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Seoul, ROK

1June 19XX



1. Situation

a. General. Reconnaissance will provide information for planning and conduct of CFC operations.

(1) Provide reconnaissance and surveillance to determine and report infiltration routes; types of transportation; number of personnel; unit and/or faction/group designations; amount and type of material; terrain and traffic conditions; and probable locations of North Korea logistic base operations, training areas, UGFs, and tactical and strategic exploitation forces.

(2) Provide reconnaissance to locate and if directed place surveillance on LZs and DZs in support of airborne or air assault operations in South Korea.

(3) Provide reconnaissance and surveillance of designated airfields and seaports in support of force arrival, RSOI, and NEO.

(4) Provide reconnaissance for collection of PIR/IR. Annex B.

b. Enemy. Annex B.

c. Friendly. Base Plan.

d. Assumptions. Base Plan.

2. Mission. CFC forces conduct reconnaissance and surveillance operations in the JOA in support of JTF Korea operations and assist South Korean military forces.

3. Execution

a. Concept of Operations

(1) General. CFC provides accurate and timely intelligence to all CFC elements employing national and theater assets.

(2) Commitment of Forces. Deployed and supporting CFC forces will be directly or indirectly involved in intelligence collection through reconnaissance activities.

(a) SOF special reconnaissance (SR) elements will be employed where necessary to collect PIR/IR.

(b) When deployed the JTF will be responsible for collection and dissemination of timely tactical information concerning the theater of operations. SO elements, LRSU, LRSD, and other assets will be employed to collect PIR/IR.

b. Tasks

(1) JTF Korea. OPCON and supporting forces and agencies are employed to conduct reconnaissance to collect CFC and JTF PIR/IR.

(2) Employed SO forces during main force pre-deployment/deployment phase.

(a) OPCON to CFC

1. On order, conduct SR.

2. On order, deploy ground sensors.

3. Perform other tasks as directed by COMJTF Korea.

(b) On order, OPCON to JTF Korea. Perform tasks as directed by COMJTF Korea.

c. Operating Authorities. No operational constraints except those in Appendix 6, Annex C.

d. Processing. Annex B. When SO forces are deployed OPCON to JTF Korea special procedures and/or requirements may originate from and will be coordinated through CJG2.

e. Targeting. Annex B. Requirements for submission of reconnaissance objectives IAW subparagraph d above. Priority of requests will be determined at each successive command level; final authority rests with controlling senior commander. Ground sensor employment will be coordinated with responsible US ground commander before employment in his AO.

f. Reporting. Annex B. Reconnaissance mission reporting IAW established procedures. Information satisfying PIR, IR, and acquisition orders will be reported by fastest secure means available or IAW mission instructions.

g. Coordinating Instructions. Information and procedural guidance necessary to coordinate reconnaissance operations:

(1) Liaison and Communication Requirements. Liaison personnel, to include host country personnel, will be exchanged at each major headquarters to ensure timely requests and reporting. JTF Korea will maintain liaison with CFC.

(2) Coordination of National Plans and Programs. USPACOM will coordinate requirements for national strategic plans and programs before plan implementation.

(3) Survivability Criteria or Procedures. IAW unit SOPs.

4. Administration and Logistics

a. Supply. Annex D.

b. Reports. IAW USPACOM SOP.

5. Command and Control. Annex K.




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