Open Enrollment Theme 1 Document


Content 3 Ways

TOPIC: Avoid stress during open enrollment


Copy and paste the below content that works best for the way you want your employees to receive the information. The content is presented 3 ways:

1. Long: Designed for your employee newsletter or email

2. Medium: Ready for your employee website or as a brief reminder

3. Short: Great for an employee text message or your employee television

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1. Long: 143 words

For your employee newsletter or email

Avoid stress during open enrollment

Relax during open enrollment? Yes, you can! Making healthcare decisions can be stressful, but it doesn’t need to be. Here are ways to keep a cool, clear head, and enjoy peace of mind, as you discover your options and make your choices:

• Be active. Don’t let your exercise routine slide. Working out is an effective stress buster!

• Don’t delay. It’s tempting to push things off to the last minute, but you can save yourself anxiety by acting sooner rather than later. You’ll feel better knowing your health care is covered.

• Take a deep breath. A few minutes of slow deep breaths can calm you and help you think more clearly.

When it comes to your healthcare, there are no silly questions. Connect with someone in your workplace who can give you the answers you need.

2. Medium: 82 words

For your employee website or as a brief reminder

Avoid stress during open enrollment

Making healthcare decisions can be stressful, but it doesn’t need to be. These tips can help you relax:

• Be active. Don’t let your exercise routine slide. Working out is an effective stress buster!

• Don’t delay. It’s tempting to push things off to the last minute, but you can save yourself anxiety by acting sooner rather than later.

• Take a deep breath. A few minutes of slow deep breaths can calm you and help you think more clearly.

3. Short: 22 words

For an employee text message or your employee television

Don’t let open enrollment stress you out. Exercising, taking action, and breathing deeply can help you relax so you can think clearly.


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