Word - Appalachian State University

|word |Pg #, Sentence |definition |

|peculiar |2, I didn’t know it then, but that face belonged to Phoebe |If something is peculiar, it is strange or odd |

| |Winterbottom, a girl who would become my friend, and who would have| |

| |many peculiar things happen to her. |Some Halloween costumes look very peculiar. |

|ornery |6, Sometimes I am as ornery and stubborn as an old donkey. |being stubborn and quarrelsome |

| | | |

| | |When I think I am right I can be ornery. |

|astounding |20, I really thought it was more astounding that Mrs. Partridge |causes great surprise |

| |could do this, but I didn’t say anything. | |

| | |I thought it was astounding to hear that everyone in class made|

| | |a 100 on the test. |

|gallantly |27, “Excuse me, “ Gramps said gallantly. |bravely, daring |

| | | |

| | |“I am not doing my homework.” she gallantly said to the |

| | |teacher. |

|indicated |34, He indicated a new length of wire strung between two posts. |something pointed out or shown |

| | | |

| | |She indicated that my paper was great by putting a smiley face |

| | |on it. |

|pandemonium |46, It was complete pandemonium at the Finney’s. |disorder and confusion |

| | | |

| | |During the fire drill the hall was in complete pandemonium. |

|complicated |198, Kissing was thumpingly complicated. |It is not simple and hard to figure out. |

| | | |

| | |The math homework was extremely complicated. |

DAY 1: First I will give each student the following chart to fill out.

|Word |Know it well, can explain and use |Know something about it, can|Have seen or heard the |Do not know the word |

| |it |relate it to a situation |word | |

|peculiar | | | | |

|ornery | | | | |

|astounding | | | | |

|gallantly | | | | |

|indicated | | | | |

|pandemonium | | | | |

|complicated | | | | |

After the students fill out the chart I will introduce the words and their meanings.

Vocabulary Activity: Ask students to stand on a word line in the room that represents a continuum and to explain their placement.

How surprised would you be if:

• Your teacher thought it was astounding that you passed the spelling test?

• Your friend told you that your hair looked peculiar today?

• If your mother thought cooking was complicated?

• If someone indicated that they thought you were one of the best students in class.

DAY 2: Review words. I will read out a definition and the students will have to tell me what word the definition goes with.

Vocabulary Activity: Word Networks in groups. On poster board students will make word networks. What situations, things, or words come to mind when you think about these words:

DAY 3: Review Words. Play vocabulary game. I would have each word on an index card posted around the room. I also would have index cards with the definitions written on them lying face down on a table. I would instruct the students to go stand under a vocabulary word, there must be at least one person under every word. For the first word I would pick a definition card and read out the definition. I call on someone to tell me the word that belongs with that definition. If the student gets it correct, everyone standing under that word is out. If the student gets the word wrong, everyone is still in the game. I then say go and everyone stands under a different word. I call students who are sitting down to come and pick a definition card and tell us what word goes with it. We play until there is only one person standing.

Vocabulary Activity: Sentence Stems/Idea Completions

• I was astounded by_____(the shocking news on the TV.)__.

• ___(The Social Studies homework) _was very complicated.

• There was pandemonium when____(the children saw the snow out the window)__.

• The teacher indicated she was mad by__(putting her hands on her hips and raising her voice)___.

• The prince gallantly said __(he was going to rescue the princess)________.

DAY 4: Review Words. I will put the students in groups and give them a vocabulary word. The group will have to come up with their own definition and an example of that word in a sentence.

Vocabulary Activity: Synonyms and Antonyms: Ask pairs of students to work together to complete the following chart.

|Synonyms |Word |Antonyms |

| |peculiar | |

| |ornery | |

| |astounding | |

| |gallantly | |

| |indicated | |

| |pandemonium | |

| |complicated | |

|Synonyms |Word |Antonyms |

|weird, bizarre |peculiar |normal, ordinary |

|pigheaded, stubborn, headstrong |ornery |agreeable, pleasant |

|shocking, amazing |astounding |predictable |

|fearlessly |gallantly |shyly |

|expressed, showed, implied |indicated |hid |

|chaos |pandemonium |order |

|hard, difficult |complicated |easy, simple |

DAY 5: Review words, asking students to explain the meanings of each word.

Vocabulary Activity: Word Sort: In groups have students write the vocabulary words under the correct column heading.

|Nouns, words that name persons, |Adjectives: words that describe|Verbs: words that express |Adverbs: words that tell how |

|places, things or ideas | |actions or states of being |something is done |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Nouns, words that name persons, |Adjectives: words that describe|Verbs: words that express |Adverbs: words that tell how |

|places, things or ideas | |actions or states of being |something is done |

|pandemonium |peculiar |ornery |gallantly |

| |astounding |indicated | |

| |complicated | | |

Vocabulary Activity: Questions, Reasons, Examples

• What are some times you were in a pandemonium?(fire drill, a fair, recess on the playground)

• How would a police officer indicate he wants you to pull over?(blue lights, sirens)

• Why would a one eyed dog be peculiar?(It is not common, would look strange, not a normal sight)

• Why are some things that happen astounding? (It is not expected, it causes surprise)

• Why is math complicated for some students?(Some students find it harder to understand, it is hard to figure out for some students)

• Give an example of someone being ornery.(A person will not change his/her mind, not giving in, not cooperating with others)

• What is a situation in which you may have to do something gallantly?(be a brave brother/sister and go in a dark room first, bravely stand up for what you believe in)

Speed Round

1.Reading is complicated for some students and easy for other students.

True False

2.A two-headed frog would look peculiar.

True False

3.If you have heard astounding news then you would have expected what was said.

True False

4.She was so agreeable, we can say that she was ornery.

True False

5.Ted indicated he knew the answer by raising his hand.

True False

6.Usually during pandemonium there is a silent sound.

True False

7.When the teacher speaks gallantly to her class, she shows fear.

True False

8.Building a house is not complicated work.

True False

9.It is astounding to know that we will all get A’s in this class for being pretty.

True False

10.The class was in a pandemonium during the fire drill.

True False

11.The rip in her jeans was an indication that she needed a new pair.

True False

12.The baby was refusing to go to sleep, she was being ornery.

True False

13.If I did my little sister’s homework I would probably find it to be too complicated for me.

True False

14.Things that happen out of the ordinary can be described as peculiar.

True False

Speed Round Answers

1.Reading is complicated for some students and easy for other students.

True False

2.A two-headed frog would look peculiar.

True False

3.If you have heard astounding news then you would have expected what was said.

True False

4.She was so agreeable, we can say that she was ornery.

True False

5.Ted indicated he knew the answer by raising his hand.

True False

6.Usually during pandemonium there is a silent sound.

True False

7.When the teacher speaks gallantly to her class, she shows fear.

True False

8.Building a house is not complicated work.

True False

9.It is astounding to know that we will all get A’s in this class for being pretty.

True False

10.The class was in a pandemonium during the fire drill they could not hear the teacher’s directions over the loud noise.

True False

11.The rip in her jeans was an indication that she needed a new pair.

True False

12.The baby was refusing to go to sleep, she was being ornery.

True False

13.If I did my little sister’s homework I would probably find it to be too complicated for me.

True False

14.Things that happen out of the ordinary can be described as peculiar.

True False

Final Assessment Name________

1.Describe how someone who was ornery would act.

2.Describe some things that might be complicated for a five year-old.

Which of the two items is an example of the target word?


• Some news that makes a person so sad he/she cries

• Some news that makes a person gasp in amazement


• Third grade math for a seventh grader

• Seventh grade math for a third grader

5.What is an antonym for the word peculiar?

6.What is a synonym for the word pandemonium?

7.What is a synonym for the word indicated?

Underline the best response or responses.

8.If someone spoke gallantly she/he would sound:

a. fearful

b. fearless

c. chivalrous

9.If you were an ornery person you would:

a. stand your ground

b. give in easy

c. wear armor

10.If you wanted to indicate that you knew the answer you might:

a. raise your hand

b. leave the room

c. blurt out the answer

11.If the homework was complicated you would probably:

a. find the answers easily

b. ask for help

c. give it to your little brother to complete

Choose the correct meaning for each word.


a. something that is normal b. someone who is liar

c. something that is odd d. someone who pecks


a. fighting over everything b. fighting about money

c. able to get along with easily d. cooperate well with others

Final Assessment Answers Name________

1.Describe how someone who was ornery would act.

An ornery person would not cooperate with others well and be hard to get along with. The person would be stubborn and always want it his/her way

2.Describe some things that might be complicated for a five year-old.

It would be complicated for a five year-old to read hard books. They would have a hard time multiplying and dividing.

Which of the two items is an example of the target word?


• Some news that makes a person so sad he/she cries

• Some news that makes a person gasp in amazement


• Third grade math for a seventh grader

• Seventh grade math for a third grader

5.What is an antonym for the word peculiar? Ordinary, normal

6.What is a synonym for the word pandemonium? chaos, disorder

7.What is a synonym for the word indicated? Pointed out, shown

Underline the best response or responses.

8.If someone spoke gallantly she/he would sound:

a. fearful

b. fearless

c. chivalrous

9.If you were an ornery person you would:

a. stand your ground

b. give in easy

c. wear armor

10.If you wanted to indicate that you knew the answer you might:

a. raise your hand

b. leave the room

c. blurt out the answer

11.If the homework was complicated you would probably:

a. find the answers easily

b. ask for help

c. give it to your little brother to complete

Choose the correct meaning for each word.


a. something that is normal b. someone who is liar

c. something that is odd d. someone who pecks


a. fighting over everything b. fighting about money

c. able to get along with easily d. cooperate well with others

Christy Crouse


4th Grade

Walk Two Moons

Vocabulary Packet







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