Course Discipline and



|form C |

|Modify or Inactivate an Existing Course |

|Date: December 5, 2015 |Prepared & Submitted by: Andrew Van Tuyl |

|Department: Natural Science |Course ID: PSCI2 |Course Title: Introduction to Meteorology |

Obtain signatures from your Department Chair and Area Dean prior to submitting to the curriculum committee.

____________ ___________________________ _______________________________

Date Print Name Department Chair

____________ ___________________________ _______________________________

Date Print Name Area Dean


The course(s) has/have been approved by the curriculum committee and instructional administration, and satisfy all applicable requirements of the California Code of Regulations, Title 5.

____________ ___________________________ _______________________________

Date Print Name Signature, Curriculum Chair

____________ ___________________________ _______________________________

Date Print Name Signature, VP of Instruction


On ____________ (date), the governing board of the Gavilan College District approved the course proposal(s) attached to this request.

____________ ___________________________ _______________________________

Date Print Name President

|1. |What is the effective term? |

| |Fall Spring Summer Year: 2016 |

|2. | Inactivate Course(s): Inactivating a course will remove it from the course catalog. Courses may be re-activated by updating the course |

| |and bringing it back to the Curriculum Committee for approval. Transferable courses will need to be re-articulated, should you decide to |

| |reactivate the course. |

| | |

| |Reason for inactivation:       |

|3. | Modification of the following: |

| | |

| |Reason for modification: Five-yearly update; update textbook editions |

| Number | Hours | Prerequisite/Advisory | Discipline |

| Title | Units | Description | Content |

| Grading | GE Applicability | Repeatability | Transferability |

| General Update | Reinstate Course | Cross list course with       | Un-cross list |

| Update Textbook | Cultural Diversity | Other (please describe.)       |


Course ID: PSCI2 Units: 3 Lecture hours per week: 3 Lab hours per week:      

(Discipline and Number)

|COURSE TITLE: |Introduction to Meteorology |

(Maximum of 60 spaces)

|Abbreviated Title: |INTRO METEOROLOGY |

(Maximum of 30 spaces)


|From: |PSCI2 |Introduction to Meteorology |3 |3 |0 |16 |

| |Discipline & Number|Course Title |Units |Lecture |Lab |Number of |

| | | | |Hours per |Hours per |weeks |

| | | | |week |week | |

|To: |PSCI2 |Introduction to Meteorology |3 |3 |0 |16 |

| |Discipline & Number |Course Title |Units |Lecture |Lab |Number of |

| | | | |Hours per |Hours per |weeks |

| | | | |week |week | |


No Change Change


Has the course content been compared to the equivalent C-ID descriptor? Yes No n/a

If yes, enter C-ID code:      

See Articulation Officer for assistance with C-ID descriptors.

Is this course cross-listed? Yes No

If yes, which department is responsible for scheduling, updating, and assessing the course?


Reason for cross-listing:


Is cross-listing being removed? Yes No n/a

If yes, how is the cross-listed course going to be handled?

Inactivate cross-listed course.

Inactivate cross-listed course and add a new course with a distinctly different course number, course title and course description.


List all prerequisites separated by AND/OR, as needed. Also fill out and submit the Prerequisite/Advisory form.

No Change Change

Replaces existing Advisory/Prerequisite

In addition to existing Advisory/Prerequisite





No Change Change

Standard Letter Grade Option of a standard letter grade or pass/no pass

Pass/no pass only Non Credit


(Note: Course Outline must include additional skills that will be acquired by repeating this course.)

No Change Change

Credit Course Yes No If yes, how many times? 1 2 3

Non Credit Course Yes No If yes, how many times? 1 2 3

Unlimited (DRC or Noncredit only)

Reason for Repeating:

Intercollegiate Athletics

Active Participatory course in Physical Education, Visual Arts or Performing Arts related in content to one or more other courses.

Occupational Work Experience/General Work Experience

Special class for students with disabilities

Non Credit


No Change

Hybrid (If checked, fill out Form D.)

Online (If checked, fill out Form D.)



No Change Change

Yes - Course is NOT included in a degree or certificate program

No - Course IS included in a degree or certificate program


No Change Change



Textbook must be no more than 5 years old.

The following information must be provided: Author, Title, Publisher, Year of Publication, Reading level and Reading level verification.

Required: Recommended: n/a

Author: Mills, Elizabeth W. (ed.). Title: Weather Studies, 6th Edition. Place of Publication: Boston, MA: Publisher: American Meteorological Society, Year of Publication: 2015. Or other appropriate college level text.

ISBN: 1-940073-41-1 (if available)

Reading level of text, Grade: 14 Verified by: Dana Young

Other textbooks or materials to be purchased by the student: Weather Studies eInvesigations Manual, 2015-2016 and Summer 2016.


Does this course meet the cultural diversity requirement? Yes No No Change n/a

If 'Yes', please indicate which criteria apply. At least two criteria must be selected and evidenced in the course content section and at least one Student Learning Outcome must apply to cultural diversity.

This course promotes understanding of:

Cultures and subcultures

Cultural awareness

Cultural inclusiveness

Mutual respect among diverse peoples

Familiarity with cultural developments and their complexities

Student Learning Outcome Number(s)      


Is this course part of a program (degree or certificate)? If yes, copy and paste the appropriate Program Learning Outcomes and number them. Enter the PLOs by number in the Student Learning Outcomes below.



1. Complete this section in a manner that demonstrates student’s use of critical thinking and reasoning skills. These include the ability to formulate and analyze problems and to employ rational processes to achieve increased understanding. Reference Bloom's Taxonomy of action verbs.

2. List the Type of Measures that will be used to measure the student learning outcomes, such as written exam, oral exam, oral report, role playing, project, performance, demonstration, etc.

3. Identify which Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) are aligned with this course. List them by number in order of emphasis.

4. Identify which Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO) are aligned with this course. List them, by number in order of emphasis. For example: "2, 1" would indicate Cognition and Communication.

(1) Communication, (2) Cognition, (3) Information Competency, (4) Social Interaction, (5) Aesthetic Responsiveness, (6) Personal Development & Responsibility, (7) Content Specific.

5. For GE courses, enter the GE Learning Outcomes for this course. For example "A1, A2". GE Learning Outcomes are listed below.

6. Indicate when the course was last assessed.

Indicate by number which Program Learning Outcomes, Institutional Learning Outcomes and GE Learning Outcomes are supported by each of the Student Learning Outcomes.

Have you consulted the Rubric in developing the SLOs? Yes No

|1. |Read weather maps and correctly interpret the main weather map symbols. |

|Measure: Laboratory |PLO:       |ILO: 2, 1 |GE-LO: B1 |Year assessed or anticipated year of assessment: 2010|

|assignments | | | | |

|2. |Describe the mechanisms by which heating imbalances drive the atmospheric circulation |

|Measure: Laboratory |PLO:       |ILO: 2,1 |GE-LO: B1 |Year assessed or anticipated year of assessment: 2010|

|assignments; final exam | | | | |

|3. |Explain the relation between the wind field and pressure patterns. |

|Measure: Laboratory |PLO:       |ILO: 2, 1 |GE-LO: B1 |Year assessed or anticipated year of assessment: 2010|

|assignments; final exam | | | | |

|4. |      |

|Measure:       |PLO:       |ILO:       |GE-LO:       |Year assessed or anticipated year of assessment: |

| | | | |      |

|5. |      |

|Measure:       |PLO:       |ILO:       |GE-LO:       |Year assessed or anticipated year of assessment: |

| | | | |      |

|6. |      |

|Measure:       |PLO:       |ILO:       |GE-LO:       |Year assessed or anticipated year of assessment: |

| | | | |      |

|7. |      |

|Measure:       |PLO:       |ILO:       |GE-LO:       |Year assessed or anticipated year of assessment: |

| | | | |      |

|8. |      |

|Measure:       |PLO:       |ILO:       |GE-LO:       |Year assessed or anticipated year of assessment: |

| | | | |      |

|9. |      |

|Measure:       |PLO:       |ILO:       |GE-LO:       |Year assessed or anticipated year of assessment: |

| | | | |      |

|10. |      |

|Measure:       |PLO:       |ILO:       |GE-LO:       |Year assessed or anticipated year of assessment: |

| | | | |      |


AREA A Communications in the English Language

After completing courses in Area A, students will be able to do the following:

1. Receive, analyze, and effectively respond to verbal communication.

2. Formulate, organize and logically present verbal information.

3. Write clear and effective prose using forms, methods, modes and conventions of English grammar that best achieve the writing’s purpose.

4. Advocate effectively for a position using persuasive strategies, argumentative support, and logical reasoning.

5. Employ the methods of research to find information, analyze its content, and appropriately incorporate it into written work.

6. Read college course texts and summarize the information presented.

7. Analyze the ideas presented in college course materials and be able to discuss them or present them in writing.

8. Communicate conclusions based on sound inferences drawn from unambiguous statements of knowledge and belief.

9. Explain and apply elementary inductive and deductive processes, describe formal and informal fallacies of language and thought, and compare effectively matters of fact and issues of judgment and opinion.

AREA B Physical Universe and its Life Forms

After completing courses in Area B, students will be able to do the following:

1. Explain concepts and theories related to physical and biological phenomena.

2. Identify structures of selected living organisms and relate structure to biological function.

3. Recognize and utilize appropriate mathematical techniques to solve both abstract and practical problems.

4. Utilize safe and effectives laboratory techniques to investigate scientific problems.

5. Discuss the use and limitations of the scientific process in the solution of problems.

6. Make critical judgments about the validity of scientific evidence and the applicability of scientific theories.

7. Utilize appropriate technology for scientific and mathematical investigations and recognize the advantages and disadvantages of that technology.

8. Work collaboratively with others on labs, projects, and presentations.

9. Describe the influence of scientific knowledge on the development of world’s civilizations as recorded in the past as well as in present times.

AREA C Arts, Foreign Language, Literature and Philosophy

After completing courses in Area C, students will be able to do the following:

1. Demonstrate knowledge of the language and content of one or more artistic forms: visual arts, music, theater, film/television, writing, digital arts.

2. Analyze an artistic work on both its emotional and intellectual levels.

3. Demonstrate awareness of the thinking, practices and unique perspectives offered by a culture or cultures other than one’s own.

4. Recognize the universality of the human experience in its various manifestations across cultures.

5. Express objective and subjective responses to experiences and describe the integrity of emotional and intellectual response.

6. Analyze and explain the interrelationship between self, the creative arts, and the humanities, and be exposed to both non-Western and Western cultures.

7. Contextually describe the contributions and perspectives of women and of ethnic and other minorities.

AREA D Social, Political, and Economic Institutions

After completing courses in Area D, students will be able to do the following:

1. Identify and analyze key concepts and theories about human and/or societal development.

2. Critique generalizations and popular opinion about human behavior and society, distinguishing opinion and values from scientific observation and study.

3. Demonstrate an understanding of the use of research and scientific methodologies in the study of human behavior and societal change.

4. Analyze different cultures and their influence on human development or society, including how issues relate to race, class and gender.

5. Describe and analyze cultural and social organizations, including similarities and differences between various societies.

AREA E Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development

After completing courses in Area E, students will be able to do the following:

1. Demonstrate an awareness of the importance of personal development.

2. Examine the integration of one’s self as a psychological, social, and physiological being.

3. Analyze human behavior, perception, and physiology and their interrelationships including sexuality, nutrition, health, stress, the social and physical environment, and the implications of death and dying.

AREA F Cultural Diversity

After completing courses in Area F, students will be able to do the following:

1. Connect knowledge of self and society to larger cultural contexts.

2. Articulate the differences and similarities between and within cultures.


|No Change Change |

|Copy and paste the existing content from the official course outline of record. Edit the content as needed. |

|WEEK 1 (3 Hours): |

|TOPIC: Introduction to basic characteristics of weather, sources of weather information, various parameters that are used to describe the state of the |

|atmosphere. This is the Preview Week, designed by the American Meteorological Society to let students become familiar with the course. The material is |

|the same for Week 2. |

|STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES (SPO): Identify principal weather systems that are plotted on surface weather maps, describe properties of weather |

|systems, define common parameters used to describe the state of the atmosphere, explain advantages of satellite observations, distinguish between |

|visible and infrared satellite images, apply the 'hand-twist' model of wind direction to the circulation in actual highs and lows, draw isobars to show |

|the pattern of surface air pressure across the nation at map time. |

|OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Draw isobars on a surface weather map and interpret isobar patterns, apply the hand-twist model to surface winds in highs and |

|lows. |

| |

|WEEK 2 (3 Hours): |

|TOPIC: Introduction to basic characteristics of weather, sources of weather information, various parameters that are used to describe the state of the |

|atmosphere. This material is the same as for Week 1 (see above). |

|SPO: Identify principal weather systems that are plotted on surface weather maps, describe properties of weather systems, define common parameters used |

|to describe the state of the atmosphere, explain advantages of satellite observations, distinguish between visible and infrared satellite images, apply |

|the 'hand-twist' model of wind direction to the circulation in actual highs and lows, draw isobars to show the pattern of surface air pressure across |

|the nation at map time. |

|OUT-OF-CLASSS ASSIGNMENTS: Draw isobars on a surface weather map and interpret isobar patterns, apply the hand-twist model to surface winds in highs and|

|lows. |

| |

|WEEK 3 (3 Hours): |

|TOPIC: Introduction to atmosphere: origin, composition and structure. Distinguishing between weather and climate. |

|SPO: To distinguish between weather and climate, sketch vertical temperature profile of the atmosphere, distinguish between troposphere, stratosphere, |

|and ionosphere. |

|OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Decode symbols on a surface weather map and interpret weather conditions, plot a sounding on a Stuve diagram and compare to |

|the U.S. Standard Atmosphere. |

| |

|WEEK 4 (3 Hours): |

|TOPIC: Solar and terrestrial radiation. Study of the flow of electromagnetic radiation into and out of the Earth-atmosphere system |

|SPO: To consider the variability of sunlight received at different latitudes over the period of a year, to identify principal characterisitcs of |

|radiation and the electromagnetic spectrum, to describe the interactions that take place when solar radiation strikes the Earth's surface, to explain |

|the role of the ocean in the global solar radiation budget. |

|OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Compare visible and infrared satellite images for weather inerpretation, describe variations in solar radiation throughout the|

|year by latitude. |

| |

|WEEK 5 (4 Hours): |

|TOPIC: Heat, temperature and atmospheric circulation. Introduction to the measure of temperature, how heat is transported via conduction, convection, |

|and phase changes of water. Distinguishing between sensible heating and latent heating, and their importance on a global scale. |

|SPO: Students should be able to draw isotherms to show the pattern of air temperatures across the nation, locate regions on a weather map where cold and|

|warm air advection are likely to be occurring, relate temperature advection patterns to circulations of weather systems, calculate the number of heating|

|or cooling degree-days accumulated on a given day, demonstrate the use of current data to determine the number of heating or cooling degree-days in |

|selected locations, describe the pattern of average annual heating-degree totals over the coterminous U.S., determine wind chill temperatures based on |

|temperature and wind observations. |

|OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Draw isotherms on a surface map and determine areas of warm and cold air advection, calculate heating and cooling degree-days |

|and determine wind chill. |

| |

|WEEK 6 (3 Hours): |

|TOPIC: Air pressure. Discussion of an aneroid barometer compared to a mercury barometer, discuss the significance of air pressure tendency for local |

|weather forecasting. Show how the gas law applies to the atmosphere, how surface air pressure varies with different types of air masses, how divergence |

|and convergence of horizontal winds can cause changes in air pressure. |

|SPO: Identify air pressure changes and other local weather conditions that indicate the passage of a cold front, relate local air pressure changes and |

|weather conditions to the presence of different air masses before and after the passage of a cold front, estimate the speed of movement of a strong, |

|well-defined cold front. Explain how variations in air temperature cause differences in air pressure, describe how density contrasts between warm and |

|cold air produce horizontal variations in air pressure at different altitudes in the atmosphere. |

|OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Use a meteogram to describe changes in air pressure and other weather conditions with the passage of a cold front. Use the |

|pressure block concept to demonstrate the influence of air density and air temperature on changes in air pressure with altitude. |

| |

|WEEK 7 (3 Hours): |

|TOPIC: Humidity, saturation and stability. First of three sections on moisture in the atmosphere, describing fundamental concepts of global water |

|cycles, ways of expressing water vapor concentration, the nature of saturation through expansional cooling, stability of air, and lifting processes. |

|SPO: Describe how air temperature changes as air pressure changes, make clouds appear and disappear in a bottle, describe the role condensation nuclei |

|play to enhance cloud formation, explain how most clouds form in the atmosphere. |

|OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Use cloud-in-a-bottle demonstration to illustrate how temperature changes are related to pressure changes. |

| |

|WEEK 8 (3 Hours): |

|TOPIC: Humidity, saturation and stability. Second section on moisture in the atmosphere, considering cloud formation and classification, fog, |

|precipitation processes and forms, and weather radar. |

|SPO: Describe how to use a Stuve diagram to follow atmospheric temperature processes, determine the temperature of air that rises or sinks in the |

|atmosphere, describe how the water vapor saturation of air can affect atmospheric temperatures. |

|OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Use a Stuve diagram to illustrate dry and saturated adiabatic processes as air parcels ascend and descend in the atmosphere. |

| |

|WEEK 9 (3 Hours): |

|TOPIC: Review and midterm exam. |

| |

|WEEK 10 (4 Hours): |

|TOPIC: Clouds, precipitation and weather radar. Third section on moisture in the atmosphere, considering cloud formation and classification, fog, |

|precipitation processes and forms, and weather radar. |

|SPO: List the sources and types of cloud nuclei, explain the significance of hygroscopic nuclei, identify the various fog-forming processes, list |

|conditions required for extreme nocturnal radiational cooling, explain the significance of terminal velocity in the formation of precipitation, describe|

|the Bergeron-Findeisen process. Based on the weather radar depictions, students should be able to locate areas of precipitation and indicate the general|

|relationship between the uplift of air and the formation of clouds and precipitation, describe aspects of the actual wind that are detected by Doppler |

|radar, determine the speed of the wind toward or away from radar sites, and construct wind patterns as detected by Doppler radar. |

|OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Locate and track areas of precipitation using weather radar operating in the reflectivity mode, describe the wind pattern |

|detected by Doppler weather radar for a severe weather situation. |

| |

|WEEK 11 (3 Hours): |

|TOPIC: Wind and weather. Discussion of atmospheric circulation and weather systems, forces (pressure gradient, centripital, Coriolis, friction and |

|gravity) that initiate and shape the wind. |

|SPO: Describe horizontal forces that act on air parcels. Show the directions toward which these atmospheric forces act. Relate these horizontal forces |

|to the winds reported on weather maps. Describe the topography of upper-air constant pressure surfaces based on height contours, including the |

|identification of highs, lows, ridges, and troughs. Describe the general relationship between height contours and the temperature of the underlying |

|atmosphere. Describe the relationship between the height contours and wind direction on upper-air maps. |

|OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Examine the influence of forces on horizontal air motion near the Earth's surface, describe the properties of a 500-mb map |

|analysis and identify highs, lows, ridges and troughs. |

| |

|WEEK 12 (3 Hours): |

|TOPIC: Atmosphere's Planetary Circulation. This and the next three sessions are concerned with the genesis and characteristics of a variety of weather |

|systems. We examine these systems in order of decreasing spatial scale, beginning with the largest scale, the global or planetary circulation. |

|Semipermanent pressure systems, wind belts, and the Intertropical Convergnece Zone (ITCZ) are principal features of the planetary-scale circulation. |

|SPO: List the principal components of the atmosphere's planetary-scale circulation, describe the linkage between the subtropical anticyclones and the |

|trade winds, describe the linkage between the subtropical anticyclones and the westerlies. |

|OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Examine upper-air westerly wave patterns, the jet stream, and how these features influence midlatitude surface weather. |

| |

|WEEK 13 (3 HOURS): |

|TOPIC: The second of four sessions concerned with the genesis and characteristics of a variety of weather systems. The Intertropical Convergence Zone |

|(ITCZ) and El Nino will be examined as principal features of the atmospheric circulation. |

|SPO: Describe the long-term average conditions of the tropical Pacific Ocean and atmosphere. Compare El Nino conditions to long-term average conditions.|

|Explain how atmospheric conditions during El Nino are transmitted beyond the tropical Pacific area. |

|OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Describe atmospheric and oceanic conditions that accompany periodic warmings of the tropical Pacific Ocean (El Nino). |

| |

|WEEK 14 (4 HOURS): |

|TOPIC: Weather systems of middle latitudes. This session covers synoptic-scale weather systems plus selected regional and local circulation systems that|

|affect the weather of middle latitudes. Air masses, fronts, cyclones, and anticyclones are plotted on surface weather maps. |

|SPO: Identify the various air masses that regularly form over or invade North America, explain why fronts are associated with extratropical cyclones but|

|not with anticyclones, sketch the stages in the life cycle of an extratropical cyclone. Describe the pattern of surface winds and weather about the |

|center of a midlatitude cyclone. Specify the type of weather associated with fronts that rotate about a midlatitude cyclone's low-pressure center. |

|Describe the sequence of changes in weather that typically takes place on the right side and left side of a cyclone track. |

|OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Describe weather conditions surrounding the center of a typical midlatitude cyclone. Compare weather conditions on either side|

|of a mature midlatitude cyclone. |

| |

|WEEK 15 (3 HOURS): |

|TOPIC: Thunderstorms and tornadoes. This session covers the genesis, properties, and hazards of thunderstorms and tornadoes. We describe the three |

|stages in the life cycle of a thunderstorm cell (cumulus, mature, and dissipating) and distinguish among single-cell and multi-cellular thunderstorms. |

|SPO: List the characteristics of a severe thunderstorm, sketch the synoptic weather pattern that favors severe thunderstorms, describe the atmospheric |

|conditions that precede a lighting discharge. Describe the appearance of thunderstorms on visible satellite imagery. Identify probable locations of |

|thunderstorms on infrared satellite imagery. List some of the characteristics of the path of an intense tornado. Describe the general weather conditions|

|favorable for formation of tornadic thunderstorms. Explain why winds on one side of a tornado may be stronger than winds on the other side. |

|OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Examine thunderstorms as they appear on visible and infrared satellite images, determine some of the characteristics of the |

|Oklahoma City tornado. |

| |

|WEEK 16 (4 HOURS): |

|TOPIC: Tropical weather systems. In this session we examine tropical weather systems with primary focus on hurricanes and tropical storms. We describe |

|the characteristics of hurricanes, their geographical and seasonal distribution, hazards associated with hurricanes, and the life cycle of tropical |

|cyclones. |

|SPO: Describe the basis of the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Intensity Scale, present the life cycle of a tropical cyclone, explain why the southeastern |

|United States is particularly vulnerable to a destructive hurricane. Describe the track taken by a hurricane that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico. |

|Indicate the probable position of highest storm surge when a hurricane makes landfall. Describe the relationship between the maximum wind speeds and the|

|central pressure in a hurricane. Categorize the damage potential of a hurricane based on wind speeds. Explain how wind speeds in hurricanes are affected|

|by landfall. |

|OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Plot a hurricane as it approaches a coastal area and assess the potential threats to life and property. Explore the |

|relationships between central sea-level pressures and wind speeds throughout the life of a hurricane. |

| |

|WEEK 17 (2 HOURS): |

|TOPIC: Final. |

|The content should include: |

|Hours it will take to cover each topic - Hours are based on an 18 week term, even though the instruction is compressed into a 16 week calendar. For |

|example, a 3 unit course should have 54 hours (3 hours per week times 18 weeks = 54 Total Contact Hours). 2 hours should be set aside for the final. |

|Topic |

|Student Performance Objectives |

|Out of Class Assignments - Out of Class Assignments: essays, library research, problems, projects required outside of class on a 2 to 1 basis for |

|Lecture units granted. Include specific examples of reading and writing assignments. |

|No Change Change |


|Category 1 - The types of writing assignments required: |

|Percent range of total grade:       % to       % |

| Written Homework |

| Reading Reports |

| Lab Reports |

| Essay Exams |

| Term or Other Papers |

| Other:       |

|If this is a degree applicable course, but substantial writing assignments are not appropriate, indicate reason: |

| Course is primarily computational |

| Course primarily involves skill demonstration or problem solving |

|Category 2 - The problem-solving assignments required: |

|Percent range of total grade: 40 % to 60 % |

| Homework Problems |

| Field Work |

| Lab Reports |

| Quizzes |

| Exams |

| Other:       |

|Category 3 – The types of skill demonstrations required: |

|Percent range of total grade: 5 % to 15 % |

| Class Performance/s |

| Field Work |

| Performance Exams |

|Category 4 - The types of objective examinations used in the course: |

|Percent range of total grade: 30 % to 50 % |

| Multiple Choice |

| True/False |

| Matching Item |

| Completion |

| Other:       |

|Category 5 - Any other methods of evaluation: |

|Percent range of total grade:       % to       % |

|      |


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