the art|

| | |of teaching that that uh I enjoy most. |

|01:13:41 |With thanks to Larry we get and the staff and students of |[MUSIC] |

| |Eisenhower elementary school. | |



|01:13:55 |Fade to black. | |


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