Documentation Submission FAQ* - Home - Public Health ...

Documentation Submission FAQ*February 2012 175260-190500 Quick TipsTip: Be sure to type all measure specific questions into the corresponding measure PHAB Q&A text box. This ensures a quick response from your Accreditation Specialist and maintains a historical record so your accreditation team can reference the response. Tip: If you are using copy/paste in e-PHAB (an upload Title or Description, Measure Narrative, PHAB Q&A, or Notes text boxes), strip the text of all formatting code by first pasting your text into Notepad.Tip: Text box character limits are:Title: 250 characters; Description: 150 words (optional field);Measure Narrative: 10,000 characters (optional field).Tip: If e-PHAB is slow, try: Logging out of and back into e-PHAB; Open e-PHAB in a different browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Google Chrome); orRestart your computer and log in.Tip: To update e-PHAB, click the control key and the refresh webpage button at the same time to delete the cache. Tip: To send alert emails in HD Notes, the recipient must have “write” permission. Anyone with “read” permission can view the note; By February 15th, all staff will be able to receive alerts.18135601463040*NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OUTSIDE HEALTH DEPARTMENT00*NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OUTSIDE HEALTH DEPARTMENT518160127000Why won’t my document upload?If a document will not upload, try the following trouble shooting suggestions:Type in the Title field, rather than using copy and paste. Remove any characters other than letters and spaces. Do not use commas in your title.IMPORTANT: Use spaces NOT underscores in the Title field. Using underscores may cause the title length to be too long and push your “Upload By” and “Action” columns out of view.Type in the Description field, rather than using copy and paste. If you do want to continue to use your copy and paste tool, strip any formatting code by first by pasting your text into Notepad. Then cut and paste your text from Notepad to e-PHAB. If your document still will not upload, save the document to your desktop. When browsing for the document in e-PHAB, select the file that was saved to your desktop. If the file path in your intra-net is corrupt, e-PHAB will reject the upload for security purposes.Which text fields are optional?Both the Description and Measure Narrative text fields are optional. Description text is an opportunity for the health department to describe how the uploaded document meets the required documentation. For example, text could (1) provide context of the documentation, (2) identify relevant sections of the upload if the specific documentation is part of a larger document, and/or (3) describe the author, if the document was not developed by the health department. Measure Narrative is an opportunity for the health department to provide the Site Visitors with an overview of how all uploads for all required documentation, taken together, demonstrate conformity with the measure. Please do not add images or charts/tables in this text field.Can I replace an upload without losing the title and description?No. When you delete an upload you will lose the title and description. If you need to replace a document, remember to first click edit (the button that looks like a pencil and paper) so you can copy and paste the text you want to keep.How do I know when my Accreditation Specialist has replied to my question?You can see when your Accreditation Specialist (AS) has responded to a PHAB Q&A by looking at your “Alerts” column on the main Doc. Submission page. You’ll see a notification number appear in the right column by measure. For example, if you ask one question, a “1” will appear, and when your AS responds, that number will change to “2”, etc. To clear the notification, click on the measure number where the question was answered and then click the top drop down menu in the right column, “Alerts”, and select “Clear”.How can I change my password?312420052324000When logged into e-PHAB, you can change your password by clicking on the “My Account” button on the top right of the page. Type a new password into the “Password” and “Confirm Password” fields and press the “Submit” button. Use your new password next time you log in. I forgot my password, how can I reset it?From the e-PHAB homepage login screen, select “Forgotten your password? Click here.” Enter the email used when you were registered with e-PHAB and a new password will be emailed to you. Return to the e-PHAB homepage, enter your email and the new password that was emailed to you. Passwords are case-sensitive, so copy and paste the password from your email. Passwords are randomly generated characters, so you may wish to change your password once logged in. 91440535940We continue to improve functionality in e-PHAB. Please let your Accreditation Specialist know if you have any suggestions for improvements to e-PHAB.00We continue to improve functionality in e-PHAB. Please let your Accreditation Specialist know if you have any suggestions for improvements to e-PHAB. ................

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