|NCCC_065 | |

|Title: |Indicators of Social Change in the Marketplace: Producers, Retailers and Consumers |

|Duration: |October 2006 to September 30, 2011 |

|Administrative Advisor(s): |Marilyn DeLong |

|CSREES Reps: | |

Meeting Minutes 11/8-11/9/08

Members Attending

Sharron Lennon (Chair), University of Delaware, Newark

Mary Lynn Damhorst (Vice Chair), Iowa State University, Ames

Nancy Miller (Secretary), University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Marilyn DeLong (Administrative Advisor), University of Minnesota, St. Paul

Cynthia Jasper, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Jung-Hwan Kim, University of South Carolina, Columbia

Minjeong Kim, Oregon State University, Corvallis

Kim Johnson, University of Minnesota, St. Paul

Brenda Sternquist, Michigan State University, East Lansing

Leslie Stoel, The Ohio State University, Columbus

Scarlett Wesley, University of Kentucky, Lexington

Partial attendance (due to conflicting meetings): Kim Hiller-Connell, Kansas State University, Manhattan; Linda Manikowske, North Dakota State University, Fargo; Laura Jolly, University of Georgia


The annual meeting was held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel at in Schaumburg, IL November 8 through 9, 2008. The chair called the meeting to order at 2:05 pm on Saturday November 8 and recessed around 6:00pm; it resumed again at 8:30am on November 9, 2008.

The meeting began with introductions around the table. A call for corrections to 2007 minutes was requested, none received. A call for a motion to approve minutes was requested. Cynthia Jasper moved to accept the minutes, the motion was seconded by Leslie Stoel and the motion was passed by a unanimous vote.

The membership contact list was passed around for addition of new members as well as corrections. Sharron Lennon reported that an election for the position of secretary position was needed at this time because Melody LeHew was elected as secretary of ITAA and could no longer serve as secretary to the NCCC-065 group. Nancy Miller was nominated by Mary Lynn Damhorst to complete Melody’s term as secretary. The motion was seconded by Laura Jolly and then approved by unanimous vote. Discussion was also held to determine the secretary position for 2010 since the rotation would move Nancy to Vice Chair and Mary Lynn to Chair leaving the secretary position unfilled. Discussion was tabled, but Sharron Lennon will contact to determine interest in the position of secretary for 2010 and 2011.


2005 USDA Grant Funding Pre-conference-follow-up Survey. We have recently conducted a follow-up survey assessing effectiveness of the grant workshop with Pat Hipple, program officer for NRI. The survey work is currently in progress. The following questions have been complied and were sent electronically to all who attended the pre-conference session:

1. Have you applied for a USDA grant or other government grant over the last two years? If so, please indicate what type of grant it was and the agency targeted. Please indicate multiples if you submitted more than one proposal. [If no, please skip to Questions 4 and 5.]

2. If you have submitted a grant application, was the application successful in procuring funding? If not, will you or did you resubmit?

3. If you applied, do you know why your application was successful or unsuccessful?

4. Was the USDA preconference workshop at ITAA helpful to you in any way? Why or why not?

5. What aspect of grant writing do you think should be covered in another workshop or conference session?

ESRAB Meeting. There were several ESRAB sponsored meetings at the International Textile and Apparel Association annual conference. Meetings were:

• Sustainable Development in Textiles and Apparel Production for Community and Hill Tribes in Thailand ( Nov. 6, 2008 5:00 to 7:00 pm)

• Educators for Socially Responsible Apparel Business (ESRAB) meeting (Nov. 6, 2008, 7:00 to 9:00 pm).

Sharron reported around 40 attended. Participants shared teaching techniques. Marsha Dickson asked four to present. Michael Londrigen (LIM in NYC) discussed production, Suzanne Loker, from Cornell University, explained the 9 on-line credit courses from the University of Delaware. She highlighted the threaded discussions used in the classroom and used examples such as packaging and waste to initiate class discussions. There was also general discussion regarding the mechanisms of these courses and how to assign grades. Angelina Jones, a graduate student from the University of Minnesota, talked about a research project whereby the definitions of social responsibility were cognitively mapped. Susan Strawn, from Dominican University, discussed a service learning example and shared issues and aspects of the class. The session contained a nice mix of teaching ideas and research projects. Marsha Dickson is working with a UK group putting together a manual of strategies for teaching about social responsibility and sustainability. Haesun Park at Louisiana State University is working on updating the ESRAB website. It was suggested that the ESRAB folks make known the web address for ITAA members.

Presentations on Social Responsibility Topics at the 2008 ITAA Conference:

Marsha A. Dickson—University of Delaware, “Aligning International Practices with Labor Compliance—A collaboration between UD, BSR, and the FLA”

Michael Londrigan—Laboratory Institute of Merchandising and Social Accountability International, “Integrating Social Compliance & Sourcing”

Suzanne Loker—Cornell University “Discussion Board Adventures: Engaging Students in Inter-institutional Dialogue”

Susan Strawn—Dominican University “Service Learning Focused on Recycling and Disposal of Textiles and Clothing”

Angelina R. Jones—University of Minnesota, “Corporate Social Responsibility: A Conceptual Analysis.”

Special Topics Session: Evolving Patters in Statistical Methods: overview of Structural Equation Modeling. Leslie Stoel, Minjeong Kim and Jung-Hwan Kim, members of NCCC-065 sponsored this special session. There were approximately 36 attendees representing a mix of new and semi-experienced faculty and grad students who use SEM. Participants suggested a follow-up to this session be offered at the 2009 meeting, perhaps taking participants further in this statistical method. Brenda Sternquist suggested the information presented at the 2008 session be made available to individuals not involved in ITAA, such as the American Collegiate Retailing Association.

Special Topics Session: Building Research Collaborations. This session was sponsored by a group of researchers including NCCC-065 members Nancy Miller, Leslie Stoel. The history of a successful research collaboration was explained as an evolutionary process over a four year period. The timeline is listed below:

• Nov 2004 Portland, OR: at ITAA → Realization of commonalities in research interests

• Aug 2005 Omaha, NE: Informal get together for two days to strategize

• Nov 2005 Alexandria, VA: at ITAA, conceptualized the research questions and theory.

• NCCC65 pre-conference workshop: attended the USDA presentation – helped to identify a funding source

• Nov 2006 San Antonio, TX: Special Topic Session, Research Agenda 2010: Forging New Directions and Partnerships was conducted with NCCC-065 members and ITAA members to discover research interests and commonalities among the participants.

• Jan 2006 Tucson, AZ: met at the USA Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) conference to finalize an NRI Conference Proposal

• Jan 2006: Submitted USDA Conference Grant Proposal for NRI Markets and Trade. $10,000 in funding generated for a conference in Kansas City. (included in the proposal were NCCC-65 members, N. Miller, L. Stoel, L. Jolly)

• Jan 2007 Orlando, FL: at USASBE meeting, furthering discussion of the conference.

• Apr 2007 Kansas City: NRI Data Sharing Conference – NCCC-65 members attending were L. Stoel, N. Miller, L. Jolly, K. Johnson, H. Bastow-Shoop

o 16 researchers + 4 presenters convened in Kansas City in April 2007 to discuss rural issues & trends, sharing data, collaborating on papers, and generating ideas for grant proposals. Conference generated research questions and qualitative data collection procedures

o Ideas for USDA-NRI grant – plan to use incorporate the preliminary data into a NRI Rural Development proposal submission in early 2008.

o Second group made up of NCCC-065 member N. Miller along with T. Besser and R. Goe (conference attendees) developed ideas for a second NRI Rural Development grant.

o Summer/Fall 2007: Qualitative Data Collection & Analysis completed The conference grant was funded and several of the researchers agreed to collect qualitative data during the Summer of 2007, following a protocol developed at the post conference. Transcripts from the recorded interviews were submitted and N. Miller and S. Sattler Weber used Atlas-ti software to analyze the interviews.

o Nov 2007 Los Ángeles, CA: ITAA. A pre-conference informal meeting was held with 10 researchers from 9 states who collected data (data from 9 researchers in 8 states was usable). We discussed themes generated in the interviews with community leaders and retailers. In addition, most attended the ITAA pre-conference workshop on writing research proposals.

• NCCC65 pre-conf workshop, Research on the Edge: From Concept to Fundable Proposal– the group attended and worked to refine research objectives. Individuals participating in this workshop were added to the research group and collected data as a requirement of inclusion on the NRI grant proposal.

• Feb 2008: L. Stoel, L. Niehm, and B. Frazier and several collaborators (NCCC-65 members include N. Miller, L. Jolly, M. Kim), submitted USDA-NRI Rural Development Research Grant Proposal requesting $500,000.

• Feb 2008: T. Besser, N. Miller, R. Goe submitted UDSA- NRI Rural Development Research Grant Proposal requesting $490,000.

• Summer 2008: Proposal funded – Community Resiliency: Role of the Retail Sector in Easing Sudden and Slow Motion Economic Shocks for $500,000. Everyone who contributed to the qualitative data was invited to serve as collaborators on the grant and work is moving forward to include all the collaborators on manuscript writing from the qualitative data.

• Summer 2008: second proposal funded - Latino and Women Owned Businesses as Generators of Amenity Rich Rural towns in the Corn Belt and Northern Plains States, for $490,000.

Summary of Funded Grants:

Role of the Retail Sector in Easing Sudden and Slow Motion Economic Shocks

NRI Grant 2008 - 2011: Project Summary

Recently, rural communities have faced massive demographic shifts and economic restructuring, creating unprecedented need for change. Some communities have adapted well; they have demonstrated greater resiliency. We address the overlooked contribution of the retail sector to rural community resilience. This gap in the literature is an important problem because the knowledge will allow researchers to specify how consumers, retailers, and community sectors interact to enhance resilience. Also, there is need for rural development strategies that aid in stemming out-migration of younger residents. The goal of the proposed integrated project is to identify how retailers contribute to resiliency in rural communities coping with economic and non-economic shocks and use results to educate students, community leaders and retailers about resiliency. Based on institutional theory and informed by preliminary qualitative data, the central hypothesis is that local retailers provide multiple resources that contribute to community resiliency. Our mixed-methods approach collects quantitative data to identify retail contributions to resiliency, triangulates findings with preliminary qualitative results, and engages college students in quantitative and qualitative project research. As outcomes we expect to find that specific characteristics influence community ability to attract and retain new retail business and these effects will differ in resilient and non-resilient communities. Research results will be used to develop focused diagnostic tools for a pilot project aimed at building community resiliency through experiential learning projects engaging post-secondary students with rural community constituents. Exposing college students to rural career opportunities may help mitigate the “brain drain” that has frequently stifled rural community resiliency.

Latino and Women Owned Businesses as Generators of Amenity Rich Rural towns in the Corn Belt and Northern Plains States

NRI Rural Development 2008-2010,

T. Besser (Iowa State University - Sociology) , N. Miller (University of Nebraska -Merchandising and Small Business), R. Goe (Kansas State University - Sociology)

Rural communities in the Plains and Corn Belt states have not participated in the "rural renaissance" experienced in other parts of the country. However, the growth of Latino and women owned businesses occuring in rural towns in those states offers the promise of enhancing economic vitality and creating amenities that attract and retain young adults. We argue that formal business networks are a mechanism that can be utilized by towns and policy makers to increase the survival, success, and civic mindedness of business owners. Successful civic oriented business will in turn help create destination downtowns and advance other quality of life amenities in those locations. We propose a research protocol to better understand the challenges and needs of Latino/a and women business owners and mechanisms to build effective business networks tailored to their specific situation. We will develop an amenity inventory and determine the relationship of amenities to youth migration and business success. The inventory will help small towns in the Plains and Corn Belt identify and promote the historical, cultural, recreational, and street life amenities unique to their circumstances. This knowledge will be incorporated into Extension, SBDC, and community development materials and programming in Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas.

Increasing membership in NCCC-065. One new member, Scarlet Wesley from the University of Kentucky has joined the group. She indicated she was looking for a multi-state project on the NIMS system and thought our objectives matched her interests. Other schools not represented but could be tapped included, Illinois, Purdue, Missouri and Virginia Tech. Marilyn DeLong indicated members need not be from land-grant institutions, but should include those whose interests connect to our objectives.

Review of NCCC-065 Accomplishments

1. Set research priorities for multi-state and national work on emerging issues relevant to Social Change in the Marketplace.

• San Antonio (2006): Special Topic Session, Research Agenda 2010: Forging New Directions and Partnerships – The session was organized and conducted by the NCCC-65 Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group to bring together a diverse and multi-disciplinary group of ITAA scholars to discuss social changes occurring in the marketplace and to set priorities for multi-institutional research. Changing market, environmental, and policy forces continue to create social change in the marketplace impacting producers, retailers, and consumers. Members of NCCC-65 are committed to fostering research and dialogue as a means of understanding and explaining marketplace changes that impact the consumer-marketplace interface.

o As an outgrowth of previous ITAA Special Topic Sessions (1998 and 2000) and Workshops (2001, 2002, 2005) the focus of this session was on three key areas of social change in the marketplace: 1) technology and its impact on consumer/retailer/producer actions in the marketplace, 2) society's impact on consumer demand for goods and services to improve human well being, and 3) economic linkages among consumers, retailers, and producers to enhance community development.

o Follow-up actions included establishing an e-mail distribution list to disseminate summaries of the breakout group session discussions. The following information was distributed via the e-mail summarizing the key areas of research generated during the special topic session.

1) Technology and its impact on consumer/retailer/producer actions in the marketplace (10 participants)

- Human dimensions

- Business perspectives

- Technology and disaster preparedness/response

- Partnerships between government and private industry

- Adoption of technology (economic and social implications)

- Apparel and textile design applications

- Design copyright issues in a digital environment

- Application of high tech products for mass market uses

2) Society's impact on consumer demand for goods and services to improve human well being (15 participants)

- Overweight/obesity

- Market segmentation (ethnic, age, and size groups)

- Over indulgence (conspicuous consumption, materialism, over extended credit, counterfeits)

- Socially responsible marketing (consumption, sustainability, green marketing/eco marketing)

- World consumption patterns (generational differences, impact of society)

- Body modification trends

- Scale development to measure variables related to consumer behavior across cultures

- Globalism effects (effects of consumerism, producers, retailers)

- Apparel and spirituality

- Balance of corporate responsibility with corporate profits

- Legislative mandates

3) Economic linkages among consumers, retailers, and producers to enhance community development (8 participants)

- Conceptualization of the consumer market (in the community, region, and at a distance via technology)

- Changing consumer demographics due to in migration and out migration (ethnicity, aging, expertise, etc.)

- Meeting the needs of a changing consumer market

- Socio/cultural changes that infuse diverse expertise and create new consumer needs

- Technological changes and the need for communication and education

- Creating opportunities that employ and attract technology experts

- Matching experience and expertise to support business development and mentoring

• Los Angeles (2007) - Research on the Edge: From Concept to Fundable Proposal Pre-conference workshop at 2007 ITAA meeting, with 24 participants.

• Sustainable Development in Textiles and Apparel Production for Community and Hill Tribes in Thailand ( Nov. 6, 2008 5:00 to 7:00 pm)

• Educators for Socially Responsible Apparel Business (ESRAB) meeting (Nov. 6, 2008, 7:00 to 9:00 pm).

2. Identify strategies to increase the rigor of the research methodology and empirical techniques used to study Social Change in the Marketplace.

• Evolving Patterns in Statistical Methods: overview of Structural Equation Modeling – SEM workshop ITAA 2008, 36 attendees.

• BREEZE conference – Mixed Methods Research: Building Research Collaborations to Enhance Rural Economic Development, September, 2007, 27 participants

3. Provide an opportunity for scholars to build partnerships, develop mutual interests, and foster collaborative national research efforts on Social Change in the Marketplace.

• Building Research Collaborations - ITAA Special Session 2008, 24 attendees

• Pre-conference workshop at 2007 ITAA meeting NCCC65 pre-conf workshop, Research on the Edge: From Concept to Fundable Proposal, 24 attendees, evaluations under review.

• Apr 2007 Kansas City: NRI Data Sharing Conference, 20 attendees

Grants funded:

• Role of the Retail Sector in Easing Sudden and Slow Motion Economic Shocks – NRI Rural Development 2008- 2011

• Latino and Women Owned Businesses as Generators of Amenity Rich Rural towns in the Corn Belt and Northern Plains States – NRI Rural Development 2008-2010.

4. Share and critique new ideas and new unpublished data regarding issues related to Social Change in the Marketplace.

• Apr 2007 Kansas City: NRI Data Sharing Conference, 20 attendees. WebCT site housed at Iowa State University for housing conference abstracts, as well as data and reference sharing.

Plan for submitting annual report (2007-2008)

Accomplishments and impacts

Impacts due

Member publications

Midterm Report due.

Implementation of NCCC-065 proposal objectives and plans for 2008-2009.

1. Set research priorities for multi-state and national work on emerging issues relevant to Social Change in the Marketplace.

• Broaden our impacts and connections to additional organizations beyond ITAA.

o Consider meeting in 2009 at the Academy of Marketing Sciences and the American Collegiate Retailing Association’s Triennial Retailing meeting in New Orleans.

o Presentations or special sessions will involve issues relevant to scholars in retailing, marketing, management, community development, etc.

o Exchange of information will add to NCCC-065 knowledge as well as promote research collaborations.

2. Identify strategies to increase the rigor of the research methodology and empirical techniques used to study Social Change in the Marketplace.

• Expand Structural Equation Modeling workshop topics and delivery

o Introduction – repeat using technology such as ‘skype’ for delivery, summer 2009

o Theoretical Issues - SEM set up…what are the appropriate questions that SEM can address, multiple indicators, latent variables, questionnaire design – Pre Conference Workshop or Special Topics Session, assigned reading with hands on experiences, fall 2009.

o Advanced – time series, multiple groups, path versus SEM analysis – future concept requiring advance notice and fee, invite expert analyst for presentation, 2010

o Reviewing SEM research - future session, 2010 or 2011

3. Provide an opportunity for scholars to build partnerships, develop mutual interests, and foster collaborative national research efforts on Social Change in the Marketplace.

• Community of Science – Registration and updating profiles

o Encourage/challenge ITAA member registration in COS indicating ITAA in the membership list in their profile.

o NCCC-065 members will register indicating NCCC-065 membership. Promote in ITAA newsletter

• Grantsmanship or coaching in grant writing

o Provide tips for grant writing in ITAA and ACRA newsletter each month, “Tips from NCCC-065”

• Continue work on grants funded

o Role of the Retail Sector in Easing Sudden and Slow Motion Economic Shocks – NRI Rural Development 2008- 2011

o Latino and Women Owned Businesses as Generators of Amenity Rich Rural towns in the Corn Belt and Northern Plains States – NRI Rural Development 2008-2010.

4. Share and critique new ideas and new unpublished data regarding issues related to Social Change in the Marketplace.

• Request USDA Representative visit with NCCC-065.

o Make personal contact with program leader suggesting 2010 meeting to explain changes in CSREES to NIFA, and NRI to AFRI.

o Engage group in discussion of new partnerships or linkages. Consider meeting in Washington, DC. or building a Special Topics Session at ITAA.

Report from NCRA Administrator Marilyn DeLong

Farm Bill generated changes – CSREES now National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA). NRI is renamed the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative. Six areas of REEO are:

1. Renewable energy, natural resources and environment;

2. Food safety, nutrition, and health;

3. Plant health and production and plant products;

4. Animal health and production and animal products;

5. Agricultural systems and technology; and

6. Agricultural economics and rural communities.

Midterm report contents – generated from state reports, list of publications, and minutes. Time line established: 11/22 deadline for list of publications to Minjeong Kim, 11/22 deadline for submission state reports to Nancy Miller.

Reports on University research and significant program initiatives

University of Delaware

The Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies at University of Delaware has enrolled seven students in the MS in Fashion Studies program. The department has also developed a doctoral program and that proposal has been approved at the college level and should be through the approval process by spring. As part of the Business International Education grant ($165,000) through the Department of Education, four faculty have traveled to Asia to do the work of the grant. The department hosted two undergraduates from Hong Kong Polytechnic University during spring semester 2008 and one University of Delaware student spent spring semester at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The online grad certificate program in Socially Responsible and Sustainable Apparel Business continues to enroll students. We continue to offer the Fashioning Social Responsibility Distinguished Lecture Series for the fourth year. In March Lynda Grose spoke on Sustainability: A designer’s perspective. In October 2008 we had Coral Rose from Eco-Innovations speak on Sustainable textiles: Mindset shift at the design level. The department is also involved in a new initiative: the University of Delaware Sustainability Apparel Initiative (UDSAI).  This initiative will promote environmental sustainability and social responsibility in the apparel and retail industries. In partnership with key leaders from industry and the public, the UDSAI will link UD faculty, undergraduate, and graduate students with industry and other leaders involved in sustainability in a collaborative partnership to launch research, education, community service, and public policy endeavors that expand knowledge and skills needed for a more sustainable future.

Report from the University of Georgia

University initiatives include establishing the Medical College of

Georgia/University of Georgia Medical Partnership Campus in Athens and

continuation of the Archway projects throughout the state engaging UGA

faculty in partnering on community needs/initiatives. Undergraduate

enrollment is steady with tremendous growth in the Family Financial

Planning major and the Consumer Economics program on the Griffin campus.

Graduate enrollment is increasing. The undergraduate emphasis in Soft

Goods Manufacturing & Merchandising continues to gain momentum. Students

are gaining experience sourcing products internationally and

domestically working with industry partners in Georgia. Study abroad

trips to Tokyo and London and an upcoming trip to China enhance

students’ global experiences. Four faculty joined the college in Fall

2008 and two will begin in January 2009. Faculty in Textiles,

Merchandising & Interiors developed three historic clothing and textile

exhibits, Shaping the Silhouette: A Glimpse into 20^th Century Fashion

at the Georgia Museum of Art, The Other Man from Plains: Billy Carter’s

Wardrobe Revealed in the Barrow Hall Gallery and For the Love of Labels:

the Art of Designer Ready-to-wear at the Lyndon House. The College

continues to increase the number of endowed professorships with the

naming of the Bill & June Flatt Professor in Foods & Nutrition and

funding of a University of Georgia Professorship in Family & Consumer

Sciences. Other endowments have been funded to support general academic

needs across the college. A planned giving initiative, 100 Legacies in

the Making, resulted in 106 planned gifts to the College.

Report from Iowa State University

The College of Human Sciences at Iowa State University is searching for a new dean. Interviews will commence during spring 2009. The interim dean is Dr. Pamela White from Food Science and Human Nutrition. The Helen LeBaron Hilton Chair for 2008-2009 is Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings, an expert on teacher education training, minority student and faculty success, and critical race theory at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She will visit Iowa State University several times during spring semester 2009 to contribute to seminars, classes, and workshops as well as give public and class lectures and work with individual faculty and graduate students.

The Apparel, Educational Studies, and Hospitality Management Department (AESHM) received funding for an endowed chair—the Noma Scott Lloyd Chair in Textiles and Clothing. The Department is searching for a candidate to fill the professor-level position with a focus on technology and textiles and apparel. The Department also is searching for two positions in consumer behavior/marketing and management, respectively. Faculty hired for the positions will need to teach classes that service both hotel and restaurant management and textiles and clothing students.

The AESHM Department passed its 7-year university review last spring. It has begun recruitment of students from Dong-Hua University in Shanghai, P.R. China, for the joint Masters program with the apparel science program at that university. AESHM was also given a body scanner as part of the recruitment package for a new faculty member. Several interdisciplinary studies involving the body scanner have begun with departments around campus.

Report from Kansas State University

The Department of Apparel Textiles and Interior Design continues to pursue opportunities for infusing sustainability into the undergraduate and graduate programs as well as in faculty member scholarship programs. Four new faculty members were hired in the past year. Two apparel and textile faculty: Drs. Kim Hiller Connell and Diana Sindicich and two interior design faculty: Professors Chan Kim and Lindsey Clark. Dr. Hiller Connell received her Ph.D in apparel and textiles from Michigan State University where she also completed a specialization in environmental science and policy. Her scholarship program focuses on sustainability of the apparel and textiles supply chain and sustainable consumer behavior. Dr. Sindicich received her Ph.D in Apparel Product Development from Florida State University and her research program focuses on apparel fit issues.

An innovative team approach for Agricultural Experiment Station appointments was designed and implemented in the past year. Two faculty, Drs LeHew and Haar, have AES appointments, but additional faculty interested in sustainability research share the lab facilities, graduate research assistants, and funding support. A collaborative approach will enable an increased number of sustainability projects to be implemented at one time, will have a positive impact on scholarship productivity, and hasten disciplinary transition to a sustainability mindset. The team’s mission states: We are dedicated to facilitating environmental responsibility through scholarship programs enhancing ecologically sustainable products, processes, thinking, values, behavior and leadership. Projects in progress: Dr. LeHew is examining antecedents to ecologically sustainable consumption practices and identifying barriers to sustainable consumer behavior as well as exploring processes for decreasing such barriers;

Dr. Haar is growing and dyeing with annuals, perennials, biennials, herbs, bushes and wildflowers on fabrics made from organic fibers. She approaches the process from both scientific and aesthetic viewpoints. Scientifically, she is examining energy efficient processes for color extraction and retention, and aesthetically exploring variegated color, thickening, and resist techniques. Currently Dr. Hiller Connell is investigating environmentally significant apparel consumption behaviors and barriers and the decision making of ecologically conscious apparel consumers. She is also working to define environmentally significant apparel consumption from an environmental impact perspective and assess apparel students’ knowledge of sustainability issues within the apparel and textiles industry. Professor Anderson’s education in architecture and practical experience in historic preservation provide a distinct perspective from which to consider the ways in which interior designers influence human decisions that might lead to a sustainable future. She is using historical perspectives to examine and evaluate the wisdom of contemporary values and actions related to sustainability in the built environment. Dr. Hawley’s scholarship area is in the systems understanding of textile recycling behavior including the behavior of the myriad constituents involved in both pre- and post-consumer textile recycling processes and she is currently working on projects related to sustainability leadership for the future.

Students have received recognition for sustainable focused projects as well. For example, a team of Kansas State University interior design students won 1st place in an international student design competition sponsored by the Interior Design Educators Council. The team's win was announced in Montreal, Canada in March, 2008. The competition had a theme of social justice, including sustainability and affordable housing in the U.S. and Canada. An apparel and textile graduate student delivered two presentations at an international conference where she also received the Oris Glisson Fellowship for her professional potential.

Kansas State University has also recognized the importance of sustainability in higher education by becoming a member of the Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education and hiring a Director of Sustainability – Dr. Ben Champion. January 23, 2009 the university will host a Sustainability Conference and participate in the national Teach-In scheduled for February 5th, 2009. The College of Human Ecology will take an active role in organizing and facilitating the Teach-In event. K-State is currently undergoing a major administrative transformation, as Dr. Jon Wefald announced his retirement to commence at the end of the academic year. There are currently position searches for Dean of the Graduate School, Dean of the College of Architecture, Planning and Design, Associate Provost for International Programs, and a new football coach.

Report from the University of Kentucky

The Merchandising, Apparel and Textiles department in the School of Human Environmental Sciences recently established a standalone Master’s in Merchandising degree. Previously, the department held a joint degree with Interior Design. The Merchandising, Apparel and Textiles department has been working to establish an industry advisory board. A preliminary board has already been working on one of the departments’ major projects for the year, the designing of the official University of Kentucky Plaid. The Department of Merchandising, Apparel and Textiles has a new interim Department Chair, Dr. Ann Vail the Director of the School of Human Environmental Sciences. The School of Human Environmental Sciences initiated a public policy blog to keep the government officials of the state of Kentucky aware of the ways our school provides support to the important issues facing the citizens of the state. The School of Human Environmental Sciences is undergoing accreditation review this year. This year, the University of Kentucky has focused on student retention. As a result, the College of Agriculture has implemented an early academic alert system and has provided workshops and mentoring to freshmen in order to retain more students.

Report from Michigan State University.

We are well settled into the merger with Advertising, Public Relations and Retailing. We like our new colleagues and have been treated really well. The College of Communication Arts and Sciences has a great perspective. They are highly irreverent. Which I like quite a lot. There are a variety of really interesting projects going on including serious gaming. We are working on a project for USDA on Best Buying Practices which we hope to transfer into a NSF grant on serious gaming. Serious gaming is using the best science of play to educational programming.

Report from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The Textiles, Clothing, and Design (TCD) department has been given a new position by UNL Academic Affairs. This new position in apparel and textiles merchandising is at the assistant professor level starting in fall 2009. New to the merchandising program area is an emphasis in entrepreneurship. This 12 hour emphasis in entrepreneurship marks the first collaborative efforts between TCD and the Management Departments at UNL. Students in merchandising currently receive a minor in Marketing but will now have an opportunity to advance knowledge of starting their own businesses. In the College of Education and Human Sciences work continues in coordination with the state department of education and several school districts in Nebraska to examine issues related to immigration research and education needs for youth in the state. A newsletter was initiated following a March 5, 2008 meeting of school superintendents, migrant education or ESL coordinators, University of Nebraska extension educators, and students from 25 of the state’s most rapidly diversifying districts. The meeting allowed for exchange of ideas and consideration of network of groups focused on immigration and changing demographics in communities.

Station report for University of Minnesota

At the University of Minnesota we have faculty working in the area of retailing and consumer behavior. Their current research projects include exploring college students' relationships with retailer brands, the relationship between emotional loyalty and share of wallet and the influence of brand recognition on e-tailer image, store loyalty, and consumer misbehavior.

We also have a faculty member working on design and visual aspects of retail environments. Her current projects include perceptions of product and store design attributes (both visual and tactile) and their implications for sustainable retailing.

We have researchers working in the area of apparel product research and development to understand and effectively implement the product design and development process. Two areas of emphasis are:  1) developing products that enhance human health and safety and 2) studying the human body to improve apparel fit and sizing. Current projects include breast cancer survivors treatment related body and posture changes and quality of life (with the Cancer Research Center),  assessing body size and shape change through a weight loss protocol (with the General Clinical Research Center) developing a 3-dimensional body image intervention tool (with Psychiatry dept.), developing a pesticide applicators safety education module. All of these projects are conducted through the Human Dimensioning Laboratory.

There are two grants supporting this stream of research.

LaBat, K., Ryan, K., DeLong, M., Crow, S., Peterson, C., Hokanson, B. 9/1/2008-8/31/2010. /Developing a 3-dimensional body satisfaction intervention./ Institute for Advanced Study and Office of the vice President for Research, Body and Knowing Project, Amount: $25,000.

LaBat, K. Gahring, S., Herzfeld, D., & Bye, E. 10/1/2007- 9/30/2008. Pesticide Applicators' Protective Apparel. Special Request Proposal for Hatch Funding--Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, Amount: $87,646.75

We have a faculty member that is also focused on apparel technology. Current projects include examining the balance between technology, craft and creativity. Contrasting technology and traditional craft continues to be the focus of her creative production. She is also writing a textbook for Berg Publishers called Fashion Design.

Report from North Dakota State University

The College of Human Development and Education at North Dakota State University is in the fourth year of the College Five Research Plan. Buyouts have been provided during the year for faculty to give them extra time to prepare a grant for external funding, collect data that would be important for an external proposal, or complete work on refereed publications. In addition, funding has provided to support faculty research and to assist graduate students with their research. Participation in all programs has increased from previous years. Additional graduate assistants have been funded to free up faculty time, as the workload during the past years has increased. The Department of Apparel, Design and Hospitality Management, applied for and was awarded one of the new assistantships. The graduate student is working with our newest retail merchandising faculty hire on her research. In addition, three full time undergraduate advisers have been hired for the college to advise freshman and sophomore students. Other opportunities provided by the college include concurrent sessions at the annual college professional development day focusing on proposal development, and use of tools that can aid in preparation of publications; the reduction of teaching loads so that tenure-track and tenured faculty teach no more than two courses a semester; a second HDE Research Showcase was held last spring where faculty and students had the opportunity to display their work, and graduate presentations were reviewed and award winners were selected. Increased research in the department is being seen as a result of additional resources. We continue to see an increase in exchange students in our programs. Students at AIT (Ansel Institute of Technology) in India began programs in Retailing and in Hospitality and will attend AIT for two years and then be on our campus in the fall of 2009. Dr. Holly Bastow-Shoop and Dean Virginia Clark Johnson met with the faculty and administration at AIT in January 2008 to finalize program planning. A trip to India is being planned for December-January, 2008-2009, for students, faculty and staff who are interested in exploring opportunities for collaboration in India and, also, learning more about the country. This trip is being offered collaboratively with Kansas State and the University of Idaho. Dr. Bastow-Shoop and Clark Johnson traveled to China in October 2008 to meet with faculty and administration at four universities in and around Changsha for possible collaboration beginning in fall 2009. Three faculty attended the Synergies Conference sponsored by faculty at the University of Tennessee last summer. This has resulted in a new course being proposed and the redesigning of some currently taught courses to make stronger connections between the programs in merchandising and hospitality and tourism management.

Report from Ohio State University

• The Textiles & Clothing program at The Ohio State University has voted to change the program name to Fashion & Retail Studies. Approval has been received at department and college level and we are awaiting University level approval.

• The Textile & Clothing program faculty members have been working to develop an Industry Board.

• As a result of attendance at the Synergies Conference hosted by the University of Tennessee (joint Textiles/Apparel/Merchandising and Hospitality conference), faculty in Textiles & Clothing are meeting with Hospitality Management faculty (all in Department of Consumer Sciences) to explore potential synergies in teaching, research and student outreach activities.

• The College of Education & Human Ecology has a new Dean: Cheryl Achterberg, formerly Dean at Iowa State University. She is launching several new programs: one provides incentives for multi-disciplinary research/grant writing. Others still to be announced.

• As a result of the National Research Council review of the Ohio State University graduate programs, the Graduate School is putting tremendous pressure on graduate programs to improve their “quality”, defined by statistics, including time to degree, GRE scores of accepted applicants, undergraduate GPA of accepted applicants, % of domestic accepted applicants, % of students on funded research. Size of program is also under scrutiny.

Report from Oregon State University

The department of Design and Human Environment (DHE) at Oregon State University is having its centennial celebration (“Inspired by Our Past, Designed for Our Future, 1908-2008”)! Several events were held as a part of centennial celebration – the DHE career symposium, DHE fashion show with a centennial theme, alumni events at NIKE, and so forth. Oregon State University has strategic focus on three areas: program distinction, student success and engagement, and diversification of revenue. Especially for student success and engagement, the College of Health and Human Sciences and the Department of Design and Human Environment have successfully implemented the initiative offering a variety of programs for first year students (Learning in Communities to Be Successful); LinC Learn, LinC Live, LinC Lead, URICA, and GLOBE. The Department of Design and Human Environment continues to improve student success and engagement. Close 100 students had a summer internship at various companies and more than 70% of them received job offers. The department continues to offer both domestic and international study tours. This summer, the department offered a new study tour to Hong Kong Fashion Week in addition to regularly offered European study tours. As an on-going international collaboration, the department hosted undergraduate and graduate students from Fu Jen University in Taiwan. The College of Health and Human Sciences is currently looking for a director for the new Hallie Ford Center for Healthy Children and Families in the college.

Report from the University of South Carolina

Dr. Sheryl Kline was announced as the Interim Dean of College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management. The college is focusing more toward research. The college is engaged in several study abroad opportunities including programs in China, Dominican Republic, and Italy. The department of retailing recently hired two new faculty members in the retailing/fashion merchandising area, and they are still searching for two assistant/associate professor positions in retailing/fashion merchandising. The department has created a Global Scholars program to provide students with exposure of scholars and students from another culture in their native setting. The topics presented to the students are selected by the host institution. Inha University presented “Fashion Retailing in Korea- Korean fashion industry, fashion retail environments, modern and traditional fashion retail systems” to students at the University of South Carolina. Hanyang University presented “Korean Apparel Industry- Industry dynamics and strategic positioning in the global value chain” to students at the University of South Carolina. The University of South Carolina presented “An Examination of Influential Variables in the U.S. Fashion Industry” to Inha University. Students’ interaction with the Global Scholar and first hand exposure to another culture provides them with additional information and knowledge to succeed in the retailing industry.

Report from South Dakota State University

South Dakota State University’s College of Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) is deep in discussions with the College of Education and Counseling (CEC) and the Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (HPER) to create a new college – currently called New College. Serious and all-inclusive discussions have been on-going since August 2008 and with a target of 1 July 2009 for realignment of budgets and leadership into a new college structure. The current College of FCS has an enrollment of approximately 850 undergraduate students, three departments, and eight majors: Department of Design, Merchandising, and Consumer Sciences (DMCS) – with majors in Interior Design, Apparel Merchandising, and Consumer Affairs; Department of Human Development (HD) – with majors in Early Childhood Education, Human Development and Family Studies, and Family and Consumer Sciences Education; and Department of Nutrition, Food Science, and Hospitality (NFSH) – with majors in Nutrition and Food Science, and Hotel and Foodservice Management. The College of FCS also has graduate programs in the three departments, with enrollment of approximately 40 students. Three departments in the College of CEC are Counseling and Human Resource Development (M.Ed. and M.S. degrees only), Educational Leadership (M.Ed.) and Teacher Education – with singular majors within each department. Since undergraduates in the College of CEC declare a major in their content area, there is no way of estimating baccalaureate students for the college. With similar missions and areas of focus, the joining of these two colleges and department show promise for rich collaboration and success.

Additionally, SDSU has recently received approval from the SD Board of Regents to begin planning a new Master’s of Architecture Program; essentially a 4+2 program of an undergraduate degree in Architectural Studies followed by two years of graduate work yielding a Master’s of Architecture Degree. While this new program will likely not sit in the new college, because of the strong interior design program within the College of FCS, faculty and leadership within the Department of DMCS have been closely involved in the planning process.

Report from the University of Wisconsin – Madison

The University of Wisconsin – Madison’s School of Human Ecology will begin constructing a new building within the next year. The school has plans to complete construction within the next five years. In addition, its existing building will be remodeled for use by the School of Human Ecology. The School of Human Ecology has four Departments: Consumer Science, Design Studies, Human Development and Family Studies, and Interdisciplinary Studies. Consumer Science has three majors: Consumer Affairs, Personal Finance, and Retailing. Design Studies has two majors: Apparel and Textile Design and Interior Design. Interdisciplinary Studies has one major: Family, Consumer and Community Education. There are currently over 900 undergraduate students enrolled in the School of Human Ecology. At the graduate level, there is one Human Ecology major with three concentrations: Consumer Behavior and Family Economics, Design Studies, and Human Development and Family Studies. There are 57 students enrolled in the Human Ecology graduate program. The school has also hired a Director for its Center for Retailing Excellence, which has received funding from the Kohl’s Corporation.

Location, Time, and Dates of 2009 Meeting

Discussion regarding the 2009 meeting dates and location involved two potential locations and dates and will be finalized at a later time dependent upon accepted research presentation.

• Academy of Marketing Sciences and the American Collegiate Retailing Association will host the Triennial Retailing meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, Sept. 30 through noon on Oct. 3. The NCCC-065 meeting could take place Oct. 3, 2009 from 2:00 to 6:00 pm and Oct. 4, 2009 from 8:30 to 12:00.

• International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting will take place near Seattle, Washington, October 28 through noon on Oct. 31st. The NCCC-065 meeting could take place Oct. 31, 2009 from 2:00 to 6:00 and November 1, 2009 from 8:30 to 12:00.


Meeting adjourned at 11:50 November 9, 2009.


Adomaitis, A., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2008). Advertisements: Interpreting images used to sell young adults. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 12(2), 182-192.

Boorady, L. M. and Hawley, J. M. (2008). The wonders of technology: Teaching becomes virtual. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 26(2), 131-142.

Byun, S. and B. Sternquist (2008). In-store hoarding: The measurement and application in fast fashion retail environment. The International Review of Retail and Distribution and Consumer Research, 18(2), 133-147.

Chattaraman, V., & Lennon, S. J. (2008). Ethnic identity, consumption of cultural apparel, and self-perceptions of ethnic consumers. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 12, 518-531.

Choi, Y. J. & Miller, N. J. (2008). Rural Consumer Behavior in Small South Korean Communities. Journal of Consumer Studies published by the Korean Society of Consumer Studies. 19(2), 23-41.

Chung, J., Sternquist, B., & Chen, Z. (2008). Japanese retail buyer-supplier relationships: Does performance matter? Asian Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 20(1), 55-75.

Fowler, Deborah C; Wesley, Scarlett C.; and Vazquez, Maria Elena. “Shopping Behavior of Hispanic Men and Women: An Emic Account of Gender Differences,” American Collegiate Retailing Association Spring Conference, Durango, Colorado, May 16-17, 2008.

Ha, S. & Stoel, L. (2008). Promoting Consumer-Retailer Relationship Building: Influence of Consumer Trustworthiness of Customer Loyalty Program Marketing. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 7(3), 215-229.

Hu, H., & Jasper, C.R. (2007) A Qualitative Study of Mall Shopping Behaviors of Mature Consumers. Journal of Shopping Center Research, 14(1), 39-60.

Hu, H. & Jasper, C.R. (2007). A Cross-Cultural Examination of the Effects of Social Perception Styles on Store Image Formation. Journal of Business Research, 60(3), 222-230.   

Johnson, K. K. P., & Rhee, J. (2008). An investigation of consumer traits and their relationship to merchandise borrowing with undergraduates. Journal of Family and Consumer Science Education, 26(1), 1- 13.[online journal]

Johnson, K. K. P., Yoo, J., Kim, M., & Lennon, S. J. (2008). Dress and human behavior: A review and critique of published research. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 26(1), 3-22.

Joung, H.M. & Miller, N. J. (2007). Examining the Effects of Fashion Activities on Life Satisfaction of Older Females: Activity Theory Revisited Older Females (55+) Consumers’ Apparel Shopping and Life Satisfaction: An application of Activity Theory. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 35(4), 338-356.

Kim, H-Y., Kim, Y-K., Jolly, L., & Fairhurst, A. (2008). Satisfied customers’ love toward retailers: A cross-product exploration, in Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 35, eds. Angela Y. Lee and Dilip Soman, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 507-515.

Kim, J-H. (2007). The portrayal of the image of women in cosmetic advertisements. International Journal of Human Ecology, 8(2), 127- 139.

Kim, J-H., Kim, M., & Kandampully, J. (2007). The impact of buying environment characteristics in online apparel websites as a driver of competitive strategy. The Service Industries Journal, 27(7), 865-880.

Kim, J-H., Kim, M., & Lennon, S. (2007). Information components of apparel retail Websites: Task relevance approach. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 11(4), 494-510.

Kim, M., & Lennon, S. J. (2008). The effects of visual and verbal information on attitudes and purchase intentions in Internet shopping. Psychology & Marketing, 25, 146-178.

Kozar, J., & Damhorst, M. L. (2008). Older women’s responses to current fashion models. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 12(3), 338-350.

Lee, J., Johnson, K. K. P., Gahring, S., & Lee, S. (2008). Business strategies of independent retailers: Effects of environmental hostility. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 21(3), 277-292.

Lee, S., Johnson, K. K. P., & Gahring, S. (2008). Predicting in-shopping using small -town consumers’ satisfaction with local retailers. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 36(2), 143-157.

Lee, S., Johnson, K. P. K. Gahring, S., Lee, S-E (2008). Business strategies of successful rural retailers in competition with large discount retailers in the U.S., Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 32(6), 968-979.

Lennon, S. J., Kim, M., Johnson, K. K. P., Jolly, L., Damhorst, M. L., & Jasper, C. R. (2007). A longitudinal look at rural consumer adoption of online shopping. Psychology and Marketing, 24(4), 375-401.

Miller, N. J., Besser, T. L. & Malshe, A. (2007). Small Business Strategic Networking. International Small Business Journal. 25(6): 631-665

Niehm, L., Swinney, J., & Miller, N. J. (2008). Community Social Responsibility and Consequences for Small Family Business Performance. Journal of Small Business Management, 46(3), 331-350.

Ogle, J. P., Baker, S. S., Caroll, J. B., Butki, B. D., & Damhorst, M. L. (2007). A preliminary study of the meanings children attach to healthy and unhealthy lifestyles. Journal of Extension, 45(5), Article 5FEA4. Available at

Palan, K., Damhorst, M. L., Ogle, J. P., Hausafus, C., Reitmeyer, C., & Marquis, G. (2007).

Adolescent nutrition and exercise behavior: A preliminary investigation into the role of parental communication quality. Forum for Family and Consumer Issues [On-line serial], 12(2). Available at

Park, H., & Lennon, S. J. (2008). Beyond physical attractiveness: Interpersonal attraction as a function of similarities in personal characteristics. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 26, 275-289.

Park, H., & Rees, K. (2008). Motivators and the role of top-management in fair labor management. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 12(4), 487-501.

Park, J. H., Stoel, L. & Lennon, S. (2008). Cognitive, affective, and conative responses to visual simulation: The effects of rotation in online product presentation. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 7(1), 72-87.

Park, Y. and B. Sternquist (2008). The global retailer’s strategic proposition and choice of entry mode. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 36 (4) 281-299.

Sternquist, B., C. Finnegan and Z. Chen (2008). Adding value to buyer-supplier relationships in China. Journal of Asia Business Studies. Fall. 1-11.

Sternquist, B., R. Runyan and Z. Chen (2008). The use of buying committees by Chinese retailers: The effects of environment and strategy upon structure. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 15, 93-103.

Yang, K. & Jolly, L.D. (2008). Age cohort analysis in adoption of mobile data services: gen Xers versus baby boomers. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 25(5), 272-280.

Yoo, J., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2008). Self-objectification and appearance-based teasing during adolescence. Journal of Family and Consumer Science Education, 26(1), 14-28. [online journal]


Sternquist, B. (2009) International retail trends and their impact on India. In India Retail Report Delhi, India: Rajmohan Publishers 502-508


Hawley, J. M. (April, 2008). The Amish veil: Symbol of separation and community. In J. Heath (Ed.) The Veil: Women Writers on Its History, Lore, and Politics. University of California, Berkley. Nominated for National Book Award.

Hawley, J. M. (2008). The economic impact of dumping clothing. In C. Ulasewicz and J. Hethorn (Eds). Sustainable Fashion. Why Now? New York: Fairchild.

Manjeshwar, S. and B. Sternquist (2008). Reliance Retail: A Fresh approach towards retailing in India. In A. Kazmi (Ed.), Business Policy & Strategic Management 3 ed., New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill. 613-620.

Sirigiri, R. and B. Sternquist (2008). Food World: Forerunner of organised food retailing in India. In A. Kazmi (Ed.), Business Policy & Strategic Management 3 ed., New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill. 621-636.


Anderson, B.G. (March, 2008). Redefining beauty in interior design. Presented at the 2008 Interior Design Educators Council 45th Annual International Conference, March 4-9, 2008, Montreal, Canada.

Anderson, B. & LeHew, M. L. A. (November 2008). Impacting ecological attitudes and material values through practical reasoning: Fostering sustainability learning in professional programs. Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Conference, Raleigh, NC.

Bastow-Shoop, H. (November 2007). Advancement in Higher Education Leadership: Building Leadership Skills,” panel presenter, Special Topics Session presented by ITAA Leaders Council, ITAA Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California

Bastow-Shoop, H. (November 2007). Fabric of Indian Life: Expanding Faculty International Expertise Through a Fulbright Hays and ITAA sponsored group project,” panel presenter, Special Topics Session, ITAA Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California.

Bastow-Shoop, H. (November 2007). Research on the Edge: Aid to Developing Fundamental Research.”  Special topics session presented by NCCC-65, ITAA Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California.

Bickle, M., & Kim, J-H. (2008). Virtual Scholars: Teaching international retailing concepts while simultaneously building global relationships. International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Schaumburg, Illinois.

Brosdahl, D., Lehew, M., Hawley, J. M. (November, 2007). Sustainable Fashion: An Oxymoron or a Possible Future? Teaching Strategies to Promote Consumer and Industry Sustainability Practices. Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Los Angeles: CA. Available online. ®.

Byun, S. and B. Sternquist (2008) The effect of implicit time-limited cues on in-store hoarding and purchase acceleration. NRF Winter Conference, New York City

Chattaraman, V., Rudd, N. A., & Lennon, S. J. (2008, November). Cultural priming and shifts in product preferences of Hispanic consumers: Cultural relevance of product attributes as a moderator. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, Schaumberg, IL.

Cho, H.J., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2008). Effects of an entertainment-educations strategy on perceived risks and purchase intentions concerning counterfeits. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Monument, CO. (also a


Clare, G. and B. Sternquist (2008) The impact of olipopolistic competition on internationalization: The Resource Advantage Theory and superior financial performance. ACRA Conference Durango, Colorado

Chung, J., Y. Huang, B. Jin and B. Sternquist (2008) The impact of market orientation on Chinese retailers’ channel relationships. ACRA Conference Durango, Colorado.

Eckman, M., Littrell, M., Hawley, J.M., Boorady, L., Bastow-Shoop, H., Pederson, E., Evanston, S., (November, 2007). Fabric of Indian Life: Expanding Faculty International Expertise Through a Fulbright-Hays and ITAA Sponsored Group Project. Special topics session. Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Los Angeles: CA. Available online. ®

Eckman, M., Loker, S., Hawley, J. M., Lennon, S., Burns-Davis, L., Ogle, J., Rucker, M., Rudd, N., Damhorst. (November, 2007). Identifying student learning outcomes for social responsibility and sustainability. Special topics session. Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Los Angeles: CA. Available online. ®

Ernst, S. & Stoel, L. (September 2008). Rural Grocers and Technology Adoption: Attitude Matters. Size Matters More. Proceedings of congressionally requested conference ‘Broadband in a Post-Modern Economy’ hosted by USDA-ERS.

Gupta, S., Miller, N. J., Littrel, M., & Campbell, J. (2008). Product Development of Indonesian Inspired Women’s Apparel for U.S. Consumers. Accepted for presentation to the International Textiles and Apparel Association and the Korean Academy of Marketing Sciences Research Symposium , Global Trends in Fashion Marketing Research, November 5, 2008. Schaumburg, Illinois.

Ha, S. & Stoel, L. (November 2007). Drivers of apparel E-shopping Behavior: Understanding the effects of E-shopping quality and experiential E-shopping motives. Poster presented at ITAA 2007 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.

Ha, S. & Stoel, L. (May 2008). Customer Loyalty Program: Influence of the Trustworthiness of Customer Loyalty Program Marketing on Consumer-Retailer Relationship Building. In D. Burns (Ed.) Proceedings of the American Collegiate Retailing Association (ACRA) 2008 Annual Meeting (1 page on CD-ROM), Durango, CO. Best Paper Award.

Hiller Connell, K. Y., & Sontag, M. S. (November, 2008). Identifying environmentally

conscious apparel acquisition behaviors among eco-conscious consumers. Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association. Schaumburg, IL. Online publication:

Im, H., Lennon, S. J., & Stoel, L. (2008, November). Effects of perceptual fluency on online shoppers' aesthetic evaluations and behavioral intent. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, Schaumberg, IL.

Jolly, L., Fairhurst, A., Kim, Y-K., Lim, H., Simpson, L., Piper, C., Fair, N., & Kim, H-Y. (2007). R.E.A.D: Retail enrichment and development. International Textile and Apparel Association, Los Angeles, CA, November 7-10. .

Ju, H., Kim, J., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2008). Consumer’s perceptions concerning sales associate credibility. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Monument, CO. (also a presentation).

Ju, H., Kim, J., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2008).Young consumers’ perceptions of the influence of sales associate’s appearance on their emotions, cognition, and behavior. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Monument, CO. (also a presentation).

Kang, M., Kim, J., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2008). Reflections on appearance socialization during childhood and adolescence. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Monument, CO. (also a presentation).

Kang, M., Sklar, M., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2008). Men at work: Fashioning identity. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Monument, CO. (also a presentation).

Kim, E., & Damhorst, M. L. Comparison of fashions adopted by young women in the United States and South Korea in the 1980s [Extended abstract]. ITAA Proceedings. Available at (Paper presented at annual meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Los Angeles, CA)

Kim, E. Y., and Hawley, J. M. (November, 2007). Affiliate Network Relationships: A Comparison of Affiliate Agreements for Apparel and Accessories Sites. [Published Abstract] Poster presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association annual meeting: Los Angeles, CA. ®.

Kim J., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2008). Wardrobe analysis: What I love and what I wear. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Monument, CO. (also a presentation).

Kim, J. H., Kim, M. J., & Lennon, S. J. (2008, November). Consumer responses to online service quality: An E-A-S-QUAL approach. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, Schaumberg, IL.

Kim, M., Park, M., & Mullis, K. (2008). Service Failure in Online Retailing: A Content Analysis of Consumer Complaints. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. Abstract published in online Proceedings ().

Kwon, Y.-J., & Damhorst, M. L. (2007). I like, therefore I am: Taste as embodiment of self [Extended abstract]. ITAA Proceedings. Available at (Paper presented at annual meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association, November, Los Angeles, CA).

Lee, H-J, Fairhurst, A. & Jolly, L.D. (2008) The Impact of Self-Service Technologies on Retail Patronage Behavior, International Textile and Apparel Association, Schaumburg, IL, November 5-8.

Lee, J., Fogg, M., Johnson, K. K. P., Hemmis, P. Lutz, H., & Kang, M. (2008) Partnering with industry to promote a social cause: Paint the Uptown red. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Monument, CO. (also a presentation).

Lee, J. & Johnson, K. K. P. Relative and interaction effects of situational and personal factors on impulse buying. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Monument, CO. (also a presentation).

Lee, Min-Young; Fairhurst, Ann; Wesley, Scarlett; and Kessinger, Molly. “Corporate Social Responsibility: A Review of the Top Apparel/Home Furnishing Retailers,” International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Schaumburg, IL, November 4-8, Available online at

LeHew, M. L. A. (November, 2008). Modeling retail manager role in an apparel classroom to improve student engagement. Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association. Schaumburg, IL. Online publication:

Lennon, S., Johnson, K. K. P., & Lee, J. (2008). Black Friday shopping: Self-regulation and sales promotion. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Monument, CO. (also a presentation).

Manjeswar, S. and B. Sternquist (2008) The value proposition and brand extension strategy of retail brands. Academy of International Business Conference, Milan, Italy.

Miller, N. J., Besser T. L., & Sattler Weber, S. (submitted 10/2008). Small Business Networks: Advancing Women-Owned Retail Businesses. European Institute of Retailing and Service Studies, Retailing and Consumer Services Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada (July 6-9, 2009).

Miller, N. J., Besser, T. L., & Sattler Weber, S. (2008). No longer only and lonely: Moving research to application. Proceedings of the International Council of Small Business Conference, Advancing Small Business and Entrepreneurship: From Research to Results, June 23-25, 2008 Nova Scotia, CA.

Miller, N. J., Besser, T. L., & Vigna, D. (2008). Networking Among Apparel Store Owners in Small U.S. Communities- Presentation. Accepted for presentation and publication in N.J. Owens (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association Meeting. Schaumburg, Illinois, November 5-8, 2008. Citrus Heights, CA: ITAA: . Best paper award in Merchandising/Marketing/Retailing Track, ITAA Conference 2008.

Miller, N. J., Frazier, B., Niehm, L., Stoel, L, Kim, J-Y., Jackson, V. (2008). Building Research Collaborations: Special Session. Accepted for presentation and publication in N.J. Owens (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association Meeting. Schaumburg, Illinois, November 5-8, 2008. Citrus Heights, CA: ITAA:

Mullis, K., & Kim, M. (2008). Self-Congruity, Satisfaction, and Retailer Loyalty. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. Abstract published in online Proceedings ().

Mullis, K., Kim, M., & MacTavish, K. (2008). Retailing in Rural Communities: Retailers’ Perceptions of Their Customers & Their Communities. Paper presented at the Rural Sociology Society Annual Meeting, Manchester, New Hampshire. Abstract published in online Proceedings ().

Neihm, L., Miller, N. J., Frazer, B., Stoel, L., & Sattler Weber, S. (submitted 8/2008, accepted 10/08). Attracting Retail Entrepreneurs to Rural Communities: The Role of the Institutional Environment. US Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Advancing Entrepreneurship Conference January 8-11, 2009, Anaheim, CA.

Park, J. & Stoel, L. (November 2007). How presence of background music mitigates consumers’ perception of download delay: mediating role of emotions. Research paper presented orally at ITAA 2007 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.

Park, S., & Damhorst, M. L. (2007). Development and validation of a measure of postmodernity in dress [Extended abstract]. ITAA Proceedings. Available at (Paper presented at annual meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association, November, Los Angeles, CA)

Pookulangara, S., Hawley, J. M., Norum., P., Crustinger, C., Kim., Y.K., Shephard., A., (November, 2007). Graduate Programs: From Backpack to Briefcase. Special topics session. Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Los Angeles: CA. Available online. ®

Rees, K. (2008, May 23). Shifting trends in U.S. textile imports: A Markov analysis. Paper presented at the 18th International Conference of the International Trade and Finance Association, Lisbon, Portugal. 

Rutherford, N., Burns, L., Hawley.J. M., Norum, P., and Wesley,S. (November 2008). Evolving Patterns: The Evolving Story of Signature Fabrics. Special topics session. Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Chicago, IL.

Sanguanpiyapan, T.N., & Jasper, C.R., (2007, June 29). Consumers’ Patronage Behavior and Jewelry Shopping.  14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, San Francisco, CA.

Skabelund, L.R., Gabbard, R.T. & Anderson,B.G. (June 2008). Shifting Gears: Kansas State University’s Recent Effort to Meaningfully Address Green Building and Sustainable Use of Resources on Campus and in the Broader Community. Presented at the Greening the Heartland, USGBC Conference, June 22-24, 2008, St. Louis, Missouri.

Stoel, L. & Ernst, S. (September 2008). Comparing Rural Retailer Internet Users and Non-Users: Access Speed, Demographics, Attitudes and Beliefs. Proceedings of congressionally requested conference ‘Broadband in a Post-Modern Economy’ hosted by USDA-ERS.

Srivastava, C. and B. Sternquist (2008) Brand perspective: Influence of retail positioning on entry mode choices. ACRA Conference Durango, Colorado.

Weiss, J., & Kim, M. (2008). Environmental Cues Which Lead to Higher Seller Credibility in an Online Auction Setting. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. Abstract published in online Proceedings ().

Yoo, J., & Kim, M. (2008). The Effects of Brand Familiarity and Website Design on Consumer Responses. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. Abstract published in online Proceedings ().


Hawley, J. M. (September 18, 2008). Making the Right Apparel Choices: Sustainability in the 21st Century. Invited keynote for the Eco-watch…Creating Fashion Solutions” lecture series at the Sam-Fox School of Design and Visual Arts and the St. Louis Chapter of the Fashion Group International. Washington University, St. Louis, University.

Hawley, J. M. (September, 4, 2008). Nelly Don—a Kansan to be remembered. Invited presentation given to the Belleville Quilter’s Guild.

Hawley, J.M. (April, 2008). Apparel Sustainability in the 21st Century: Making the right choices. Proceedings of the conference of the Eco-Design: A Global Paradigm Shift: Seoul, Korea. Available online.

Hawley, J. M. (November 12, 2007). Digging for Diamonds: Building Consumer Awareness of Textile Recycling. Presentation made to the Greater Kansas City Family and Consumer Sciences. Olathe, Kansas. Invited.

Johnson, K.K. P. (2008). Globalization of the fashion industry: Implications for higher education presented at the International Seminar for the Establishment of the Inha Design Center, Inha University [also published as proceedings]

Johnson, K.K. P. (2008). Consumer Misbehavior. 2008 International Costume Culture Conference and Exhibition, Bejing, China. [also published as proceedings]

Johnson, K.K. P. (2008). Graduate student participation in professional associations: ITAA presented at Ewha Women’s University, Seoul, Korea.

Johnson, K. K. P. (2008). Visual processing of fashion advertisements using eye tracking presented at Hunyang University, Seoul, Korea.

Jolly, L. D. (2008) Exploring the Boundaries: Scholarship, Leadership & Learning, Advance Distinguished Lecture, Kansas State University, Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Jolly, L. D. (2008) Future Focused: Preparing for Success in Apparel & Textiles, Advance Distinguished Lecture, Kansas State University, Monday September 22, 2008

Rees, K. (2008, January 5). Response to U.S. bilateral regional agreements: The negative welfare effects of multiplicity in country of origin rules. Discussant’s presentation at the American Economic Association/Allied Social Sciences Association annual conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Sternquist, B. (May 2008) The Buying System Comparison of India and China. Food Retail Forum, Mumbai India.


Bell, M. (2008). Prestige seeking consumer behavior and evaluative criteria of premium brand jeans. Unpublished master’s thesis. Corvallis: Oregon State University. MS Advisors: Leslie Burns and Minjeong Kim.

Chatelain, Amber. (2008). Entertailing and Its Effect on the Generation Y Consumer University of Kentucky Degree: MS Advisor: Scarlett Wesley

Cho, Hyeon Jeong-2008 Effects of an entertainment-education strategy on perceived risks and purchase intentions concerning counterfeits. Unpublished master’s thesis. St. Paul; University of Minnesota. MS Advisor: Kim KP Johnson.

Fields, Rebecca (2008). University of Kentucky Degree: MS Advisor: Scarlett Wesley

Greathouse, L. (2007). Factors affecting breastfeeding duration in the Montgomery County WIC program. Unpublished M.S. thesis. Texas A&M University-Kingsville. MS Advisor: Kathleen Rees.

Hiller Connell, K. Y. (2008). Ecological consumer decision making: Nature, process, and barriers in apparel acquisition. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. East Lansing: Michigan State University. MS Advisor: Melody Lehew.

Hye Ri Park (2008). The Influence of Interactive Tools on Online Apparel Customer’s Attitudes and Intentions. Unpublished master’s thesis. The Ohio State University, Columbus. MS Advisor: Leslie Stoel.

Jiyoung Kim (2008). Effects of Institutional Environment and Social Capital on Rural Consumers’ Inshopping Behavior. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. The Ohio State University, Columbus. Ph.D. Advisor: Leslie Stoel.

Ju, Hae Won-2008 Young women’s processing of fashion advertisements using eye tracking technology. Unpublished master’s thesis. St. Paul; University of Minnesota. Master’s Advisor: Kim KP Johnson.

Kaur, J. (2008). Indian apparel consumption: A cross-cultural comparison of first generation Indian and the second-generation Indian American females. Unpublished master’s thesis. Corvallis: Oregon State University. MS Advisors: Leslie Burns and Minjeong Kim.

Kim, H. J. (2008). The impact of body image and body image self-discrepancy on perceived attractiveness, fashion involvement, concern with fit, and loyalty intention in online apparel shopping. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Iowa State University, Ames. Ph.D. Advisor: Mary Lynn Damhorst.

Lee, Jaeha-2008 Relative and interaction effects of situational and personal factors on impulse buying. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. St. Paul; University of Minnesota. Ph.D. Advisor: Kim KP Johnson.

Lee, Hyun-Joo (2008). Technology-based self-service kiosks in retailing: an optional channel for customer service. University of Tennessee Degree: Ph.D. Advisors: Laura D. Jolly & Ann E. Fairhurst.

Lee, Seahee (2008). Influence of moral view and other variables on purchase intentions concerning counterfeits. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. St. Paul; University of Minnesota. Ph.D. Advisor: Kim KP Johnson.

Mullis, K.L. (2008). Inshopping in rural communities: Consumers’ and retailers’ perceptions. Unpublished master’s thesis. Corvallis: Oregon State University. MS Advisor: Minjeong Kim.

Pookalangara, Sankjukta. (May, 2008). Explaining consumers’ channel-switching behavior using the theory of planned behavior. Unpublished dissertation. University of Missouri. Ph.D. Advisor: Melody Lehew.

Reddy, S. (2008). Relationships among individuals’ personality, self-esteem, age, perceived social support, appearance schema, appearance appraisal, and body image coping strategies. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Corvallis: Oregon State University. Ph.D. Advisors: Leslie Burns and Minjeong Kim.

Thitiporn Sanguanpiyapan (2007).: Jewelry Consumption: Consumer Insights Into Jewelry Shoppers Why They Shop Where They Do. Unpublished master’s thesis. Madison: University of Wisconsin-Madison. MS Advisor: Cynthia Jasper.

Tyner, K. E. (2008). Cosmetic technologies of the body: An exploration of self and identity through the consumption of nonsurgical cosmetic procedures. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Iowa State University, Ames. Ph.D. Advisor: Mary Lynn Damhorst.

Weiss, J. D. (2008). In search of dress: An analysis of the consumer decision making process of brides. Unpublished master’s thesis. Corvallis: Oregon State University. MS Advisor: Minjeong Kim.


Hawley, J. M. (November, 2007). Recycling Textiles: Going beyond the bin. White paper prepared for Resource Recycling, p. 31-33.

Jasper, C.R. (2007, November).  Reviewer for the International Textile and Apparel Association Newsletter (Vol. 29) on Experiential Retailing: Concepts and Strategies that Sell by Youn-Kyung Kim, Pauline Sullivan, and Judith Cardona Forney.

Newspaper and Magazine Interviews for Jasper, C.R.

Crisis Snags Main Street: Some area bankers hesitant to lend, some consumers nervous to borrow in climate. (2008, September 27). Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Online. Article by Paul Gores.

The 6 Coolest Jobs for Weird Majors: You can put an Unconventional Degree to Work for you in a Surprisingly Cool Career. (2008, August 28). U.S. News and World Report. Online. Article by Liz Wolgemuth.

Competing for your Warehouse Dollars: has entered the Madison-area market, offering a challenge to Sam’s Club and other Discount Retailers. (2008, August 20). Wisconsin State Journal. Front Page, p.A8. Article by Barry Adams.

Student Trends: Money. (2008, August). Hometown News, University Communications, Article by Nikki Fritz.

Will it Work? Stimulus Packages Fate May Rest on Skittish Consumes Spending. (2008, May 3). Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Article by Paul Gores.

What’s in a name? The new “no name” donation to the University of Wisconsin School of Business is shaking up how the public thinks about philanthropy. (2008, January 31). The Daily Cardinal. Article by Katy Williams.

Green vs. Clean: America’s Trustiest Appliance has Gotten a Makeover. But What’s Coming Out in their Wash. (2007, October). SmartMoney. The Wall Street Journal Magazine. Vol. XVI-no. X. Article by Renée DeFranco.

You Can’t Put Self-Esteem on a Credit Card. (2007, June 14). Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Article by Jim Stingl.

Hilldale on the Edge Again From Outskirts to Thick of Things. (2007, November 10). The Capital Times. Article by Lynn Welch.

Big and Even Bigger: Area’s 07 Retail Scene to Reflect Mega-Sized Trend. (2007, January 6-7).  The Capital Times.  Article by Lynn Welch.


Project title: Assessment of Kentuckians’ Sustainability Knowledge: A Focus on Family and Consumer Science Investigator: Scarlett Wesley Source: School of Human Environmental Research Activity Award Date: December 2008-May 2009 Amount: $2,000

Project title: Community Resiliency: Role of the Retail Sector in Easing Sudden and Slow Motion Economic Shocks. Investigators: Niehm, L., Frazier, B. & Stoel, L. Collaboators: Jolly, L., Kim, M., & Miller, N. (February 2008). United States Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research, Education & Extension Service (CSREES), National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program, Rural Development, $500,000 ($111,655 OSU subcontract); 3 years (funded).

Project title: Consumer acceptance of product visualization technology: A comparison of US and Korean online shoppers’ perceptions. Investigators: Kim, J., & Kim, J-H. (2007) University of South Carolina College of HRSM Internal grant for Faculty Research 2007-2008, $9,000.

Project title: Deconstructing stereotypes: Undergraduate curriculum development to engender empathy and tolerance toward obese persons. Investigators: Damhorst, M. L., & Ogle, J. P. (2007-2008). Iowa State University Miller Faculty Fellowship, $26,862.

Project title: Family Business and Policy (NC1030). Investigator: Jasper, C.R. and NC1030 members. Hatch, Agricultural Experiment Station, U.S. Department of Agriculture, October 1, 2006 – September 2011.

Project title: Find a Hidden Treasure: marketing the Historic Cosutme and Textiles Museum to Manhattan Visitors. Investigator: Hawley, J. M. (P.I.) (October, 2008). Manhattan Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau, Tourism Marketing Grant Program; (Funded October, 2008). $3,000

Project title: Latino and Women Owned Businesses as Generators of Amenity Rich Rural towns in the Corn Belt and Northern Plains States. Project Directors: Besser, T.L., Miller, N. J., Hernandez, H., Goe, W. R., Vigna, D. (Start 9/1/08, end 8/31/10). USDA National Research Initiative, Rural Development $500,000 (Awarded 6/08)

Project title: Marketing Potential of Fresh Food Products to Hispanic Consumers: Exploring a New Market Opportunity. Investigator: Scarlett Wesley, Lee Meyer, Terry Hutchens, Mary Roseman (University of Kentucky), Siddartha Dasgupta (Kentucky State University) and Tess Caudill (Kentucky Department of Agriculture) Source: USDA FSMIP (Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program) Date: September 2008 – September 2009 Amount: $55,780

Project title: Profiling Chinese Consumers’ Preferences for Soy-Based Dietary Supplements. Investigators: Stoel, L., Chung, J.E. & Xu, Y. (2008). Ohio Agricultural Research & Development Center (OARDC) Seed Grant Competition, 4/1/08 – 3/30/09, $50,803 (funded).

Project title: Repositioning Shopping Malls: The Importance of Mature Consumers. Investigators: Haiyan Hu and Cynthia R. Jasper. June 2006 – July 2007. Council for Shopping Mall Research, $14,963


Project Title: South Asian Studies at Kansas State University Proposal to the Department of Education Office of Post-Secondary Education Title VI: Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language Program. (Submitted November 26, 2007, not funded). $320,084.


Adomaitis, A., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2008). Advertisements: Interpreting images used to sell young adults. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 12(2), 182-192.

Boorady, L. M. and Hawley, J. M. (2008). The wonders of technology: Teaching becomes virtual. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 26(2), 131-142.

Byun, S. and B. Sternquist (2008). In-store hoarding: The measurement and application in fast fashion retail environment. The International Review of Retail and Distribution and Consumer Research, 18(2), 133-147.

Chattaraman, V., & Lennon, S. J. (2008). Ethnic identity, consumption of cultural apparel, and self-perceptions of ethnic consumers. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 12, 518-531.

Choi, Y. J. & Miller, N. J. (2008). Rural Consumer Behavior in Small South Korean Communities. Journal of Consumer Studies published by the Korean Society of Consumer Studies. 19(2), 23-41.

Chung, J., Sternquist, B., & Chen, Z. (2008). Japanese retail buyer-supplier relationships: Does performance matter? Asian Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 20(1), 55-75.

Fowler, Deborah C; Wesley, Scarlett C.; and Vazquez, Maria Elena. “Shopping Behavior of Hispanic Men and Women: An Emic Account of Gender Differences,” American Collegiate Retailing Association Spring Conference, Durango, Colorado, May 16-17, 2008.

Ha, S. & Stoel, L. (2008). Promoting Consumer-Retailer Relationship Building: Influence of Consumer Trustworthiness of Customer Loyalty Program Marketing. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 7(3), 215-229.

Hu, H., & Jasper, C.R. (2007) A Qualitative Study of Mall Shopping Behaviors of Mature Consumers. Journal of Shopping Center Research, 14(1), 39-60.

Hu, H. & Jasper, C.R. (2007). A Cross-Cultural Examination of the Effects of Social Perception Styles on Store Image Formation. Journal of Business Research, 60(3), 222-230.   

Johnson, K. K. P., & Rhee, J. (2008). An investigation of consumer traits and their relationship to merchandise borrowing with undergraduates. Journal of Family and Consumer Science Education, 26(1), 1- 13.[online journal]

Johnson, K. K. P., Yoo, J., Kim, M., & Lennon, S. J. (2008). Dress and human behavior: A review and critique of published research. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 26(1), 3-22.

Joung, H.M. & Miller, N. J. (2007). Examining the Effects of Fashion Activities on Life Satisfaction of Older Females: Activity Theory Revisited Older Females (55+) Consumers’ Apparel Shopping and Life Satisfaction: An application of Activity Theory. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 35(4), 338-356.

Kim, H-Y., Kim, Y-K., Jolly, L., & Fairhurst, A. (2008). Satisfied customers’ love toward retailers: A cross-product exploration, in Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 35, eds. Angela Y. Lee and Dilip Soman, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 507-515.

Kim, J-H. (2007). The portrayal of the image of women in cosmetic advertisements. International Journal of Human Ecology, 8(2), 127- 139.

Kim, J-H., Kim, M., & Kandampully, J. (2007). The impact of buying environment characteristics in online apparel websites as a driver of competitive strategy. The Service Industries Journal, 27(7), 865-880.

Kim, J-H., Kim, M., & Lennon, S. (2007). Information components of apparel retail Websites: Task relevance approach. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 11(4), 494-510.

Kim, M., & Lennon, S. J. (2008). The effects of visual and verbal information on attitudes and purchase intentions in Internet shopping. Psychology & Marketing, 25, 146-178.

Kozar, J., & Damhorst, M. L. (2008). Older women’s responses to current fashion models. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 12(3), 338-350.

Lee, J., Johnson, K. K. P., Gahring, S., & Lee, S. (2008). Business strategies of independent retailers: Effects of environmental hostility. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 21(3), 277-292.

Lee, S., Johnson, K. K. P., & Gahring, S. (2008). Predicting in-shopping using small -town consumers’ satisfaction with local retailers. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 36(2), 143-157.

Lee, S., Johnson, K. P. K. Gahring, S., Lee, S-E (2008). Business strategies of successful rural retailers in competition with large discount retailers in the U.S., Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 32(6), 968-979.

Lennon, S. J., Kim, M., Johnson, K. K. P., Jolly, L., Damhorst, M. L., & Jasper, C. R. (2007). A longitudinal look at rural consumer adoption of online shopping. Psychology and Marketing, 24(4), 375-401.

Miller, N. J., Besser, T. L. & Malshe, A. (2007). Small Business Strategic Networking. International Small Business Journal. 25(6): 631-665

Niehm, L., Swinney, J., & Miller, N. J. (2008). Community Social Responsibility and Consequences for Small Family Business Performance. Journal of Small Business Management, 46(3), 331-350.

Ogle, J. P., Baker, S. S., Caroll, J. B., Butki, B. D., & Damhorst, M. L. (2007). A preliminary study of the meanings children attach to healthy and unhealthy lifestyles. Journal of Extension, 45(5), Article 5FEA4. Available at

Palan, K., Damhorst, M. L., Ogle, J. P., Hausafus, C., Reitmeyer, C., & Marquis, G. (2007).

Adolescent nutrition and exercise behavior: A preliminary investigation into the role of parental communication quality. Forum for Family and Consumer Issues [On-line serial], 12(2). Available at

Park, H., & Lennon, S. J. (2008). Beyond physical attractiveness: Interpersonal attraction as a function of similarities in personal characteristics. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 26, 275-289.

Park, H., & Rees, K. (2008). Motivators and the role of top-management in fair labor management. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 12(4), 487-501.

Park, J. H., Stoel, L. & Lennon, S. (2008). Cognitive, affective, and conative responses to visual simulation: The effects of rotation in online product presentation. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 7(1), 72-87.

Park, Y. and B. Sternquist (2008). The global retailer’s strategic proposition and choice of entry mode. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 36 (4) 281-299.

Sternquist, B., C. Finnegan and Z. Chen (2008). Adding value to buyer-supplier relationships in China. Journal of Asia Business Studies. Fall. 1-11.

Sternquist, B., R. Runyan and Z. Chen (2008). The use of buying committees by Chinese retailers: The effects of environment and strategy upon structure. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 15, 93-103.

Yang, K. & Jolly, L.D. (2008). Age cohort analysis in adoption of mobile data services: gen Xers versus baby boomers. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 25(5), 272-280.

Yoo, J., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2008). Self-objectification and appearance-based teasing during adolescence. Journal of Family and Consumer Science Education, 26(1), 14-28. [online journal]


Sternquist, B. (2009) International retail trends and their impact on India. In India Retail Report Delhi, India: Rajmohan Publishers 502-508


Hawley, J. M. (April, 2008). The Amish veil: Symbol of separation and community. In J. Heath (Ed.) The Veil: Women Writers on Its History, Lore, and Politics. University of California, Berkley. Nominated for National Book Award.

Hawley, J. M. (2008). The economic impact of dumping clothing. In C. Ulasewicz and J. Hethorn (Eds). Sustainable Fashion. Why Now? New York: Fairchild.

Manjeshwar, S. and B. Sternquist (2008). Reliance Retail: A Fresh approach towards retailing in India. In A. Kazmi (Ed.), Business Policy & Strategic Management 3 ed., New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill. 613-620.

Sirigiri, R. and B. Sternquist (2008). Food World: Forerunner of organised food retailing in India. In A. Kazmi (Ed.), Business Policy & Strategic Management 3 ed., New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill. 621-636.


Anderson, B.G. (March, 2008). Redefining beauty in interior design. Presented at the 2008 Interior Design Educators Council 45th Annual International Conference, March 4-9, 2008, Montreal, Canada.

Anderson, B. & LeHew, M. L. A. (November 2008). Impacting ecological attitudes and material values through practical reasoning: Fostering sustainability learning in professional programs. Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Conference, Raleigh, NC.

Bastow-Shoop, H. (November 2007). Advancement in Higher Education Leadership: Building Leadership Skills,” panel presenter, Special Topics Session presented by ITAA Leaders Council, ITAA Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California

Bastow-Shoop, H. (November 2007). Fabric of Indian Life: Expanding Faculty International Expertise Through a Fulbright Hays and ITAA sponsored group project,” panel presenter, Special Topics Session, ITAA Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California.

Bastow-Shoop, H. (November 2007). Research on the Edge: Aid to Developing Fundamental Research.”  Special topics session presented by NCCC-65, ITAA Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California.

Bickle, M., & Kim, J-H. (2008). Virtual Scholars: Teaching international retailing concepts while simultaneously building global relationships. International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Schaumburg, Illinois.

Brosdahl, D., Lehew, M., Hawley, J. M. (November, 2007). Sustainable Fashion: An Oxymoron or a Possible Future? Teaching Strategies to Promote Consumer and Industry Sustainability Practices. Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Los Angeles: CA. Available online. ®.

Byun, S. and B. Sternquist (2008) The effect of implicit time-limited cues on in-store hoarding and purchase acceleration. NRF Winter Conference, New York City

Chattaraman, V., Rudd, N. A., & Lennon, S. J. (2008, November). Cultural priming and shifts in product preferences of Hispanic consumers: Cultural relevance of product attributes as a moderator. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, Schaumberg, IL.

Cho, H.J., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2008). Effects of an entertainment-educations strategy on perceived risks and purchase intentions concerning counterfeits. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Monument, CO. (also a


Clare, G. and B. Sternquist (2008) The impact of olipopolistic competition on internationalization: The Resource Advantage Theory and superior financial performance. ACRA Conference Durango, Colorado

Chung, J., Y. Huang, B. Jin and B. Sternquist (2008) The impact of market orientation on Chinese retailers’ channel relationships. ACRA Conference Durango, Colorado.

Eckman, M., Littrell, M., Hawley, J.M., Boorady, L., Bastow-Shoop, H., Pederson, E., Evanston, S., (November, 2007). Fabric of Indian Life: Expanding Faculty International Expertise Through a Fulbright-Hays and ITAA Sponsored Group Project. Special topics session. Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Los Angeles: CA. Available online. ®

Eckman, M., Loker, S., Hawley, J. M., Lennon, S., Burns-Davis, L., Ogle, J., Rucker, M., Rudd, N., Damhorst. (November, 2007). Identifying student learning outcomes for social responsibility and sustainability. Special topics session. Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Los Angeles: CA. Available online. ®

Ernst, S. & Stoel, L. (September 2008). Rural Grocers and Technology Adoption: Attitude Matters. Size Matters More. Proceedings of congressionally requested conference ‘Broadband in a Post-Modern Economy’ hosted by USDA-ERS.

Gupta, S., Miller, N. J., Littrel, M., & Campbell, J. (2008). Product Development of Indonesian Inspired Women’s Apparel for U.S. Consumers. Accepted for presentation to the International Textiles and Apparel Association and the Korean Academy of Marketing Sciences Research Symposium , Global Trends in Fashion Marketing Research, November 5, 2008. Schaumburg, Illinois.

Ha, S. & Stoel, L. (November 2007). Drivers of apparel E-shopping Behavior: Understanding the effects of E-shopping quality and experiential E-shopping motives. Poster presented at ITAA 2007 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.

Ha, S. & Stoel, L. (May 2008). Customer Loyalty Program: Influence of the Trustworthiness of Customer Loyalty Program Marketing on Consumer-Retailer Relationship Building. In D. Burns (Ed.) Proceedings of the American Collegiate Retailing Association (ACRA) 2008 Annual Meeting (1 page on CD-ROM), Durango, CO. Best Paper Award.

Hiller Connell, K. Y., & Sontag, M. S. (November, 2008). Identifying environmentally

conscious apparel acquisition behaviors among eco-conscious consumers. Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association. Schaumburg, IL. Online publication:

Im, H., Lennon, S. J., & Stoel, L. (2008, November). Effects of perceptual fluency on online shoppers' aesthetic evaluations and behavioral intent. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, Schaumberg, IL.

Jolly, L., Fairhurst, A., Kim, Y-K., Lim, H., Simpson, L., Piper, C., Fair, N., & Kim, H-Y. (2007). R.E.A.D: Retail enrichment and development. International Textile and Apparel Association, Los Angeles, CA, November 7-10. .

Ju, H., Kim, J., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2008). Consumer’s perceptions concerning sales associate credibility. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Monument, CO. (also a presentation).

Ju, H., Kim, J., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2008).Young consumers’ perceptions of the influence of sales associate’s appearance on their emotions, cognition, and behavior. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Monument, CO. (also a presentation).

Kang, M., Kim, J., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2008). Reflections on appearance socialization during childhood and adolescence. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Monument, CO. (also a presentation).

Kang, M., Sklar, M., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2008). Men at work: Fashioning identity. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Monument, CO. (also a presentation).

Kim, E., & Damhorst, M. L. Comparison of fashions adopted by young women in the United States and South Korea in the 1980s [Extended abstract]. ITAA Proceedings. Available at (Paper presented at annual meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Los Angeles, CA)

Kim, E. Y., and Hawley, J. M. (November, 2007). Affiliate Network Relationships: A Comparison of Affiliate Agreements for Apparel and Accessories Sites. [Published Abstract] Poster presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association annual meeting: Los Angeles, CA. ®.

Kim J., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2008). Wardrobe analysis: What I love and what I wear. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Monument, CO. (also a presentation).

Kim, J. H., Kim, M. J., & Lennon, S. J. (2008, November). Consumer responses to online service quality: An E-A-S-QUAL approach. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, Schaumberg, IL.

Kim, M., Park, M., & Mullis, K. (2008). Service Failure in Online Retailing: A Content Analysis of Consumer Complaints. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. Abstract published in online Proceedings ().

Kwon, Y.-J., & Damhorst, M. L. (2007). I like, therefore I am: Taste as embodiment of self [Extended abstract]. ITAA Proceedings. Available at (Paper presented at annual meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association, November, Los Angeles, CA).

Lee, H-J, Fairhurst, A. & Jolly, L.D. (2008) The Impact of Self-Service Technologies on Retail Patronage Behavior, International Textile and Apparel Association, Schaumburg, IL, November 5-8.

Lee, J., Fogg, M., Johnson, K. K. P., Hemmis, P. Lutz, H., & Kang, M. (2008) Partnering with industry to promote a social cause: Paint the Uptown red. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Monument, CO. (also a presentation).

Lee, J. & Johnson, K. K. P. Relative and interaction effects of situational and personal factors on impulse buying. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Monument, CO. (also a presentation).

Lee, Min-Young; Fairhurst, Ann; Wesley, Scarlett; and Kessinger, Molly. “Corporate Social Responsibility: A Review of the Top Apparel/Home Furnishing Retailers,” International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Schaumburg, IL, November 4-8, Available online at

LeHew, M. L. A. (November, 2008). Modeling retail manager role in an apparel classroom to improve student engagement. Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association. Schaumburg, IL. Online publication:

Lennon, S., Johnson, K. K. P., & Lee, J. (2008). Black Friday shopping: Self-regulation and sales promotion. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings. Monument, CO. (also a presentation).

Manjeswar, S. and B. Sternquist (2008) The value proposition and brand extension strategy of retail brands. Academy of International Business Conference, Milan, Italy.

Miller, N. J., Besser T. L., & Sattler Weber, S. (submitted 10/2008). Small Business Networks: Advancing Women-Owned Retail Businesses. European Institute of Retailing and Service Studies, Retailing and Consumer Services Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada (July 6-9, 2009).

Miller, N. J., Besser, T. L., & Sattler Weber, S. (2008). No longer only and lonely: Moving research to application. Proceedings of the International Council of Small Business Conference, Advancing Small Business and Entrepreneurship: From Research to Results, June 23-25, 2008 Nova Scotia, CA.

Miller, N. J., Besser, T. L., & Vigna, D. (2008). Networking Among Apparel Store Owners in Small U.S. Communities- Presentation. Accepted for presentation and publication in N.J. Owens (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association Meeting. Schaumburg, Illinois, November 5-8, 2008. Citrus Heights, CA: ITAA: . Best paper award in Merchandising/Marketing/Retailing Track, ITAA Conference 2008.

Miller, N. J., Frazier, B., Niehm, L., Stoel, L, Kim, J-Y., Jackson, V. (2008). Building Research Collaborations: Special Session. Accepted for presentation and publication in N.J. Owens (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association Meeting. Schaumburg, Illinois, November 5-8, 2008. Citrus Heights, CA: ITAA:

Mullis, K., & Kim, M. (2008). Self-Congruity, Satisfaction, and Retailer Loyalty. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. Abstract published in online Proceedings ().

Mullis, K., Kim, M., & MacTavish, K. (2008). Retailing in Rural Communities: Retailers’ Perceptions of Their Customers & Their Communities. Paper presented at the Rural Sociology Society Annual Meeting, Manchester, New Hampshire. Abstract published in online Proceedings ().

Neihm, L., Miller, N. J., Frazer, B., Stoel, L., & Sattler Weber, S. (submitted 8/2008, accepted 10/08). Attracting Retail Entrepreneurs to Rural Communities: The Role of the Institutional Environment. US Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Advancing Entrepreneurship Conference January 8-11, 2009, Anaheim, CA.

Park, J. & Stoel, L. (November 2007). How presence of background music mitigates consumers’ perception of download delay: mediating role of emotions. Research paper presented orally at ITAA 2007 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.

Park, S., & Damhorst, M. L. (2007). Development and validation of a measure of postmodernity in dress [Extended abstract]. ITAA Proceedings. Available at (Paper presented at annual meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association, November, Los Angeles, CA)

Pookulangara, S., Hawley, J. M., Norum., P., Crustinger, C., Kim., Y.K., Shephard., A., (November, 2007). Graduate Programs: From Backpack to Briefcase. Special topics session. Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Los Angeles: CA. Available online. ®

Rees, K. (2008, May 23). Shifting trends in U.S. textile imports: A Markov analysis. Paper presented at the 18th International Conference of the International Trade and Finance Association, Lisbon, Portugal. 

Rutherford, N., Burns, L., Hawley.J. M., Norum, P., and Wesley,S. (November 2008). Evolving Patterns: The Evolving Story of Signature Fabrics. Special topics session. Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Chicago, IL.

Sanguanpiyapan, T.N., & Jasper, C.R., (2007, June 29). Consumers’ Patronage Behavior and Jewelry Shopping.  14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, San Francisco, CA.

Skabelund, L.R., Gabbard, R.T. & Anderson,B.G. (June 2008). Shifting Gears: Kansas State University’s Recent Effort to Meaningfully Address Green Building and Sustainable Use of Resources on Campus and in the Broader Community. Presented at the Greening the Heartland, USGBC Conference, June 22-24, 2008, St. Louis, Missouri.

Stoel, L. & Ernst, S. (September 2008). Comparing Rural Retailer Internet Users and Non-Users: Access Speed, Demographics, Attitudes and Beliefs. Proceedings of congressionally requested conference ‘Broadband in a Post-Modern Economy’ hosted by USDA-ERS.

Srivastava, C. and B. Sternquist (2008) Brand perspective: Influence of retail positioning on entry mode choices. ACRA Conference Durango, Colorado.

Weiss, J., & Kim, M. (2008). Environmental Cues Which Lead to Higher Seller Credibility in an Online Auction Setting. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. Abstract published in online Proceedings ().

Yoo, J., & Kim, M. (2008). The Effects of Brand Familiarity and Website Design on Consumer Responses. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. Abstract published in online Proceedings ().


Hawley, J. M. (September 18, 2008). Making the Right Apparel Choices: Sustainability in the 21st Century. Invited keynote for the Eco-watch…Creating Fashion Solutions” lecture series at the Sam-Fox School of Design and Visual Arts and the St. Louis Chapter of the Fashion Group International. Washington University, St. Louis, University.

Hawley, J. M. (September, 4, 2008). Nelly Don—a Kansan to be remembered. Invited presentation given to the Belleville Quilter’s Guild.

Hawley, J.M. (April, 2008). Apparel Sustainability in the 21st Century: Making the right choices. Proceedings of the conference of the Eco-Design: A Global Paradigm Shift: Seoul, Korea. Available online.

Hawley, J. M. (November 12, 2007). Digging for Diamonds: Building Consumer Awareness of Textile Recycling. Presentation made to the Greater Kansas City Family and Consumer Sciences. Olathe, Kansas. Invited.

Johnson, K.K. P. (2008). Globalization of the fashion industry: Implications for higher education presented at the International Seminar for the Establishment of the Inha Design Center, Inha University [also published as proceedings]

Johnson, K.K. P. (2008). Consumer Misbehavior. 2008 International Costume Culture Conference and Exhibition, Bejing, China. [also published as proceedings]

Johnson, K.K. P. (2008). Graduate student participation in professional associations: ITAA presented at Ewha Women’s University, Seoul, Korea.

Johnson, K. K. P. (2008). Visual processing of fashion advertisements using eye tracking presented at Hunyang University, Seoul, Korea.

Jolly, L. D. (2008) Exploring the Boundaries: Scholarship, Leadership & Learning, Advance Distinguished Lecture, Kansas State University, Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Jolly, L. D. (2008) Future Focused: Preparing for Success in Apparel & Textiles, Advance Distinguished Lecture, Kansas State University, Monday September 22, 2008

Rees, K. (2008, January 5). Response to U.S. bilateral regional agreements: The negative welfare effects of multiplicity in country of origin rules. Discussant’s presentation at the American Economic Association/Allied Social Sciences Association annual conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Sternquist, B. (May 2008) The Buying System Comparison of India and China. Food Retail Forum, Mumbai India.


Bell, M. (2008). Prestige seeking consumer behavior and evaluative criteria of premium brand jeans. Unpublished master’s thesis. Corvallis: Oregon State University. MS Advisors: Leslie Burns and Minjeong Kim.

Chatelain, Amber. (2008). Entertailing and Its Effect on the Generation Y Consumer University of Kentucky Degree: MS Advisor: Scarlett Wesley

Cho, Hyeon Jeong-2008 Effects of an entertainment-education strategy on perceived risks and purchase intentions concerning counterfeits. Unpublished master’s thesis. St. Paul; University of Minnesota. MS Advisor: Kim KP Johnson.

Fields, Rebecca (2008). University of Kentucky Degree: MS Advisor: Scarlett Wesley

Greathouse, L. (2007). Factors affecting breastfeeding duration in the Montgomery County WIC program. Unpublished M.S. thesis. Texas A&M University-Kingsville. MS Advisor: Kathleen Rees.

Hiller Connell, K. Y. (2008). Ecological consumer decision making: Nature, process, and barriers in apparel acquisition. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. East Lansing: Michigan State University. MS Advisor: Melody Lehew.

Hye Ri Park (2008). The Influence of Interactive Tools on Online Apparel Customer’s Attitudes and Intentions. Unpublished master’s thesis. The Ohio State University, Columbus. MS Advisor: Leslie Stoel.

Jiyoung Kim (2008). Effects of Institutional Environment and Social Capital on Rural Consumers’ Inshopping Behavior. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. The Ohio State University, Columbus. Ph.D. Advisor: Leslie Stoel.

Ju, Hae Won-2008 Young women’s processing of fashion advertisements using eye tracking technology. Unpublished master’s thesis. St. Paul; University of Minnesota. Master’s Advisor: Kim KP Johnson.

Kaur, J. (2008). Indian apparel consumption: A cross-cultural comparison of first generation Indian and the second-generation Indian American females. Unpublished master’s thesis. Corvallis: Oregon State University. MS Advisors: Leslie Burns and Minjeong Kim.

Kim, H. J. (2008). The impact of body image and body image self-discrepancy on perceived attractiveness, fashion involvement, concern with fit, and loyalty intention in online apparel shopping. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Iowa State University, Ames. Ph.D. Advisor: Mary Lynn Damhorst.

Lee, Jaeha-2008 Relative and interaction effects of situational and personal factors on impulse buying. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. St. Paul; University of Minnesota. Ph.D. Advisor: Kim KP Johnson.

Lee, Hyun-Joo (2008). Technology-based self-service kiosks in retailing: an optional channel for customer service. University of Tennessee Degree: Ph.D. Advisors: Laura D. Jolly & Ann E. Fairhurst.

Lee, Seahee (2008). Influence of moral view and other variables on purchase intentions concerning counterfeits. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. St. Paul; University of Minnesota. Ph.D. Advisor: Kim KP Johnson.

Mullis, K.L. (2008). Inshopping in rural communities: Consumers’ and retailers’ perceptions. Unpublished master’s thesis. Corvallis: Oregon State University. MS Advisor: Minjeong Kim.

Pookalangara, Sankjukta. (May, 2008). Explaining consumers’ channel-switching behavior using the theory of planned behavior. Unpublished dissertation. University of Missouri. Ph.D. Advisor: Melody Lehew.

Reddy, S. (2008). Relationships among individuals’ personality, self-esteem, age, perceived social support, appearance schema, appearance appraisal, and body image coping strategies. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Corvallis: Oregon State University. Ph.D. Advisors: Leslie Burns and Minjeong Kim.

Thitiporn Sanguanpiyapan (2007).: Jewelry Consumption: Consumer Insights Into Jewelry Shoppers Why They Shop Where They Do. Unpublished master’s thesis. Madison: University of Wisconsin-Madison. MS Advisor: Cynthia Jasper.

Tyner, K. E. (2008). Cosmetic technologies of the body: An exploration of self and identity through the consumption of nonsurgical cosmetic procedures. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Iowa State University, Ames. Ph.D. Advisor: Mary Lynn Damhorst.

Weiss, J. D. (2008). In search of dress: An analysis of the consumer decision making process of brides. Unpublished master’s thesis. Corvallis: Oregon State University. MS Advisor: Minjeong Kim.


Hawley, J. M. (November, 2007). Recycling Textiles: Going beyond the bin. White paper prepared for Resource Recycling, p. 31-33.

Jasper, C.R. (2007, November).  Reviewer for the International Textile and Apparel Association Newsletter (Vol. 29) on Experiential Retailing: Concepts and Strategies that Sell by Youn-Kyung Kim, Pauline Sullivan, and Judith Cardona Forney.

Newspaper and Magazine Interviews for Jasper, C.R.

Crisis Snags Main Street: Some area bankers hesitant to lend, some consumers nervous to borrow in climate. (2008, September 27). Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Online. Article by Paul Gores.

The 6 Coolest Jobs for Weird Majors: You can put an Unconventional Degree to Work for you in a Surprisingly Cool Career. (2008, August 28). U.S. News and World Report. Online. Article by Liz Wolgemuth.

Competing for your Warehouse Dollars: has entered the Madison-area market, offering a challenge to Sam’s Club and other Discount Retailers. (2008, August 20). Wisconsin State Journal. Front Page, p.A8. Article by Barry Adams.

Student Trends: Money. (2008, August). Hometown News, University Communications, Article by Nikki Fritz.

Will it Work? Stimulus Packages Fate May Rest on Skittish Consumes Spending. (2008, May 3). Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Article by Paul Gores.

What’s in a name? The new “no name” donation to the University of Wisconsin School of Business is shaking up how the public thinks about philanthropy. (2008, January 31). The Daily Cardinal. Article by Katy Williams.

Green vs. Clean: America’s Trustiest Appliance has Gotten a Makeover. But What’s Coming Out in their Wash. (2007, October). SmartMoney. The Wall Street Journal Magazine. Vol. XVI-no. X. Article by Renée DeFranco.

You Can’t Put Self-Esteem on a Credit Card. (2007, June 14). Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Article by Jim Stingl.

Hilldale on the Edge Again From Outskirts to Thick of Things. (2007, November 10). The Capital Times. Article by Lynn Welch.

Big and Even Bigger: Area’s 07 Retail Scene to Reflect Mega-Sized Trend. (2007, January 6-7).  The Capital Times.  Article by Lynn Welch.


Project title: Assessment of Kentuckians’ Sustainability Knowledge: A Focus on Family and Consumer Science Investigator: Scarlett Wesley Source: School of Human Environmental Research Activity Award Date: December 2008-May 2009 Amount: $2,000

Project title: Community Resiliency: Role of the Retail Sector in Easing Sudden and Slow Motion Economic Shocks. Investigators: Niehm, L., Frazier, B. & Stoel, L. Collaboators: Jolly, L., Kim, M., & Miller, N. (February 2008). United States Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research, Education & Extension Service (CSREES), National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program, Rural Development, $500,000 ($111,655 OSU subcontract); 3 years (funded).

Project title: Consumer acceptance of product visualization technology: A comparison of US and Korean online shoppers’ perceptions. Investigators: Kim, J., & Kim, J-H. (2007) University of South Carolina College of HRSM Internal grant for Faculty Research 2007-2008, $9,000.

Project title: Deconstructing stereotypes: Undergraduate curriculum development to engender empathy and tolerance toward obese persons. Investigators: Damhorst, M. L., & Ogle, J. P. (2007-2008). Iowa State University Miller Faculty Fellowship, $26,862.

Project title: Family Business and Policy (NC1030). Investigator: Jasper, C.R. and NC1030 members. Hatch, Agricultural Experiment Station, U.S. Department of Agriculture, October 1, 2006 – September 2011.

Project title: Find a Hidden Treasure: marketing the Historic Cosutme and Textiles Museum to Manhattan Visitors. Investigator: Hawley, J. M. (P.I.) (October, 2008). Manhattan Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau, Tourism Marketing Grant Program; (Funded October, 2008). $3,000

Project title: Latino and Women Owned Businesses as Generators of Amenity Rich Rural towns in the Corn Belt and Northern Plains States. Project Directors: Besser, T.L., Miller, N. J., Hernandez, H., Goe, W. R., Vigna, D. (Start 9/1/08, end 8/31/10). USDA National Research Initiative, Rural Development $500,000 (Awarded 6/08)

Project title: Marketing Potential of Fresh Food Products to Hispanic Consumers: Exploring a New Market Opportunity. Investigator: Scarlett Wesley, Lee Meyer, Terry Hutchens, Mary Roseman (University of Kentucky), Siddartha Dasgupta (Kentucky State University) and Tess Caudill (Kentucky Department of Agriculture) Source: USDA FSMIP (Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program) Date: September 2008 – September 2009 Amount: $55,780

Project title: Profiling Chinese Consumers’ Preferences for Soy-Based Dietary Supplements. Investigators: Stoel, L., Chung, J.E. & Xu, Y. (2008). Ohio Agricultural Research & Development Center (OARDC) Seed Grant Competition, 4/1/08 – 3/30/09, $50,803 (funded).

Project title: Repositioning Shopping Malls: The Importance of Mature Consumers. Investigators: Haiyan Hu and Cynthia R. Jasper. June 2006 – July 2007. Council for Shopping Mall Research, $14,963


Project Title: South Asian Studies at Kansas State University Proposal to the Department of Education Office of Post-Secondary Education Title VI: Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language Program. (Submitted November 26, 2007, not funded). $320,084.


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