Unit #1: Research Skills for American History

AP World History Unit #15: Restructuring the Postwar World and Colonies Become New Nations (Chapters 33-34)

Knowledge Scale

Learning Objective: Students will understand the causes, key features, and long-term consequences of World War II and the Cold War.

4 – I can do everything from #3, PLUS I can make unique connections between World War II, the Cold War, and current military conflicts, economic conditions, and cultural traits in the world today.

3 – I can explain 4 or more key topics (People, Ideas, Events, etc.) for each of the following: World War II in Europe, World War II in the Pacific, the Holocaust, the Cold War in Europe, the Cold War in Asia, and the influence of the Cold War on the Third World.

2 – I can explain 2 to 3 key topics (People, Ideas, Events, etc.) for each of the following: World War II in Europe, World War II in the Pacific, the Holocaust, the Cold War in Europe, the Cold War in Asia, and the influence of the Cold War on the Third World.

1 – I’ve heard of World War Ii and the Cold War, but I can’t explain in detail the causes, key features, or consequences of either major world conflict.

0 – I don’t know anything about World War II or the Cold War.

Monday, April 9th – Warm-Up #1

Answer the following questions based on your reading from Chapter 33, Sections 1-2:

1. Search: What is the name of the American policy that aimed to prevent the spread of communism by blocking Soviet influence?

2. Search: What were the huge collective farms formed during the Great Leap Forward called?

3. Search: In the 1940s and 1950s, what did the region described as being “behind the iron curtain” include?

a) Soviet Union only

b) Soviet Union and its satellite nations

c) democratic nations of Western Europe

d) German Democratic Republic; or East Germany

4. Analyze: In what ways did the histories of the two superpowers affect their outlooks, goals or fears about the postwar world? Support your answer. (At least 2 sentences; 1 for each of the superpowers involved in the Cold War)

5. Apply: Compare and Contrast the Soviet Union’s decision to close its borders during the Cold War Era and the United States’ decision to close its borders today. In what ways are the two similar and different?

Tuesday, April 10th– Warm-Up #2

Answer the following questions based on your reading from Chapter 33, Section 3:

1. Search: Which American publicly called for a nuclear attack on China as part of the Korean War?

2. Search: What was the border between North Korea and South Korea at the beginning of the Korean War?

3. Search: When did Chinese troops enter the war in Korea?

a) when the UN voted to intervene

b) when the fighting neared China’s border

c) when MacArthur’s troops landed at Inchon

d) when North Korean troops crossed into South Korea

4. Analyze: Do you think that the United States was justified in supporting the French imperialists who controlled Vietnam and, later, in supporting the corrupt government of South Vietnam? Explain. (At least 1 sentence)

5. Apply: In a recent election the Arab nation of Palestine voted for political leaders from Hamas, a radical Islamic group that, among other things, has called for the destruction of the Jewish nation of Israel. Should the United States take action to change Palestine’s government? Why or Why not? (At least 1 sentence)

Thursday, April 12th – Warm-Up #3

Answer the following questions based on your reading from Chapter 33, Section 4:

1. Search: The Bay of Pigs was a failed to attempt to overthrow what communist leader?

2. Search: Islamic revolutionaries held more than 60 Americans hostage for over a year in what country?

3. Search: During the Cold War, most Third World countries could have been accurately described as being

a) developing nations.

b) established democracies.

c) located in Eastern Europe.

d) aligned with the United States.

4. Analyze: What was at least one action that the United States should not have taken during the Cold War because its outcome had more negative effects than positive? Explain. (At least 1 sentence)

5. Apply: Do you support President Obama’s efforts to establish diplomatic relationships with Latin-American communist nations such as Cuba and Venezuela today? Why or Why not? (At least 1 sentence)

Answer the following questions based on your reading from Chapter 33, Section 5:

1. Search: The Cuban missile crisis pitted Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev against which American President?

2. Search: Who was the first American president to visit Communist China?

3. Search: The policy of détente was mainly intended to

a) reduce Cold War tensions.

b) restrict the spread of communism.

c) call world attention to abuses of human rights.

d) solidify U.S. relations with its economic allies.

4. Analyze: What problems resulted from the Soviet attitude, expressed by Leonid Brezhnev, that the Soviet Union had the right to prevent satellites from rejecting communism and the American attitude, demonstrated in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Vietnam, that it had the right to prevent countries from becoming Communist? (At least 2 sentenecs)

5. Apply: What specific accomplishments would equal “victory” for the United States in its participation in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? (At least 1 sentence)

Friday, April 13th – Warm-Up #4

Unit 15 DBQ

Answer the following questions based on your reading from Chapter 34, Section 1:

1. Search: Known as the Mahatma, or “Great Soul” of the Indian independence movement, what Congress Party leader was assassinated in 1948 by a Hindu extremist?

2. Search: What nation was formerly known as East Pakistan?

3. Search: Which of the following might have relocated after the partition of India?

a) a Muslim in Pakistan b) a Muslim in India

c) a Hindu in India d) a Sikh in Sri Lanka

4. Analyze: What do you think Great Britain could – or should – have done to make the partition of India more efficient and less violent?

5. Apply: After gaining its independence from Great Britain, India was rocked by years of chaos and violence due to the religious differences of its citizens. Based on everything you have learned so far this year in World History, do you believe that religion has had a more positive or more negative impact on the progress of mankind? Cite at least 1 specific historical event, person, or topic to support your answer. (At least 1 sentence)

Monday, April 16th- Warm-Up #5

Answer the following questions based on your reading from Chapter 34, Section 2:

1. Search: What imperialist nation colonized the Philippines?

2. Search: Which Burmese pro-democratic leader won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 while under house arrest?

3. Search: Which of the following became an independent city-state with a standard of living far higher than any of its Southeast Asia neighbors?

a) Burma b) Malaysia c) Indonesia d) Singapore

4. Analyze: Why do you suppose the leaders of newly independent nations in Southeast Asia tended to be repressive, corrupt, or both? (At least 1 reason and 1 sentence)

5. Apply: Should the United States government end trade relations with all non-Democratic nations? Why or Why not? (At least 1 sentence)

Answer the following questions based on your reading from Chapter 34, Section 3:

1. Search: What nation was once France’s principal colony? (Hint: In the early 1990s, civil war began after the ruling government in this country rejected elections won by Islamic militants.)

2. Search: Who was the dictator of Zaire that seized power in a bloodless coup in 1965 and was himself easily overthrown by opposition forces in 1997?

3. Search: French-speaking Africans and West Indians formed a movement to celebrate African culture, heritage, and values called

a) Negritude. b) African Peoples.

c) Black Pride. d) African Heritage.

4. Analyze: In your opinion, is it fair to blame the European colonial powers for the violence that took place in Africa after they withdrew? Explain. (At least 1 sentence)

5. Apply: Imagine that you are the leader of a Sub-Saharan African nation. Your country endured a period of violence and suffered under the AIDS Epidemic in the late 1900s, but has become more stable in the early 2000s. What are three actions you would take or programs you would support to help your country to become more advanced economically?

Tuesday, April 17th – Warm-Up #6

“The oppressed the world over are wresting back their independence. We should not lag behind… Under the Vietminh banner, let us valiantly march forward!” –Ho Chi Minh, 1945

“You have a row of dominos set up, you known over the first one (Vietnam), and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over very quickly. So you could have a beginning of disintegration that would have the most profound influences.” –Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1954

1. Search: a) What did Ho Chi Minh want his people to fight for? B) According to Eisenhower, why did the United States get involved in Vietnam?

2. Analyze: Based on their reasons for fighting, do you believe the U.S. or Vietnamese troops were more dedicated to fight? Why? (At least 1 sentence)

3. Apply: In a war, is it more important to have military technology or have an army of soldiers completely dedicated to your cause? (At least 1 sentence)

Thursday, April 19th – Warm-Up #7

Answer the following questions based on your reading from Chapter 34, Sections 4 and 5:

1. Search: What Egyptian president took office after the assassination of Anwar Sadat by Muslim extremists, kept peace with Israel, and was overthrown by a non-violent, pro-democracy protest movement in 2011?

2. Search: What is the name of the group that took control of Afghanistan in 1998, ruling the nation until it was overthrown by the United States in 2002?

3. Search: Why did the UN fail in its plan to create a Palestinian State in the late 1940s?

a) The Palestinians objected to receiving only part of the Mandate of Palestine.

b) The new state of Israel immediately seized the territory for Palestine.

c) The Israelis did not agree on the borders for the Palestinian State.

d) The Palestinians could not agree on a government for the Palestinian State.

4. Analyze: After World War II, why was there conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians? (At least 1 sentence)

5. Apply: Do you think that, in your lifetime, the situation in the Middle East will be peaceful enough for you to feel comfortable traveling to Iraq and/or Afghanistan as a tourist? Why or why not? (At least 1 sentence)

Friday, April 20th- No Warm-Up

Unit 15 MC & SAQ Test

Supplemental Warm-Ups

Write your partner’s answers to the following questions.

1. What is your full name? (Include all middle names)

2. What is your birthday? (Include month, day, and year)

3. In your opinion, who is the best musical performer/group in the United States today? What makes them the best? (At least 1 sentence)

4. What is the last video game that you played? Why did you play it? (At least 1 sentence)

5. If you could have any one super power, which would you choose? Why? (At least 1 sentence)

Write your new neighbor’s answers to the following questions.

1. What is your full name?

2. What is your date of birth? (Include month, date, and year)

3. What are three brands of clothing currently in your closet/dresser? Which is your favorite? Why? (At least 1 sentence)

4. If you could live in any time period (other than the present), when would you choose to live and why? (Example: 1950s; I think Elvis Presley is really cute and I like boring suburban life)

5. Fill in the blank: The coolest person I personally know is _______________. Explain your answer. (At least 1 sentence)

*Hans’ Rosling – “Asia’s Rise” - (17:20)


“Yesterday, December 7, 1941 – a date which will live in infamy – the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan… The facts of yesterday speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation… No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.” –Franklin Roosevelt, December 8, 1941

1. Search: Which country attacked the United States on December 7th, 1941

2. Analyze: What steps would the United States government need to take to prepare the country for war? Give at least 2 specific steps.

3. Apply: If a major war broke out and you were drafted into the U.S. military, what are two things you would do before going to fight? Explain each answer in at least 1 sentence.

(10-15 minutes) *Bell Work – “Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force! You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you…I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory.” –General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

1) Search: What are the three traits that General Eisenhower said he had confidence in the soldiers?

2) Analyze: Why would these specific traits be important on D-Day? Choose two of the three and explain in one sentence each.

3) Apply: Of the three traits, which do you think is the most difficult for you to develop? Why? Explain in at least 1 sentence.

“That’s the difficulty in these times: ideals, dreams and cherished hopes rise within us, only to meet the horrible truth and be shattered. It’s really a wonder that I haven’t dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.”

– Anne Frank, July 15th, 1944 (The Diary of Anne Frank: The Revised Critical Edition, p.716)

1. Search: Why did Anne Frank hold on to her ideals during World War II?

2. Analyze: Why do you think Anne kept a journal of her day to day life while her family was in hiding during World War II? (At least 1 sentence)

3. Apply: What does it mean to be “good at heart”? How can you tell if someone is “good at heart”? (At least 1 sentence)

(10-15 minutes) *Bell Work – Answer the following questions based on the film “Life is Beautiful”

1) Search: What did the father tell his son was the reason that they were in the concentration camp?

2) Analyze: Why did the father choose this explanation to give to his son? (At least 1 sentence)

3) Apply: Do you believe that it is right for parents to lie or hide the truth from their pre-teenage children? If yes, give at least 1 example of something that parents like about and explain why it is right for parents to lie about it. If no, give an example of something that parents often lie about and explain why they should not lie.

“The resettlement center is actually a jail – armed guards in towers with spotlights and deadly tommy guns, fifteen feet of barbed-wire fences, everyone confined to quarters at nine…. What really hurts is being called ‘Japs’. ‘Japs’ are the guys we are fighting.” –Ted Nakashima, The New Republic, June 5th, 1942

1. Search: What WWII surprise attack led to the confinement of Ted Nakashima in an internment camp?

2. Analyze: Why do you think the United States imprisoned thousands of Japanese Americans near the West Coast during World War II? At least 1 reason and 1 sentence.

3. Apply: Following the terrorist attacks on September 11th, Why do you think that the United States did not imprison Arab Americans? At least 1 reason and 1 sentence.

“From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe… All these famous cities and the populations around them lie in the Soviet sphere and all are subject in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and increasing measure of control from Moscow.” –Winston Churchill, “Iron Curtain” speech, March 5th, 1946.

1. Search: a) What regions of Europe did Churchill identify as being under Soviet control in 1946? B) List 3 countries that are located in these regions.

2. Analyze: Why did Churchill choose the term “Iron Curtain” to describe Soviet controlled regions? What implications may he have been making through this comment?

3. Apply: Compare and Contrast the Soviet Union’s decision to close its borders during the Cold War Era and the United States’ decision to close its borders today. In what ways are the two similar and different?

“This war is different from all earlier ones; the conqueror of a region imposes his own social system on it.” –Joseph Stalin

“The American people desire, and are determined to work for, a world in which all nations and all peoples are free to govern themselves as they see fit, and to achieve a decent and satisfying life.” –Harry S. Truman

1. Search: According to Truman, what were Americans working for in the World War II Era?

2. Analyze: How did Truman’s views on power differ from Stalin’s? (At least 2 sentences)

3. Apply: In recent years leaders of Iran have been belligerent towards the Western World, calling for the destruction of the Jewish nation of Israel. Should the United States take action to change Iran’s government? Why or Why not? (At least 1 sentence)

(10-15 minutes) Bell Work - “If North Vietnam will stop its campaign to destroy the Republic of Vietnam, the measures we are taking to assist South Vietnam will no longer be necessary… We see no necessity for international negotiations… We cannot think of any points to negotiate.” –Dean Rusk, 1963

“No one can assure you that we can beat the Viet Cong, no matter how many troops we deploy. No ground forces of whatever size can win a guerrilla war – which is at the same time a civil war in jungle terrain in the midst of an uncooperative population.” –George Ball, 1965

1. Search: According to Rusk, when should the United States end its participation in the war?

2. Analyze: Why does Ball think that Rusk’s strategy will not work? (At least 1 sentence)

3. Apply: What specific accomplishments would equal “victory” for the United States in its participation in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? (At least 1 sentence)

“Those of us who shout the loudest about Americanism in making character assassinations are all too frequently those who ignore some of the basic principles of Americanism: The right to criticize. The right to hold unpopular beliefs. The right to protest. The right of independent thought. Freedom of speech has been so abused by some that it is not exercised by others.” – Senator Margaret Chase Smith, June 1, 1950

1) Search: According to Senator Smith, what do people who make “character assassinations” ignore?

2) Analyze: Of the rights listed by Senator Smith, which do you think is the most important in a successful democracy? Why? (At least one sentence)

3) Apply: When have you seen one of the rights mentioned by Senator Smith be denied to an individual or group? Explain the situation in at least 1 sentence.

“Recognizing the responsibility of the advanced industrial nations to set an example in combating mankind’s common enemies, the United States and the Soviet Union have agreed to cooperate in efforts to reduce pollution and enhance environmental quality. We have agreed to work together in the conquest of cancer and heart disease.” – Richard Nixon, June 1, 1972

1. Search: What are two issues which the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to work on together?

2. Analyze: Why do you think that in the 1970s the United States attempted to establish friendly relations with the Soviet Union and China? (At least 1 sentence)

3. Apply: Do you believe that President Obama should attempt to establish diplomatic relationships with Iraq, North Korea, and Cuba? Why or Why not? (At least 1 sentence)

“The lies, the lies, the lies! What a pity, what a pity! Here was a President who got us out of Vietnam, ended the draft… and by his bold overtures to Red China opened new avenues of world peace. Now the good vanishes in the wreckage of the bad. The swearing-in of Gerald Ford can’t come one hour too soon.” –James J. Kirkpatrick, August 30, 1974

1. Search: What 3 accomplishments of President Richard Nixon does Kirkpatrick praise?

2. Analyze: In your opinion, who was the worst President in American History? What is one specific decision or action made by the President that you believe was wrong?

3. Apply: Based on your personal behavior, do you believe that you could be elected as President of the United States? Why or Why not? (At least 1 sentence)

“After I noticed the flash, white clouds spread over the blue sky. It was amazing. It was as if blue morning-glories had suddenly bloomed up in the sky… Then came the heat wave. It was very, very hot. Even though there was a window glass in front of me, I felt really hot. It was as if I was looking directly into a kitchen oven.” – Isao Kita, Hiroshima Witness

1. Search: Against what country were the only two atomic-bomb attacks in world history carried out?

2. Analyze: Based on your current knowledge, why do you believe that the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima?

3. Apply: Should the United States spearhead a worldwide effort to eliminate all nuclear weapons, including its own? Explain your answer?

Answer the following questions based on your reading from Chapter 33, Section 5:

1. Search: The Cuban missile crisis pitted Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev against which American President?

2. Search: Who was the first American president to visit Communist China?

3. Search: The policy of détente was mainly intended to

a) reduce Cold War tensions.

b) restrict the spread of communism.

c) call world attention to abuses of human rights.

d) solidify U.S. relations with its economic allies.

4. Analyze: What problems resulted from the Soviet attitude, expressed by Leonid Brezhnev, that the Soviet Union had the right to prevent satellites from rejecting communism and the American attitude, demonstrated in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Vietnam, that it had the right to prevent countries from becoming Communist? (At least 2 sentenecs)

5. Apply: What specific accomplishments would equal “victory” for the United States in its participation in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? (At least 1 sentence)


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