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True or False?Aliens lived on Mars.Honey collectors are attacked by tigers.The temperature in Ethiopia is 50 degrees celsius. Palm flowers grow eight metres high.Unit 4 Day 1 Strange but True! extractsAnother red world is Mars. It is called the “Red Planet” because of the dusty surface layer of orange-red iron oxide. Alien life forms may have lived on Mars three billion years ago when it was warmer and had flowing water. (p18)Honey hunters in the Sundarbans forests of Bangladesh run the risk of tiger attacks. They light fires beside cliffs to smoke the bees out, but many hunters are injured or killed when the big cats come to investigate. (p62)Few people can stand the heat of the Danakil Depression in Ethiopia. Active volcanoes sizzle inside this desert basin and sulphur springs emit choking gases. On the hottest days temperatures in the Danakill depression soar to more than 50 C (122F). (p26)The talipot palm has the largest flower spike of all. Its flowers form an 8m (26 ft) structure on top of the tree, which itself can be up to 25m (82 ft) tall. (p 89)Adapted from Strange but True by Dorling KindersleyUnit 4 Day 1Strange but True! – Activity 1Read these five extracts from Strange but True! Choose the correct heading to write above each. Underline the modal verb in each of these headings. Which other modal verbs would have the same meaning? Write a new heading with a different model verb and roughly the same meaning. Which other modal verbs would make sense, but change the meaning? Write a new heading with a different modal verb and a new meaning. HeadingsGiant pictures would have remained hidden without airplanes. You might think they were real trees. Chimneys will not last foreverCoffins can come in all shapes and sizes.Secret pools can still frighten.1. Underwater archaeologists exploring Mexico’s cenotes (secret pools) have found human skulls and bones suggesting that the Mayan people carried out human sacrifices to honour their gods. The discoveries have scared villagers living near the cenotes today, who steer clear of these pools.2. Fairy chimneys in Turkey are formed with a hard basalt cap. If a fairy chimney loses its basalt cap, it will eventually disappear completely. HeadingsGiant pictures would have remained hidden without airplanes. You might think they were real trees. Coffins can come in all shapes and sizes.Chimneys will not last foreverSecret pools can still frighten.3. Funerals in the West African country of Ghana are upbeat gatherings. Innovative coffins celebrate the deceased’s work or interests. Coffins can be made in the shape of aircraft, cameras and animals. 4. Like an enchanted forest that’s been turned to stone, Grand Tsingy in Madagascar is a sombre scene of spiky, tree-like rocks. The world’s largest stone forest was carved by tropical rain in a process that lasted millions of years.5. Aircraft pilots flying over Peru’s Nazca desert in the 1930s were amazed to see huge drawings scratched into the landscape.Unit 4 Day 1Strange but True! – Activity 2Read these extracts from Strange but True! Write a heading for each that uses a modal verb. Underline the modal verb in your heading. Which other modal verbs would have the same meaning? Which other modal verbs would make sense, but change the meaning? Write a new heading for each one with a different modal verb. Modal Verbsmight would willshallmay cancouldA chance discovery of a hidden pit in Xian, China led to an incredible find – nearly 8,000 life-size soldiers sculpted 2,200 years ago. Called the Terracotta army, these clay figures were crafted to protect the tomb of China’s First Emperor, Qin Shi Huang.Turkey’s ancient underground caves of Cappadocia were once inhabited cities. Steep, hollowed hillsides mask a secret subterranean world. The deepest city, Derinkuyu is about 85 metres deep with a network of floors and tunnels to deter would-be invaders. The Moai sculptures on Easter Island are testament to the extraordinary capabilities of the ancient Polynesians because they were difficult to construct and tough to transport around Easter Island. There are 887 statues all of them male. Most experts believe the Moai were meant to honour the spirits of deceased ancestors, existing chiefs, or others special to the Polynesians but nothing has been proven. The school run is a challenge in some parts of the world. These pupils must walk for two hours each day to attend their school in the mountains of Bije, Guizhou Province, China. As well as passing through narrow tunnels in the rock, they must negotiate this treacherous cliff path, which is just 0.5m wide. Tomatoes are weapons of war at the annual La Tomatina, the messiest date on Spain’s festival calendar. This celebratory fruit-fest is now the world’s biggest food fight. Armed with an endless supply of squashed tomatoes, thousands of participants prepare for pelting!Since 1950 the world’s biggest annual celebration of snow has caused flurries of excitement at Sapporo in Japan. More than 2.4 million visitors descend on the city to wonder at the snow sculptures and toast the winner of the coolest competition around. Maho Beach is no peaceful paradise. Its blue skies are overshadowed by low-flying jets, while the crashing Caribbean surf is drowned out by roaring engines. With the runway just metres from the sand, thrill seekers and plane spotters can experience extreme encounters with aircraft every single day. Google Maps has been providing Google Street View online since 2007. The panoramic views it provides are made of still photographs, often captured by a car-mounted camera. But the Liwa Desert in the United Arab Emirates is not the average street view. These sprawling dunes needed a unique photographer, and an animal already adapted to desert life was the obvious choice. Climber extraordinaire Alain Robert has reached the summit of the world’s tallest buildings, often using just a pair of climbing shoes and his bare hands. Some of his stunts have been authorised, but he has also been arrested many times for scaling buildings without permission. Unit 4 Day 1Strange but True! – Activity 2 – Possible HeadingsHidden city would have had eleven floors!You can make anything from snow.Warriors might never have been found.Your school run won’t be as hard as this.A car would have got stuck.Sculptures could have been built for ancestors.You will get messy!He could have fallen!You might not relax.Unit 4 Day 1Modal Verb ListAbilitycanis able toare able tocouldwas able towere able toPossibilitymaymightcouldcould havemight havewill be able toCertaintywillwill haveUnit 4 Day 1Front Covers INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Unit 4 Day 2Image 1 INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Unit 4 Day 2Image 2 INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Unit 4 Day 2Image 3 INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Unit 4 Day 2Image 4 INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Unit 4 Day 2Image 5 INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Unit 4 Day 2Image 6 INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Unit 4 Day 2Image 7 INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Unit 4 Day 2Image 8 INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Unit 4 Day 2Picture SpeculationsSpeculationCorrect?Points12345678Unit 4 Day 2Picture Speculation – Answers1This is Laetitia Ky, from Cote d’Ivoire in Africa. She sculpts her hair into all kinds of shapes and gestures. 2This is a car vending machine in Singapore. It dispenses luxury cars. 3This is a sculpture by Michael Grab. It’s in a mall in Shanghai, China. It’s made with no glue, cement or nails. 4This is Mallakhamb, a traditional Indian sport dating back to the 12th century. It consists of gymnastics performed on wooden poles and ropes. 5This is the National Fisheries Development Board offices in Hyderabad, India. 6For the past 20 years Song Peiun has been building a stone castle in a valley outside Guiyang, China. 7Lea Schaepe from Germany is known as the bicycle ballerina and can ride a bike while standing on the handlebars. 8Four climbers scaled North Gaulton Castle, Scotland – a tower of sandstone that rises 50 metres out of the ocean. Unit 4 Day 2Two PicturesUnit 4 Day 3Two HeadingsRobots will take over the world.Neanderthals were really hairy and talked in grunts. Two Pieces of Writing The Olympics will be held in Paris in the summer of 2024. They will start on the 27th July and will keep going until the 12th August. This will be the third time that Paris has hosted the Olympics. The games will include 28 sports. It may be that this will be the first Olympics to include video games. Developing technology could also mean that the games are watched by some in virtual reality. I would like to be a competitor at the games. I might try to represent GB in athletics. Schools must have existed in the past, children would have to have learnt at least to read or write. I think that schools in the past may have been stricter and less friendly than schools today. Pupils wouldn’t have been allowed to make choices or decide things for themselves. I think I might have been less happy there. Unit 4 Day 3Two Pieces of Writing – Modal Verbs Writing about the futureThe Olympics will be held in Paris in the summer of 2024. They will start on the 27th July and will keep going until the 12th August. This will be the third time that Paris has hosted the Olympics. The games will include 28 sports. It may be that this will be the first Olympics to include video games. Developing technology could also mean that the games are watched by some in virtual reality. I would like to be a competitor at the games. I might try to represent GB in athletics. Writing about the pastSchools must have existed in the past, children would have to have learnt at least to read or write. I think that schools in the past may have been stricter and less friendly than schools today. Pupils wouldn’t have been allowed to make choices or decide things for themselves. I think I might have been less happy there. Unit 4 Day 3Writing Brief – Past or PresentWriting about the futureWrite a paragraph about the 2024 Paris Olympics.Use the facts below.Include some sentences about how Team GB might do and what you might be doing.Which modal verbs can you include in your writing?DefiniteSummer OlympicsBetween 27th July and 12th August 2024.The third time Paris has hosted. Will be the 33rd Olympics.28 SportsPossible?Include e-sports –video games??Team GB perform better than ever??Watch on virtual reality headsets?Writing about the pastWrite a paragraph about schools in the past.Use the facts below.Include some sentences about what a child like you might experience in the past.Which modal verbs can you include in your writing?DefiniteThere were pupils and teachers.Children were taught to read and write and to do maths.Possible?Schools were stricter and less friendly??Subjects were different??There was milk at break-time??There were no computers?Unit 4 Day 3 ................

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