Life has a way of making sure you don’t get too ...

Coping With Anxiety in a New Job

Starting a new job can be a significant source of stress. It is also associated with the fear of failure, losing the job and possible unemployment. But rather than let your new job stress overwhelm you, try to pinpoint the causes of your anxiety.

Making a good first impression

Don’t take yourself too seriously—cut yourself some slack if it takes you a while to learn the layout of a new building or get your co-workers’ names right.

Try to personalize your workspace, but make sure you adhere to any company policies regarding office decoration.

Learning new rules

Find out as much about your company and department as you can. Establish how rigidly your co-workers adhere to the chain of command and find out where you fit in. Learn whether your department encourages teamwork or independent work.

Working with new people

Try to gauge the level of familiarity at the office. Do people treat each other as close friends or keep their work and personal lives separate?

Be friendly and respectful with everyone. Avoid getting involved in office politics, which often are negative.


Meeting new expectations

Ask for clarification if you feel unsure about what’s expected of you. More importantly, listen to what people tell you.

Dealing with fear of losing your job

Uncertainty about your performance, coupled with a fickle economy, may leave you feeling uneasy.

Ask questions about the company and its strategies for weathering an economic storm. The more you know about the future prospects of your new job, the better you will be able to deal with stressors and unexpected situations that might arise.

If the stress associated with a new job is seriously affecting your life, make sure you get appropriate professional help.

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