University of Alabama at Birmingham

SI Worksheet Chapter 8 PY 121 Regan GaskinWhat is gender typing?Decide which parenting style is high/low in demand and high/low in loveParenting StyleDemandLoveAuthoritativeAuthoritarianPermissiveUninvolved/NeglectfulWhich parenting style is the most successful approach? When comparing Western parents to Chinese parents, which are more controlling? Name and explain the forms of child maltreatment. What type of programming is 9% above average in violence in childrens’ programing?DocumentariesCartoonsReality TVCooking showsThousands of studies have concluded that TV violence increases the likelihood of hostile thoughts and emotions and of verbally, physically, and relationally aggressive behavior. True or FalseShould treatment for aggressive children begin early?What is the difference between proactive aggression and reactive aggression?________________ harms others through physical injury—pushing, hitting kicking, or punching others or destroying another’s propertyPhysical aggressionVerbal aggressionRelational aggressionThe cognitive-development perspective regards children as ___________ ____________ about social rules. In one research study ____________ (black/white) families used physical punishments, that were culturally approved, and delivered in a context of parental warmth. Explain an alternative to hard punishment. What is corporal punishment? As preschoolers interact, _____ _______________ form that serve as important contexts for emotional and social development. Give an example of make believe play. Peer sociability in ________________ societies, which stress group harmony, takes a different form than in individualistic cultures. What is an altruistic behavior?A more advanced type of interaction, children orient toward a common goal, such as acting out a make believe theme. Parallel playAssociative playCooperative play ____________ contributes to preschoolers’ improved emotional self-regulation.Preschoolers’ explanations tend to emphasize ___________ ____________over internal states, a balance that changes with age. Gains in ______________, ____________________, and ________-__________ support emotional development in early childhood. _________ _________-__________ contributes greatly to preschooler’s initiative during a period in which they must master many new skills. What is self-concept?The judgments we make about our own worth and the feelings associated with those judgments is known as _________-__________. ................

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