Copy and Paste as Math/Text on Microsoft Word document

Copy and Paste as Math/Text on Microsoft Word document

Sep. 6, 2015 Using InftyReader Ver. 3.1, you can recognize images on clip board and paste the result onto Microsoft Word document. The images on clipboard should be of high resolution, such as 400DPI. Below is a recommended way to "copy" from PDF using "Snap shot" of Adobe Reader and paste the recognition result as math/text on Word.

- Adobe Reader of version 10 or newer. - Microsoft Word 2010 or newer

Preparation (Setting of Adobe Reader)

1. Select the menu: "Edit" - "Properties" of Adobe reader

1. Select "General" and input 400 in the box "pixel/inch"


Take snapshot (Copy) from PDF on Adobe Reader

1. Select the menu: "Edit" ? "Take a snapshot"

2. Select an area by mouse dragging

Then, the image of the selected area of PDF is copied to the "Clip Board" of Windows at 400DPI.

Paste the recognition result to Microsoft Word document

Open a Word document and press "right click button". If InftyReader Ver.3.1 series is installed, the menu:"Paste as Math and Texts" will appear. Selecting it, the recognition result of the image on the clip board will be pasted at the current cursor position of Word document.



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